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Dr. Miranda's Ex-Libris
              Dr. Miranda's Ex-Libris


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Bookplates are adhesive cards that are added by the owner of the book to indicate both ownership and provenance. They used to be very important for both private and public libraries, and you can still find them in used books. If you have a library, you should have a bookplate. My bookplate, also known as an Ex-Libris, is a design based on images by Andreas Vesalius. It also contains the portraits of four famous anatomists: William Harvey, Andreas Vesalius, Adrian Van Der Spigelius, and Bernhard Siegfried Albinus, all of them highlighted in our blog "A Moment in History". The bookplate was printed by BookplateInk, a USA-based company. They are self-adhesive, acid-free, and very high quality paper. I strongly support and recommend them. 

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This catalog listing was updated on December 23, 2024

[000001] Heseler, Baldasar "Andreas Vesalius' First Public Anatomy in Bologna"; Uppsala, Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksells, 1959. Andreas Vesalius' First Public Anatomy at Bologna 1540. An eyewitness report. Together with his notes on Matthaeus Curtius' Lectures on Anatomia Mundini. Edited, with an introduction, translation into English and notes by Ruben Eriksson. Uppsala & Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1959.. First Edition. Frontispiece, 344 pp; 5 plates. Original printed wrappers, large 8vo. Near Fine. Bought in Sweeden. July 2003. Ex-Libris EAM

[000002] Lambert, Samuels "Three Vesalian Essays to Accompany the Icones Anatomicae of 1934"; New York: MacMillan, 1952. Vesalius' masterpiece "De Humanis Corporis Fabrica" images were printed from woodblocks that lasted through centuries, These original woodblocks wers used in 1934 to print the "Icones Anatomicae" with no text. This book contains three essays that allows an easy and illuminating journey through the images that changed the study of Human Anatomy, including the iconic initial letter of the Fabrica. Sadly, the woodblocks were burned during a WWII bombing raid of Germany. Ex-Libris EAM

[000003] Snell, Richard S "Clinical Anatomy"; ISBN: 0316803073 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1996. The author integrates clinical scenarios, case studies, embryology, and radiographic images with basic anatomical material in this text. With this complete textbook of anatomy the author attempts to provide medical students with the essential anatomical information they need to practice medicine today. Ex-Libris EAM

[000004] Silverman, James F "Coronary Angiography"; ISBN: 0201071487 Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1984. Coronary Angiography, An introduction to interpretation and technique. This book provides a dynamic introduction to the art of performing and interpreting coronary angiograms. Dr. Silverman, a widely recognized specialist and teacher of coronary angiography at Stanford University School of Medicine, has created a unique, "hands-on" book. The clear plastic heart model is included in every copy of the book. This unique model enables the reader to participate actively in the instructional exercises used to develop the reader's expertise in the performance of coronary angiography. Includes a 3-D model. 126 pp Ex-Libris EAM

[000005] Veslingius, Johannes "Tavole Anatomiche Del Veslingio"; Padua: Battista Conzatti, 1745. Tavole Anatomiche Del Veslingio. Spiegata in Lingua Italiana. Johan Vesling (1598-1649) Loose-leaf . Published by Giovanni Barttista Conzatti. Veslingius was the first to describe the arterial circle of the brain, eponymically tied today to Thomas Willis, and he was the first to name the soleus muscle, as it resembles the sole fish. In his words: "soleus, a figura piscis denominatus" translated "soleus, named for its fish shape". He was also the first to describe the pancreatic duct. Stored in a slipbox. Ex-Libris EAM

[000006] Martin, August "Pathologie und Therapie der Frauen-Krankheiten"; Wien & Leipzig: Urban & Scwarzemberger, 1887. Pathologie und Therapie der Frauen-Krankheiten nach den in den Feriencursen für Aerzte gehaltenen 536 pages. with 210 plates. Cover with the names of Dr. Martin and Dr Rosenthal. Ex-Libris EAM

[000007] Pasic, Resad "Practical Manual of Laparoscopy"; ISBN: 1842140779 USA: Parthenon Publishing, 2002. Practical Manual of Laparoscopy: A Clinical Cookbook Ex-Libris EAM

[000008] Abrahams, Hutchings, Marks, Marks, Jr. "McMinn's Color Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 0723427720 Spain: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1998. McMinn's Color Atlas of Human Anatomy,This full-color anatomy atlas presents life-like, crystal-clear photographs of dissections of all areas of the human body. A unique number overlay labeling system helps students clearly identify key structures, and allows for easy self-quizzing. Brief explanatory text describes important anatomical features. This new edition retains the popular regional organization, and pages are color-coded by body region for quick access. More than 20% of the images are new, with more than 100 new figures and 30 new radiographs. Clinical notes are integrated throughout the text, and presentation follows a logical sequence.Signed by Peter Abrahams and Sandy Marks. 352 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000010] Netter, Frank H. "Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 0914168193 USA: Icon Learning Systems, 1989. 592pp. New Jersey: Ciba- Geicy Corp, 1989 Very Good/No Jacket. Fifth Printing 1992. Private Press. Black paperback cover, Interior pages clean, bright and tight. Ex-Libris EAM

[000011] Netter, Frank H. "Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 0914168193 USA: Icon Learning Systems, 1989. 592pp. New Jersey: Ciba- Geicy Corp, 1989 Very Good/No Jacket. Fifth Printing 1992. Private Press. Black paperback cover, corners bumped slightly. shows some wear. Interior pages clean, bright and tight. Interior signed by owner SEM. Ex-Libris EAM

[000012] Moore, Keith L "Clinically Oriented Anatomy"; ISBN: 0683061410 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1999. Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Keith Moore and Arthur Dailey, has become the number one anatomy text for medical and allied health students. It features coverage of anatomy of clinical importance through clinical correlations (the famous 'blue boxes'), surface anatomy, and diagnostic imaging. The text features case studies with discussions at the end of each chapter. Signed and dedicated by both authors."To Efrain; with warm personal regards, Keith"; "To my fellow Clinical Anatomist Efrain Miranda, with best wishes, Arthur Dalley" June 11, 1999. Ex-Libris EAM

[000013] Dox, Ida G "HarperCollins Illustrated Medical Dictionary"; ISBN: 0062731424 USA: Harpers Collins, 1993. America's most prominent medical reference for the nonprofessional contains more than 26,000 incisive and understandable definitions, 2,500 two-color illustrations, and 600 pages of up-to-date and thoroughly detailed information. Dox, Ida G.; Eisner, Gilbert M.; Melloni, B. John, HarperCollins Illustrated Medical Dictionary Toronto, ON, Canada: HarperCollins Canada, Limited, 1993 Trade Paperback. Signed by owner SM. Ex-Libris EAM

[000014] Clemente, Carmine D. "Clemente Anatomy: A Regional Atlas of the Human Body"; ISBN: 0683017330 Germany: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1997. This fourth edition of Clemente's classic Anatomy is revised, expanded, and more user-friendly. The atlas includes 135 new figures as well as several hundred redrawn illustrations from the Sobotta collection distributed among the following parts of the atlas: Pectoral Region and Upper Limb; The Thorax; The Abdomen; The Pelvis and Perineum; The Lower Limb; The Back, Vertebral Column and Spinal Cord; and The Head and Neck. New indices of sequential figures for each section serve as excellent study guides to every region of the body. The notes have been revised and new leader lines added to the figures. The entire layout of the atlas is focused toward quick retrieval of information required by the student or professional. Ex-Libris EAM

[000015] Moore, Wesley S. "Vascular Surgery: A Comprehensive Review"; ISBN: 9780721669625 USA: W.B. Saunders, 1998. Providing a current review of vascular surgery, this text covers the entire field - from the basics to recent developments. This edition includes a chapter on the influence of diabetes mellitus on vascular disease and its complications. Sticker says "With the compliments of W. L. Gore Associates Medical Products Division" 903 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000017] Moore, Keith L "Clinically Oriented Anatomy"; ISBN: 068306133X USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1992. Provides first-year medical and allied health students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This best-selling textbook is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and physical therapy.Signed and dedicated by author."To Efrain, with warm personal regards, Keith Moore June 15,1998" Work copy, book shows wear and tear, plus notes by owner. Ex-Libris EAM

[000018] Rohen, Johannes W.; Yokochi, Chihiro; Romrell, Lynn J. "Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body"; ISBN: 0896402282 Tokyo, Japan: Igaki-Shoin, 1998. Hardcover, 484pp, 111 figures, 947 in color.Preface: "Today there exist any number of good anatomical atlases. Consequently, the advent of a new work requires justification. We found three main reasons to undertake the publication of such a book. First of all, most of the previous atlases contain mainly schematic or semischematic drawings which often reflect reality only in a limited way; the third dimension, i.e. the spatial effect is lacking. In contrast, the photo of the actual anatomic specimen has the advantage of conveying the reality of the object with its proportions and spatial dimensions in a more exact and realistic manner than the "idealized", colored "nice" drawings of most previous atlases. Furthermore, the photo of the human specimen corresponds to the student's observations and needs in the dissection courses. Thus he has the advantage of immediate orientation by photographic by photographic specimens while working with the cadaver." Signed by SEM. Ex-Libris EAM

[000019] Rohen, Johannes W.; Yokochi, Chihiro; Romrell, Lynn J. "Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body"; ISBN: 0683304925 Germany: Schattauer, Williams & Wilkins, 1998. Hardcover, 484pp, 111 figures, 947 in color.Preface: "Today there exist any number of good anatomical atlases. Consequently, the advent of a new work requires justification. We found three main reasons to undertake the publication of such a book. First of all, most of the previous atlases contain mainly schematic or semischematic drawings which often reflect reality only in a limited way; the third dimension, i.e. the spatial effect is lacking. In contrast, the photo of the actual anatomic specimen has the advantage of conveying the reality of the object with its proportions and spatial dimensions in a more exact and realistic manner than the "idealized", colored "nice" drawings of most previous atlases. Furthermore, the photo of the human specimen corresponds to the student's observations and needs in the dissection courses. Thus he has the advantage of immediate orientation by photographic by photographic specimens while working with the cadaver." Ex-Libris EAM

[000020] Netter, Frank H. "Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 0914168819 USA: Icon Learning Systems, 1989. 592pp. New Jersey: Ciba- Geigy Corp, 1989 Very Good/No Jacket. Fifth Printing 1992. Private Press. Black paperback cover. Ex-Libris EAM

[000021] Moore, Keith L "Anatomia Orientada Para a Clinica"; ISBN: 8527702878 Brazil: Guanabara Koogan, 1992. Portuguese Edition.Famosa pelo conteúdo abrangente sobre anatomia e suas correlações com o estudo e a prática da Medicina, Odontologia e Fisioterapia, esta obra também atende às demandas de aprendizado dos estudantes e profissionais de outras áreas da saúde, como Quiropraxia, Osteopatia, Terapia Ocupacional, Cinesiologia e Medicina Desportiva. Ex-Libris EAM

[000022] Moore, Keith L "Anatomía con Orientación Clínica"; ISBN: 8479030666 Spain: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1992. Spanish Edition.Uno de los libros de anatomia mas usados a traves del mundo por estudiantes de Medicina y otras carreras del area medica. Ex-Libris EAM

[000023] Agur, M.R. Anne "Grant's Atlas of Anatomy"; ISBN: 0683302647 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1999. "... Dr. Grant was known for his reliance on logic, analysis, and deduction as opposed to rote memory. While at the University of Manitoba, Dr. Grant began writing 'A Method of Anatomy, Descriptive and Deductive', which was published in 1937. In 1930, Dr. Grant accepted the position of Chair of anatomy at the University of Toronto. He stressed the value of a "Clean: dissection, with the structures well defined. This required the delicate touch of a sharp scalpel, and students soon learned that a dull tool was an anathema. Instructive dissections were made available in the anatomy museum, a means of student review on which Dr. Grant placed a high priority. Many of these illustrations have been included in Grant's atlas of anatomy." Ex-Libris EAM

[000025] Agur, M.R. Anne "Grant's Atlas of Anatomy"; ISBN: 0683037013 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1991. For almost fifty years, students have relied on "Grant's Atlas of Anatomy" as a valuable "lab partner." This fully revised and reorganized Ninth Edition is the finest to date, successfully meeting the needs of a new generation of health care students.This book is signed and dedicated by the editorr: "To Efrain All the best Anne Agur June 15, 1998". Ex-Libris EAM

[000026] Alcamo, I. Edward "Anatomy and Physiology; The Easy Way"; ISBN: 0812091345 USA: Barron's Educational Series, 1996. 522 pages, Illustrations.Ex-Libris EAM

[000027] Scott-Conner, Carol E; David L. Dawson "Operative Anatomy"; ISBN: 0397510071 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1993. A concise reference to the relevant operative anatomy of procedures encountered by most general surgery residents; a text for medical students rotating through surgery; and a review for anatomy instructors and surgeons. The volume is divided into sections based on anatomic regions, with individual chapters presenting technical anatomic considerations for specific operative procedures. The illustrations show both the topographic and regional anatomy, and also focus on the anatomy visualized as the procedure progresses. Each section concludes with selected references to benchmark articles. Bronchoscopy. An appendix describes common surgical instruments and their use. Ex-Libris EAM

[000028] Gray, H; Williams, Peter L. "Gray's Anatomy (38th British Ed.)"; ISBN: 0443045607 Great Britain: Churchill Livingstone, 1995. 38th British Edition. A standard reference for more than 100 years, this book contains nearly everything you need to know about the human body--from its simplest parts to its most complicated systems. An enlightening voyage of discovery into the nature of our bodies. Engravings by H.V. Carter. 1856/1901. A gift from a class, this book contains a Thank You note. Ex-Libris EAM

[000029] Sabinston, David C. "Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice"; ISBN: 0721658873 USA: W.B. Saunders, 1997. ISBN: 0721658873. Hardcover, 2318pp. Pub. Date: July 1997 Publisher: Saunders W B Co Edition Number: 15 ; This is the 15th edition of a hardcover comprehensive review of surgery with the biological foundation of surgery and its subspecialties. An effective presentation of the field of surgery to an audience including students and practitioners is the stated objective of the editor. Students of surgery, whether in undergraduate positions or postgraduate training programs, or practitioners with teaching responsibility may profit from this work.Ex-Libris EAM

[000031] Arregui, Maurice E "Principles of Laparoscopic Surgery: Basic and Advanced Techniques"; ISBN: 038794236X USA: Springer-Werlag, 1995. Principles of Laparoscopic Surgery: Basic and Advanced Techniques. Maurice E. Arregui, Harry Reich (Editor), M. Katkhouda (Editor), J. B. McKernan (Editor), R. J. Fitzgibbons,Jr. (Editor) This is a comprehensive, multiauthored reference work which provides detailed descriptions of laparoscopic techniques and alternative, minimally invasive methods of treating surgical diseases, including problems in gynecology, urology, and pediatric surgery. The application of lasers, new methods of imaging, robotics, virtual reality and other developing technology to minimally invasive surgery are also covered. Ex-Libris EAM

[000032] Nyhus, Lloyd M. "Mastery of Surgery: Volume 1 (of 2) "; ISBN: 0316617512 USA: Little, Brown and Company, 1997. ISBN 0316617466. Mastery of Surgery: Volumes I & II. Lloyd M. Nyhus (Editor), Josef E. Fischer (Editor), Robert J. Baker (Editor). The contributors represent the specialties of general surgery, pediatric surgery, vascular surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, critical care, colon and rectal surgery, urology, trauma, plastic surgery, and thoracic surgery. Most are from academic medical centers in 17 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Chile. Signed and dedicated with a very personal message by Dr. Aaron Ruhalter (author) Ex-Libris EAM

[000033] Nyhus, Lloyd M. "Mastery of Surgery: Volume 2 (of 2) "; ISBN: 0316617512 USA: Little, Brown and Company, 1997. ISBN 0316617466. Mastery of Surgery: Volumes I & II. Lloyd M. Nyhus (Editor), Josef E. Fischer (Editor), Robert J. Baker (Editor). The contributors represent the specialties of general surgery, pediatric surgery, vascular surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, critical care, colon and rectal surgery, urology, trauma, plastic surgery, and thoracic surgery. Most are from academic medical centers in 17 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Chile. Ex-Libris EAM

[000034] Treves, Frederick "Surgical Applied Anatomy"; USA: Lea & Febiger, 1947. Treves (F.) Sir; Surgical applied anatomy.11 edition 61 text-figures, cloth, bit worn, stamp on cover, leather. Ex-Libris EAM

[000035] Hall, Winfield S "Elementary Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene"; USA: American Book Company, 1900. Winfield S. Hall New Century Series Elementary Anatomy Physiology and Hygiene for Higher Grammar Grades New York: American Book Company, 1900 Hard Cover. Signed by previous owner. Ex-Libris EAM

[000036] Callander, C. Latimer "Surgical Anatomy"; USA: W.B. Saunders, 1939. This book emphasizes the importance of gross anatomy, regional and topographical, as it is applied in the clinic. The anatomy of an organ or region is first considered, and then its surgical application is fully discussed. The principles and anatomy of the commoner operations are discussed, and the steps in sequence fully illustrated. The book is planned with the definite idea of indicating the paths of surgical approach to the pathologic process which is to be removed or corrected. With over 800 illustrations, this volume is a feast for the eyes, as well as, the mind. This book should be of great value to students, surgical residents, and practicing physicians. Callander, C. Latimer - Surgical Anatomy - Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1939 Hard Cover. No Jacket. With 819 illustrations, first edition, 6th printing. Signed by previous owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000037] Best, Charles Herbert "The Living Body: a Text in Human Physiology"; USA: Henry Holt and Company, 1944. A not so good review..."This book was written for the college student and the inquiring layman and, as far as textual material and information go, is but another textbook since it does not present any particularly new approach or any original point of view over any of those in the several textbooks now available. The information is conventionally sound and simply presented. Illustrations cover much the same ground as found in any good textbook, although many are original; others were taken from well recognized and authoritative sources, all of which are acknowledged in the preface." Best, Charles Herbert and Taylor, Norman Burke The Living Body: a Text in Human Physiology New York, NY, U.S.A.: Henry Holt and Company, 1944Cloth - Hard Cover. Very Good/No Jacket. . 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Ex-Libris EAM

[000040] Arnold, Maurice "Reconstructive Anatomy"; USA: W.B. Saunders, 1968. Arnold, Maurice - Reconstructive Anatomy, A method for the study of the human structure. Best anatomy book, teaches the intricacies of drawing anatomy and the relationship of anatomical structures layer by layer Rebound. Ex-Libris EAM

[000041] Roth, M "Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis"; Brazil: Druck Und Verlag, 1892. Author: ROTH, M. Title: Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis. Description: viii, 500 pp; 29 (of 30) plates: Lacking plate 2. Plates 5-10 and 13-17 present in facsimile. Later 3/4-leather and marbled boards. First Edition. "Classic work" (annotation to Garrison-Morton 375). Copy of G. S. (George Stanley) Terence Cavanagh with his bookplate " Vita sine literis mors est"- Life without literature is dead. A short biography of Mr. Cavanagh is enclosed in the book, Book is in German. Ex-Libris EAM

[000042] Thaler, Malcom S "The Only EKG Book You Will Ever Need"; ISBN: 0781716675 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1999. "Even if you have never seen an EKG before, you should emerge from this book a competent electrocardiographer, ready to tackle basic rhythm disturbances, diagnose heart attacks, and recognize a whole host of acute and chronic problems affecting the heart. You will know what you need to know." Ex-Libris EAM

[000043] Guyton, Arthur C and Hall, John E "Textbook of Medical Physiology"; ISBN: 0721659446 USA: W.B. Saunders, 1996. A comprehensive yet concise new edition geared toward medical and dental students taking physiology courses. Textbook of Medical Physiology also serves as an ideal review resource for physiology teachers. It offers specific discussions of pathophysiology in most clinical areas of medicine. Dr. John Hall has joined Dr. Arthur Guyton to revise and update the field's standard medical physiology textbook. This classic integrates new, important material on molecular and cellular physiology throughout, while continuing its comprehensive coverage of basic physiology and its relation to clinical medicine. 1148 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000044] Anderson, Douglas M "Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary"; ISBN: 0721655777 USA: W.B. Saunders, 1994. First published in 1900, Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary is universally acknowledged as the world's finest medical dictionary. Ex-Libris EAM

[000045] Bullock, John, et al "Physiology"; ISBN: 068306259X USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. 641 pages. Book has been written on and marked by previous owner. ew edition of a core outline of physiology with 300 multiple-choice questions with answers in the USMLE format. For medical students. Previous edition 1991. DNLM: Physiology - examination questions. 641 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000046] Snell, Richard S "Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students"; ISBN: 0781715741 Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000. The author integrates clinical scenarios, case studies, embryology, and radiographic images with basic anatomical material in this text. With this complete textbook of anatomy the author attempts to provide medical students with the essential anatomical information they need to practice medicine today. This thoroughly updated, user-friendly text teaches students about basic clinical anatomy and helps them prepare for the anatomy section of the USMLE. As a pedagogical tool to simplify the learning process, more tables have been added. Also new to this edition are: end of chapter questions that follow the National Board test format; a focus on anatomical areas that are commonly traumatized due to auto accidents, gunshot and knife wounds; and greater emphasis on pediatric anatomy. Embryological explanations about congenital defects also have been added. Ex-Libris EAM

[000047] FCAT "Terminologia Anatomica"; ISBN: 3131152516 Germany: Thieme, 1998. Terminologia Anatomica features: · the first and only complete listing of anatomical terms in both Latin and English · a standardized guide to anatomic terminology authorized by the IFAA · full cross-references and an alphabetical index for ease of use · a complete list of changes from earlier guides to anatomic terminology, including Nomina Anatomica The most up-to-date reference in the field, Terminologia Anatomica is a must for anatomists and physiologists and an essential addition to medical and scientific libraries. Terminologia Anatomica, Author: FCAT Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology. Includes CD-ROM. A must for every anatomist. Ex-Libris EAM

[000048] Larsen, William J "Larsen's Human Embryology"; ISBN: 0443087245 Singapore: Churchill Livingstone, 1993. This book was originally titled "Human Embryology", a textbook for medical students that was the first to incorporate modern experimental research into a subject that had traditionally been taught in a strictly descriptive style. On its initial publication in 1998 it was hailed as, “a magnificent book…” by the European Medical Journal. With the release of the fourth edition in 2008, the book was renamed "Larsen’s Human Embryology" in recognition of Dr. Larsen's place as the originator of this revolutionary text. An introduction to the basic concepts and principles which underlie the first eight weeks of human development. Each chapter includes revision-orientated summary boxes, as well as sections detailing clinical examples relevant to the topic. Dr. Larsen was a great embryologist, teacher, and a great person. He was a professor at the University of Cincinnati Medical College and a great lecturer. I am honored for meeting and working with him. His passing on is deeply regretted by many. Ex-Libris EAM

[000049] Corner, George W "Anatomy, a Short History"; New York: Paul Hoeber, 1930. Clio Medica: A series of Primers on the History of Medicine. Vol III Anatomy. Short history of anatomy. Ex-Libris Library Ramsey County Medical Society. Ex-Libris EAM

[000050] Harvey, William "Lectures on the Whole of Anatomy"; USA: U. of California Press, 1961. Harvey, William. Lectures on the whole of anatomy. An annotated translation of Prelectiones anatomiae universalis by C. D. O'Malley, F. N. L. Poynter, K. F. Russell. Ex-Libris EAM

[000051] Cueto, J; Jacobs, M; Gagner, M "Laparoscopic Surgery"; ISBN: 0071364811 USA: McGraw Hill, 2003. Laparoscopic Surgery; Jorge Cueto-Garcia, Moises Jacobs, Michel Gagner, Michael Gagner. Written by authorities in the field, this unsurpassed guide to this cutting-edge specialty presents the latest techniques used in minimally invasive surgery. The text includes coverage of liver and biliary tract, esophageal, and colonic surgery, plus the state-of-the-art equipment and instrumentation used. Personal note: The book is signed and dedicated by all three authors as follows: Dr. Cueto: " Para Efrain, con afecto y agradecimiento'; Dr. Jacobs: " To a good friend, with all our compliments and affection for all the good times. May you find this book helps you, your friend". Dr Gagner: To Professor Efrain Miranda, Clinical Anatomist, with my compliments, enjoy! Ex-Libris EAM

[000052] Zollinger, Robert M, and Cuttler, Elliot C. "Atlas of Surgical Operations"; USA: The McMillan Company, 1961. ATLAS OF SURGICAL OPERATIONS Third Edition; Zollinger, Rogert M and Cutler, Elliott C., Illustrated by Mildred B. Codding NY: Macmillan Co, 1961 Cloth. Third Edition. As the curriculum for the postgraduate course became standardized in the mid 1930s, Drs. Cutler and Zollinger believed that a text devoted exclusively to common operative techniques would be useful to surgeons in training and in practice. Doctor Cutler was a medical consultant to the Macmillan Publishing Company, which agreed to publish this new type of surgical textbook. This Atlas is concerned primarily with operating technique, the surgeon cannot escape the responsibility for concomitant study of the basic sciences involved. The art must be interwoven with the science of surgery. Included in this edition are several sections on anatomy, which should serve both as a ready reference and as a reminder of anatomy's paramount importance in surgery. Signed and dedicated by the author to an anatomist, as follows" To L. Wade Self, An anatomist extraordinaire, in appreciation for his fine contribution to this pictorial book, Robert M. Zollinger, Xmas 1961". Library of Congress Catalog Number 61-10784. Ex-Libris EAM

[000053] Vesalius, Andreas "De Humani Corporis Fabrica, Libri Septem"; Brussels: Johannes Oporinus, 1970. VESALIUS, Andreas [1514-1564] De Humani Corporis Fabrica libri septem. [In upper shield.] Cum Caesareae maiest. Galliarum regis, ac senatus veneti gratia & priuilegio, ut in diplomatis eorundem continetur. [In lower shield.] Basileae, 1543. Brussels:1970, Facsimile edition, folio, woodcut illus., portraits, title page illustrates public dissection, woodcut initials portray scenes from dissecting room. Ilustrations probably done by many - Vesalius and pupils of Titian's school in Venice, perhaps including Jan Stephan van Calcar (O'Malley), A fine handsome copy contained in cloth slipcase. It is the first modern treatise on anatomy based on dissection of the human body. Ex Libris EAM

[000054] Bichat, Xavier "Physiological Researches on Life and Death"; USA: Richardson and Lord, 1827. "One of his most influential works. In the second part [of this book] Bichat examined what happens in violent, accidental, and sudden death. He concentrated on the role of the brain, the heart, and the lungs, for he believed that all sudden death commences with the interruption of either the circulation, the action of the brain, or the respiration." Haigh, Bichat, 86-90. "With Morgagni and Virchow, Bichat was one of the trio of founders of modern pathological science." Long. Austin 203. This edition was translated by F. Gold of London. Book is signed by original owner Dr. John Adams Murphy. Donated in March 1900. Ex-Libris EAM

[000055] Peaslee, E.R. "Human Histology"; USA: Blanchard and Lea, 1857. PEASLEE, E. Randolph,. Human Histology in Its Relations to Descriptive Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology. Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea, 1857. 616 pp, 1 leaf [errata on verso]; 434 figs.; ads. Original full leather. Near Fine. First Edition. "This book is said to be the first systematic work on normal histology printed in the English language. It was a comprehensive treatise translated from Robin and Verbeil with original additions". Signed by previous owner. Ex-Libris EAM

[000056] Quain, Jones "Human Anatomy"; USA: Lea & Blanchard, 1849. First American edition from second London ed Edited by John Quain (son) and W. Sharpey. Full leather. Volume 1/2. Signed 1867. Ex-Libris EAM

[000057] Bryant, Joseph D. "Operative Surgery Vol. 1"; USA: D. Appleton & Co., 1906. Bryant, Joseph. Operative Surgery. New York: D. Appleton, 1906. Hardcover, Fourth Edition, Volume 1 /2. Ex-Libris EAM

[000058] Wilson, Erasmus "A System of Human Anatomy"; USA: Lea & Blanchard, 1847. Wilson, Erasmus, A System of Human Anatomy, General and Special. From the Third London Edition. Edited by Paul B[eck] Goddard. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1847. 3rd American Edition. [First published London 1840; first American edition 1843.] [xxviii]+[37]-610+[2]pp. + 14 page inserted catalog. 233 text woodcuts. Contemporary sheep with black leather spine label. 3rd edition. Water damage. Signed by previous owner in 1847. Ex-Libris EAM

[000059] Hamann, Edouard J.C. "Vesalius, Andreas"; USA: W.H.Wood & Co., 1893. ANDREAS VESALIUS - A LARGE LITHOGRAPH PORTRAIT OF ANDREAS VESALIUS. Brussels and Paris c1850. Artist Edouard Jean Conrad Hamann (1819-1888). Engraver Adolphe Mouilleron (1820-1881). Sheet size 17 7/8 x 13 inches. Plate mark 19 1/8 x 24 1/4 inches. Image 12 1/2 x 16 inches. Very fine. *** "Vesalius, standing and seen full-face, looks toward a crucifix which hangs on the wall. His left hand rests upon the arm of a recumbent male corpse. The window-shutters are closed save one which is far enough ajar to let light pass for the work he has in hand. The resultant effect of light and shade is manifestly the artistic motif of the picture. On the table lie the dissection instruments and a skull. Choulant records that when this large and admirably composed and painted picture was exhibited in 1849 in Brussels it won a veritable triumph for the artist." Spielmann, The Iconography of Andreas Vesalius, p. 109, 185. This spectacular lithograph, remarkable for its subtle shading and depth, was "the first and best representation" of Hamman's painting. "Mouilleron was one of the best lithographers of his day." Frank Low, "The famous Hamman painting of Andreas Vesalius," Bull. Hist. Med. 12: 129-131, 1942. This particular lithograph is mounted on a frame c.1840. Ex-Libris EAM

[000060] Becker, Frederick; Wilson, James & Gehweiler, John A. "The Anatomical Basis of Medical Practice"; ISBN: 0683004948 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1971. The Anatomical Basis of Medical Practice; Becker, Frederick; Wilson, James & Gehweiler, John A. 1971. This is a controversial book written in the early 70's. The chapter on surface anatomy is one of the best ever written. 5,000 copies of this text-book were published in August 1971. It contains 31 photographs of female figures in nude and provocative poses by photographer Peter Gowland which sparked a protest from the Association of Women in Science, forcing the publishers to agree not to sell the book after December 1972. Dr Becker states in the book: “In our own student days we discovered that studying surface anatomy with a wife or girlfriend proved to be not only instructive, but highly entertaining. Since the majority of medical students still tend to be males, we have liberalized this text by making use of the female form. But, more to the point, we have done so because a large portion of your future patients will be women and few texts have pointed out surface landmarks on the female.” Although of recent printing, it is considered a rare book, since so few are available to the public. Book signed by previous owner Ex-Libris EAM

[000061] Czervionke, Leo F; Haughton, Victor M. "Pocket Atlas of Spinal MRI"; ISBN: 0881675466 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1996. The authors have carefully selected the most representative and clinically relevant images, primarily from routine clinical practice, to aid distinguishing normal anatomic structures from artifacts. The atlas contains 77 high-quality MR images. 83pp. ISBN 0881675466. Ex- Libris EAM

[000062] Quain, Jones "Human Anatomy"; USA: Lea & Blanchard, 1849. 1st Amer ed from second London ed Edited by John Quain (son) and WM Sharpey. Volume 2. This book is stamped "The R.E. Wilson Library, Medical Department, University of Oregon". It is also signed by two prior owners. R.B. Wilson MD Portland, Oregon, and R.G. Rutter, August 18950.Full leather. Volume 2/2. Ex-Libris EAM

[000063] Bryant, Joseph D. "Operative Surgery Vol. 2"; USA: D. Appleton & Co., 1906. Bryant, Joseph. Operative Surgery. New York: D. Appleton, 1906. Hardcover, Fourth Edition, Volume 2/2. Signed by previous owner, Dr, J.D. Pope. Ex-Libris EAM

[000065] Yuri Padua, Antonio (Ed) "Carta Quirurgica Number 45; September 1992"; Santiago, Chile: Sociedad De Cirujanos De Chile, 1992. This is a publication that was printed in Chile and distributed to surgeons in Chile and other South American countries. This particular edition has a one-page printed editorial that talks about Dr. Miranda and his support to the activities of the Chilean Surgical Society. Additional documents and translations are included with this publication. Personal note: The editor was a good friend, Dr. Antonio Yuri Padua. Ex-Libris EAM

[000066] Roach, Mary "Stiff, The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers"; ISBN: 0393050939 USA: W.W. Norton, 2003. For two thousand years, cadavers—some willingly, some unwittingly—have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. They've tested France's first guillotines, ridden the NASA Space Shuttle, been crucified in a Parisian laboratory to test the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, and helped solve the mystery of TWA Flight 800. For every new surgical procedure, from heart transplants to gender reassignment surgery, cadavers have been there alongside surgeons, making history in their quiet way. A great book, compelling reading. Contains a very nice and personal note from Dr. Elizabeth Murray, Forensic Anthropologist. Ex-Libris EAM

[000067] Petros, PE Papa, MD "The Female Pelvic Floor: Function, Dysfunction and Management According to the Integral Theory"; ISBN: 3540224106 Germany: Springer-Werlag, 2004. 222 pages ISBN 3540224106. Professor Petros uses the Integral Theory framework to give the anatomical basis for many pelvic floor dysfunctions, a simple diagnostic system to diagnose which structures are causing the problem, "simulated operations" to check that diagnosis and a new approach to non-surgical therapy. Most importantly, application of the surgical principles detailed in this book will mean more efficient, less invasive and less painful surgery for women suffering from genital prolapse, urinary and fecal dysfunction, and some types of pelvic pain. Ex-Libris EAM

[000068] Cayne, Bernard S. (Editor) "The New Lexicon Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language; Deluxe Edition ("; ISBN: 0717245764 New York: Lexicon Publications, 1990. This book unites two prominent traditions of reference books, the encyclopedical and the lexicographic. It includes references, pronunciation keys and even a chapter on the History of the English Language. A must book for a writer. Ex-Libris EAM

[000069] Wilmore, et al. "ACS Surgery Principles & Practice 2003"; ISBN: 0970390246 New York: WebMD, 2003. An official publication of the American College of Surgeons, ACS Surgery covers preoperative to postoperative care and presents the preferred problem-solving and technical approaches of more than 180 master surgeons, enabling the practicing surgeon to perform core general surgical procedures and provide care with greater safety and efficiency. It is the most contemporary general surgical reference on the market as a result of continual updating and annual publication. Ex-Libris EAM

[000070] Hurt, W. Glenn "Urogynecologic Surgery"; ISBN: 0781719631 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000. In women, the embryogenesis, anatomy, and function of the lower urinary and genital systems are so interconnected that physicians must be knowledgeable about how pathologies and surgical interventions involving one system may have effects on the function of the other. Dr. Hurt presents 11 articles by gynecological and urological surgeons, beginning with chapters on embryology, anatomy, and physiology. The remaining chapters look at specific surgical issues, placing emphasis on establishing a precise preoperative diagnosis and understanding the specific goals of surgical therapy. Great description of the anatomy of the endopelvic fascia. Ex-Libris EAM

[000071] Hayem, Georges "Lecciones De Terapeutica Vol 3"; Madrid, Spain: De Bailly-Bailliere e Hijos, 1892. Spanish, Signed by Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa (1894) Libreria Miranda Santiago -Chile Sticker in Inner cover. Ex-Libris EAM

[000072] Hayem, Georges "Lecciones De Terapeutica Vol 1"; Madrid, Spain: De Bailly-Bailliere e Hijos, 1892. Spanish, Volume 2. Signed by Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa (1894) Libreria La Ilustracion Santiago -Chile sticker in Inner cover. Ex- Libris EAM

[000073] Hayem, Georges "Lecciones De Terapeutica Vol 2"; Madrid, Spain: De Bailly-Bailliere e Hijos, 1892. Spanish, Volume 1. Signed by Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa (1894) Libreria La Ilustracion Santiago -Chile sticker in Inner cover. Ex- Libris EAM

[000074] Moynac, Leon MD "Manual De Patologia General y De Diagnostico"; Madrid, Spain: Moya y Plaza, 1878. Spanish, Signed by Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa (1889). Presentation card of Caupolican Pardo C with "Owner" and "Dr" written on the book and the card. The address "Lira 27" is written by Dr. Correa on the card. This address corresponds today (2022) to the location of the Catholic University Hospital in Santiago, Chilel. Ex-Libris EAM

[000075] Murillo, A "Temas Laureados en El Certamen Cientifico De 1889"; Santiago, Chile: Imprenta Nacional, 1890. Spanish, Signed by Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa, only part of the signature shows. Ex-Libris EAM

[000076] Malgaigne, Joseph F MD "Traite d'Anatomie Chirurgicale et Chirugie Experimentale Vol 1"; Paris: Bailliere et Fils, 1859. French, From the library of Dr. Jose Joaquin Aguirre. Ex-Libris EAM

[000077] Malgaigne, Joseph F MD "Traite d'Anatomie Chirurgicale et Chirugie Experimentale Vol 2"; Paris: Bailliere et Fils, 1859. French, From the library of Dr. Jose Joaquin Aguirre. Ex-Libris EAM

[000078] Tarnier, S and Budin, P "Traite De L'art Des Accouchements Vol 2"; Paris: G. Steinhel, 1886. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa and Roberto Aguirre Luco. This book has a circular sticker that says "LIbraire Medicale O. Berthier- PARIS St Germain. Ex-Libris EAM

[000079] Steichen, Felicien MD and Wolsch, Ruth "Mechanical Sutures in Operations on the Small & Large Intestine and Rectum"; ISBN: 0974935824 USA: Cine-Med, 2004. Book is signed by author, with the following dedication: "To Efrain Miranda, With grateful recognition of his teaching of Anatomy; may he find in this book the confirmation that his science is the cornerstone of the Surgeon's Clinical Art. Felicien Steichen, NY March, 2006" Ex-Libris EAM

[000080] Steichen, Felicien MD and Wolsch, Ruth "Mechanical Sutures in Operations on the Esophagus & Gastroesophageal Junction"; ISBN: 0974935867 USA: Cine-Med, 2004. Book is signed by author, with the following dedication: "To Efrain Miranda, in appreciation of his dedication to the legacy of Andrea Vesalius. Felicien Steichen, NY March, 2006" Ex-Libris EAM

[000081] Steichen, Felicien MD and Wolsch, Ruth "Mechanical Sutures in Operations of the Lung"; ISBN: 0974935859 USA: Cine-Med, 2004. Book is signed by author, with the following dedication: "To Efrain Miranda, who can peruse the pages of this book with great satisfaction: Without the clear definition and knowledge of pulmonary hilar anatomy, operations on the lung would be impossible. Felicien Steichen, NY March, 2006" Ex-Libris EAM

[000082] Ravitch, Mark, MD; Steichen, Felicien, MD; Welter, Roger, MD. "Current Practice of Surgical Stapling"; ISBN: 0812113284 USA: Lea & Febiger, 1991. Considered the standard book for surgical stapling, this book gives the perspective and history of the introduction of these surgical devices to the USA. Signed by Dr. Felicien Steichen (1926 - 2011), one of the authors. "To Efrain Miranda: Mark Ravitch would have enthusiastically applauded your efforts to teach the anatomy that is the basis of the Art of Surgery. Felicien Steichen, NY, March 2006." Ex-Libris EAM

[000083] Kaiser, Larry MD "Atlas of General Thoracic Surgery"; ISBN: 0801663806 USA: Mosby, 1997. This text provides step-by-step details, illustrations and technical descriptions of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used in general thoracic surgery. Addresses the preoperative, operative and postoperative care important in assuring successful outcomes. Includes detailed descriptions of the author's extensive experience with lung transplantation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000084] Abdalla M. Sobeih, MD "An Introduction to Surgery"; Cairo: SOP Press, 1976. An excellent book on Surgery published in Cairo, Egypt. A gift from Dr. Sanford S. Osher. Ex-Libris EAM

[000085] Tatarinov, Vasilii G. "Human Anatomy and Physiology"; Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1974. MIR publishers. Printed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Chapter one on the history of Anatomy and Physiology includes many names of Russian origin, such as Nikolai Pirogov and Ivan Pavlov. This is a Soviet era book translated into English by David A. Myshne. "This book has been recommended for publication by Indian specialists under the programme of the Joint Indo-Soviet Board to make the best Sovite textbooks available to Indian students. The book itself was found in Egypt and is a gift from Dr. Sanford S. Osher. Ex-Libris EAM

[000086] Jamieson, E.B. "A Companion to Manuals of Practical Anatomy"; ISBN: 0192631322 Oxford, England: University Press, 1975. A compact book of detailed anatomy. This book was found in Egypt and is a gift from Dr. Sanford S. Osher. Ex-Libris EAM

[000087] Gaballah. M.F. MD, Badawy, Z, MD "Atlas of Anatomy: Upper Limb"; Cairo, Egypt: , 1988. Mohammed Fawzi Gaballah Professor of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. This is a great book that includes notes for medical students. Found in Egypt, this book is a gift from Dr. Sanford S. Osher. Signed in the first page by Dr. El Sh. Ahmed Essam Ahmed. He wrote on the first page the lyrics of the song "Words" by Bayzone. Ex-Libris EAM

[000088] El-Rakhawy, M.T, MD "Illustrative Anatomy :Thorax"; United Arab Republic: , 1971. Illustrative Anatomy (Thorax) written by Dr. Mohamed Tawfik El-Rakhawy, Professor of Anatomy and Histology Cairo University. Found in Egypt, this book is a gift from Dr Sanford S. Osher. Ex-Libris EAM

[000089] El-Rakhawy, M.T, MD "Illustrative Anatomy : Lower Limb"; United Arab Republic: , 1984. Illustrative Anatomy (Upper Limb) written by Dr. Mohamed Tawfik El-Rakhawy, Professor of Anatomy and Histology Cairo University. Found in Egypt, this book is a gift from Dr Sanford S. Osher. Ex-Libris EAM

[000090] Coni, Emilio (Emile) MD "Progrès de l'Hygiène dans la République Argentine"; Paris: Bailliere et Fils, 1887. In French. Dr. Emilio E. Coni. Progrès de l'Hygiène dans la République Argentine, par le Docteur Emile R. Coni. work presented at the Congres International d'hygiene et de Demographie Vienne, 1887. This book shows aging, but is otherwise in excellent condition, in the first page Dr Coni wrote "Obsequio del Autor" (A gift from the author). This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa. Ex-Libris EAM

[000091] Bernutz, Gustave MD et Goupil, Ernest, MD "Clinique Medicale Sur Les Maladies Des Femmes Vol.1"; Paris, France: F. Chamerot, L Martinet, 1862. FIRST VOLUME, FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH. This book is of one of the most important texts on the subject during the nineteenth century. The book includes the first demonstration of the relation between gonorrhea and pelvic inflammatory disease, derived from autopsy examinations. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa and later the library of Dr. Roberto Aguirre Luco. Ex-Libris EAM

[000092] Bernutz, Gustave MD et Goupil, Ernest, MD "Clinique Medicale Sur Les Maladies Des Femmes Vol.2"; Paris, France: F. Chamerot, L Martinet, 1862. SECOND VOLUME, FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH. This book is of one of the most important texts on the subject during the nineteenth century. The book includes the first demonstration of the relation between gonorrhea and pelvic inflammatory disease, derived from autopsy examinations. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa and later the library of Dr. Roberto Aguirre Luco. Ex-Libris EAM

[000093] Beaunis, H. y Bouchard, A.. "Nuevos elementos de Anatomía Descriptiva y de Embriología Vol. 2"; Madrid, Spain: Moya y Plaza, 1878. VOLUME TWO - Second edition. Spanish. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa. Ex-Libris EAM

[000094] Bartels, C. MD "Tratado De Las Enferemedades De Los Riñones"; Madrid, Spain: Libreria Editorial, 1887. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa. Ex-Libris EAM

[000095] Stohr, Felipe MD "Tratado De Histologia. Anatomia Microscopica Del Hombre y Tecnica Microscopica"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1924. This books belonged to the library of Dr Caupolican Pardo Correa. Ex-Libris EAM

[000096] Eichhorst, Hermann "Tratado De Patologia Interna y Terapeutica Vol.1"; Barcelona, Spain: Espasa y Cortez, 1888. First Volume, 4th Edition in SPANISH. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa. Signed by Dr. Correa only with his first initials in pencil. Ex-Libris EAM

[000097] Eichhorst, Hermann "Tratado De Patologia Interna y Terapeutica Vol.2"; Barcelona, Spain: Espasa y Cortez, 1888. Second Volume, 4th Edition in SPANISH. This book belongs to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa. Signed by Dr. Correa only with his first initial in pencil. Ex-Libris EAM

[000098] Eichhorst, Hermann "Tratado De Patologia Interna y Terapeutica Vol.3"; Barcelona, Spain: Espasa y Cortez, 1888. Third Volume, 4th Edition in SPANISH. This book belongs to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa. Signed by Dr. Correa only with his first initial in pencil. Ex-Libris EAM

[000099] Eichhorst, Hermann "Tratado De Patologia Interna y Terapeutica Vol.4"; Barcelona, Spain: Espasa y Cortez, 1888. Fourht Volume, 4th Edition in SPANISH. This book belongs to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa. Signed by Dr. Correa only with his first initial in pencil. Ex-Libris EAM

[000100] Perls, M. MD "Tratado De Patologia General Para Medicos y Allumnos"; Barcelona, Spain: Espasa y Cia, 1887. This book is signed in three locations by Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa, a surgical pioneer in Chile. Ex-Libris EAM

[000101] Monlau, Pedro Felipe, MD "Elementos de Obstetricia"; Barcelona, Spain: J. Verdaguer, 1833. "Elementos de Obstetricia, redactados conforme a los principios de tocologia y embriologia" This book is absolutely priceless! It is signed by Dr. Pedro Eliodoro Fontecilla. Dr Fontecilla is considered one of the fathers of Anatomy and Surgery in Chile. He was a well-known surgeon during the battles for the Independence of Chile, in the rebel (eventually victorious camp) and became the dean of the Medicine Faculty of the University of Chile in 1877. This book belonged and is is also signed by Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa as follows" Recuerdo del Dr. Pedro Eliodoro Fontecilla, Santiago XII, 12/900 Pardo" - A memory of Dr. Pedro Eliodoro Fontecilla, Santiago, December 12, 1900 - Pardo (Correa)- Dr Caupolican Pardo Correa was a well-known anatomists and was the founding director of what is known today as the Cancer Institute in Santiago, Chile. Although not signed by him, this book belonged to the library of Dr. Roberto Aguirre Luco, Surgeon, Anatomist, and Dean of the Medical School, University of Chile. This book belonged to three pioneers of Anatomy and Surgery in Chile. Ex-Libris EAM

[000102] Niemeyer, Felice, MD "Tratado De Patologia Interna Vol.1 "; Madrid, Spain: Bailliere et Fils, 1875. Volume one. Felice Niemeyer. This book is signed by Dr Roberto Aguirre Luco, one of the most famous anatomists of Chile. Dr Aguirre was the Chief of Anatomy of two medical schools in Chile. Ex-Libris EAM

[000103] Niemeyer, Felice, MD "Tratado De Patologia Interna Vol.2"; Madrid, Spain: Bailliere et Fils, 1875. Volume two Felice Niemeyer. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa and Roberto Aguirre Luco. Ex-Libris EAM

[000104] Niemeyer, Felice, MD "Tratado De Patologia Interna Vol. 3"; Madrid, Spain: Bailliere et Fils, 1875. Volume Three Felice Niemeyer. TThis book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa and Roberto Aguirre Luco. Ex-Libris EAM

[000105] Niemeyer, Felice, MD "Tratado De Patologia Interna Vol. 4"; Madrid, Spain: Bailliere et Fils, 1875. Volume Four - Felice Niemeyer. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa and Roberto Aguirre Luco .Signed by Dr Roberto Aguirre Luco in 1890. Dr. A. Luco is one of the most famous anatomists of Chile. Dr Aguirre was the Chief of Anatomy of two medical schools in Chile. Ex-Libris EAM

[000106] Baudry, S "Elementos De Patologia Quirurgica General"; Madrid, Spain: Nicolas Moya, 1890. This book is signed and dated by both Dr. Roberto Aguirre Luco (1890) and Dr. Caupolican Pardo Correa (1894). Ex- Libris EAM

[000107] Clarke, Arthur C "2001: A Space Odyssey"; ISBN: 0451198492 USA: New American Library, 1993. This book is a personal copy, signed and dedicated by Keir Dullea, who played Dr. Dave Bowman in the movie. The dedication is personal, so it will not be published here. Ex-Libris EAM

[000108] Clarke, Arthur C "2010: A Space Odissey"; ISBN: 0345303059 USA: Ballantine Books, 1982. This book is a personal copy, signed and dedicated by Keir Dullea, who played Dr. Dave Bowman in the movie. The dedication reads: "To Efrain, with Very Best Wishes, Keir Dullea" Ex-Libris EAM

[000109] Osler, William "Aequanimitas with Other Adresses"; Philadelphia, USA: Blakiston, 1932. "Aequanimitas and Other Addresses to Medical Students, Nurses and Practitioners of Medicine" This is a collection of Essays by Sir William Osler, including the famous "Aequenimitas" Osler urges the graduates to develop two qualities or virtues. First is the "bodily" virtue of imperturbability or "a judicious measure of obtuseness." This means the outward expression of calmness and coolness, even under difficult circumstances. This virtue suggests that physicians should be relatively "insensible" to the slings-and-arrows of patient care, always maintaining a degree of detachment from their patients. The complementary "mental" virtue is aequanimitas, which is the personal quality of calmly accepting whatever comes in life. These virtues, however, should not lead to "hardness" in dealing with patients. Osler also urges his students and colleagues to develop the other gentlemanly virtues of courage, patience, and honor. Ex-Libris EAM

[000110] Jone, Daniel B. MD "Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgery"; ISBN: 0974935875 Woodbury, CT: Cine-Med, 2006. Editors: Jones, Daniel B. M.D., Mithel, Shishir K. M.D., Schneider, Benjamin E. M.D. No other guide to laparoscopic surgery has ever been this complete. With over 630 pages of detailed step-by-step instruction on common and not so common laparoscopic procedures, this book will quickly become the definitive source for minimally invasive surgery. Each step is accompanied by full color illustrations from operating room set up through completion of the procedure. Professional reviews by leading authorities on laparoscopic surgery accentuate each of the 25 chapters - over 70 reviews in all. Many of the reviews offer varying methods for performing the procedures. This atlas is a must for resident training and an excellent resource for those surgeons looking to enhance their laparoscopic practice. This exquisite book is a gift from USSC to my library. Ex-Libris EAM

[000111] Bourgery, Jean Batiste; Sick, Henry ; LeMinor, Jean Marie "Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery"; ISBN: 0760782059 New York: Barnes & Noble, 2006. TEXT IN ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN This is a reprint of Bourgery and Jacob's ATLAS OF ANATOMY, published in 1831, a massive event in medical history. It covers descriptive anatomy, surgical anatomy and techniques, embryology, comparative anatomy, and microscopic anatomy. The spectacular hand-colored lithographs are remarkable for their clarity, color, and aesthetic appeal--images unsurpassed to this day in anatomical illustration. This reprint includes the complete color plates-726 in total-and will finally allow not only those in the medical field but also artists, students, and anyone interested in the study of the human body and history of art and printing to appreciate this important work. An incredible work of art and anatomical and surgical science. Ex-Libris EAM

[000112] McGregor, Alexander Lee, FRCS "A Synopsis of Surgical Anatomy"; Baltimore: William Wood & Co, 1934. This book was originally published in 1932. It contains two main sections "Anatomy of the Normal" and "Anatomy of the Abnormal". Great and simple illustrations and line drawings that help understand sometimes difficult anatomical concepts. 644 pages -639 figures - Signed by previous owner Anthony Sloane. Ex-Libris EAM

[000113] Duke, Martin, MD "The Development of Medical Techniques and Treatments"; ISBN: 0823612325 USA: International Universities Press, 1991. The Development of Medical Techniques and Treatments: From Leeches to Heart Surgery. ISBN 0823612325 Hardcover. International Universities Press. Published: May, 1991 A great synopsis of the history of Techniques and Treatments, including pharmacology and electrocardiography. A personal gift from Mr. Bill Anton. Ex-Libris EAM

[000114] Zollinger, Robert M, Zolinger, Jr, Robert M "Atlas of Surgical Operations"; ISBN: 0024320706 USA: The McMillan Company, 1988. ATLAS OF SURGICAL OPERATIONS Sixth Edition; Zollinger, Rogert M and Zollinger Jr, Robert M., Illustrated by Mildred B. NY, NY: Macmillan Co, 1988 Cloth. Sixth Edition. Pale gold cloth hard-cover with blak lettering. 880 line drawings provide step-by-step detail to all the gastrointestinal, vascular and gynaecologic procedures in addition to other procedures commonly done by the general surgeon or surgical resident. In this edition there are 20 new procedures including recent research in laparoscopic surgery, and coverage of the latest surgical equipment. This book was originally part of the University of Cincinnati Medical Library until it was withdrawn in 2000. Ex-Libris EAM

[000115] Zollinger, Robert M, Zolinger, Jr, Robert M "Atlas De Cirurgia"; USA: The McMillan Company, 1990. Atlas De Cirugia Sexta Edicao (portugese text); Zollinger, Rogert M and Zollinger Jr, Robert M., Illustrated by Mildred B. Translated into Portugese by Giuseppe Taranto NY, NY: Macmillan Co, 1988 Cloth. Sixth Edition. Pale gold cloth hard-cover with blak lettering. 880 line drawings provide step-by-step detail to all the gastrointestinal, vascular and gynaecologic procedures in addition to other procedures commonly done by the general surgeon or surgical resident. In this edition there are 20 new procedures including recent research in laparoscopic surgery, and coverage of the latest surgical equipment.Ex-Libris EAM

[000116] Henke, Rothacker, W.A. "Atlas of Surgical Anatomy: a Series of Plates Illustrating the Application of Anatomy to Medicine and Surgery"; Cincinnati, Ohio: A.E. Wilde & Co., 1884. This work consists of eighty-one large plates, which are carefully and clearly drawn. That which makes the work practically valuable is the exposition of structures; not in systems, but just as they are laid bare by dissecting. The introduction of numerous plates of sections adds very greatly to the value of the work. Sections of the head and brain made in different directions and at different points are given, also two transverse sections of the neck; several transverse and longitudinal sections of the thorax, and a number of sections of the pelvis in both males and females. The contents of the abdominal cavity is shown by a number of plates representing the organs as they appear when portions are removed in longitudinal layers. 1884. Black & Green hard-cover with gold embossed letters. A Translation of Henke's Atlas of Surgical Anatomy by W.A. Rothacker, M.D., Pathologist to Cincinnati Hostpital, Lecturer on Pathological Anatomy in Miami Medical College.Ex-Libris EAM

[000117] Smolan, RIck, Moffitt, Phillip, Naythons, Matthew, M.D. "The Power to Heal: Ancient Arts & Modern Medicine"; ISBN: 0136845495 New York, NY: Prentice Hall Press, 1990. This exploration of healing moves from ancient techniques and primitive treatments to the frontiers of medical technology, including miracle pharmaceuticals, unique health regimes, incredible recoveries, unusual birthing practices and the secrets of remarkable centenarians. Combining essays from some of America's foremost writers this book looks at some of the most important topics in the world of medicine. Photograph on Dust Jacket: Student nurses Sibhan Magner (foreground) and Carol Burke at St. Vincinet's Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Photograph by Nick Kelsh. Cover is Cream colored cloth with gold lettering. 1990. Ex-Libris EAM

[000118] Nyhus, Lloyd M., Condon, Robert E. "Hernia"; ISBN: 0397512864 Philidelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1995. This reference covers the diagnosis and repair of all types of hernia. It includes editorial comment on each proceedure, addressing such aspects as how to prevent a poor outcome. The text also covers laparoscopic procedures and prosthetic materials used in repair. With articles by 75 contributors: Barry altman, MD; Sidney Black, MD; Parviz K. Amid, MD; Robert A. Brigham, MD; David A. Appel, MD; James A. Bulen, MD; Robert Bendavid, MD; Timothey G. Canty, MD; Stanely D. Berliner, MD; Robert E. Condon, and more. 1990. Cover is Black with Blue accents and gold embossed lettering. Ex-Libris EAM

[000119] Skandalakis, John E. MD, et al "Hernia: Surgical Anatomy and Technique"; ISBN: 0070577897 New York: McGraw Hill, 1989. John E. Skandalakis, MD, PhD, FACS (1920-2009). Born in Greece, Dr. Skandalakis studied Medicine in Athens. During WWII he fought with the Greek Resistance earning a medal from the Greek government. In the USA Dr. Skandalakis obtained an additional degree in Anatomy, becoming one of the few surgeon-anatomists of our age. An extraordinary teacher, Dr. Skandalakis authored over 300 publications, including journal publications and books1. He is well known for his publications on surgical anatomy related to hernia procedures. I had the pleasure and the opportunity of meeting and speaking with Dr. John Skandalakis a few times. He always impressed me with his dedication to Clinical Anatomy and his passion for the importance of Anatomy in Surgery. During the 1999 meeting of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists, Dr. Skandalakis signed my copy of his book "Hernia: Surgical Anatomy and Technique". The book dedication reads "To Dr. E.A. Miranda with best regards and warm greetings [signature]. Atlanta, 6.28.99".Ex-Libris EAM

[000120] W. Feil, H. Lippert, P. Lozac'h, G. Palazzini, J. Amaral "Atlas of Surgical Stapling"; ISBN: 9780865779068 Heidelberg, Germany: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 2000. Dark blue cover with light-blue sketch of intestines in background. Silver lettering. An image of a stomach being stapled on front cover. Books slipcase. 2000. CD included. See Nr. 601 in this collection. Ex-Libris EAM

[000121] Suda Takashi, MD. Takemura Hiroshi, MD. "Atlas of Surgical Stapling"; ISBN: 4900633925 Japan: Kamiya Printing Co. Ltd., 1995. Japanese. Dr. Takashi Suda is a specialist in thoracic surgery.He is a pioneer of robotic surgery for lung cancer in Japan. Dr. Suda is an Associate Professor in the Department of General Thoracic Surgery at Fujita Health University Hospital in Toyaoke, Japan. This is a rare book that I have not been ablle to find anywhere else. Any information on this book will be appreciated. Dedicated to Dr. Miranda and signed by Hiroshi Takemura, MD May 3,1996 at a meeting at Ethicon EndoSurgery in Cincinnati, OH. 372 pages. Great illustrations by Katsuo Dobashi.Ex-Libris EAM

[000122] Becker, James M MD. Goodman, Gerald N MD. Miller, David K MD. Ruhalter, Aaron MD. Skinner, Donald G MD. "Surgical Stapling Techniques Volume II"; Somerville, NJ: Ethicon Inc., 1988. 1988. 1/2" 3-ring binder. This is an early book on stapling techniques provided as a service by Ethicon, Inc.It was intended as a supplement to Volume 1. It is a compendium of surgical stapling techniques and not as comprehensive Atlas of Surgery. Ex-Libris EAM

[000123] Richard E. Cytowic "The Man Who Tasted Shapes "; ISBN: 9780874777383 USA: Putnam Books, 1993. Imagine a world of salty visions, purple odors, square tastes, and green wavy symphonies. Although only 10 people in one million experience the world in this manner, neurologist Cytowic believes their condition (synesthesia) can offer inspiring insights into the human mind.249 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000124] Janeway Jr, Charles A; Travers, Paul "Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease"; ISBN: 0815314973 New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1994. "This book is intended as an introductory text for use in immunology courses for medical students, advanced undergraduate biology students, and graduate students. It attempts to present the field of immunology from a consistent viewpoint, that of the host's interaction with an environment containing myriad species of potentially harmful microbes. The justification for this particular approach is that the absence of components of the immune system is virtually always mad clinically manifest by an increased susceptibility to infection, Thus, first and foremost, the immune system exists to protect the host from infection, and its evolutionary history must have been shaped largely by this challenge. Other aspects of immunology, such as allergy, autoimmunity, graft rejection, and immunity to tumors are treated as variations of this basic protective function in which the nature of the antigen is the major variable." Ex-Libris EAM

[000125] Gilroy, Ann M. "Anatomy in Your Pocket"; ISBN: 9781626239128 India : Thieme Medical Publishes, 2018. Based on the award-winning textbook Atlas of Anatomy and the work of Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher. This volume is organized by seven sections: the back, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, upper limb, lower limb, and head and neck. Each card/page features a full-color illustration with numerical labels only, while the reverse side provides the answers, an ideal format for self-testing. First-year medical students studying gross anatomy and second-year medical students preparing for the USMLE® Step 1 or COMLEX will benefit from using this resource as a study companion. It is also a go-to anatomical reference for other medical trainees who need a succinct yet thorough review of key anatomy.622 pages, 442 Illustrations. Ex-Libris EAM

[000126] Barone, Robert "Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques : Tome 5, Angiologie"; ISBN: 9782711404186 France: Édition Vivot, 2011. Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques : Tome 5, Angiologie. Deuxième edition. écrit par Robert Barone qui connu comme un auteur et ont écrit beaucoup de livres intéressants avec une grande narration. Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques : Tome 5, Angiologie a été l'un des livres de populer sur 2016. Il contient 904 pages et disponible sur format . Ce livre a été très surpris en raison de sa note rating et a obtenu environ avis des utilisateurs. Donc, après avoir terminé la lecture de ce livre, je recommande aux lecteurs de ne pas sous-estimer ce grand livre. Vous devez prendre Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques : Tome 5, Angiologie que votre liste de lecture ou vous serez regretter parce que vous ne l'avez pas lu encore dans votre vie. Ecrit par Robert Barone qui connu comme un auteur et ont écrit beaucoup de livres intéressants avec une grande narration. Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques : Tome 5, Angiologie a été l'un des livres de populer sur 2016. Il contient 904 pages et disponible sur format . Ce livre a été très surpris en raison de sa note rating et a obtenu environ avis des utilisateurs. Donc, après avoir terminé la lecture de ce livre, je recommande aux lecteurs de ne pas sous-estimer ce grand livre. Vous devez prendre Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques : Tome 5, Angiologie que votre liste de lecture ou vous serez regretter parce que vous ne l'avez pas lu encore dans votre vie. Considered to be one of the best comparative anatomy of domestic animals, this 5th volume on angiology is one of the best books written on this topic. 904 pages, 400 Illustrations. Ex-Libris EAM

[000127] Dobson, Jessie "Anatomical Eponyms"; London: Baillere, Tindall & Cox, 1946. The actual name of the book is: 'Anatomical Eponyms. Being a Biographical Dictionary of those Anatomists whose Names have become incorporated into Anatomical Nomenclature, with Definitions of the Structures to which their Names have been attached and References to the Works in which they are described'. This book is signed by the author Jessie Dobson, B.A., M.Sc., and dated July11, 1946. With a Foreword by Professor F. Wood Jones. Note: The frontispiece is a painting of Andreas Vesalius, erroneously indicating that it is a reproduction of the 1543 woodcut image of Vesalius in his opus magnum the 'Fabrica'". Dr. Miranda Ex-Libris EAM

[000128] LeGault, Michael R. "Think! Why Crucial Decisions Can't Be Made in the Blink of an Eye"; ISBN: 9781416523789 USA: Threshold Editions, 2006. Th!nk refutes Blink, the best-selling 2005 book by Malcolm Gladwell.[1][2] It argues that United States and the West are in decline because of an intellectual crisis. Think contends that blink-like snap judgments are the cause of major failures such as the Hurricane Katrina response. Michael LeGault maintains that relying on emotion and instinct instead of reason and facts is ultimately a threat to our freedom and way of life. I could not agree more!! Denying the existence of critical thinking in favor of split-second decisions or group thinking is dangerous. Ex-Libris EAM

[000129] Diab, Mohammad "Lexicon of Orthopaedic Etymology"; ISBN: 9789057025976 Netherland: Hardwood Academic Publishers, 1999. Lexicon of Orthopædic Etymology is more than a concise dictionary of over 800 terms. It also provides a chronicle of the field of orthopedics, recounting significant events, important people, and dates. Terms are defined, origins are traced back to the root word, relevant mythology is revealed, and the first physician recorded using a term is identified in context.439 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000130] Byrnes, Donn; Hurley, K.D. "Blackbird Rising: Birth of an Aviation Legend"; ISBN: 9780967332703 USA: Sage Mesa Publications, 1999. A great aviation book detailing the process of development, research, and acquisition of one of the fastest aircraft on Earth to date. 303+ pages. This book was reviewed by the Air Force and found to contain no classified documentation. Signed by the author. Ex-Libris EAM

[000131] Kahneman, Daniel "Thinking, Fast and Slow"; ISBN: 9780374533557 USA: Farrar, Straus and Girous, 2011. Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman exposes the extraordinary capabilities—and also the faults and biases—of fast thinking, and reveals the pervasive influence of intuitive impressions on our thoughts and behavior. The impact of loss aversion and overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the challenges of properly framing risks at work and at home, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning the next vacation—each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems work together to shape our judgments and decisions. The author, Daniel Kahneman is the winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics. Ex-Libris EAM

[000132] Chabner, Davi-Ellen, Ed. "The Language of Medicine"; ISBN: 9780323370813 Canada: Elsevier, 2016. An illustrated, easy-to-understand approach presents medical terms within the context of the body’s anatomy and physiology, and in health and disease. With this proven resource, you’ll learn a working medical vocabulary built on the most frequently encountered prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms. Practical exercises and case studies make learning more interesting and demonstrate how medical terms are used in practice. Take advantage of interactive activities, games, quizzes, and flash cards on the Evolve companion website, and you will be ready to communicate fluently in the clinical setting and succeed in your health care career.A gift, signed and dedicated by my good friend Trish Craft. Ex-Libris EAM

[000133] Van Hee, Robert (Ed) "In the shadow of Vesalius: an exciting series of new insights into life and work of Andreas Vesalius and his friends"; ISBN: 9789044137897 Belgium: Garant Publishers, 2020. New information has surfaced on the works, life, and death of Andreas Vesalius. This book includes articles by "friends of Vesalius", scholars who have dedicated much of their time and life to uncovering more about this famous Flemish Anatomist. This book is a "must have" in any Vesaliana collection. One of the discoveries is a preparatory sketch by Jan Steven van Calcar for a drawing in Vesalius’ famous ‘Fabrica’, called ‘The Philosopher’., alson known as "the Hamlet". Authentic letters, written by Vesalius to his friends Benedetto Varchi and Octavo Landi, are presented and translated for the first time, and are thoroughly discussed, shedding new light on crucial periods of Vesalius’ life, such as his leave from academic Padua, exchanged for imperial service to Charles V, or his contribution to the treatment of Philips II’s son, crown prince Carlos in Spain. Anatomical novelties, discovered by Vesalius’ friends and contemporaries, are equally broadly exposed, like Canani’s input in human arm musculature or Valverde’s ‘corrections’ of Vesalius’ ‘Epitome’. Valverde’s publication became one of the greatest ‘bestsellers’ treating anatomy during the 16th and 17th century, thereby spreading the ‘Vesalian Revolution’ all over Europe. But also the relationship between Vesalius and his Paduan room mate John Kay or Caius is scrutinized, as are a number of family descendants of Vesalius. This book is signed and dedicated by two of my good friends (and Vesalius' friends) Robert Van Hee and Pascale Pollier. Ex-Libris EAM

[000134] Scheid, Rickne C.; Woelfel, Julian B.; Woelfel "Dental Anatomy: Its Relevance to Dentistry"; ISBN: 0781727979 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2002. A core textbook of anatomy for dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental assisting students. This book provides in-depth coverage of tooth structure, tooth function, morphology, anatomy, and terminology. Linking dental anatomy to clinical practice, the Sixth Edition includes over 340 illustrations, clinical applications, tear-out learning cards, and an improved narrative style. New content covers restorative dentistry, endodontics, and periodontology. Also new, are highlighted key concepts, an extensive index, improved and colorized artwork, learning objectives, and expanded student learning exercises and test questions. Personal note: I have to thank Dr. Gregory Gates, DDS for directing me to this great book on dental anatomy. Actually, he loaned me his personal copy while I got a book for my library. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000135] Trescot, Andrea M. "Peripheral Nerve Entrapments: Clinical Diagnosis and Management"; ISBN: 9783319274805 Springer, 2016. This large, single volume book is a comprehensive guide to nerve entrapment syndromes and their management. Each chapter covers a single nerve, or group of closely related nerves, and goes over the clinical presentation, anatomy, physical exam, differential diagnosis, contributing factors, injection techniques, neurolytic/surgical techniques, treatments of perpetuating factors, and complications. Nerve entrapments can occur throughout the body and cause headaches, chest pain, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, low back pain, and upper and lower extremity pain. As an example, one of the most common forms of nerve entrapment syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, affects roughly 1 in 20 people in the United States, and is only one of several types of entrapment syndromes possible for the median nerve. Chapters are also extensively illustrated and include 3D anatomical images. The additional online material enhances the book with more than 50 videos - at least 2 for each nerve. This enables readers to easily navigate the book. In addition to a conventional index it includes a “Pain Problems Index” for searching by symptom. The book is inscribed by the author Andrea M. Trescot MD, ABIPP, FIPP and states: To Efrain; It was such a pleasure to meet you. I am thrilled to have my book in your library. A. Trescot, July 2021. 902 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000136] Nyhus, Lloyd M.; Baker, Robert J. "Mastery of Surgery: Volume 1 (of 2)"; ISBN: 0316617458 USA: Little, Brown and Company, 1992. Mastery of Surgery: Volumes I & II. Lloyd M. Nyhus (Editor), Josef E. Fischer (Editor), Robert J. Baker (Editor). The contributors represent the specialties of general surgery, pediatric surgery, vascular surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, critical care, colon and rectal surgery, urology, trauma, plastic surgery, and thoracic surgery. Most are from academic medical centers in 17 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Chile. Chapter on Hernia missing in volume I. Ex-Libris EAM

[000137] Nyhus, Lloyd M.; Baker, Robert J. "Mastery of Surgery: Volume 2 (of 2)"; ISBN: 0316617458 USA: Little, Brown and Company, 1992. Mastery of Surgery: Volumes I & II. Lloyd M. Nyhus (Editor), Josef E. Fischer (Editor), Robert J. Baker (Editor). The contributors represent the specialties of general surgery, pediatric surgery, vascular surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, critical care, colon and rectal surgery, urology, trauma, plastic surgery, and thoracic surgery. Most are from academic medical centers in 17 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Chile. Chapter on Hernia missing in volume I. Ex-Libris EAM

[000138] Zollinger, Robert M, Zolinger, Jr, Robert M "Atlas of Surgical Operations"; ISBN: 0024320706 USA: The McMillan Company, 1988. ATLAS OF SURGICAL OPERATIONS Sixth Edition; Zollinger, Rogert M and Zollinger Jr, Robert M., Illustrated by Mildred B. NY, NY: Macmillan Co, 1988 Cloth. Sixth Edition. Pale gold cloth hard-cover with blak lettering. 880 line drawings provide step-by-step detail to all the gastrointestinal, vascular and gynaecologic procedures in addition to other procedures commonly done by the general surgeon or surgical resident. In this edition there are 20 new procedures including recent research in laparoscopic surgery, and coverage of the latest surgical equipment. Ex-Libris EAM

[000139] Fa Yiming (Editor) "Chinese English Dictionary of Human Anatomy"; Taipei: Jade Book Publishing House, 1976. Chinese Language. Ex-Libris EAM

[000140] Acta Interanationalia Historiae Medicinae "Vesalius: Vol XX N 1 2014"; SIHM, 2014. Journal. Vesalius :Acta Interanationalia Historiae Medicinae Vesalius: Vol XX N1 Summer, 2014. This copy was and special issue for the Vesalius Continuum meeting commemoration the 500th anniversary of the death of Andreas Vesalius. The meeting was held from September 4-8th, 2014 in the island of Zakynthos, Greece. Ex-Libris EAM

[000141] Vesalius Continuum "Vesalius Continuum:Program"; Vesalius Continuum, 2014. This is the program for the 2014 Vesalius Continuum meeting held at the island of Zakynthos, Greece. Ex-Libris EAM

[000143] Netter, Frank MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 44 No 2: A Tribute to Frank Netter: Portraits of Children"; Summit, New Jersey: Icon Learning Systems, 1992. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000144] Mooney, Vert MD; Saal. Jeffrey A.MD; Saal. Joel S. MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 48 No 4: Evaluation and Treatment of Low Back Pain"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1996. Illustrated by Craig, John A, MD;Netter, Frank ; Machado, C., MD. 32 pages. Ex-libris EAM

[000145] MedExport, USSR "Russian Surgical Instruments Catalog"; Moscow: MedExport, 1960. This is a collection of loose-leaf descriptions of surgical stapling instruments and medical devices manufacture in the USSR. Each product description is printed in Russian and English. Estimated circa 1958-1962. These prints belonged to Mark Ravitch, MD and he brought them personally to the USA at the same time that he brought the patents of surgical staplers that have become ubiquitous in the operating room today. These prints were gifted to me by Dr. Ravtich's daughter. Ex-Libris EAM

[000146] A.L.G. Bayle "La Medecine Pittoresque"; ISBN: 9788492731800 Spain: Loft Publications, FKG, 2010. In 1834, the most famous scholars in the Faculty of Medicine in Paris, led by Professor A.L.G. Bayle completed the legendary masterpiece La Medecine Pittoresque. This amazing medical atlas that they composed brought together for the first time ever the exquisite anatomical drawings that never had been compiled together before, in an exclusive edition. Straightaway it had a huge impact and became a benchmark piece of work for the entire international scientific community. Apart from its scientific importance, the remarkable artistic value of this collection received praise. This volume offers this all-time classic in the world of medicine and art in a new improved quality edition. La Medecine Pittoresque is considered as a revolutionary contribution both to science and culture. This book is considered as an essential collection piece for all those who work in the world of medicine, the illustrations of this atlas cover all the fields of medical science that could be shown in images at the time the book was published. The most magnificent illustrations of all the anatomical works published until that time by renowned researchers such as Soemmering, Scarpa, Caldani, Loder, Meckel, Mascagni, Sabatier, Fattori, and Beclard are compiled together in a single volume. This incomparable collection of lithographs has been completed with a large number of original illustrations". Ex-Libris EAM

[000147] McCracken, Thomas O. Editor "New Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 0760719217 New York: Barnes & Noble, 1999. "Our fascination with the marvelous machine that is our body predates Shakespeare by many, many centuries. From earliest times, we have attempted to understand anatomy, and have tried to "map" the body and its systems, long before we even knew the true functions of most of its parts. In the early 16th century, Andreas Vesalius published his collection of detailed anatomical drawings, establishing a realism that persists to this day; by the 19th century, printing technology made and beautifully colored images widely available; and the 20th century has seen the use of photography in anatomical atlases an the introduction of X-ray, MRI, and CAT scanning. Today we are in the midst of yet another extraordinary innovation which this book celebrates in print: the first, anatomically exact and complete, three-dimensional, computer generated reconstruction of an actual human body. The amazing imagery in this book has its origin in the process of digitizing the thousands of cross sections of a human body created by the National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project. Years of painstaking tracing and identification of the hundreds of elements revealed in each microsection were combined with innovation computer-modeling techniques. The contours were mapped and the relationship between ach cross section established so they could be reconstructed in three-dimensional form". Ex-Libris EAM

[000148] Clayton, Martin. Philo, Ron "Leonardo Da Vinci: The Anatomy of Man"; ISBN: 0821219162 Huston: Bulfinch Press, 1992. "Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest figures of the Italian Renaissance, was renowned not only for the artistic mastery of his paintings and drawings but also for the richness of his intellect and his insatiable curiosity about all aspects of the natural and man-made world. Leonardo was among the first artists to study human anatomy in great detail, in a period when scientific investigation of the body was severely limited by church doctrine. His anatomical drawings reveal him to be a gifted observer of the human body - studying living men and women as well as cadavers which he dissected to draw every vessel, muscle and organ." This book is a gift from one of the many classes I taught at Ethicon Endo-Surgery. It has a small metal plaque that says "How Simple is the Language of Medicine. SMC 19". Ex-Libris EAM

[000149] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy (DVD Images)"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This DVD contains all the images of this rare book includes 349 color images and 430 sketches that explain the images with callouts. Several chapters and 10 separate binders: Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. The DVD is stored in a hard cloth case for protection Ex-Libris EAM

[000150] Tornini, Jorge Fernandez "Elementos De Neuroanatomia"; Santiago, Chile: Seccion De Publicaciones, Fac. De Medicina. Sede Santiago Norte, 1978. This is a copy of the University of Chile Medical School Neuroanatomy book and atlas that was printed each year for the medical students. Although this book has the year 1976 in its cover, it was published in 1978. The material in the book is written by Dr. Jorge Fernandez Tornini.The Atlas contains the first published images hand- drawn by Dr. Miranda in 1977, and the recently found (2022) originals for these sketches. Ex-Libris EAM

[000151] Tornini, F; Miranda, E. "Curso De Capacitacion Para La Docencia De Pre-Grado En Neuromorfologia"; Santiago, Chile: Seccion De Publicaciones, Fac. De Medicina. Sede Santiago Norte, 1974. This is a collection of printed material as well as typewritten copies that comprise the textbook material for the 1974 post-graduate course that prepared medical graduates to teach Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology. This rare material is kept in a slipcase to prevent damage to some of the most delicate pages. Dr. Miranda is one of the authors. Ex-Libris EAM

[000152] Nguyen, Sy "The Human Body"; ISBN: 1568521588 Paris: Konecky & Konecky, 1997. 47 pages.The book is a bite-sized atlas of the major systems and organs of the human body, with acetate overlays to see cross sections and layers through the body. Translated from French. Ex-Libris EAM

[000153] Goldberg, Stephen, MD. "Clinical Anatomy Made Ridiculousy Simple"; ISBN: 094078002X Miami, Fl: MedMaster, Inc, 1995. From the preface: "The purpose of Clinical Anatomy Made Ridiculously Simple is to teach medical students and other medical professionals in a special way that enables the student to rapidly learn, retain, and review anatomy. It is difficult for the student to grasp and integrate the overwhelming detail inherent in this important subject, as a result of the reduced time allotted to the study of anatomy. This problem is especially acute where anatomy is taught according to body regions and where larger reference texts are used alone. The student often remembers isolated points for exam purposes without adequately understanding the overall picture. This book is not intended to replace standard reference texts but rather to be read as a companion text. Supplementing the standard texts with book of this nature will enable the student to learn anatomy more rapidly with better retention. Ex-Libris EAM

[000154] Kapit, Wynn. Elson, Lawrence M. "The Anatomy Coloring Book"; ISBN: 0064550168 New York: Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1993. From the preface: "The Anatomy Coloring Bok (ACB) has been an immense success since its inception in 1976 and publication in 1977. By personal contacts and letters, we have found that directed coloring of body structures has increased the learning curve, opened reservoirs of visual memory, and facilitated instant recall in students at secondary schools, colleges, and graduate and professional schools throughout the world. The Anatomy Coloring Book has been translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Italian." Ex-Libris EAM

[000155] Martinie, Frederic H., PhD. Welch, Kathleen, MD. "Applications Manual for Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology"; ISBN: 0137518684 Upper Saddle RIver, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1998. This revision of Prentice Hall's widely acclaimed Applications Manual builds on a strong foundation. It has been revised to include updated information and illustrations while at the same time remaining on the features that have made it such a popular supplement for instructors and students. -An Introduction to Diagnostics, Applied research tips, the body systems section is organized parallel to the text, case studies section, scanning atlas of photographs, and cadaver atlas. Ex-Libris EAM

[000156] Portisky, Ray, MD. "Anatomy to Color and Study"; ISBN: 0932883184 Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus, Inc, Medical Publishers, 1989. From the Preface: "This book is intended to present human anatomy about as simply and clearly as is possible and should be helpful to anyone studying gross anatomy. Its purpose is to augment and reinforce the student's anatomical knowledge by the coloring and labeling of key structures. It is expected that many students will also be engaged in dissections, reading anatomy textbooks, and studying formal anatomical atlases, both artistic and photographic, all of which are essential to acquisition of a true working knowledge of the structures of a complex organism". Ex-Libris EAM

[000157] Snell, Richard S "Clinical Anatomy: An Illustrated Review with Questions and Explanations"; ISBN: 9780781743167 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1996. "Look no further than Clinical Anatomy, Second Edition, for concise coverage of the gross anatomy you need to know to pass the USMLE Step 1 exam. This updated edition presents essential concepts in the clearly written, easy-to-use format that has made the Little, Brown Review Series so popular." Ex-Libris EAM

[000158] Groopman, Jerome, MD. "How Doctors Think"; ISBN: 9780618610037 New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Dust Jacket: "On average, a physician will interrupt a patient describing her symptoms within eighteen seconds. In that short time, many doctors decide on the likely diagnosis and best treatment. Often, decisions made this way are correct, but at crucial moments they can also be wrong -- with catastrophic consequences. In this myth-shattering book, Jerome Groopman pinpoints the forces and thought processes behind the decisions doctors make. Groopman explores why doctors err and shows when and how they can - with our help - avoid snap judgments, embrace uncertainty, communicate effectively, and deploy other skills that can profoundly impact our health. This book is the first to describe in detail the warning signs of erroneous medical thinking and reveal how new technologies may actually hinder accurate diagnoses. How Doctors Think offers direct, intelligent questions patients can ask their doctors to help them get back on track." Book is annotated by past owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000159] Murray, Elizabeth A. "Death: Corpses, cadavers, and Other Grave Matters"; ISBN: 9780761338512 Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2010. Signed and dedicated to Dr. Miranda by Dr. Elizabeth Murray, author. "Everyone dies... but what happens inside the human body when death occurs? What body systems are key for holding on to life? And what value does studying death have for those of us still living? Explore all of the answers with a forensic scientist who takes a look at the body's interconnected cellular systems and the links between life and death". A segment, where I collaborated, talks about the use of donated bodies for the teaching of medical students. Ex-Libris EAM

[000160] Pack, Phillip E. MD. "Cliffs Quick Review: Anatomy and Physiology"; ISBN: 0764563734 New York: Wiley Publishing, 2001. "When it comes to pinpointing the stuff you really need to know, nobody does it better than Cliffs Notes. This fast, effective tutorial helps you master core physiological concepts - from cells, tissues, and muscles to the immune system, the respiratory system, and the cardiovascular system - and get the best possible grade." Ex-Libris EAM

[000161] Whalley, Angelina, Editor "Pushing the Limits: Encounters with Body Worlds Creator Gunther Von Hagens"; ISBN: 9783937256023 Heidelberg, Germany: Arts & Sciences, 2005. "Who is Guther von Hagens? To some, the creator of Body Works is an imposter, to others he is a genius, and then there are those who see him as a monster and a troublemaker, For the first time, relatives, friends, and colleagues who have accompanied him through various periods of his life reveal deep insights into this controversial personality. By means of their stories and anecdotes, they spotlight the hitherto unknown facets of this idiosyncratic anatomist. They tell of the serious and the funny of the exciting and the offensive; but in any case, their tales of one of the mysterious figures of our times are adventurous and enthralling. Like pieces of a mosaic, the illustrated articles on his childhood, his escape from the socialist German Democratic Republic, his time as a university anatomist, and his role as a producer of exhibitions form a multifarious encounter with the inventor of plastination and with his work." Ex-Libris EAM

[000162] Griffith, H. Winter, MD. "Complete Guide to Symptoms, Illness & Surgery"; ISBN: 0895863340 Tuscon: The Body Press, 1985. "A renowned doctor, with over 25 years of experience in private practice and at the university level, addresses your most-asked questions and concerns. Dr. Griffith tells you, in simple, clearly written charts, what to expect from any illness - from the common cold to life-threatening cancer and heart disease. Describes disorders that affect everyone from infancy to old age. Discusses newly publicized health dangers, such as Reye's syndrome and AIDS. Supplies up-to-date information on the latest medical treatments, including surgeries and drugs. Easy To read charts explain: 520 illnesses, 160 surgeries, signs & symptoms, causes & prevention, diagnostic tests, curable or incurable?, treatment: diet, activity & medicine, complications, when to call the doctor, is surgery necessary?, how is surgery done?" Ex-Libris EAM

[000163] Chasnoff, Ira J, MD, et al. "Funk & Wagnalls Family Medical Guide"; ISBN: 0834301008 Lincolnwood, Illinois: Funk & Wagnalls Corp., 1996. From the introduction: "The Family Medical Guide is designed to help the one person who is responsible for your health - and perhaps for the health of your entire family - you. You are the only one who can observer your health and regulate your personal health habits on a daily basis. You are the only one who decides what you eat, how you exercise, when you sleep, and where you go when a medical problem occurs. You are the one who wants to protect your good health and prevent illness. You are the one who wishes to avoid unnecessary trips to the doctor while at the same time becoming informed about when you should see a physician and what the field of medicine can do. How can you intelligently fulfill these goals?" Ex-Libris EAM

[000164] Jacobs, Moises. Plasencia, Gustavo. Caushaj, Philip "Atlas of Laparascopic Colon Surgery"; ISBN: 0683300326 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1996. Signed by Drs. Jacobs and Plasencia, with personal dedication to Dr. Miranda. From the Preface: "Surgery, indeed all of medicine, is currently undergoing significant socioeconomic paradigm shifts. The advent and popularity of minimally invasive techniques have challenged the historical tenants and scientific foundations of surgical procedures that, until recently, had been unchanged and unchallenged by alternatives. Advances of the last 40 years have forged critical reappraisal of perioperative management as well as minor modifications to surgical procedures. Classic debates in general and colorectal surgery over the last two decades have focused on such issues as when and whether to use drains, the rationale for using or omitting nasogastric tubes and the best methods for closing the abdominal wall. The explosion ignited by the introduction and proliferation of laparoscopic cholecystectomy has propelled the laparoscopic approach to the forefront as the procedure of choice and the standard of care for most symptomatic biliary tract disorders. Although the debate still rages as to whether selective versus routine intraoperative cholangiography is indicated or what the role is for draining the gallbladder fossa, logarithmic changes have altered the perioperative management of these patients as well as the clinical outcomes." Ex-Libris EAM

[000165] Hepp, Juan MD; Navarrete, Claudio MD "Cirugia Laparoscopica"; Santiago, Chile: Sociedad De Cirujanos De CHile, 1993. Spanish. One of the first books dedicated exclusively to surgical laparoscopy. Signed and dedicated to Dr. Miranda by previous owner. Ex-Libris EAM

[000166] Lizana, Carlos. Sepulveda, Alfredo "Cirugia Laparoscopica Avanzada Tomo II"; Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Video Cirugia Ltda., 1997. SPANISH. Signed by Dr. Alfredo Sepulveda in July 1998. Chapter on page 387 is "Advances in Laparoscopic Surgery Instrumentation" by Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. Ex-Libris EAM

[000167] Pasic, Resad, MD. Levine, Ronald L, MD. "A Practical Manual of Laparascopy: A Clinical Cookbook"; ISBN: 1842140779 New York: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 2002. From the preface: "Few fields in medicine have experienced as explosive an increase in knowledge and techniques as endoscopy, and, in particular, gynecologic laparoscopy. Just a few short years ago the formal teaching of laparoscopy in residency programs was virtually non-existent. Even today, the instruction in this modality of surgery is very inconsistent with the result that many gynecologists finish their training with only a minimal exposure to the multiple procedures that are not only acceptable now, but are rapidly becoming the standards of care. Indeed, many practicing gynecologists have had no additional training in current laparoscopic techniques. As instructors in many postgraduate courses, both in the United States and in countries around the world, we have realized that, not only gynecologists in training, but also practicing physicians would benefit from an instructional book that utilized simplified illustrations to enhance their surgical knowledge. We believe that in combining with simplified, clear drawings to illustrate their written words, that we will add a significant contribution to the edification of both young and experienced gynecologic laparoscopists. We wanted a book that was in the vein of a 'how to book' that would have material across the entire spectrum of operative laparoscopy. We thought that even the novice cook, to the most advanced gourmet chef, sometimes refer to a well written 'cook book' - hence the title." Ex-Libris EAM

[000168] Farinon, Atillo M. "Endoscopic Surgery of the Potential Anatomical Spaces"; ISBN: 1402028091 Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. "Potential anatomical spaces" have attracted surgeons in the past and in recent years. Due to the development of modern imaging techniques and the advent of minimally invasive surgery, access to these spaces has become a real surgical option. The purpose of this book is to document the challenges related to "potential anatomical spaces", traditionally described as "hidden" spaces. The spread of video-assisted surgery and its application in the management of diseases involving organs or anatomical structures placed in the "potential spaces" (neck, mediastinum, pro-peritoneum and retro-peritoneum, subfacial space of the leg, and axilla), has rendered their surgical anatomy less abstract.153 pages, Hardcover First published April 1, 2005. Contributors: C. Amanti, A. Benevento, L. Boni, R. Cammarata, J.J. Castronuovo, A.M. Farinon, F. Forte, G Galata, M. Grande, G. Materazzi, F. Micali, P. Miccoli, T.C. Minero, C. Moretto, F. Mosca, R. Newell, A. Pietrabissa, E. Pompeo, F. Rulli, G. Simonetti, E. Squillaci, G. Tucci. Ex-Libris EAM

[000169] Ravitch, Mark M., Steichen, Felicien M. "Principles and Practice of Surgical Stapling"; ISBN: 0815171501 Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, 1987. From the Preface: "The first international Symposium on Stapling in Surgery was held in 1986 at the University of Pittsburg. It was our hope that the participants in this symposium, representing nine countries on five continents, would provide a clear picture of the current practices and results with stapling in pulmonary surgery and in surgery of the alimentary tract, They have achieved this admirably and we believe readers will find here an accurate representation of what is known about stapling the world over, what is done, how it is done, and what the results are." Ex-Libris EAM

[000170] MacFayden Jr, Bruce V., MD. Ponsky, Jerrery L. MD. Editors "The Surgical Clinics of North America: Laparoscopy for the General Surgeon, October 1992"; ISBN: 0000396109 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1992. Contributors: Robert w. Bailey, MD, George Berci, MD, FACS, Thomas L. Dent, MD, FACS, David W. Duppler, MD, CHarlese . Filipi, MD, FACS, Robert J. Fitzgibbons, Jr, MD, FACS, John FLowers, MD, MD, Frederick L. Greene, MD, et al. Ex-Libris EAM

[000171] Macledo, John, Ed. "Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine"; ISBN: 044301566x London: Churchill Livingstone, 1977. From the preface: "There are major changes in the 12th edition. The chapters on genetics, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the liver and biliary tract psychiatry and tropical disease have been entirely of largely rewritten. Extensive changes have also been made throughout the remainder of the text to keep pace with new developments in rapidly advancing disciplines." Ex-Libris EAM

[000172] Pinotti, Henrique Walter, Doene, Carlos Eduardo "Cirurgia Video Laparoscopica"; Sao Paulo: Robe Editorial, 1993. " Aquele que tenciona introduzir-se na video-cirugia, mormente a cirugia video-laparoscopica, encontrara neste, livro as informacoes ja sedimentadas e definidas sobre o assunto, indo desde o treinamento mais adequado e dindicado para cada caso, selecao do equipamento e intrumental basico para sua incicao, regras fundamentais de seguranca, farta explicacao sobre os movimentos e poscoes ja padronizados, descricao detalhada e rigosa dos principais procedimentos, bem como experiencias iniciais de grupos e servicos de referencia." back cover. Portuguese. Ex-Libris EAM

[000173] Bell, Richard H. Jr, Kaufman, Dixon B. "Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures"; ISBN: 1570597073 Georgetown: Landes Bioscience, 2005. From the preface: "Performing a surgical operation must be one of the most complex motor tasks undertaken by humans. To the student rotation on a third-year clerkship, or to the resident beginning a surgical career, the complexity can no doubt be daunting. It is the goal of this handbook to try to bring some degree of order to the complexity, focusing on many of the common operations in general, plastic, thoracic, and vascular surgery, and in organ transplantation. We have done so by diving ing each procedure into specific and well-defined steps. Research originating in the 1950's explored whether teaching a novice to perform a skill is best accomplished by having the learner perform the entire skill (called the "whole training method") or first practice the parts of the skill (called the "part-whole method"). It was concluded that certain types of skills were more efficiently learned using the latter method. As novices gain proficiency in the various steps (or subroutines of a skill, their ability to more fluidly chaining the steps together increases. Learning complex skills by practicing its sub skills continues to be supported today by educational learning theories and practices...Unlike the music student, who may study with a single teacher for an extended period of time, medical students and residents often scrub with several surgeon-teachers, all of whom have their particular approach to a given operation. For the advanced student, such variety of experience can be enriching, but for the novice, the variety of approaches can be confusing. In this book we hope to provide the beginner with a framework that can server as a baseline and against which real-life experience can be measured." Ex-Libris EAM

[000174] Skandalakis, John E., Skandalakis Panajiotis N., Skandalakis, Lee John "Surgical Anatomy and Technique: a Pocket Manual"; ISBN: 0387940812 New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995. From the preface :"Surgical Anatomy and Technique; A pocket Manual: With this title we want to present the stepchild of basic science, Anatomy", and also to emphasize some of the operative techniques of general surgery. We feel that this combination will take students to the promised surgical land. A good knowledge of anatomy will help surgeons avoid anatomical complications, while a masterful technique will allow them to proceed rapidly and securely in the operating room. In my 50 years of teaching and practicing surgery, I have observed that residents, in most cases, come into the operating room without preparation or with a minimum of preparation. When I was a resident, the "Bible" was the atlas of my late, respected friend, Prof. Robert M. Zollinger. At present time, there are several excellent books about surgical technique; among the best are Operative Strategy in General Surgery by Jameson L. Chassin, Atlas of Surgery by John L. Cameron, and An Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery by John M. Lore, Jr." Ex-Libris EAM

[000175] McGregor, Alexander Lee, FRCS "A Synopsis of Surgical Anatomy"; Baltimore: William Wood & Co, 1946. This book was originally published in 1932. It contains two main sections "Anatomy of the Normal" and "Anatomy of the Abnormal". Great and simple illustrations and line drawings that help understand sometimes difficult anatomical concepts. 714 pages -699 figures - Signed by previous owner P. Tandon September 1947. Ex-Libris EAM

[000176] Goldman, Maxine A. "Pocket Guide to the Operating Room"; ISBN: 0803641745 Philadelphia: F.S. David Company, 1988. "-- Covers over 300 surgical procedures -- Extensive discussion of limited minimal access surgery, including all major laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures and instrumentation for these procedures -- Coverage of plasma scalpel, gamma knife, argon beam coagulator, hydrodissector, and ultrasound -- Extensive update on anesthesia procedures" "The third edition is an invaluable reference book for the novice perioperative nurse or surgical technologist. For someone studying for the CNOR, this is a tremendous resource book and study guide. -- The AORN Journal, December 2008 This pocket guide presents more than 500 surgical procedures! State-of-the-art revisions familiarize the reader with new standards of excellence for care of the surgical patient in the perioperative environment. For each procedure, you ll find a definition discussion description of the surgery preparation of the patient skin preparation draping technique instrumentation supplies and special notes pertinent to that surgery. Comprehensive patient care is addressed, including psychological care of the patient in surgery safety measures for the patient and perioperative personnel the written record of intra-, pre- and postoperative care The Joint Commission s Universal Protocol and AORN s standards and recommended practices, (including correct site and laterality considerations). Its in-depth coverage also encompasses charting as a legal document patient teaching detailed surgical patient positioning with drawings anesthesia and anesthetic agents laser application robotics endoscopy (including laparoscopic, hysteroscopic, thoracoscopic, and arthroscopic procedures) microsurgery (including microendoscopy and microneuroendoscopy) harmonic scalpel argon beam coagulator special considerations for the pediatric patient in surgery, (including anesthesia modifications and surgical procedures)." Ex-Libris EAM

[000178] Hoerr, Normand L, MD. Osol, Arthur, Ph.D. "Blakiston's Illustrated Pocket Medical Dictionary"; ISBN: 0070057141 New York: McGraw Hill, 1960. 60 Illustrations, 16 in color, on 24 plates. first edition 1952. From the preface " The publication of the second edition of BLakiston's Illustrated Pocket MEdical Dictionaries marks the seventieth anniversary of the medical dictionaries initiated through the extraordinary efforts of Dr. George M. Gould. These dependable and authoritative dictionaries have come to be regarded with the same respect in the medical field as WEbster's works are in the general field. IT is with considerable pride that the editorial board of Blakiston's Illustrated Pocket Medical Dictionary acknowledges its debt to Dr. Gould for the high standards he set for us to follow." Signed by two previous owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000179] Gilroy, Anne M.; MacPherson, Brian R.; Ross, Lawernce M. "Atlas of Anatomy"; ISBN: 9781604060621 New York: Thieme Medical Publishes, 2008. Features: 2,200 full- color illustrations, brief introductory texts, clinical correlates and images including radiographs, MRIs, CTscans, and endoscopic views, Muscle Fact pages that organize the essentials, navigators that orient you with location and plane of dissection. Ex-Libris EAM

[000180] Bevan, James "A Pictorial Handbook of Anatomy and Physiology"; ISBN: 0760701474 Hong Kong: Barnes & Noble, 1996. "There is an ever present need of a text - not a heavy academic textbook - on human anatomy and physiology for those who are interested in the workings of the human body. Such information is required by physiotherapists early in their training, social workers, councilors, medical technicians in many different hospital departments, nursing aids, and students who are either at school or involved in postgraduate studies. Academics are seldom the most suitable people to write such a book because they are likely to be pure anatomists or pure physiologists. Dr. James Bevan studied both these major subjects in depth during his many years of preclinical training. Subsequently he has assimilated the newer knowledge and the important advances. As a practicing doctor he has made it his business to keep up-to-date, and in the day-to-day applications of anatomy and physiology he is in a unique position to write in a style and at a level appropriate to his readers. Since the first successful edition, changes have occurred that call of this second edition. Human anatomy may not have changed much, but by contrast physiology has advanced greatly. The chapters on nutrition, for example, have needed major revision. The working of the cell has been enlightened by the emergence of molecular biology. Endocrinology is no longer a subject confined to the endocrine glands. Local chemical factors control the functioning of many tissues, such as the heart, vascular tissue and the intestinal system. Dr. Bevan has revised a book that surely will meet the needs of many - Sir Richard Bayliss, KCVO, MD, FRCP." Ex-Libris EAM

[000181] Gelehrter, Thomas D., Collins, Francis S., Ginsburg, David "Principles of Medical Genetics"; ISBN: 0683034456 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998. "Virtually every chapter in this new edition reflects the stunning developments in human molecular genetics. Improved techniques for the detection and characterization of mutations, the development of automated sequencing techniques and the generation of mice in which specific genes have been precisely inactivated are but a few examples. The discovery of triplet-repeat expansions as a mechanism of disease has opened up our understanding of the fragile X syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, and Huntington disease and related neurodegenerative disorders. Molecular cytogenetics has advanced particularly with the application of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, which have had a major impact on gene mapping and molecular cytogenetic diagnoses. Advances in cancer genetics have now been applied to identifying individuals at risk for common cancers, such as colon and breast". Ex-Libris EAM

[000182] Champe, Pamela C., Harvey, Richard A. "Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry"; ISBN: 0397510918 Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1994. This book is the long-established, first-and-best resource for the essentials of biochemistry. Students rely on this text to help them quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information. For more than two decades, faculty and students have praised this best-selling biochemistry textbook for its matchless illustrations that make concepts come to life.Ex-Libris EAM

[000183] Alfonso, Cristian Mery "Elementos De Morfologia Microscopica Vol. 3"; Santiago, Chile: Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, 1980. Volume 1: Estructura Microscopica De Los Organos y Organogenesis Signature and note on front page from Dr. Bernardo Morales. August 1983. Published 1980. 520 pages. Volume 3 of 3. University of Chile Medical College, Experimental Morphology Department. Ex-Libris EAM

[000184] Mery Alfonso, Cristian "Elementos De Morfologia Microscopica Vol. 2"; Santiago, Chile: Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, 1979. Volume 2: Histologia General. Signature and dedication note on front page. "To Dr. Efrain Miranda from the author, Cristian Mery Alfonso" 07/03/1979. 225 pages. Volume 2 of 3. University of Chile Medical College, Experimental Morphology Department. Ex-Libris EAM

[000185] Mery Alfonso, Cristian "Elementos De Morfologia Microscopica Vol.1"; Santiago, Chile: Universidad De Chile, 1978. Volume 1: Embriologia Humana. Signature and dedication note on front page fom one of the authors. November, 1978. 115 pages. Volume 1 of 3. Ex-Libris EAM

[000186] Unknown "The Developing Human: Clinical Oriented Embryology"; Bangkok, Thailand: Srinakharinwirot University, Medicine Faculty, 1980. Thai language interspersed with English; Published by the Srinakharinwirot University, Medicine Faculty.This book is probably a local translation of the 1973 original book in English by Keith L. Moore, Ph.D. Black and white, very low quality photos and sketches 435 pages. Details week by week development of an embryo's bodily systems. Signed by previous owner Niwat K. The published by year is estimated. Ex-Libris EAM

[000187] Sadler, T.W. "Langman's Medical Embryology"; ISBN: 068307489x Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. Preface to the 7th Edition: " This edition of Langman's Medical Embryology continues to focus on the essentials of clinically relevant aspects of embryology. The goal is to provide students with an understanding of the principles of embryogenesis that can be used in the diagnosis, care, and prevention of birth defects. Birth defects are the leading cause of infant mortality and a major contributor to disabilities. Their prevention is, in part, dependent on educated health care professionals who understand the genetic and environmental origins of congenital malformations. Therefore, the amount of clinical material in this edition has been expanded, and a section on problems to solve that have a clinical and embryological basis has been included. In addition, three- dimensional renderings and scanning electron micrographs have been incorporated to simplify difficult concepts. Moleculare aspects of developmental biology have been left to texts in cell and developmental biology so that topics of clinical relevance can be emphasized in the short time allotted courses in embryology. Book is heavily annotated by a previous owner. 460 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000188] Ross, Michael H, et al. "Histology: A Text and Atlas"; ISBN: 0683073699 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. "Here's the histology text that's actually two resources in one. You get succinct, clearly written text and the largest selection of photomicrographs available... all in one concise volume. This third edition features: Updated information on cell and molecular biology. More color photomicrographs with improved correlation to text narrative, Chapter subheadings which summarize important information as well as more summary tables, Increased emphasis on concepts that relate structure to function" 825 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000189] Gartner, Leslie P., Et al. "Board Review Series: Cell Biology and Histology"; ISBN: 0683301039 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998. 376 pages. From the preface: "...In this third edition, the style of the presentation was changed significantly to make it easier for the student to use during preparation of the USMLE Step 1. In addition, we have learned that many students use this book as an outline and study guide for histology and/ or cell biology courses in both professional schools and undergraduate colleges" 376 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000190] Halkerston, Ian D.K. "Biochemistry"; ISBN: 0471855545 New York: Wiley Medical, 1988. From the Preface: "This review of biochemistry was developed from the medical biochemistry course taught to first -year medical students at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. It is presented in two parts: the first gives the essentials of information transfer, protein structure-function, and enzymes, and the second deals with the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (and other nitrogen-containing compounds) together with major mechanisms of integration and control of metabolism" 521 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000191] Marks, Dawn B. "Board Review Series: Biochemistry"; ISBN: 0683304917 New York: Wiley Medical, 1999. BRS Biochemistry embodies the popular BRS format of succinct outline review of content followed by approximately 500 USMLE-style questions with explanations. This current edition has numerous illustrations and contains notable review features such as summary boxes. The overall content and questions have been updated to reflect the evolving nature of USMLE.352 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000192] Wurgaft, Rosa; Montenegro, Maria "Atlas De Histologia y Embriologia Bucodentaria"; Santiago, Chile: Facultade de Odontologia, Universidad de Chile, 1992. Spanish. "Atlas of Buccodental Histology and Embryology"Dedicated by one of the authors, Rosa Wurgaft. "With regards for Efrain, a friend and colleague at the Morphology Department. August 1992. Medical College, University of Chile. 107 pages, color photographs. Ex-Libris EAM

[000193] Friedman, Jan M, et al. "Genetics"; ISBN: 0683062174 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1996. National University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Second edition of an outline of genetics, for medical students. Multiple-choice questions with answers. Previous edition 1992. For exam review. DNLM: Genetics, Medical - outlines. Ex-Libris EAM

[000194] Vander, Arthur J. "Renal Physiology"; ISBN: 0070669740 New York: McGraw Hill, 1991. Preface: " This book is my attempt to identify the essential core content of renal physiology appropriate for medical students and to present it in a way that permits the student to use the book as his or her primary learning resource. I have been gratified by the wide use the first three editions have achieved and the many letters I have received from medical students (and clinicians) who found that they were, indeed, able to master its contents by independent study..." Ex-Libris EAM

[000195] Strong, Peter "Biophysical Measurements"; Beaverton, Oregon: Tektronix, 1970. From the preface: "It is the intent of this publication to familiarize engineering personnel with electronic measurements associated with the biophysical sciences. As such, a developed knowledge of electronics and electronic measuring techniques is assumed, but biological and physiological aspects are presented from first principles and simplified to a level consistent with the understanding of the basic principles involved. This book will be found to differ somewhat from other publications on "medical electronics." Many of these publications are authored by, and directed toward, medical personnel. As such, engineering personnel may find the electronics aspects somewhat oversimplified and the physiological aspects taken for granted. The opposite approach has been taken here. An advanced book that only an engineer would love. Signed by my good friend Ray McIntyre. 499 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000196] Boyd, William "A Text-book of Pathology: An Introduction to Medicine"; Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1950. A condense yet comprehensive textbook addressing all aspects of general and special pathology. Thirty-five chapters cover such topics as "Infection and Resistance", "Injuries Caused by Chemical Poisons", "The Intestines", and even "Dental Pathology". A useful resource for any medical student. 500 illustrations and 30 colored plates. 1049 pages. Signed by previous owner D. Greenberg. Ex-Libris EAM

[000197] Singer. Charles "A Short History of Anatomy and Physiology from the Greeks to Harvey"; ISBN: 0486203891 New York: Dover, 1957. "For out of olde feldes, as men seith Cometh al this new corn from yeer to yere; and out of olde bokes, in good feith, cometh al this new science that men lere. -Chauser: The parlement of Foules, lines 22-25" 20 plates, 270 illustrations, 209 pages, 5 3/8 x 8. Ex-Libris EAM

[000198] Anderson. W.A.D. Scotti, Thomas M. "Synopsis of Pathology"; ISBN: 0801602297 St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1972. "Pathology is that branch of natural science which treats of the causes and nature of disease, together with the anatomical and functional changes incident thereto; the practice of human pathology is that specialty in the practice of medicine which may contribute to the diagnosis, treatment, observation and understanding of the progress of disease or medical condition in the human subject by means of information obtained by morphologic, microscopic chemical, microbiologic, serologic or any other type of laboratory examination made on the patient or on any material obtained from the human body. 1076 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000199] Cueto, J; Weber, A. "Cirugia Laparoscopica"; ISBN: 9789701011836 Mexico: McGraw Hill International, 1997. Signed and dedicated by Dr. Cueto: To Efrain Miranda, hoping that this book is useful. You helped us so much in this like in many other positive endeavors. February 2001. Spanish. Ex-Libris EAM

[000200] Cervantes, Jorge; Patino, Jose Felix "Cirugia Laparoscopica y Toracoscopica"; ISBN: 9701013182 Atlampa, Mexico: McGraw Hill Interamericana, 1997. Laparoscopic surgery in 1197, when this book was published was considered a new surgical theory, as stated by one of the authors. This book was published by FELAC, the Latinomerican Surgical Federation. 392 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000201] Cuschieri, Alfred, M.D.;Hennessy, Thomas, M.D; et al. "Clinical Surgery"; ISBN: 0632031468 London: Blackwell Science, 1996. "Clinical Surgery is a core textbook of surgery that will enable medical students and junior doctors to : understand the basis of symptoms and signs, diagnose common surgical disorders, order and interpret appropriate investigations, prepare the patient for an operation, deal with the patient after an operation, including the management of any complication that may arise." 596 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000202] Awad, William; Hepp, Juan "Cirugia Laparoscopica Avanzada"; Santiago: Sociedad De Cirujanos De Chile, 1996. Includes a dedication and signature from one of the authors:"To Efrain Miranda, with our recognition for the constant support to the development of laparoscopic surgery". Santiago, April 1996. 299 pages. Spanish. Ex-Libris EAM Personal note: This book was published by the Chilean Surgical Society. The editor of the book was Dr. Antonio Yuri Padua, a very good friend whose departure from this world was a personal loss. Dr. Miranda

[000203] Martin, John, MD; Warner, Mark, MD. "Positioning in Anesthesia and Surgery"; ISBN: 0721666744 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1997. "This new edition is constructed around a format different from its predecessors. Initially each major topic was presented individually by both a surgeon and an anesthesiologist as a means of displaying varied opinions. Despite editorial efforts to minimize duplication of information without sacrificing individuality, enough repetition remained to draw critics, from several reviewers. The surgical chapters were altered little between the first and second editions. Informal surveys of surgeons in various areas of the United States have revealed that the [problems of patient positioning receive little or no formal attention in the bulk of surgical training programs. Therefore, to conserve space and permit the introduction of new material, the third edition has no chapters by surgeons. Important aspects of those deleted presentations have been assimilated in the anesthesiology chapters, and the original essays are available to the serious student in library copies of the first and second editions as well as in specific surgical textbooks. The contributions of the surgical authors to the success of previous editions of Positioning are recognized with respect and appreciations." 345 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000204] Rosin, David, Editor. "Minimal Access: Medicine and Surgery Principles and Techniques"; ISBN: 1870905679 Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press, 1993. 1st ed. 4to laminated boards pp279 b/w diagrams references index. "Widespread recognition of the benefits of minimal access therapy requires specialists in all disciplines to become familiar with the new procedures now becoming standard practice. This book provides an introduction to the essential principles for surgeons in training and those already qualifies, and is the first in a series which develops each topic in much greater detail. It is a practical workbook, written by an international team of leading exponents, who emphasize the increasing benefits that the techniques bring to patients, the clinicians and the management of resources." Ex-Libris EAM

[000206] Davidovich Sinelnikov, Raphael; , Jacob Rafailovich Sinelnikov "Атлас анатомии человека Tom 4 (Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 4)"; ISBN: 5225008992 Москва: , 1994. Russian,4th volume of the Atlas. Nervous system. This volume discusses the structure, topography and features of the central, peripheral and autonomic (vegetative) nervous systems, and well as the sense organs. With anatomical sketches, radiographs, and photographs of anatomical preparations. The terminology is in accordance with international anatomical standards. 320 pages.Printed in Moscow. Ex-Libris EAM

[000207] Gray, H; Drake, Richard L; Vogl, Wayne; Mitchell, Adam. "Gray's Anatomy for Students"; ISBN: 0443066124 Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2005. Dedicated and signed by the author."Efrain, I have enjoyed our work together in the past and wish you luck in you future endeavors in clinical anatomy education, Richard L. Drake" 1058 pages.Since the first publication of Gray's Anatomy in 1858, its practical approach and outstanding artwork have helped it become the best-selling anatomy book of all time. Now, Churchill Livingstone is proud to launch this completely new addition to the Gray's Anatomy family that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of today's anatomy students. Ex-Libris EAM

[000208] Gosling, J.A.; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Human Anatomy: Color Atlas and Text"; ISBN: 0723426570 Hong Kong: Times Mirror, 1996. "Human Anatomy is an exceptional photographic atlas of gross anatomy that provides the additional, unique features of interpretive line drawings for each and every dissection photograph, plus integrated, descriptive text. This third edition has been perfected and expanded to provide an authoritative, comprehensive and practical guide to topographical human anatomy for all students of medicine and dentistry". This book contains all the images from the original "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy", also in this collection, Ex-Libris EAM

[000209] Stern, Jack T. Jr, Ph.D "Core Concepts in Anatomy"; ISBN: 0316812994 Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Preface by Stern: "I find human structure to be awe-inspiring and beautiful. I never fail to be impressed by the fact that if one looks for a structure where it's supposed to be, there it will be found. I am equally enthralled by the complexities of musculoskeletal functional anatomy and have devoted no small amount of time to research in this field. Finally, I consider the anatomic basis of clinical medicine every bit it as fascinating as genetic and molecular processes. On my planet, there is no such thing as an anatomy text that is too long. Having read the above, you will be relieved to learn that the idea for Core Concepts in Anatomy came not from me but from Evan Schnittman, former medical editor at Little, Brown and Company. He knows a reality in which hard-pressed students, no matter how well-meaning and devoted, simply don't have the time to study gross anatomy in the depth that I might hope for. He asked if I could somehow present the most important concepts and facts in a concise book that would prepare a reader for both clinical training and (apologizing for the impurity of the thought) examinations..." 275 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000210] Muscolino, Joseph E. "Musculoskeletal Anatomy Coloring Book"; ISBN: 9780323025225 St. Louis: Mosby, 2004. Preface: "Sciences have long been taught in a classroom formate in which an instructor lectures to students and the students have textbooks to read at home. Unfortunately, lecture format and textbook reading do not cater to the kinesthetic element of learning that is present in all of us. Toward that end, coloring books of anatomy and physiology are useful tools for approaching and learning class material in a manner that is not possible via lecture and textbook format alone. However, I do not believe that coloring books should replace quality classroom instruction and quality textbooks; rather I believe that coloring books of anatomy and physiology are valuable adjunctive learning tools that should be used in conjunction with classroom learning and textbook reading..." Ex-Libris EAM

[000211] April, Ernest W. "Anatomy: The National Medical Series For Independent Study"; ISBN: 0471616664 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1990. "Overall objectives: 1) To organize and list items and topics for easier comprehension, study, and review. 2) To maximize use of the limited time available to the student physician or dentist. 3) To direct the student toward the most fruitful aspects of anatomic study by illustrating and emphasizing structural and functional detail pertinent to the skillful practice of up-to-date medicine. Intermediate objectives: 1)To provide the student physician or dentist with a framework upon which he or she may construct a working knowledge of human anatomy by presenting basic anatomy with illustrations, diagrams, and tables; functional anatomic concepts; and clinical notes. a. to serv as an outline and companion for human anatomy courses that are part of the health sciences curricula. b) To assist the student physician or dentist in determining the relative importance of anatomic structures..." 610 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000212] Ger, Ralph; Abrahams, Peter, Olson, Todd "Essentials of Clinical Anatomy"; ISBN: 1850706352 London: Parthenon Publishing, 1996. Signed by Ralph Ger: "To Efrain: I hope you enjoy this boook; perhaps best read while in bed at nite!! Whishing you a very successful career. Ralph G. 1996". 544 pages. About the authors: Ralph Ger is Professor of Anatomy at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York and Professor of Surgery at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is a former President of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists and the Founding Editor of the journal Clinical Anatomy. He was Examiner in Anatomy for the surgical boards of South Africa. Peter Abrahams is Clinical Anatomist at the University of Cambridge and a general practitioner in London, England. He is a former Examiner in Anatomy for the Royal College of Surgeons of England and presently an Examiner in Anatomy for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He is the co-author of a considerable number of anatomic and radiological texts. Dr. Abrahams is a leader in teacher techniques and is at the forefront of the application of advanced technology to this field. Todd R. Olson is Associate Professor of Anatomy and Structural Biology and Director of Medical Gross Anatomy at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Since obtaining his Doctoral Degree in Anatomy a St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London, England, he has been teaching anatomy and embryology for over 20 years and has recently authored an atlas of anatomy. Ex-Libris EAM Personal Note: Dr. Ralph Ger (1921-2012) was the first documented surgeon to perform a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair iin 1982. He was a good friend of Dr A. Ruhalter and myself. I met him first at the first AACA meeting I attended, where he signed this book. He will be sorely missed. Dr. Miranda

[000213] Chung, Kyung Won "Board Review Series: Gross Anatomy"; ISBN: 068301563x Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. "Features of the new edition: - The upper and lower extremities have been organized systematically in order to present the continuity of the musculoskeletal, nervous, and vascular systems. -Questions reflect the guidelines set forth beginning in 1991 by the National Board of Medical Examiners. K-type questions have been eliminated despite their educational value. Test questions measure anatomical knowledge as well as the student's ability to solve clinically oriented problems. - A comprehensive Examination serves as a practice exam a self-assessment tool to help the student diagnose weaknesses prior to beginning a review of the subject. It also serves as self-examination upon completion of the review book prior to the Board examination. -Some illustrations have been rearranged and new ones have been added. -Roentgenograms and computer tomograms are used in the test questions to aid in the study of anatomical structures and their relationships. -The practical application of anatomical knowledge is included throughout the book as clinical considerations. More clinical considerations have been added and expanded for this editions. Kyong Won Chung." Ex-Libris EAM

[000214] Deaver, John B. MD. "Surgical Anatomy Volume I"; Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1901. Volume I of this treatise on human anatomy in its application to the practice of medicine and surgery. Late 19th century surgical anatomy text 1899-1901, profusely illustrated with drawings from original dissections. Vol. I covers the upper extremity, back of neck, shoulder, trunk, scalp, cranium, and face. 400 plates, 632 pages. This is the "Deaver" of the Deaver retractor. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000215] Deaver, John B. MD. "Surgical Anatomy Volume II"; Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1901. Volume II of this treatise on human anatomy in its application to the practice of medicine and surgery. Late 19th century surgical anatomy text 1899-1901, profusely illustrated with drawings from original dissections. Vol.II covers the neck; mouth; pharynx; larynx; nose; orbit; eyeball; organ of hearing; brain; male perineum; female perineum. 400 plates, 709 pages. This is the "Deaver" of the Deaver retractor. Ex-Libris EAM

[000216] Deaver, John B. MD. "Surgical Anatomy Volume III"; Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1901. Volume III of this treatise on human anatomy in its application to the practice of medicine and surgery. Late 19th century surgical anatomy text 1899-1901, profusely illustrated with drawings from original dissections. Vol.III covers the abdomen; pelvic cavity; lymphatics of the abdomen and pelvis; thorax; lower extremity. 499 plates, 816 pages. This is the "Deaver" of the Deaver retractor. Ex-Libris EAM

[000217] Montagna, William "Comparative Anatomy"; New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1959. 'This book is written for the college sophomore for a one-semester course. For the sake of brevity, many details have been eliminated, and compromises and generalizations have had to be made. Allusions to fossil forms, references to learned works, and terminology have been kept to a manageable minimum. Since developmental events give a better understanding of comparative anatomical details, embryology has been emphasized more than is the usual practice in a course of comparative anatomy. It is neither necessary nor wise to emphasize man to make comparative anatomy interesting for beginning students; such emphasis usually leads to muddled impressions of phylogeny. In this book references to other animals. An exception to this is made in the chapter on the endoskeleton because human bones are large and can be studied with ease. The study of comparative anatomy should be a thoughtful consideration of moving, changing systems; it should be more than an irksome catalog of names which must be learned. To really understand comparative anatomy. the student must develop an awareness of the possible paths of phylogenetic ascension, the homologies an analogies of organ systems, the lability of tissues, their infinitely beautiful and delicate structural patterns, their unity of structure and function, their functional adaptation, and the profound influence which intrinsic and extrinsic forces exert on the maintenance of the integrity of tissues and organs'. Ex-Libris EAM

[000218] Roth, Philip "The Anatomy Lesson"; New York: Farrar, Straus and Girous, 1983. 'Having buried his father in the previous novel Zuckerman Unbound, Zuckerman finds himself facing middle age and an undiagnosable pain. The mysterious ailment has him laid up and keeps him from his regime of writing. Barred by pain from writing and bored by inactivity, Zuckerman's mind is free to wander anxiously over the memories of his failed marriages and relationships with family members. In a desperate burst of nostalgia and ambition, Zuckerman resolves to return to the University of Chicago, his alma mater, in order to pursue medical school.' Ex-Libris EAM

[000219] Verheyen, Philippo "Corporis Humani Anatomiae Liber Primus"; Brussels: Frateres T'serstevens, 1710. Corporis humani anatomiae liber primus . Volume I. Brussels 1710 Editio secunda.Apud fratres t'Serstevens, 1710. 2nd Revised & enlarged Edition. First published 1693 in Louvain. [30]+400pp. + frontis copper plates + 40 folding copper plate engravings. 4to. Contemporary calf with red morocco spine label and raised spine bands. Title-page in red & black. The standard period anatomical textbook, oft re-issued, which, according to Choulant, replaced Bertholin's textbook.Verheyen went to Louvain in 1675 to study theology, but after the amputation of a foot studied medicine at Louvain and Leyden instead, obtaining his medical degree from the University of Louvain in 1683. There he became professor of anatomy in 1689, and of surgery in 1693. Personal note: I bought this book in Brussels circa 2000. Ex-Libris EAM

[000220] Wilson, Erasmus "The Dissector's Manual of Practical and Surgical Anatomy"; Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea, 1856. 1856. 154 wood engraving illustrations.Donated by A.H. Hazlett MD Lookout Mountain, TN. Ex-Libris EAM

[000221] Dorland, W.A. Newman, MD. "American Pocket Medical Dictionary"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1926. Containing the pronunciation and definition of all the principal terms used in medicine, surgery, dentistry, veterinary medicine, nursing, and kindred sciences; with over 60 extensive tables. Preface: " For its thirteenth edition this Dictionary has received a careful and thorough revision; over two thousand new terms have been defined. Since the last edition appeared there has been a tremendous addition to the terminology of medical science: these additions are now represented in the book. Special attention has been devoted to rendering it thoroughly up to date in the departments of nursing and dental science." 777 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000222] Brockway, Fred J. MD.; O'Malley, A, MD. "The Student's Quiz Series: Anatomy: A Manual for Students and Practitioners"; Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co, 1893. "The opportunity afforded by the preparation of this book for the presentation of a brief Modern Anatomy has been deemed too valuable to sacrifice by duplicating existing "anatomical compendia." The science is steadily advancing in the discovery of new facts. Twenty years ago the German anatomists recorded discoveries which are only now coming to the notice of the American student. A hand-book can at most contain only the essentials of the science, and in the present instance the effort has been to select such knowledge as will be most useful to the student and the practitioner. In the hope of presenting some new descriptions not accessible to all students, I have compiled the sections on osteology , arthrology, and myology from Henle and from Quain, while Gray's Anatomy and notes on the lectures of Prof. George S. Huntington of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, have also been largely consulted." Signed by Arthur W.Day, MD. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Bookplate that reads "Private Library of Dr. Arthur W. Day" Ex-Libris EAM

[000223] Kirschner, Celeste G. "Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy for Cpt Coding"; ISBN: 1579476694 USA: American Medical Association, Elsevier, 2005. "The American Medical Association and the publisher of Atlas of Human Anatomy, Elsevier, have partnered to create a reference for CPT codebook users who want to understand the anatomic structures described within CPT codes. A well-grounded understanding of the anatomy involved in CPT procedures and services is essential to coding proficiency. The illustrations and information presented in this book provide readers a natural reference tool for reviewing clinical information and understanding the assignments of codes.This book contains illustrations by both Frank Netter and Carlos MAchado" Ex-Libris EAM

[000224] Arnold, Maurice "Reconstructive Anatomy"; USA: W.B. Saunders, 1968. Arnold, Maurice - Reconstructive Anatomy, A method for the study of the human structure. Best anatomy book, teaches the intricacies of drawing anatomy and the relationship of anatomical structures layer by layer. Rebound. Larger print book. Ex-Libris EAM

[000225] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 1: Nervous System"; ISBN: 9780914168102 New York: CIBA, 1957. The CIBA collection of Medical Illustrations Volume I : A compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Nervous System with a Supplement on the Hypothalamus. 1957. Signed by previous owner Dr. Stanley Thomas Garber 1958. Dr. Garber (1908-1996) was a founding member of the American Association of OB/GYN. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000226] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 1 Part 2: Nervous System; Neurologic and Neuromuscular Disorders"; ISBN: 9780914168119 New York: CIBA, 1957. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000227] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 2: Reproductive Sytem"; ISBN: 9780914168027 New York: CIBA, 1954. The CIBA collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 2: A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Reproductive System. 1954. Signed by previous owner Dr. Stanley Thomas Garber 1957. Dr. Garber (1908-1996) was a founding member of the American Association of OB/GYN. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000228] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 3 : Digestive System Part I : Upper Digestive Tract"; ISBN: 9780914168751 New York: CIBA, 1957. The CIBA collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 3: A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Digestive Tract, Part I: Upper Digestive Tract. 1959. From the Medical Library of Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Bellflower, CA, 1967. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000229] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 3 : Digestive System Part II : Lower Digestive Tract"; ISBN: 9780914168034 New York: CIBA, 1957. The CIBA collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 3: A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Digestive Tract, Part II: LOwer Digestive Tract. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000230] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 3 : Digestive System Part III : Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas"; ISBN: 9780914168058 New York: CIBA, 1957. The CIBA collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 3 : A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Digestive Tract, Part III : Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas With a Supplement on New aspects of structure, Metabolism, Diagnostic and surgical procedures associated with certain Liver Diseases. 1959. From the Medical Library of Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Bellflower, CA, 1967. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000231] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 4: Endocrine System and Selected Metabolic Diseases"; ISBN: 0914168061 New York: CIBA, 1965. The CIBA collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 4: A Compilation of Paintings on the Normal and Pathologic Anatomy of the Endocrine System and Selected Metabolic Diseases. 19654. Signed by previous owner Dr. Stanley Thomas Garber 1977. Dr. Garber (1908-1996) was a founding member of the American Association of OB/GYN. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000232] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 5: The Heart"; ISBN: 9780914168072 New York: CIBA, 1954. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this fully illustrated single book from the 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, and pathology; and diagnostic and surgical procedures.. Ex-Libris EAM

[000233] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 6: Kidneys, Ureters, and Urinary Bladder"; ISBN: 9780914168089 New York: CIBA, 1973. The CIBA collection of Medical Illustrations Volume 6: A Compilation of Paintings on the Kidneys, Ureters, and Urinary Bladder depicting anatomy and embryology, physiology, pathology, pathophysiology, and clinical features and treatment of diseases. 1973. From Hardin Simmons University Library, Abilene, Texas. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000234] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 7: Respiratory System"; ISBN: 9780914168096 New York: CIBA, 1954. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this fully illustrated single book on he respiratory system from the 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, and pathology; and diagnostic and surgical procedures.. Ex-Libris EAM

[000235] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 8; Musculoskeletal system Part 1: Anatomy, physiology and metabolic disorders "; ISBN: 9780914168119 New York: CIBA, 1957. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000236] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 8; Part 2: Musculoskeletal System"; ISBN: 9780914168096 New York: CIBA, 1954. Part 2 of Volume 8 covers developmental disorders, tumors, rheumatic diseases, and joint replacement . Ex-Libris EAM

[000237] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Volume 8; Musculoskeletal system; Part 3: Trauma, evaluation, and management"; ISBN: 9780914168119 New York: CIBA, 1957. The most critically acclaimed of all of Dr. Frank H. Netter's works, this 8-volume/13-book reference collection includes: hundreds of world-renowned illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD; informative text by recognized medical experts; anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic and surgical procedures. Volume 8; Musculoskeletal system; Part 3: Trauma, evaluation, and management Ex-Libris EAM

[000238] Netter, Frank H. "The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations; A Compilation of Pathological and Anatomical Paintings"; New York: CIBA, 1948. This volume of beautiful, colored anatomic and pathologic illustrations is reminiscent of the famous Spalteholz anatomic drawings, except that much of each of these pages is devoted to concise descriptions of the illustrations. Both types of material are exceptionally well done. Over a period of years, these illustrations have been presented to the medical profession as separate sets of plates in portfolio form. Their popularity led not only to the reprinting of many thousands each year but to the preparation of the present volume containing all of the plates available up through 1948. This work is being continued, and eventually an almost complete atlas of human anatomy and pathology will result. The artist, a graduate of New York University and Bellevue, for a time engaged in private practice. However, his talent for illustration, which became evident in early youth, continued to demand expression throughout his student days, when he illustrated. Signed by previous owner John A. Scholl, MD Columbus 1949. Ex-Libris EAM

[000239] Mierop, Lodewyk Van, MD.; Baron, Murray G, MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 17 No 3: Anatomy of the Heart. Angiocardiography"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1965. Anatomy of the Heart by Lodewyk H.S. Van Mierop, MD; Angiocardiography by Murray G. Baron, MD. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000240] Crelin, Edmund S. Ph.D "Clinical Symposia Vol 26 No 2: Development of the Nervous System: A Logical Approach to Neuroanatomy "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1974. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000241] Crelin, Edmund S. Ph.D "Clinical Symposia Vol 28 No 3: Development of the Upper Respiratory System "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1976. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000242] Bryant, W. Michael, M.D. "Clinical Symposia Vol 29 No 3: Wound Healing"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1977. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000243] Rhoton, Albert L., M.D., et al. "Clinical Symposia Vol 29 No 4: Congenital and Traumatic Intracranial Aneurysms "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1977. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000244] Kodner, Ira J., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 30 No 5: Colostomy and Ileostomy "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1978. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000245] Cloward, Ralph B., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 32 No 1: Acute Cervical Spine Injuries "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1980. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000246] Townsend, Courtney M., Jr., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 32 No 2: Breast Lumps"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1980. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages.Ex-Libris EAM

[000247] Crelin, Edmund S. Ph.D "Clinical Symposia Vol 33 No 1: Development of the Musculoskeletal System "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1981. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000248] Kodner, Ira J., MD; Fry, Robert D., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 34 No 1: Inflammatory Bowel Disease"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1982. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000249] Scheidt, Stephen, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 35 No 2: Basic Electrocardiography: Leads, Axes, Arrhythmias"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1983. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000250] Scheidt, Stephen, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 36 No 6: Basic Electrocardiography: Abnormalities of Electrocardiographic Patterns"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1984. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000251] Berman, Richard L., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 37 No 1: Current Perspectives in Gynecology"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1985. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000252] Moake, Joel L. MD.; Levine, James D., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 37 No 4: Thrombotic Disorders "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1985. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000253] Carl Reich, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 14 No 3: The Cellular Elements of the Blood "; USA: CIBA, 1962. 32 pages. 3. Ex-Libris EAM

[000254] Robert D.Fry , MD.; Kodner, Ira J., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 37 No 6: Anorectal Disorder"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1985. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000255] Calabro, John J., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 38 No 2: Rheumatoid Arthritis: Diagnosis and Managemen"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1986. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000256] Peter H. Forsham, MD, Edward G. Biglieri MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 15 No 1: The Adrenal Gland. Aldosterone"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1963. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000257] Freidberg, Stephen R., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 38 No 4: Tumors of the Brain "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1986. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000258] Kozinn, Stuart C., MD.; Wilson, Philip D. Jr, MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 39 No 5:Adult Hip Disease and Total Hip Replacement"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1987. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000259] Townsend, Courtney M., Jr., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 39 No 4: Management of Breast Cancer: Surgery and Adjuvant Therapy"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1987. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000260] Peter H. Forsham, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 15 No 2: Abnormalities of the Adrenal Cortex"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1963. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000261] Schoenfield, Leslie J., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 40 No 2: Gallstones"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1988. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000262] Lampe, Ernest W. MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 15 No 3: The Pituitary Gland"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1963. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000263] Lampe, Ernest W, MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 40 No 3: Surgical Anatomy of the Hand "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1988. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000264] Freidman, Gerald, MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 40 No 5: Peptic Ulcer Disease "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1988. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages Ex-Libris EAM

[000265] Keim, Hugo A., MD; Hensinger, Robert N., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 41 No 4: Spinal Deformities: Scoliosis and Kyphosis Spinal Deformities: Scoliosis and Kyphosis"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1989. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000266] Kodner, Ira J., MD; Fry, Robert D., MD.; Fleshman, James W. MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 41 No 5: Cancer of Colon and Rectum "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1989. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000267] Schenck, Robert C., JR, MD; Heckman, James D., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 45 No 1: Injuries of the Knee"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1993. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000268] Harvey, James C., MD; Beattie, Edward J., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 45 No 3: Lung Cancer "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1993. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000269] Blumenfield, Jon D., MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 46 No 4: Renal and Cardiac Complications of Hypertension"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1994. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000270] Buckwalker, Joseph A., MD.; Martin, James, PhD "Clinical Symposia Vol 47 No 2: Degenerative Joint Disease"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1995. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000271] Retzky, Sandra S., DO, FACOOG; Robert M. Rogers, Jr, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 47 No 3: Urinary Incontinence in Women"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1995. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000272] Jacobs, Allan, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 48 No 2: Ovarian Cancer"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1996. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-libris EAM

[000273] Pendlebury, William W., MD.; SOlomon, Paul R., PhD "Clinical Symposia Vol 48 No 3: Alzheimer's Disease "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1996. Illustrated by Craig, John A, MD; Netter, Frank ; Machado, C., MD.. 32 pages. Ex-libris EAM

[000274] Williams, Paul V., MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 49 No 3:Management of Asthma"; Summit, New Jersey: Novartis, 1997. Illustrated by Craig, John A, MD; Machado, C., MD. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000275] Carey, Larry C., MD; Marting, Edward W., Jr, MD.; Mojzisik, Cathy, RN, BSN. "The Surgical Treatment of Morbid Obesity"; ISBN: 0000113840 Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, 1984. Foreword: The past two decades have seen enormous activity in devising, practicing, abandoning, and redevising operations for morbid obesity, one of the operations which, for a time, was the most popular in the field, and the basic principles of which are still in use, is from the Surgical Clinic of Dr. Carey at Ohio State University, There is often a good deal of emotion and a certain amount of uncritical enthusiasm attached to discussion of the various operations for the treatment of morbid obesity. Editor-in-Chief Mark Ravitch MD. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000276] Crafts, Roger C. "A textbook of Human Anatomy"; New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1966. Signed by Herbert W. Fall, artist and medical illustrator, to the previous owners, Martha & Joseph Newton. The book has the Ex-Libirs from J. Newton. "Roger C. Crafts, Ph.D., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons is Francis Brunning Professor of Anatomy, and Director of the Department of Anatomy, and the university of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He taught at the Boston University School of Medicine for nine years before moving to Cincinnati in 1950 to head the Department of Anatomy there. Among the many societies of which Dr. Crafts is a member are the American Association of Anatomists and the Endocrine Society." Library of Congress Catalog Card 66-12384. Ex-Libris EAM

[000277] Joffe, Stephen N. "Andreas Vesalius: The Making, THe Madman, and the Myth"; ISBN: 9781604815603 Bloomington, In: Persona Publishing, 2009. Europe of the early Renaissance is romantically thought of as a time of light and rebirth, when humanist and religious reformation promised to liberate the populace from the dark repression of the past. But for those living through these formative years, the prospect of change brought with it both exhilaration and profound fear - the world was changing, and so were their places within it. There is thus a temptation, when speaking of the great expressions of "genius engendered within the Renaissance, to reduce the lives of the innovators and artisans to the products that they created. It is my position, however, that if we allow our attention to be primarily absorbed by material achievements, then we will overlook what is most critical about their work. Although Andreas Vesalius is remembered mainly for his incredible accomplishment of creating an illustrated medical text unlike anything ever seen before, his genius, his vision, and his courage are the real story. In the practice of medicine, the Renaissance saw the classic medical scholars of antiquity defied and staunchly deemed infallible and irreproachable. Like the enchanting songs of the sirens, their authoritative voices were so deafening that even one's eyes could be fooled into believing that they could see what was not truly there. For the "madmen", however, who like Vesalius were able to silence the noise of the past, a new reality appeared. Through the insistent performance of dissection, Vesalius created a silent refuge for himself in the raw physical anatomy of the human body - an act that quite literally gave him sight. The following account is not so much a biography as it is a story of the madman who did not return to the mountain but who instead, through the development of an astounding book, created a silence in the field of medicine that would allow others, too, to see. The book is signed and dedicated by the author. Ex-Libris EAM

[000278] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Anatomia Umana Vol I,II,III"; Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1920. Italian. 1920. Translated from the French by Prof. Giuseppe Sperino. Volume I: Osteologia. 417 figures. 440 pages. Volume II: Artologia. 191 figures. 276 pages. Volume III: Miologia. 285 figures. 518 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000279] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Anatomia Umana Vol IV,V,VI"; Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1920. Italian. 1920. Translated from the French by Prof. Giuseppe Sperino. Volume IV: Angiologia, 343 figures. Volume V: Sistema Nervoso Centrale, 647 figures Volume VI: Sistema Nervoso Perifercio, 201 figures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000280] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Anatomia Umana Vol VII,VIII,IX"; Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1920. Italian. 1920. Translated from the French by Prof. Giuseppe Sperino. Volume VII: Organi Dei Sensi, 498 figures. Volume VIII: Respirazione e fonazione, 112 figures.Volume IX: Apparatp Della Digestione, 396 figures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000281] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Anatomia Umana Vol X, XI, XII"; Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1920. Italian. 1920. Translated from the French by Prof. Giuseppe Sperino. Volume X: Ghiandole a Secrezione Interna, 138 figures. Volume XI: Apparato Uro-Genitale, 474 . Volume XII: Embriologia, 90 figures. Ex-Libris EAM

[000282] Papilian, Victor "Anatomia Omului Vol I"; Cluj: Editura Didactica Si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1974. Romanian. Volumul 1: Aparatul Locomotor. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000283] Papilian, Victor "Anatomia Omului Vol II"; Cluj: Editura Didactica Si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1974. Romanian. Volumul 2: Splanhnologia. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000284] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Tratado De Anatomia Humana Tomo I"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1943. Spanish. 1943. Obra laureada por la Academia de Medicina de París (Premio Saintour, 1902). Ilustrado con 1074 grabados, la mayor parte de ellos mpresos a varios colores, dibujados por G. Devy y S. Dupret. Leo Testut (1849-1925) y Andre Latarjet (1877-1947) Tomo Primero: Osteologia, Artrologia, Miologia. Ex-Libris EAM

[000285] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Tratado De Anatomia Humana Tomo II"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1943. Spanish. 1943. panish. 1943. Obra laureada por la Academia de Medicina de París (Premio Saintour, 1902). Ilustrado con 1074 grabados, la mayor parte de ellos mpresos a varios colores, dibujados por G. Devy y S. Dupret. Leo Testut (1849-1925) y Andre Latarjet (1877-1947) Tomo Segundo: Angiologia, Sistema Nervioso Central. Ex-Libris EAM

[000286] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Tratado De Anatomia Humana Tomo III"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1943. Spanish. 1943. Obra laureada por la Academia de Medicina de París (Premio Saintour, 1902). Ilustrado con 1074 grabados, la mayor parte de ellos mpresos a varios colores, dibujados por G. Devy y S. Dupret. Leo Testut (1849-1925) y Andre Latarjet (1877-1947) Tomo Tercero: Meninges, sistema nervioso periferico, organos de los sentidos, aparatos de la respiracion y de la fonacion, glandulas de secrecion interna. Ex-Libris EAM

[000287] Testut, L.; Latarjet, A. "Tratado De Anatomia Humana Tomo IV; Partes 1 y 2"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1943. Obra laureada por la Academia de Medicina de París (Premio Saintour, 1902). Ilustrado con 1074 grabados, la mayor parte de ellos mpresos a varios colores, dibujados por G. Devy y S. Dupret. Leo Testut (1849-1925) y Andre Latarjet (1877-1947) Spanish. 1943. Tomo Cuarto: aparato de la digestion. En un segundo libro encuadernado en conjunto Parte 2: Aparato Urogenital y Peritoneo. Ex-Libris EAM

[000288] Davis, Gwilym G. "Applied Anatomy: The Construction of the Human Body Considered in Relation to Its Functions, Diseases, and Injuries"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1910. 1910. With six hundred and thirty illustrations, mostly from original dissections and many in color ; by Erwin F. Faber. The author dedicates this book to George Piersol, MD. Because of damage to the book, it was unbound and placed in a hard-cover display case. Ex-Libris EAM

[000291] Piersol, George A. Ed, et al. "Human Anatomy Vol I: Including Structure and Development and Practical Considerations"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1907. Vol I: Embryology, bones, joints, muscles, vessels, lymphatics. Ex-Libris EAM

[000292] Piersol, George A. Ed, et al. "Human Anatomy Vol II: Including Structure and Development and Practical Considerations"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1907. Vol II: Nervous System, sense organs, gastro-pulmonary, and uro-genital systems. ex-libris EAM

[000293] Grant, J.C. Boileau "A Method of Anatomy: Descriptive and Deductive"; Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1944. "The study of human anatomy may be attempted in either of two ways. One consists in collecting facts and memorizing them. This demands a memory which is wax to receive impressions and marble to retain them. Even so endowed a student will not master the infinite complexities of the subject. The other way consists in correlating facts, that is, studying them in their mutual relationships. This leads inevitable to the apprehending of the underlying principles involved, and in the "raison d'etre" of such relationships. The student will thus learn to reason anatomically and will find the acquisition of new and related facts an easier task. It is the purpose of this book to lead the student to approach the subject from this viewpoint, and it involves certain departures from tradition." Ex-Libris EAM

[000294] Robinson, Arthur, MD, Ed. "Cunningham's Text-Book of Anatomy"; New York: Oxford University Press, 1931. 1554 pages,1125 figures from original drawings, 620 of which are printed in colors, and two plates. Marks on front cover. Signed by owner 10/01/1996. This book has been rebound by the Geo.H. Sand Co. Cincinnati, OH. Ex-Libris EAM

[000295] Appleton, A. B. & WJ Hamilton & Ivan C C Tchaperoff "Surface and Radiological Anatomy For Students and General Practice"; Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1958. From the preface to the fourth edition: "In the present edition many of the original radiographs have been replaced by new ones and a number of new illustrations have been added. The text has been extensively revised and rearranged. Description of the techniques used in Radiology have been moved to the introductory chapter on general anatomy and methods, leaving the main part of the book to deal with anatomy and radiological anatomy unencumbered by points of technique..." Ex-Libris EAM.

[000296] Guerin, Alfonso "Elementi Di Chirugia Operatoria"; Rome: Connectgraph, 1996. Ethicon library reprint of 1858 book, in old Italian. Originally published by Nello,Stab. Naz. DI G. Antonelli Ed., Venice. Hard cardboard slipcase. Ex-Libris EAM

[000297] Thorek, Max, MD "Surgical Errors and Safeguards"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1943. Preface: "No person is so perfect in knowledge and experience that error in opinion or action is impossible. In the art of surgery, error is more likely to occur than in almost any other line of human endeavor,, and it is in this field that it should be most carefully guarded against, since incorrect judgment, improper technic, and a lack of knowledge of surgical safeguards may result in a serious handicap for the rest of the life of the patient, or may even result in the sacrifice of that life. For the surgeon, perfection in diagnostic skill is of equal, if not of more, importance than operative skill." Ex-Libris EAM.

[000298] Horsley, J. Shelton, MD. "Operative Surgery"; St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1928. Horsley, J. Shelton, MD. Attending Surgeon, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Richmond VA. 893 pages with 756 illustrations. Ex-Libris EAM

[000299] Ferguson, L. Kraeer, MD. "Surgery of the Ambulatory Patient"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1942. With a section on fractures by Louis Kaplan, A.B., M.D., F.A.C.S. Stamped from the School of Nursing Library, St. Joseph's Infirmary, Atlanta, Georgia. From the Preface: " An experience of some years in treating the surgical lesions which occur in ambulatory patients has indicated the need for a text devoted to this much-neglected branch of surgery. The larger books on surgical practice are usually written by men who are too far away from this type of work to appreciate its problems." Ex-Libris EAM

[000300] Graham, Harvey "The Story of Surgery"; Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., 1942. Preface: " 'An if so be any man object unto me that this my discourse is only compilede together of certayne rapsodyes of the antique Chyrugians, I willingly heere confes and acknowledge that in this Treatise there is verye little, or nothing at all, of myne own Inventione...' -Jaques Guillemeau, 1594 This is a story book: a story of surgery itself made up of the stories of a thousand and one surgeons who all helped to bring the surgical art to its present stage of development. The story is a good one. This statement I can make without immodesty, for I have no more responsibility for the dawn of surgery in prehistoric times than I have for its development to-day. It has moments of great excitement, moments of rabidity, moments of tragedy. There are bright patches and dull patches, but they make a pleasant pattern. At least it has pleased me, and I hope that it will please the reader." The book has an Ex-Libris from Robert Barker Cofield, MD (1877-1950) and a sticker from the Nathan and Rose Benison Memorial Library. Dr. Cofield lived in Franklin, Dalton Township, Wayne, Indiana, United States in 1880 and Franklin Township, Wayne, Indiana, United States in 1900. He died on 14 July 1950, in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, United States, at the age of 72, and was buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OhioOne of the best "story" books on surgery I have ever read - Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000301] Hickman, Cleveland Pendleton, Ph.D. "Functional Human Anatomy"; New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1940. Preface: "The aim of the present work is to present to students of elementary human anatomy a functional interpretation of bodily structures. It is designed especially to meet the needs of premedical students, students of physical education, and others who are interested in the basic principles of functional and descriptive anatomy. No preliminary training in the biological sciences on the part of the student has been assumed, although such is of course of great value in that the student has a clearer conception of basic terms of structure..."This book is signed by Mary Simonson Malone (1921-2013). Her obituary is in a separate page in the book. It is interesting and we are thankful to note she donated her body to the University of Cincinnati Medical School,Ex-Libris EAM

[000302] Saegesser, Max "Manual De Cirugia"; Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Daimon, Manuel Tamayo, 1970. Spanish. Translated from German by Drs . T Amat Puertolas and E. Valverde Llor. Signed by previous owner Julio Agurto Peña. 1970. Ex-Libris EAM

[000303] Zoethout, William D., Ph.D. "A Textbook of Physiology"; St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1935. Preface: "Taking advantage of the publisher's plan to change the format of the book, I have very extensively rewritten the present edition. The chapters on Hormones, Vitamins, Muscle Physiology, and Nervous System have been thoroughly revised and brought up to date. Many new illustrations have been added." Ex-Libris EAM

[000304] Felter, Robert K. MD., West, Frances, RN "Surgical Nursing"; Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1942. Signed by previous owner Shirley Anne Tucker. 545 pages, With 242 Illustrations and 7 Color Plates. Ex-Libris EAM

[000305] Ross, Janet S., Wilson, Kathleen "Foundations of Anatomy and Physiology"; Edinburgh: E & S Livingstone Ltd., 1968. Preface: " In writing this book we have tried to introduce the subject of Anatomy and Physiology in as simple a form as possible. The subject matter has been arranged to cover Anatomy and Physiology of the syllabus of the General Nursing Council for Scotland, England and Wales and Northern Ireland. We have introduced, as far as possible, up-to-date anatomical terminology and have excluded outdated nomenclature. We have tried to illuminate the text with comprehensive diagrams and, for clarity, many of these are colored. It is to be hoped that the student will be able to acquire a sound knowledge of the subject, by using these diagrams, by examining and handling anatomical models and bones, as well as from the text." Contains a thank you note from a colleague. Ex-Libris EAM

[000306] Harvey, William, MD "Exercitatio Anatomica De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus"; Birmingham, Alabama: Leslie B. Adams, Jr, 1978. Facsimile of the 1628 Francofurti Edition Together with the Keynes English Translation of 1928. Harvey was one of the first to examine and prove the movement of blood through the circulatory system and begin to change the way anatomists at the time thought of blood and the other humors. Ex-Libris EAM

[000307] Mumford, James Gregory MD. "Surgical Memoirs"; New York: Moffat, Yard & Company, 1908. James Gregory Mumford MD (1963-1914) Born in Boston, eminent as a surgeon and still more eminent as a writer, both upon pure surgery and upon a number of topics related to medicine, in a lighter vein. This book has a bookplate from the library of Dr. Eli Moschowitz. He was Hungarian-born, trained at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and eventually became the Medical Director at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Dr. Moschowitz discovered and described thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) which is named eponimically after him. Ex-Libris EAM

[000308] Clayton,Thomas, L. MD, Ed. "Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary"; ISBN: 0394565282 Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1989. Preface: "In the more than two decades I have been the editor of this dictionary, I have always kept in mind the model for excellence provided by the original editor, Mr. Clarence Wilbur Taber. Even though the entire field of life sciences has undergone immense changes since the inception of this work, my hope is that Mr. Taber would be proud that his dictionary still represents the foremost book of its kind available." Ex-Libris EAM

[000309] Clayman, Charles B, MD, Ed. "The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine"; ISBN: 9780394565286 New York: Random House, 1989. Until now, there hasn't been a single, authoritative work that clarifies and informs the lay reader about advances in the practice of modern medicine. The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine, in filling that need, proves itself the definitive source of knowledge and reassurance for every American home. In short, it is a medical information powerhouse, written in jargon-free language by a special team of medical writers and presented in an exceptionally usable A-to-Z format -- the most thorough and up-to-the-minute medical reference text yet prepared for the general American public, as well as for libraries and schools. Ex-Libris EAM

[000310] Chabner, Davi-Ellen "The Language of Medicine"; ISBN: 0721632440 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1991. Personal Workbook, A write-in text explaining medical terms. 4th Edition. 1991. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000312] Chabner, Davi-Ellen, Ed. "The Language of Medicine: Instructor's Manual to Accompany"; ISBN: 0721660274 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1996. Instructor's accompanying textbook. A write-in text explaining medical terms. 1996. This book contains a picture of the author and her spouse in a beautiful card and a private note from the author to Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000314] Willis, Marjorie Canfield "Medical Terminology: The Language of Health Care"; ISBN: 0683090550 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1996. Preface: "This text is designed to provide a framework for building a medical vocabulary using an applied approach. Emphasis is on understanding basic medical terms and how they are used in documenting and reporting patient care procedures. Practical applications are provided by exercises and medical record analyses in each chapter. The goal is to develop a basic "working" knowledge of the language of health care to serve as a basis for individual expression." Ex-Libris EAM

[000315] Willis, Marjorie Canfield "Medical Terminology: A Programmed Learning Approach to the Language of Health Care"; ISBN: 0781733944 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 2002. This book provides a concise, self-directed approach to studying and learning medical terminology, this text is geared toward efficient memorization. A sequential method of study is employed that provides immediate feedback through dissemination of information, with diagrams, illustrations, and a programmed reinforcement and review. it includes an introduction to the basic term components and covers the rules of pronunciation, spelling, and word formation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000316] Skinner, Henry Alan "The Origin of Medical Terms"; New York: Hafner Publishing, 1970. Preface: "The communication of knowledge and of thoughts and ideas from one person to another is accomplished generally by words, whether spoken or written. The study of language, its etymology, history, and usage is therefore an essential tool of education, especially of university education, in order that intelligent people may be able to communicate clearly and accurately with one another. It is an aspect of education that constantly concerns teachers of all subjects but is of specific concern in professional teaching. In the medical profession the precise use of words is of enormous practical importance." Ex-Libris EAM

[000317] Skinner, Henry Alan "The Origin of Medical Terms"; Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1949. Preface: "The communication of knowledge and of thoughts and ideas from one person to another is accomplished generally by words, whether spoken or written. The study of language, its etymology, history, and usage is therefore an essential tool of education, especially of university education, in order that intelligent people may be able to communicate clearly and accurately with one another. It is an aspect of education that constantly concerns teachers of all subjects but is of specific concern in professional teaching. In the medical profession the precise use of words is of enormous practical importance. Bookplate from the Johns Hopkins Lane Medical Library. Ex-Libris EAM

[000318] Chabner, Davi-Ellen, Ed. "Medical Terminology: A Short Course"; ISBN: 0721681247 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1999. "Medical Terminology: A short course", 2nd edition teaches you the key word parts associated with body systems, disorders, conditions, and procedures. And, it shows you how to "decipher" difficult medical terms by breaking them down into these basic components.Medical terms are introduced in the context of human anatomy and physiology so you understand exact meaning, and case studies, vignettes, and activities demonstrate how they're used in practice. With writing and interacting with medical terminology on almost every page, you’ll learn the content by doing the work. In addition, an Evolve companion website reinforces understanding with medical animations, word games, and flash cards. 303 pages. Signed and dedicated by the author: "To Efrain Miranda, with all best wishes. Davi Ellen-Chabner 2/10/99". Ex-Libris EAM

[000319] Hensyl, William, Ed. Et al. "American Medical Association Manual of Style"; ISBN: 068304351x Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1989. Preface: "...When publishers offer a style manual they serve two functions: they indicate the particular rules that apply to their publications and they offer a set of conventions, recommended but not in any way binding. For the public a codified style manual can be a lexicographic "guide for the perplexed". The manual of style here relates primarily to medical communications, where clarity is of the utmost importance. Yet clarity must also take account of literary tradition; we must not give up our literary heritage under the illusion that writing thereby becomes more "scientific"". Ex-Libris EAM.

[000320] Hinman, Frank, Jr "Atlas of Urologic Surgery"; ISBN: 0721617492 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1989. Preface: "The interesting and compelling strategy that he uses is an original approach. He describes the basics and then has the steps clearly illustrated by a single artist, who has worked faithfully and closely with him for over four years. In addition, he has added the wonderful idea of asking colleagues and other urological surgeons to make their own comments about the operations with which they have been most closely associated." Ex-Libris EAM

[000321] Te Linde, Richard W. "Operative Gynecology"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1946. 209 illustrations in black & white and 15 subjects in full color on 9 plates. Preface: "Gynecology has become a many-sided specialty. No longer simply a branch of general surgery. In order to practice this specialty in its broad sense, the gynecologist must be trained in a comprehensive field. He must be a surgeon, expert in his special field; he must be trained in the fundamentals of obstetrics; he must have the technical skill to investigate female urologic conditions; he must have an understanding of endocrinology as it applies to gynecology; he should be well grounded in gynecologic pathology; finally, he must be able to recognize and deal successfully with minor psychiatric problems which arise so commonly among gynecologic patients. With this concept of the specialty in mind this book has been written. It then becomes apparent, when one seeks training in gynecology beyond the simplest fundamentals such as are taught to undergraduates, that special works are necessary for training those who intend to practice it." Ex-Libris EAM

[000322] Azziz, Ricardo; Murphy, Ana Alvarez, Editors "Practical Manual of Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy"; ISBN: 9781461273240 New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992. This book provides a concise and readable reference for performing specialized operative laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures. Detailing both the American and European schools of operative endoscopy, this highly practical volume serves both as a superb surgical manual for teaching residents and as a readily accessible source for gynecologists, infertility specialists and operative endoscopists. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000323] Kirby, Rodger S; John D McConnel "Fast Facts: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia"; ISBN: 1899541152 Oxford: Health Press, 1995. Fast Facts is a series of handy guides to clinical practice to support doctors in their busy and changing environments. Relevant, practical information is presented in a concise and easily accessible style. In this book, the bothersome and increasingly prevalent disease, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is covers by two world experts. Ex-Libris EAM

[000324] Mencaglia, Luca, MD, Hamou, Jacques E., MD "Manual Hysteroscopy: Diagnosis and Surgery"; Tuttiligen, Germany: Endo-Press, 2007. "Hysteroscopy was one of the very earliest approaches to the direct study of the uterine cavity. Hence, it is rather ironic that advances in hysteroscopy had to wait for technical innovations in other endoscopic fields before the technique became feasible in ordinary clinical practice. A number of specific problems impeded the scientific progress in the field of hysteroscopy for several decades. Not the least of these were the difficulty in distending the uterine cavity, the friable nature of uterine mucosa, and the frequent need for dilation of the cervical canal leading to the need for anesthesia." Ex-Libris EAM

[000326] Monaghan, John M., De Barros Lopes, Alberto, Naik, Raj "Bonney's Gynaecological Surgery"; ISBN: 9780632054190 Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2004. Introduction: "As with the last edition of this famous text I have felt the need to retain the basic Bonney philosophy as it contains all that I feel is important in the development of the surgeon. This first chapter is virtually as Bonney wrote it because it remains relevant and vital for today's practicing surgeon. It is also a tribute to the great skill and understanding shown by the father figure of British gynecological surgery..." Ex-Libris EAM

[000327] US Department of Health and Human Services "Clinical Practice Guideline: Urinary Incontinence in Adults"; Rockville, MD: Us Department of Health and Human Services, 1992. Abstract: "Despite the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI), it is widely underdiagnosed and underreported. Two reasons are that many practitioners remain uneducated about this condition and individuals are often too ashamed or embarrassed to seek professional help. Further, there are significant variations in UI diagnostic and treatment practices as well as associated medical costs. These factors and statutory criteria prompted the need to develop a guideline for urinary incontinence in adults. A panel of experts used an extensive review of scientific literature as well as expert judgment and group consensus to develop this guideline. Basically, it is a series of recommendations for identifying and evaluating use of behavioral, pharmacologic, and surgical treatment as well as supportive devices; and education of health professionals and the public. The panel found evidence in the literature that the treatment of UI can improve or cure most patients. Ex-Libris EAM

[000328] Love, Susan MD, Karen Lindsey "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book"; ISBN: 020140835x Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1995. Preface: "There are many new issues and old issues which we discuss now in light of new findings. For example, because of the uproar over silicone implants, they are covered at far greater length that they were in the first edition; and new methods of biopsy for breast tissue have changed our approach to fibroadenomas and pseudo lumps. But the area of greatest concern to most readers is breast cancer, and it is here where most of the changes in our knowledge of the breast have occurred. Thus, much of what's new in this edition concerns around that disease..." Ex-Libris EAM

[000329] Gordon, Philip; Nivatvongs, Santhat "Principles and Practice of Surgery for the Colon, Rectum and Anus"; ISBN: 0942219104 St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc, 1992. With full-color, high-resolution plates, photographs, and diagrams throughout, this Second Edition contains a mini-atlas providing illustrated instruction for minimally invasive colon and rectal surgery-lavishly appended with precise tables, graphics, and thousands of references to secondary sources. Ex-Libris EAM

[000330] Azolas,C.; Jensen, C. "Proctologia Practica"; Santiago: Sociedad De Cirujanos De CHile, 1992. Spanish. A book on Proctology published by the Chilean Society of Surgeons and the Chilean Society of Coloproctology.Signed by both authors and dedicated to Efrain Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000332] MacKeigan, John; Cataldo, Peter "Intestinal Stomas: Principles, Techniques, and Management"; ISBN: 0942219406 St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc, 1993. Preface: "The field of surgery is undergoing evolution. Surgical results can no longer be judged solely in terms of morbidity and mortality. Restoration of, or improvement in, preoperative form and function, reestablishment of a healthy self-image, and improvement in quality of life are parameters by which surgery must be judged. In no field are these aspects more important than in Stoma surgery. More than 200 years have passed since Pillore, a French country surgeon, created the first colostomy in the treatment of obstructing rectal cancer. This text follows the developments in stoma surgery from its origins, before the time of Pillore, to the present day. All aspects of stoma management, including preoperative and postoperative care, surgical techniques, complications, and enterostomal therapy are covered in detail. Individual chapters are dedicated to stoma physiology, dysfunction, and intestinal fistulas." Ex-Libris EAM

[000333] Dunn, David; Watson, Christopher "Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Problems and Solutions"; ISBN: 0632034440 Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1992. A book published in the early days of the development of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the authors list what at that time were the most common problems of this then novel procedure. 143 pages Ex-Libris EAM

[000334] Rosch, Walter "Tabulae Gastroenterologicae"; ISBN: 8478770194 Barcelona, Spain: Edika-Med, 1995. Spanish. Translated by A. Panades Aran. Prefacio: "La idea de este libro es la de ofrecer una guia practica para gastroenterólogos e interesados en la tema, con en fin facilitar la consulta rápida y, al mismo tiempo, eficaz. Si bien se ha procurado incluir la maxima información, la recopilación completa de las tablas gastroenterológicas en una labor realmente difícil, si no imposible, dado el aporte continuado y constante de nuevos conocimientos científicos..." Ex-Libris EAM

[000336] Carol E.H. Scott-Conner, Editor "The Sages Manual: Fundamentals of Laparoscopy and GI Endoscopy"; ISBN: 0387984968 New York: Springer, 1999. Signed in 1999 to prior owner by Dr. Scott-Conner. Preface: "This manual has been a true labor of love. Many skilled surgical endoscopists and laparoscopists contributed untold time, effort, and expertise to this project. Think of it as a way to take SAGES experts with you, in your pocket, your briefcase, or your OR locker. The manual is organized into two sections: Laparoscopy and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Each section begins with general information and progresses to specific procedures. While each chapter builds the foundation for the next, we have also tried to make each chapter stand alone, to serve the needs of the reader who turns to it for specific instructions on a particular procedure."

[000337] "Enciclopedia Autodidactica Quillet Tomo I"; Buenos Aires: Editorial Argentina Aristides Quillet, 1952. Guia de enseñanza moderna y práctica. Tomo I: Para triunfar en la vida, gramática castellana, ortografía, sinónimos, aritmética, algebra, geometría, historia general: antigua, moderna y contemporánea, cronología. This book belonged to my father. Ex-Libris EAM

[000338] "Enciclopedia Autodidactica Quillet Tomo II"; Buenos Aires: Editorial Argentina Aristides Quillet, 1952. Guia de enseñanza moderna y práctica. Tomo II: Física, geología, botánica, geografía, el átomo, la energía atómica. This book belonged to my father. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000339] "Enciclopedia Autodidactica Quillet Tomo III"; Buenos Aires: Editorial Argentina Aristides Quillet, 1952. Guia de enseñanza moderna y práctica. Tomo III: Química mineral y orgánica, anatomía y fisiología animales, trigonometría, astronomía, literatura española y literaturas latino-americanas, literaturas antiguas y extranjeras, breve historia del arte.This book belonged to my father. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000340] "Enciclopedia Autodidactica Quillet Tomo IV"; Buenos Aires: Editorial Argentina Aristides Quillet, 1952. Guia de enseñanza moderna y práctica. Tomo IV: Filosofía, psicología, lógica, sociología, moral, lenguas: inglesa, francesa y alemana, derecho, taquigrafía, contabilidad, dibujo, música, educación física.This book belonged to my father. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000342] Novak, Emil "Gynecological and Obstetrical Pathology with Clinical and Endocrine Relations"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1947. Preface: "The addition of well over a hundred new illustrations, including a considerable group of color pictures, has increased the size of the book very materially, but also, I believe, its value. I have no apology to make for the profusion of illustrations in many of the chapters, especially those dealing with the more important lesions described in this book, especially since so many of them depict the numerous variations in pattern with which the student of gynecological pathology will wish to be familiar. There has also been a substantial increase in the number of illustrations of gross lesions. I am deeply indebted to the Williams and Wilkins Company for their generous permission to use in the present work a considerable number of pictures included in my "Textbook of Gynecology" published by them. The text itself takes full cognizance of all worthwhile additions to our knowledge since the publication of the first edition, and the lists of references and appended to the various chapters have been brought up to date. These are not of course meant to be exhaustive, but they do give the student a working list of the more worthwhile contributions bearing on the various subjects." Ex-Libris EAM.

[000343] W.C. Senning "Laboratory Studies in Comparative Anatomy"; New York: McGraw Hill, 1937. Ex-Libris EAM

[000344] Margaret and Lowell Edwards "Miles Lowell Edwards, His Ancestors and Descendants"; Santa Ana, California: Pioneer Press, 1972. "...The American Medical Association, In December, 1963, presented him with a beautiful scroll citing him for his distinguished service and pronouncing him, " A man of honor and courage, whose inventive genius brought about development of artificial heart values, and whose long devotion to human welfare in the science of medicine has given life and hope to victims of heart disease throughout the world." Mile Lowell Edwards (1898 - 1982) is the founder of one of the largest cardiovascular companies in the world: Edwards LifeSciences. His wife Margaret Watt (1905 - 2000) was a known investigator of the family ancestry and historian of earl Oregon. She published this book in 1972. The book was signed by both Miles and Margaret on 03/29/1977, five years before the death of Miles. Ex-Libris EAM

[000345] Dearmond, Stephen; Fusco, Madeline; Dewey, Maynard "Structure of the Human Brain"; ISBN: 019504357x New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Introduction: "This edition of The Structure of the Human Brain was produced for two reasons. First, in the more than two decades since the first edition was begun, there have been major advances in the localization of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the nervous system by means of histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Second, advances in neuroradiologic imaging techniques, magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography in students as well as clinicians develop a clear understanding of the gross anatomy of the brain...." Spiral bound. Ex-Libris EAM

[000346] Haines, Duane E. "Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections and Systems"; ISBN: 3541708522 Munich: Urban & Scwarzemberger, 1987. Ex-Libris EAM

[000347] Matt, Margaret; Zieman, Joe "Human Anatomy Coloring Book"; ISBN: 0486241386 New York: Dover Publishing, 1982. For anyone concerned with the structure and function of the human body this book represents a highly accurate and useful introduction to the topic.the best way to remember each bone, muscle, and organ is by drawing and coloring. The act of drawing reinforces learning by proprioception. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000348] Hanaway, Joeseph, et al. "The Brain Atlas: A Visual Guide to the Human Central Nervous System"; ISBN: 9781891786051 Bethesda, Maryland: Fitzgerald Science Press, 1998. This book gives students of Medicine and Neuroscience and health care professionals a comprehensive, accurate, and breathtakingly beautiful picture of the human brain. Prepared by renowned scholars and clinicians to exacting standards by drawing on classical neuroanatomical sections, state of the art neuroimaging, and cutting edge computer-aided design, The Brain Atlas is destined to become an essential field guide and an invaluable reference for all who seek to understand the human brain and treat human brain disorders. The Brain Atlas has many unique features: Nearly 400 exquisite images (many of them life size) in a clean and inituitive format offering students and practitioners a beautiful and thoroughly integrated view; Extensive use of carefully matched MRIs and other radiological images complement classical sections and directly relate brain structure to clinical settings; The unique uncluttered labeling system facilities learning Neuroanatomy while providing easy to use self-testing for board review and exam preparation; Brain pathways are depicted on actual brain sections for dramatic, accurate three-dimensional conceptualizations; Blood vessel territories in the brain are outlined by color overlays offering a clear and concise picture of brain blood supply. . Ex-Libris EAM

[000349] Truex, Raymond, et al. "Neuroanatomia Humana"; Buenos Aires: El Ateno, 1971. Raymond C. Truex, Maclom B. Carpenter. Version Castellana, corregida y aumentada por Abraham Mosovich. Ex-Libris EAM

[000350] Osborn, Anne G., MD. "Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography"; ISBN: 0397584040 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1999. Since 1980, Dr. Osborn's An Introduction to Cerebral Angiography has been the definitive text on this imaging modality. Now, this classic work has been completely revised, reorganized, and updated and expanded from an introductory book into a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference on cerebral angiography. Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography, Second Edition, is organized into three major parts. Part 1 covers techniques and technical aspects of cerebral angiography. Part 2 is a detailed description of normal anatomy, anatomic variations, and congenital anomalies. Part 3 focuses on pathological entities, including trauma, aneurysms, stroke, vascular malformations, atherosclerosis, and vasculitis.Coverage includes new information on vascular territories, film subtraction, and magnetic resonance angiography. The text is thoroughly illustrated with 1,200 radiographs and line drawings, all of them new to this volume. Another new feature of this Second Edition is the use of boxed summaries throughout the text to highlight key points. Ex-Libris EAM

[000351] Kingsley, Robert E. "Concise Text of Neuroscience"; ISBN: 0683046217 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1996. This concise text integrates neuroanatomy, neurology and neurophysiology. The material is presented by systems with heavy emphasis on the principles that relate to clinical medicine. Ex-Libris EAM

[000352] Haines, Duane E. "Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections and Systems"; ISBN: 9780781746779 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2004. The Sixth Edition of Dr. Haines's best-selling neuroanatomy atlas features a stronger clinical emphasis, with significantly expanded clinical information and correlations. More than 110 new images--including MRI, CT, MR angiography, color line drawings, and brain specimens--highlight anatomical-clinical correlations. Internal spinal cord and brainstem morphology are presented in a new format that shows images in both anatomical and clinical orientations, correlating this anatomy exactly with how the brain and its functional systems are viewed in the clinical setting. A new chapter contains over 235 USMLE-style questions, with explained answers. Ex-Libris EAM

[000353] Simpson, Brain A, Ed. "Electrical Stimulation and the Relief of Pain"; ISBN: 0444512586 Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003. This book is about the history, science, technology and current clinical applications of electrical stimulation for the relief of pain. The clinical applications are diverse, from angina and the pain of peripheral vascular disease to the agony of interstitial cystitis (a promising new indication), from the mysterious and disabling complex regional pain syndromes to phantom pain and stroke pain. The contributors reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the subject in a unique compilation. All parts of the nervous system can be stimulated to provide relief of otherwise intractable pain, from the peripheral nerves through the spinal cord to the brain, and the book is organised on this basis. . Volume 15 of the Pin Research and Clinical Management book series. Ex-Libris EAM

[000354] Wiesel, Sam; Delahay, John "Essentials of Orthopaedic Surgery"; ISBN: 072166671x Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1997. The 2nd Edition of this excellent text surveys all aspects of orthopaedic surgery, including the major sub-specialty areas. Each disease entity is first defined, and then the pathophysiology and anatomy are reviewed. Next, the pertinent history, physical and lab studies (including X-rays) are examined. Differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis follow. Algorithms summarize management options. This edition features a new chapter on the physical exam, a new chapter on sports medicine, and a new glossary of musculoskeletal terms.Offers a new chapter on physical diagnosis, expanded coverage of spinal deformity and children's problems, and a new glossary of musculoskeletal terms. Includes updated information on new techniques as well as new approaches to diagnosis.Clarifies important concepts and information with more than 445 crisply reproduced illustrations. Emphasizes clinical management with useful algorithms for diagnosis and treatment.Features contributors who are subspecialists in the fields they discuss.Streamlines reference with an organization by body region--plus separate chapters on certain major disease categories such as tumors, infections, and trauma. Ex-Libris EAM

[000355] Bogduk, Nikolai; Twomey, Lance "Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine"; ISBN: 9780443043390 Melbourne: Churchill Livingstone, 1992. A comprehensive account of the structure and function of the lumbar spine, which provides therapists with a basis for the diagnosis and management of low back pain and mechanical disorder. All material has been revised, references expanded and the chapter on biomechanics includes axes of rotation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000356] Chusid, Joseph G. "Correlative Neuroanatomy & Functional Neurology"; ISBN: 087041013x Los Altos, California: Lange Medical Publications, 1973. This particular edition is in a Paperback format. This book publish date is 1973It was published by Lange Medical Publications in California and has a total of 429 pages in.13 digit ISBN is 9780870410130.This is one of the first books I bought in medical school. Ex-Libris EAM

[000357] Szpalski, Marek; Gunzburg, Robert, Editors "Vertebral Osteoporotic Compression Fractures"; ISBN: 0781742625 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2003. This is a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the physiology, biomechanics, natural history, clinical presentation, complications, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of vertebral osteoporosis and compression fractures. Coverage includes detailed information on vertebroplasty and the use of synthetic bone void filler for repair of vertebral fractures. Other chapters discuss pharmacological management of osteoporosis, physical activity and exercise recommendations, use of or those for vertebral compression fractures, and pain management. Several contributors offer decision-making advice on when to operate and analyze the costs and benefits of medical and surgical treatment. Ex-Libris EAM

[000358] Crock, H.V.; Yoshizawa, H. "The Blood Supply of the Vertebral Column and Spinal Cord in Man"; ISBN: 0387814027 New York: Springer-Verlag, 1977. “This book was written in an attempt to fill a serious gap in medical literature. A concise anatomical text, incorporating and atlas of the vascular anatomy of the vertebral column and spinal cord.” This rare book is one of the best anatomical studies on the topic. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000359] Morris, Pearse "Interventional and Endovascular Therapy of the Nervous System: A Practical Guide"; ISBN: 0387951938 New York: Springer-Verlag, 2002. A simple and easy to use reference for every practitioner in the field. The book will include numerous diagrams and illustrations on the procedural aspects of the cases in question. Specific chapters will deal with the practical hands on aspects of interventional neuroradiology, with emphasis on diagnostics, procedural techniques, safety issues and complications. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000360] D.A. Sholl "Organizacion de la Corteza Cerebral"; Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria De Buenos Aires, 1962. Spanish. Este libro explica algunos aspectos de la organizacion de la corteza cerebral. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000361] M. Polak, J.E. Azcoaga "Neurohistologia"; Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria De Buenos Aires, 1967. Spanish. Con un importante capitulo sobre la historia de los descrubridores de la oganizacion del sistema nervioso y su histologiaEx-Libris EAM.

[000362] Krieg, Wendell "El Cerebro En Transparencias Anatomicas"; USA: Abbott Laboratories, 1955. Spanish." Abbott ofrece este atlas con la esperanza de que pueda ser útil como referencia anatómica, cuando el médico tenga la ocasión de comentar estas materias con pacientes o estudiantes. En estas láminas transparentes aparecen las estructuras de la porción superior de la cavidad abdominal, en sus relaciones entre sí y con las paredes del abdomen. Las visceras se muestran con sus vasos, nervios y linfáticos, en sus aspectos anterior y posterior. Los dibujos originales están basados en trabajos de disección realizados por Wilhelm Dietz, ex-Profesor de Educación Artística y Geometría Descriptiva en el Akademisches Gymnasium de Viena. También merece mencionarse la valiosa cooperación prestada por Tom Jones, Profesor Emeritus de Ilustración Médica y Dental en las escuelas profesionales correspondientes, de la Universidad de Illinois (Chicago). La nomenclatura es la adoptada en el Congreso Internacional de Anatomía de 1955, o sea la Nomenclatura Anatómica de Basilea, revisada en París" Ex-Libris EAM

[000363] Gorostarzu, C.M. "Neuroanatomia"; Buenos Aires: Editorial Medica Panamericana, 1971. Spanish."El estudio de la neuroanatomía da la medida de nuestra personalidad, transciende las limitaciones morfológicas, y en el plano superior de la consciencia, desencadena nuestras emociones tanto psíquicas como somáticas y vegetativas, desenvuelve las elucubraciones intelectuales y fija las captaciones por la memoria, lo cual va acrecentando el acervo en el decurso de la vida” This is the first medical /basic medical sciences book I ever bought as a 16 year old medical schooll neuroanatomy student. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000364] ASTD "Train the Trainer Guide Vol 1: Foundations and Delivery"; ISBN: 1562862782 USA: ASTD, 2001. Volume 1 gives you the basics you need to get started. You'll hear from the experts on how to set up the best learning environments. Plus you'll get dozens of presentation techniques you can use today! This collection is the first step for anyone who wants to get started in training. Vol 1 of 5. Ex-Libris EAM

[000365] ASTD "Train the Trainer Guide Vol 2: Instructional Design & Implementation"; ISBN: 1562862790 USA: ASTD, 2001. n Volume 2, you'll gain an understanding of instructional design and learn how to develop the curriculum. You'll get a firm foundation in conducting needs analysis, design and development, and identifying key objectives. Plus, you'll learn how to develop effective job aids. Vol 2 of 5. Ex-Libris EAM

[000366] ASTD "Train the Trainer Guide Vol 3: Training Programs"; ISBN: 1562862804 USA: ASTD, 2001. Now that you've designed your curriculum, you're ready to go live. Volume 3 is filled with examples of a variety of basic training and workplace learning programs that you can use. You'll get the detailed descriptions--along with insider tips--you need to follow to ensure that your next training program or workshop is a success! Vol 3 of 5. Ex-Lbris EAM

[000367] ASTD "Train the Trainer Guide Vol 4: Measurement & Evaluation"; ISBN: 1562862812 USA: ASTD, 2001. To be successful, you must be able to quantify the results of your outcomes. In volume 4, you'll learn how to accurately measure the success of your training programs. Detailed sections show you how to collect data, conduct focus groups, and calculate your return on investment--all the steps you need to evaluate learning outcomes. Vol 4 of 5. Ex-Libris EAM

[000368] ASTD "Train the Trainer Guide Vol 5: Applying Technology to Learning"; ISBN: 1562862820 USA: ASTD, 2001. Train the Trainer/Vol 5: Applying Technology to Learning. Vol 5 of 5. Ex-Libris EAM

[000369] ASTD "The Complete Guide to Technical and Skills Training"; ISBN: 156286095x USA: ASTD, 1998. A publication of the American Society for Training and Development. Ex-Libris EAM

[000370] Codman "Surgical Product Catalog"; USA: Codman & Shurtleff, 2000. In 1838, with the introduction of the Ether Pocket Cupping Instrument, Thomas Codman established a manufacturing company of surgical instruments and devices in Massachusetts eventually becoming, for a time, one of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies. This book is the 2000 catalog of their instruments. Ex-Libris EAM

[000371] Stephanie Susan, Ed. "Info-Line: Instructional Systems Development"; ISBN: 1562863134 USA: ASTD, 2002. A collection of 17 Infolines that gives you the information you need to design, deliver, and evaluate effective training courses. This volume takes you step-by-step through the process by presenting the best Infolines on the subject of ISD. Ex-Libris EAM

[000372] ASTD "Training Director's Forum 2001, 17th Annual"; USA: VNU Business Media, 2001. Presentations and notes from the Training Director's Forum, June 10-13, 2001 in Las Vegas Nevada. Ex-Libris EAM

[000373] Carlos Sergio Asencio Oporto "Utilizacion De Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) En Auditoria Para Deteccion De Anomalias En Procesos De Negocio"; Santiago, Chile: Pontifica Universidad Catolica De Chile, Escuela De Ingenieria, 2009. Spanish. Thesis to apply for MBA by the author. Signed and dedicated personally to Dr. Miranda, March 17, 2013. Ex-Libris EAM

[000374] Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile "LXXIII Congreso Chilleno e Internacional De Cirugia"; Chile: Sociedad De Cirujanos De Chile, 2000. Abstracts of the LXXIII Chilean and International Surgical Meeting held November 19-23, 2000 in Pucon, Chile. Ex-Libris EAM

[000375] Sociedad De Cirujanos De Chile "LXXIII Congreso Chilleno e Internacional De Cirugia"; Santiago: Sociedad De Cirujanos De Chile, 2000. Program of the LXXIII Chilean and International Surgical Meeting held November 19-23, 2000 in Pucon, Chile. Ex-Libris EAM

[000376] Capitulo Chileno Del American College of Surgeons "XXXVIII Congreso Anual Cirugia Minimamente Invasiva De Avanzada"; Santiago: Capitulo Chileno Del American College of Surgeons, 1993. Spanish.This book collects the presentations on the meeting as articles. Note: I was invited to this meeting to present on moder and future laparoscopic instrumentation. April 26-29, 1993, Santiago, Chile.What today is something we do in our phones, we did for the first time in Chile, a two-way live conversation via satellite between my place of work in the USA and the meeting between surgeons. As and added bonus my children were present virtually, Ex-Libris EAM

[000377] Asociacion Mexicana De Cirugia General "XVIII Congreso Nacional De Cirugia General - Programa Cientifico"; Monterrey, N.L.: Asociacion Mexicana De Cirugia General, 1994. Spanish. Congress program. October 31st to November 3rd, 1994 Monterrey, Mexico. I was invited to present on the development of new laparoscopic surgical instrumentation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000378] Madelyn R. Callahan, Ed. "How to Create a Good Learning Environment: Managing the Training Function"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 1985. Issue 8506: Info-Line: THe How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000379] Kirrane, Diane, Ed. "Training and Learning Styles: Training Basics"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 1988. Issue 8804: Consulting Author: Susan Russell. Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000380] Butruille, Susan, Ed., Kirrane, Diane "Listening to Learn; Learning to Listen: Business Skills"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 1988. Issue 8806: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000381] Darraugh, Barbara, Ed., Fairbanks, Deborah "Accelerated Learning: Training Basics"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 1992. Issue 9209: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000382] Sharpe, Cat, Ed., Callahan, Madelyn, Auth. " From Training to Performance Consulting: Performance"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 1997. Issue 9702: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000383] Sharpe, Cat, Ed., Waagen, Alice, Auth. "Essentials for Evaluation: Evaluation and Research"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 1997. Issue 9705: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000384] Sharpe, Cat, Ed.; Raybould, Barry, Auth. " EPSS and Your Organization: Training Technology"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 1998. Issue 9806: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000385] Sharpe, Cat, Ed., Waagen, Alice, Auth. " How to Budget Training: Managing the Training Function"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 2000. Issue 0007: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000386] Sharpe, Cat, Ed.; Sullivan, Rick; Wircenski, Jerry, Authors. "Effective Classroom Training Techniques: Presentation Skills & Games"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 2001. Issue 0108: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000387] Schlag, Gunther; Redl, Heinz "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 1: Wound Healing"; ISBN: 3540575111 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000388] Schlag, Gunther; H.W. Waclawiczek; R. Daum "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 2: General and Abdominal Surgery & Pediatric Surgery"; ISBN: 3540577424 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000389] Schlag, Gunther; Holle, Jurgen "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 3: Plastic Surgery, Nerve Repair, Burns"; ISBN: 3540585508 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000390] Schlag, Gunther; Bosch, Peter; Matras, Helene "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 4: Orthopedic Surgery & Maxillofacial Surgery"; ISBN: 3540580093 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000391] Schlag, Gunther; et al. "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 5: Neurosurgery, Ophthalmic Surgery, ENT"; Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM. NOT IN LIBRARY - PLACEHOLDER

[000392] Schlag, Gunther; Wolner, Ernst; Eckersberger, Franz "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 6: Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic Surgery"; ISBN: 3540583815 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000393] Schlag, Gunther; D. Wallwiener; H. Melchior "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 7: Gynecology and Obstetrics, Urology"; ISBN: 3540582274 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000394] Schlag, Gunther; W. Waynard "Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields No. 8: Endoscopy"; ISBN: 3540582827 Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Preface: "These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, attempt to present the state of the art concerning fibrin sealing. Initially fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, however, it has been increasingly used in nonsurgical applications, and we can now say that it has become a component of medicine in general. The doubts about the efficacy of fibrin sealant, which had ben raised by nonusers, are no longer valid. The correct indication and methodology continue to be basic prerequisites and even today - after 20 years of fibrin sealant renaissance - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant still retain their validity: hemostasis, sealing and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin Sealant. Fortunately the transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant is today so unlikely that it no longer poses a cause for concern. This does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued. Seven years have passed since the last series of books on fibrin sealing were published. Since then many new results have been obtained, in particular regarding wound healing and the incorporation of biomaterials. These results show that Tussucol/ Tisseel, the first commercial fibrin sealant, still has the best biological qualities, as is confirmed by the contributions in the volumes in this series. We the editors like to thank all the authors for their cooperation and excellent contributions and photographs. Their work has made these eight volumes on fibrin sealing possible. -G Schlag, H. Redl" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000395] Guther Von Hagens, et al. "KORPERWELTEN: Fascination Beneath the Surface"; Germany: Heidelberg : Institute for Plastination, 2001. This is the catalog of the first exhibit of Korperwelten (Body Worlds). Professor Gunther von Hagens created the exhibition and invented plastination, the method by which water in body tissues is replaced first by acetone, then by a cocktail of plastics and rubbers. Human tissues are 70% water and only 30% solids, the result of the process is a preserved specimen the exact shape, size and color of the original, but which should last indefinitely. The exhibits are arranged to introduce viewers gently to the subject. Early display cases contain preserved organs, bones and joints and a skeleton hangs nearby. There are slices of bodies from different angles and – especially fascinating – dissections of limbs in which joints have been replaced with stainless steel, bones joined with plates and screws, and hearts cut open to reveal prosthetic valves. I was invited to attend one of the exhibits in the USA. An incredible experience where I ended talking to the attendees and explaining the anatomy in detail. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000397] Sussman, Carrie; Bates-Jensen, Barbara "Wound Care"; ISBN: 0834219735 Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publications, 2001. The new edition is an evidence-based tool for both physical therapists and nurses in multiple settings, including acute care, outpatient rehabilitation, long-term care, and home care. It provides basic and advanced information on wound healing and therapies, and emphasizes clinical decision-making. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000398] Ethicon "Wound Closure Manual: Use and Handling of Sutures, Needles, and Mechanical Wound Closure Devices"; Ethicon Inc., 1988. Original printing 1985.A promotional service by Ethicon (a Johnson & Johnson company) for the Health Care Professional. Ex-Libris EAM

[000401] Meldrum, Jeff, PhD; Urfer, Alex, PhD "Mosby's Dissector for the Rehabilitation Professional"; ISBN: 9780323057080 St. Louis: Elsevier, 2010. Preface: "Mosby's dissector for the rehabilitation professional: Exploring Human Anatomy is a text which allows its user to move through the dissection of major body regions in a progressive fashion. The dissector is specifically tailored to the curricular needs of the rehabilitation professions including physical and occupation therapy and ancillary professions such as athletic training and applied kinesiology." Ex-Libris EAM.

[000402] Museum Boerhaave Lieden "Leidse Anatomie in Museum Boerhaave"; Leiden: Anatomisch Museum, 2005. Informational booklet for an exhibition at the Boerhaave museum. Ex-Libris EAM

[000403] Leroux, Helene "Le Tendon Conjoint"; University De Nantes, 2005. French. Thesis on the conjoint tendon, an important structure in the repair of inguinal and femoral hernias. Presented at the Anatomy Laboratory, Nantes University, France. Memoire realise dans le cadre du certificat d'anatomie, d'imagerie et de morphogenese. Ex-Libris EAM

[000404] Tank, Patrick "Grant's Dissector"; ISBN: 0781774314 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2009. Since 1940, when Dr. J.C. Boileau Grant created the first lab manual based on Grant's method of dissection, Grant's Dissector has clearly established its authority and preeminence as the "gold standard" of gross anatomy dissection manuals. In the last edition, the material was streamlined to focus on more accurate, specific and clear steps, based on market conditions and feedback. This edition continues to focus on the trend of reduced lab hours yet maintains the quality and reliability of Grant's original manual. Ex-Libris EAM

[000405] Sauerland, Eberhardt "Grant's Dissector"; ISBN: 0683037102 Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1994. The 12th Edition of Grant's Dissector offers detailed instructions for students who perform dissections. Yet, at the same time, it is an informative guide for students who review gross anatomy. Thus, this manual is intended to serve two purposes: (1) to guide human anatomical dissections and (2) to facilitate the study and review of gross anatomy, preferably in the context of clinical significance. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000406] Tank, Patrick "Grant's Dissector"; ISBN: 0781754844 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2005. The Thirteenth edition of Grant's Dissector restores this renowned anatomy lab manual to its original purpose, which is to serve as a step-by-step manual for dissection procedures. This new edition features a more streamlined approach to cadaver dissection, focusing on more accurate, specific, and clear steps. The overall number of pages and figures has been reduced, reflecting a general trend toward fewer contact hours in the gross anatomy lab. Ex-Libris EAM

[000407] Biel, Andrew "Trail Guide to the Body Student Handbook"; ISBN: 0965853462 Boulder, CO: Books of Discover, 2005. The essential companion to the Trail Guide textbook, the Trail Guide to the Body Student Workbook asks students to apply the material by answering questions in a variety of formats including fill-in-the-blanks, drawings to color, illustrations and matching exercises. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000408] Ethicon, Inc. "Nursing Care of the Patient in the O.R."; Cincinnati, Ohio: Ethicon Inc., 1987. A promotional service by Ethicon (a Johnson & Johnson company) for the Health Care Professional. Ex-Libris EAM

[000409] Rickerd, Claude ""Don't Touch Anything Blue!!!" It's Sterile, or at Least it Was, Until You Touched it (and Other Valuable Insights for Newcomers to the Cath lab)"; Iowa: Central Iowa Health Systems, 1998. An awesome internal publication of the Central Iowa Health Systems. Ex-Libris EAM

[000410] Brown, Patricia; Giffin, Bruce "Surface Anatomy Laboratory Excercises for the Gross Anatomy Laboratory"; Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 2000. An incredible manual on surface anatomy prepared for medical students at the University of Cincinnati. Ex-Libris EAM

[000411] "Anatomy of the Heart"; Cincinnati, Ohio: Clinical Anatomy Associates, Inc., 2011. Descriptive anatomy of the heart, includes sketches and clinical anatomy research papers. Internal publication.Only copy in existence. Spiral bound. Ex-Libris EAM

[000412] Total Learning Concepts "Managed Care and Integrated Health Handbook: A Medical Sales Professional's Guide"; Boston: Total Learning concepts, Inc, 1997. Ex-Libris EAM

[000414] Chris Burhardt, et al. "Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual"; ISBN: 9781608313402 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2011. This second edition of the book combines images and clearly written, concise text to make the complex concepts of hemodynamic monitoring easy to understand. Great for reference or review, it uses hundreds of detailed photographs, diagram, charts, and other visual aids to clarify essential cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology - and demonstrate the technical points and clinical applications of today's pressure monitoring systems, hemodynamic monitoring techniques, and circulatory assist devices. 160 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000415] Craig Ramsay "Anatomy of Stretching: A Guide to Increasing Your Flexibility"; ISBN: 9781607103981 San Diego: Thunder Bay Press, 2012. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fitness novice or an elite athlete. You should be starting each workout exactly the same way — with a stretching regimen designed to warm up your body and help you achieve a new personal best each time. But without the expertise of a professional trainer and without an expert’s understanding of muscle anatomy, it can be hard to know what exercises are best. Ex-Libris EAM

[000416] Ellsworth, Abigail DPT "Core Training Anatomy: An Insider's Guide to Building a Strong Core"; ISBN: 9781607102106 San Diego: Thunder Bay, 2012. This book gives readers the tools they need to embark on a journey of flat-belly fitness and health, from basic movements to information on how to build a complete exercise plan. With step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow illustrations of starting positions and movement paths, it's like having your very own personal trainer. This is not really a book to study anatomy but a training book that details the muscular anatomy targeted. Ex-Libris EAM

[000417] Acland, Robert D. "The Video Atlas of Human Anatomy. 4 Part VHS tape"; ISBN: 0683307681 USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1997. Acland's Video Atlas uses fresh, unembalmed specimens that retain the color, texture, mobility--and beauty--of the living human body. A concise synchronized narration runs throughout the video. 4 tape VHS collection, each tape includes a booklet with index, hard cover slip box. includes: "The Upper Extremity," "The Lower Extremity," "The Trunk," "The Head & Neck, Part 1" & "The Head & Neck, Part 2." Ex-Libris EAM.

[000418] Toldt, Carl; Rosa, Alois "An Atlas of Human Anatomy for Students and Physicians Vol I: The Regions of the Human Body, Osteology"; New York: Rebman Company, 1903. Vol 1. First Section: A) The regions of the human body B) osteology. Translated from the German third edition and adapted to English and American and International Terminology. Carl Toldt (1840-1920) was a professor of Anatomy at the University of Vienna. Several anatomical structures are eponimically attached to him. Ex-Libris EAM

[000419] Toldt, Carl; Rosa, Alois "An Atlas of Human Anatomy for Students and Physicians Vol II: Arthrology"; New York: Rebman Company, 1904. Vol. 2: Arthrology. Translated from the German third edition and adapted to English and American and International Terminology. Carl Toldt (1840-1920) was a professor of Anatomy at the University of Vienna. Several anatomical structures are eponimically attached to him. Ex-Libris EAM

[000420] Toldt, Carl; Rosa, Alois "An Atlas of Human Anatomy for Students and Physicians Vol III: Myology"; New York: Rebman Company, 1904. Vol.3: Myology.Translated from the German third edition and adapted to English and American and International Terminology. Carl Toldt (1840-1920) was a professor of Anatomy at the University of Vienna. Several anatomical structures are eponimically attached to him. Ex-Libris EAM

[000421] Toldt, Carl; Rosa, Alois "An Atlas of Human Anatomy for Students and Physicians Vol IV: Splanchnology"; New York: Rebman Company, 1903. Vol. 4: Splanchnology. Translated from the German third edition and adapted to English and American and International Terminology. Carl Toldt (1840-1920) was a professor of Anatomy at the University of Vienna. Several anatomical structures are eponimically attached to him. Ex-Libris EAM

[000422] William T. Mcgee, MD, Ed. Et al. "Quick Guide to Cardiopulmonary Care"; ISBN: 9780615278872 Edwards Lifesciences, 2010. This book provides a ready reference for hemodynamic monitoring and oxygenation assessment of the critically ill.A service from Edwards Lifesciences to the medical community. Ex-Libris EAM

[000423] Chris Burghardt, et al. "Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual"; ISBN: 9781608313396 Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2011. Master essential cardiovascular anatomy and physiology - as well as assessment techniques, diagnostic tests, treatments, emergency procedures - through detailed visual aids and concise, clear information that brings complex concepts to life. This book combines images and clear, concise text to make complex cardiovascular concepts easy to understand. A valuable reference or review book, it employs hundreds of detailed photographs, diagrams, charts and images to clarify essential cardiovascular anatomy and physiology physical assessment techniques, diagnostic tests, treatments, emergency procedures, cardiac monitoring methods, and more. 160 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000424] Spalteholz, Werner "Hand-Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 1"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1926. Vol 1 of 3: Bones, Joints, Ligaments. Translated by Lewellys F. Barker. Preface: The appearance of Spalteholz's Atlas a few years ago was welcomed alike by teachers and students of anatomy. So useful is this book to students who desire to study anatomy in the dissecting room that without any effort on my part it has become the favorite aid to the students of anatomy at the Johns Hopkins University. Its value to English and American students not acquainted with the German language is now greatly increased through the admirable translation of the text into English by Professor Barker. The book is signed by Gerald J. Bernath MD. (1906-1993) graduate of the Wayne State University School of Medicine, where he endowed several lectures, professorships, and has at least one auditorium named after him and his family. Ex-Libris EAM

[000425] Spalteholz, Werner "Hand-Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol II"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1926. Vol II of III: Regions, muscles, fasciae, heart, blood-vessels. Translated by Lewellys F. Barker.Preface: The appearance of Spalteholz's Atlas a few years ago was welcomed alike by teachers and students of anatomy. So useful is this book to students who desire to study anatomy in the dissecting room that without any effort on my part it has become the favorite aid to the students of anatomy at the Johns Hopkins University. Its value to English and American students not acquainted with the German language is now greatly increased through the admirable translation of the text into English by Professor Barker. The book is signed by Gerald J. Bernath MD. (1906-1993) graduate of the Wayne State University School of Medicine, where he endowed several lectures, professorships, and has at least one auditorium named after him and his family. Ex-Libris EAM

[000426] Spalteholz, Werner "Hand-Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol III"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1926. Vol III of III: viscera, brain, nerves, sense-organs. Translated by Lewellys F. Barker. Preface: The appearance of Spalteholz's Atlas a few years ago was welcomed alike by teachers and students of anatomy. So useful is this book to students who desire to study anatomy in the dissecting room that without any effort on my part it has become the favorite aid to the students of anatomy at the Johns Hopkins University. Its value to English and American students not acquainted with the German language is now greatly increased through the admirable translation of the text into English by Professor Barker. The book is signed by Gerald J. Bernath MD. (1906-1993) graduate of the Wayne State University School of Medicine, where he endowed several lectures, professorships, and has at least one auditorium named after him and his family. Ex-Libris EAM

[000428] Biel, Andrew "Trail Guide to the Body"; ISBN: 9780982663400 Boulder, CO: Books of Discovery, 2010. I was lucky to come across the series of anatomy books published by Books of Discovery. These books present superficial anatomy and palpation to the professional dedicated to Physical Therapy and Sports or Therapeutic Massage. One of the areas most forgotten in Clinical Anatomy is superficial anatomy. For medical students the anatomy curriculum is being shortened due to the need to dedicate time to other difficult topics such as biochemistry and cellular biology. As the rate of discovery in the medical sciences increases, the time that a physician and/or a medical student can dedicate to anatomy is constrained. The art of palpation of muscles and joints is beautifully presented in this series of books and multimedia which I strongly recommend.Ex-Libris EAM.

[000429] Andrew Biel "Trail Guide to the Body Quick Reference to Trigger Points"; ISBN: 9780982978627 Boulder, Colorado: Books of Discovery, 2012. This concise reference supports manual therapists familiar with Trigger Point therapy, quickly putting trigger points at their fingertips. For those wishing to learn the fundamentals of Trigger Point therapy or study the subject in greater depth, a list of recommended texts is provided. Students and practitioners will value the quality illustrations and easy access to this practical information. 115 pages, 210 images. Ex-Liibris EAM

[000430] Andrew Biel "Trail Guide to the Body Quick Reference to Stretch and Strengthen"; ISBN: 9780982978610 Boulder, Colorado: Books of Discovery, 2012. Strengthening reduces risk of injury; increases balance, stability and flexibility, keeping the body strong. Stretching improves flexibility and range of motion.This concise reference guide gives you: * Instructions for 100 guided strengthening exercises and simple stretches, covering all the movements at the major joints * Suggested uses of light equipment for stretching and strengthening * Detailed four-color illustrations demonstrating muscle movement during the exercises * This reference manual quickly puts these fundamental subjects of manual therapy at your fingertips. Great for manual therapists or anyone who values the benefits of stretching and strengthening. 103 pages, 120 images. Ex-Libris EAM

[000431] Rouviere, Henry "Compendio De Anatomia y Diseccion"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, S.A., 1971. Spanish. Anatomía clara y concreta, profusa y didácticamente ilustrada, escrita pensando en los estudiantes de medicina. La exposición por regiones facilita el práctico repaso de la anatomía de la zona sobre la que se debe operar. Cada capítulo de la obra va seguido de una exposición de los métodos de disección de la región estudiada. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000432] Robert Willis, MD "The Works of William Harvey, MD, Translated from the Latin with a Life of the Author"; London: Sydenham Society, 1897. There is no better translation of Harvey's De Motu Cordis. It is a work of very great historical importance.To study it carefully is essential for an understanding of the embryology of the late 17th century, when the preformation theory arose largely as a protest against Harvey's debased Aristotelianism. The author /translator Robert Willis MD (1799-1878) graduated from the University of Edimburgh, became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1823 and became the librarian at the RCS in 1828. The book includes the last will and testament of William Harvey Ex-Libris EAM

[000433] Rankow, Robin M "Atlas of Surgery of the Face, Mouth and Neck"; ISBN: 072167450X New York: W.B. Saunders, 1968. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". It is also signed by Dr. Stambaugh. A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. This book also contains Dr. Stambaugh's obituary. and photograph. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000434] McCraw, John B.; Arnold,Phillip G. "McCraw and Arnold's Atlas of Muscle and Musculocutaneous Flaps"; ISBN: 0939789000 Norfolk, VA: Hampton Press Publishing, 1986. In the original McCraw and Arnold's Atlas of Muscle and Musculocutaneous Flaps (1986), each flap is demonstrated in cadaver dissection and clinical case photographs, and the text is in an easy-to-read outline format to serve as a ready reference for the anatomical basis and clinical application of each flap. Highlights of this series are the full-color photographs and the extensive bibliographies. In subsequent editions this book was converted into a three-volume atlas. 735 pages. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000435] Kiss Ferencz "Tajanatomia"; Budapest: Egeszsegugyi Kiado, 1952. Human Anatomy book written in Magyar, Hungarian. It is stamped by the Institute of Anatomy, Budapest Medical School. This book was issued by the Hungary Ministry of Health. 185 pages. Ex-LIbris EAM

[000436] Mobley, H.E. "Sinopsis De Tecnica Quirurgica"; Mexico: Union Tipogragica Editorial Hispano-Americana, 1941. Primera edicion en Español traducida del Inglés por Oscar G. Carrera. Signed by previous owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000437] Catherine M. Otto, MD "Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography"; ISBN: 9781416055594 Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2009. The fourth edition of Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography presents an accessible primer on this complex topic from Dr. Catherine Otto, one of the foremost teachers and writers in the field. You'll find straightforward explanations of the basics of ultrasound physics, image acquisition, and all the major techniques and major disease categories, as well as the latest on advanced echo techniques-such as contrast echo, 3D echo, and myocardial mechanics (strain rate imaging, speckle tracking, and synchrony). Ex-Libris EAM.

[000438] Carpentier, Alain, MD; Adams, David, MD; Filsoufi, Farzan, MD "Reconstructive Valve Surgery from Valve Analysis to Valve Reconstruction"; ISBN: 9780721691688 Maryland Heights, Missouri: Saunders Elsevier, 2010. Carpentier's Reconstructive Valve Surgery presents you with authoritative guidance on reconstructive techniques for degenerative mitral valve disease. Alain Carpentier, MD, PhD-who pioneered the field-David H. Adams, MD; and Farzan Filsoufi, MD provide step-by-step instructions for each procedure and over 200 detailed anatomic drawings so that you can effectively apply the techniques of a master. 354 pages. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000439] Sandra Millers Younger "Understanding Core Competencies: Training Basics"; Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD, 2001. Issue 9503: Info-Line: The How-To Reference Tool for Training & performance Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000440] Sutton, George; Fox, Kim "A Color Atlas of Heart Disease: Pathological, Clinical, and Investigatory Aspects"; ISBN: 1850090580 London: Current Medical Literature, 1990. The authors have compiled meticulously prepared illustrations that will enhance the diagnostic and therapeutic skills of the fortunate readers of this book. They will benefit from a logical and thorough presentation, superb graphics, and attractive photography and artwork, all of which elucidate concepts, algorithms, and techniques essential to the practice of cardiology. Illustrates a variety of diagnostic techniques including ECG angiography nuclear techniques & their application to cardiac disorders. Pfizer Labs. A gift from my friend Ray McIntyre. Ex-Libris EAM

[000441] Freed, Mark, MD; Grines, Cindy, MD; Safian, Robert, MD "The New Manual of Interventional Cardiology"; ISBN: 0963388657 Birmingham, Michigan: Physician's Press, 1998. Preface: For the last 3 years, this book has been the most practical and popular reference in the field. Now, the Cardiology Division of the William Beaumont Hospital, recognized as world leaders in complex coronary intervention and the investigation of new technologies proudly present the second edition. Ex-Libris EAM

[000442] Dubin, Dale, MD "Rapid Interpretation of EKG's"; ISBN: 0912912065 Tampa, Florida: COVER Publishing, 2000. The reader's rapid assimilation of medical concepts is the key to the continuing success of this best-selling book. A caption explains the concept illustrated on each page, and a few simple sentences reinforce the concept with interactive (programmed) learning, which links to the following page. Dr Dubin's light and entertaining style, known world-wide, makes learning enjoyable. Practice twelve-lead tracings at the end establish self-confidence, and summarised reference sheets with examples. Ex-Libris EAM

[000443] Pepine, Carl, MD; Hill, James, MD; Lambert, Charles, MD "Diagnosis and Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization"; ISBN: 0683068512 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1989. Designed for those fairly experienced in catheterization who need to hone their skills, one third of the book is devoted to use of catheterization in a specific clinical state. Information on activity in the area of laser and other mechanical devices for catheter revascularization is also included. Ex-Libris EAM

[000444] Eric J. Topol, Ed. "Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine"; ISBN: 0397515928 Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998. This book covers aspects of cardiology from molecular genetics, to preventive cardiology, to state-of-the-art interventional cardiology techniques, to healthcare policy trends that affect cardiovascular medicine. Each chapter reviews major controversies, provides personal perspectives from recognized authorities, and projects future developments. Topics covered include: stents; how to perform a coronary angiogram; cardiology in the managed care era; quality of cardiovascular medicine; and medicolegal problems. 2372 pages. Ex-LIbris EAM

[000445] Kern, Morton J. "The Cardiac Catheterization Handbook"; ISBN: 081512614X USA: Mosby, 1999. This third edition again provides step-by-step instructions on what to expect, what to avoid, and how to manage complications in the cath lab with valuable updates on safety requirements, new technology, and new techniques. This book takes you through a detailed review of equipment, specific laboratory techniques, and lab safety. You'll also explore the limitations, complications, and medical-surgical implications of cardiac catheterization and angiography findings. This book's portable size and spiral binding make it the preferred pocket reference for new trainees and practitioners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000446] William Harvey, MD "Anatomical studies on the Motion of the Heart and Blood"; Springfield Illinois: Charles C Thomas, 1930. Translated by Chauncey D. Leake. Ex-Libris EAM

[000447] Paul S. Phillips, MD, et al. "The Stenter's Notebook"; ISBN: 1890114065 Birmingham, Michigan: Physician's PRess, 1998. The Stenter's Notebook Is A Lesion-Specific Approach To Intracoronary Stenting. This Text Presents Case Presetations And Clinical Discussions About Technical Pearls And Pitfalls, Device Synergy, Adjunctive Imaging And Pharmacotherapy, And Recent Trials Provide A Comprehensive And Current Overview Of This Important Technology. Ex-Libris EAM

[000448] Michael Shaw, et al "Coronary Artery Disease: An Incredibly Easy Miniguide"; ISBN: 9781582550138 Springhouse, Pennsylvania: Springhouse Corp., 2000. This take-anywhere guide uses trademark Incredibly Easy! checklists, cartoons, summaries of key points, quick quizzes, and an eight-page color guide to pathophysiology to create the Incredibly Easy! learning style nurses love. Contents include understanding coronary artery disease, preventing coronary artery disease, assessing patients with coronary artery disease, treating patients with coronary artery disease, coronary artery disease complications, and teaching patients with coronary artery disease. Ex-Libris EAM

[000449] Michael Shaw, et al "Myocardial Infarction: An Incredibly Easy Miniguide"; ISBN: 9781582550091 Springhouse, Pennsylvania: Springhouse Corp., 2000. This concise, portable reference has virtually everything nurses need to master care for this common life-threatening condition that affects more than a million and a half people each year. Contents include understanding MI, preventing MI, assessing patients with MI, treating patients with MI, MI complications, and teaching patients with MI. Ex-Libris EAM

[000450] Working Group of Functional Evaluation and Angiography of the French Society of Cardiology "Coronary Arteriography: Nomenclature of the Arteries, Codification of Lesions"; French Society of Cardiology: Philips Medical Systems, 1979. A publication Philips Medical Systems as a service to Health Care Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM

[000453] Henry Marriott, MD "Practical Electrocardiography"; ISBN: 0683055720 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1968. 1968. Fourth edition (1st, 1954) of this practical text on electrocardiogram interpretation. Added here are materials on such subjects as mechanisms of arrhythmias, obesity, cardiomyopathy, hypothermia, and extrasystoles, and particularly on chamber hypertrophy, tachycardias, pre-excitation, and myocardial infarction, among others. New references and illustrations.Signed by previous owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000455] Albornoz Pierattini, Carolina "Datos Biograficos y Bibliograficos Sobre Los Doctores Pedro Eleodoro Fontecilla, Caupolican Pardo Correa, y Roberto Aguirre Luco"; Santiago: Universidad De Chile, 2005. This is a unique publication, only one book, on a request to obtain information on the Chilean doctors that one after the other owned several of the books in this library. Almost everyone of these physicians has a hospital named after them. Ex-Libris EAM

[000456] Flugge "Los Micro-organismos Vol. 1"; Madrid, Spain: Establecimiento Tipografico Rodrigo Teodoro, 1888. Signed by Dr. Jose Joaguin Aguirre Campos. Anatomist, surgeon, and senator in Chile. This surgeon is considered one of the greatest in the history of Chile. The Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile (where I studied) is named after him. First Volume, translated by Luis Marcos. Ex-Libris EAM

[000457] Frank Hastings Hamilton, MD "A Practical Treatise on Fracture and Dislocations"; Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea, 1860. Inside the book we found a separate court summons for Dr. Van S. Deaton (prior owner of the book) on behalf of the defendant in the case of Sevilla Heffner against the city of Troy, Ohio. $10,000 in damages for poorly kept roads and sidewalks on E. Main St. Inside the book there is a genealogy research on Dr, Deaton, where it states that he was the major of the city of Troy, Ohio in 1919. Ex-Libris EAM

[000459] Henry Gray, FRS "Gray"s Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical"; Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co, 1897. This has been the definitive anatomy book for students of the human body since its first publication in 1858. This professional guide is valued by medical practitioners, students and laypeople alike for its accuracy. The story of the book includes the early death of the author as well as the insensitivity if Henry Gray towards the fellow physician who illustrated this book that is still being published. Ex-Libris EAM

[000462] Leslie Brainerd Arey, PhD "Developmental Anatomy: A Textbook and Laboratory Manual of Embryology"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1946. This well known and much used textbook, while retaining its former fundamental structure, appears in a much improved form. The main divisions general embryology, special development and a laboratory manual of embryology have all been modified to some extent, and attractive new illustrations added, but it is the first part that has been the more widely modified with much rewriting, addition of materials and new illustrations. Noteworthy improvements include chapters on reproductive cycles and their hormonal control, embodying discussions of estrous cycles, menstrual cycles and their relations to one another as well as to other cyclic phenomena in the uterus, vagina and mammary glands. The hormonal control of these phenomena involves pituitary, ovarian and placental hormones as well as some brief discussion of testis hormones. Although of necessity somewhat brief, they include basic essentials and permit the student to glimpse these important aspects bearing on the process and biology of... Ex-Libris EAM

[000463] Frederick C. Busch, MD "Kirke's Handbook of Physiology"; New York: William Wood & Co, 1904. Book is signed by previous owner Carlos Ferrer Louisville, KK 1909. Ex-Libris EAM

[000465] John L. Kantor, PhD "The Treatment of the Common Disorders of Digestion, A Handbook for Physicians and Students"; St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1924. This is intended to serve as a guide in the treatment and diagnosis of the commoner forms of gastrointestinal disorders. The principles and objectives of methods used are given so that modifications can be made for individual cases. The illustrations are clear and well chosen; the various diet lists used in the Vanderbilt clinic are given. The subject material is presented in a simple and direct manner, and there are no misstatements of fact. The last chapter, "Headaches Associated with Indigestion," does not come up to the standard of the general work. Ex-Libris EAM

[000466] Frank BUrr Mallory, James Homer Wright "Pathological Technique: A Practical Manual for Workers in Pathological Histology and Bacteriology"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1911. Including Directions for the Performance of Autopsies and for Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods. Ex-Libris EAM

[000467] W. Wayne Babcock "A Textbook of Surgery for Students and Physicians"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1929. W. Wayne Babcock, MD (1872 - 1963), surgical innovator, educator, and author, became Chair of Surgery at Temple in 1903 and taught here for 45 years. He earned worldwide recognition for pioneering the usage of spinal anesthesia and stainless steel sutures; for developing the abdominoperipheral proctosigmoidectomy and other procedures; and for inventing such surgical instruments as Babcock's viscera forceps and Babcock's sump drain and lamp chimney sump drain. Book is signed by previous owner Joseph B. Pomerance, Abbey Hospital. Ex-Libris EAM

[000469] Kimber, Diana,; Carolyn E. Gray "Text-book of Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses"; New York: MacMillan Company, 1917. Great basic book on anatomy and physiology. Signed by Editha B. Macry it states "Class of (19)'21. Ex-Libris EAM

[000470] W.A. Newman Dorland "The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1908. A new and complete dictionary of the terms used in medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, chemistry and the kindred branches, with their pronunciation, derivation, and definition, including much collateral information of an encyclopedic character. Signed by previous owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000473] Ascher, Nancy; Hansen, John; Strom, Terry "Year Book of Transplantation 1992"; ISBN: 0815102518 St. Louis: Mosby, 1992. From the 1993 statement of purpose "The Yearbook series was devised in1901 by practicing health professionals who observed that the literature of medicine and related disciplines had become so voluminous that no one individual could read and place in perspective every potential advance in a major specialty. In the final decade of the 20th century, this recognition is more acutely true than it was in 1901." Ex-Libris EAM.

[000474] Schwartz, Seymour; Jonasson, Olga; Robson, Martin; Shires, G. Tom; Spencer, Frank; Thompson, James "Year Book of Surgery 1992"; ISBN: 0815177917 St. Louis: Mosby, 1992. From the 1993 statement of purpose "The Yearbook series was devised in1901 by practicing health professionals who observed that the literature of medicine and related disciplines had become so voluminous that no one individual could read and place in perspective every potential advance in a major specialty. In the final decade of the 20th century, this recognition is more acutely true than it was in 1901." ex-libris EAM.

[000475] Benjamin Lee Gordon. MD "Medieval and Renaissance Medicine"; New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. "This Book Is Admittedly A Difficult Read. It Contains An Incredible Amount Of Information, But Sometimes It Lacks Support For Some Of Its Comments. When The Book Came Out It Received Some Bad Reviews Because Of Its Lack Of A Subject-Index As Well As Organization". In Spite Of This, I Enjoyed Reading It. (Dr. Miranda) Following Are Some Comments From Dukes, C (1959) “In The Preface To Medieval And Renaissance Medicine The Author, Dr. Benjamin Lee Gordon, Says That He Hopes That This Book 'Will Fill The Gap Between Claudius Galen And Thomas Sydenham'. He Has Achieved His Purpose In Filling The Gap By Shoveling In, So To Speak, A Vast Quantity Of Information Gathered From Many Different Sources, Some Admittedly Of Uncertain Origins. The Tracing Of Any Original Source Is Made More Difficult First By The Fact That This Weighty Volume Has No Subject-Index, Only An Index Of Names; And Secondly By The Inconvenient Plan Of Collecting Together The References For Each Chapter Under The Heading Of 'Notes' And Lumping These All Together At The End Of The Book. These Are Exasperating Trifles. The Good Stuff Is There Too! For Instance, The Chapters Dealing With Jewish Contributions To Medicine In The Middle Ages And With Scholasticism And Medicine. In Fact, This Book Is Really A Mine Of Information But Without A Subject-Index And With Such Inconveniently Placed References The Hidden Treasure Is Unnecessarily Difficult To Find.” Ex-Libris EAM

[000476] Ann Carmichael, Richard Ratzan "Medicine: A Treasury of Art and Literature"; ISBN: 9780883639740 New York: Harkavy Publishing, 1991. Gift from Hector Dobrado. Ex-libris EAM.

[000477] Paolo Barbette "Opera Chirvrgica Anotomica Conformata al Moto Circolare Del Sangue, & Altre Inuenziono De'piu Moderni. Aggivuntovi Vn Trattato Della Peste"; Venice: Francesco Groppo, 1696. The tile of this book translates as "Great Anatomical and Surgical Work (opera) In Accordance with the Circulatory Movement of the Blood and Other Very Modern Concepts. Includes a Treatise on the Plague with several observations". This incredible book is one of the first to be published following Harvey's publication of the circulation of blood. Italian. Vellum. It is signed by several previous owners. What is interesting is that one of them (not identified) writes in Latin "Ex dono auctoris" meaning "A gift from the author", which means that this particular book was once in the hands of Paolo Barbette. Ex-libris EAM.

[000478] Percy Goldthwait Stiles "Human Physiology: A Textbook for High School Students and Colleges"; Philadelphia, USA: W.B. Saunders, 1925. This book was initially published in 1916. It has a damaged generic bookplate, but the name of the previous owner is readable as David C. Evans. 435 pages Ex-Libris EAM

[000479] Anna Caroline Maxwell, Amy Elizabeth Pope "Practical Nursing, a Text-bok for Nurses"; New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1915. The author, Anna Caroline Maxwell (March 14, 1851 - January 2, 1929), was a nurse nicknamed the American Florence Nightingale.Her pioneering activities were crucial to the growth of professional nursing in the U.S. She was a military nurse and one of the first women to be buried at the Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. Book is signed by previous owners. A short biography of the author is included within the book. 873 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000480] Thomas H. Huxley, Frederic S. Lee "Lessons in Elementary Physiology"; London: The Macmillan Company, 1916. This book is signed by several previous owners, all alf them from Centerville, Indiana. Because of the annotations and other material found between the pages of the book, the book seems to have been a school book passed from teacher to teacher. Ex-Libris EAM

[000481] Henry Hartshorne, MD "Essentials of the Principles and Practice of Medicine"; Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1869. In preparing the Second Edition the whole work has been carefully revised, Maintaining the design of the greatest possible brevity, the only addition is an account of the Sphygmograph. An image and description of this short-lived invention has been added to the book by the current owner. Ex-Libris EAM

[000482] Jesse Feiring Williams, MD "Atlas of Human Anatomy"; New York: Barnes & Noble, 1935. A small book with 64 pages. The Atlas itself covers pages 34 to 60. The colored illustrations are small reproductions of the wall-sized charts published by AJ Nystrom & Company. Ex-Libris EAM

[000483] Calvin Cutter MD "Second Book on Analytic Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, Human and Comparative for Academies, Grammar schools and Families"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1871. Preface: This work is intended for classes in academies and grammar-schools. Care has been taken to adapt the worgh to Anatomical Charts... Ex-Libris EAM.

[000484] Eli F. Brown "The Eclectic Physiology"; Cincinnati: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co, 1884. The book is printed "For use in Schools". Ex-Libris EAM

[000485] H. Newell Martin "The Human Body: A Text-book of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene"; New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1902. A full revision of this book originally published in 1883. It states that they want to "bring the book to accord with the latest developments in physiology". Ex-Libris EAM

[000486] Sir Astley Cooper "Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery as Delivered in the Theatre of St. Thomas's Hospital"; London: Henry Renshaw, 1839. Sir Astley Paston Cooper, 1st Baronet GCH FRS (23 August 1768 – 12 February 1841) was a British surgeon and anatomist, who made historical contributions to otology, vascular surgery, the anatomy and pathology of the mammary glands and testicles, and the pathology and surgery of hernia. Ex-Libris EAM

[000513] Kevin M Wilks "Quick-E! Dysrhythmia: Cardiac Rhythm Interpretation Nurse Reference"; ISBN: 1578398452 Marblehead, Massachusetts: HCPro, 2006. Finally, a cardiac rhythm interpretation book for the bedside. Twenty sample strips and a user-friendly format help you to quickly identify rhythms in the clinical setting.A very small and simple book. 42 pages. Ex-libris EAM

[000545] Trabucco "Tension Free Inguinal Hernioplasty"; Italy: Masterizzazione, 0. Tension free epigastric and umbillical hernioplasty. Sutureless Rives Technique.Hernia Mesh Productions. DVD. Jewel Case.

[000546] Higga, Scott, Wittgrove "Techniques for Bariatric Procedures:"; USA: Ethicon EndoSurgery, 2001. A service from Ethicon EndoSurgery to the medical community. Titles: LRYGB with suture gastrojejunosomy - Kevin Higha, MD; LRYGB Transabdominal introduction of EEA anvil - Scott & de la Torre; LRYGB with transesophageal introduction of EEA anvil - Alan Wittgrove, MD DVD. Jewel Case.

[000547] Ricardo Cohen, Carlos Schavalon "Opcoes Tecnicas Por Acceso Videolaparascopico No Tratamento Cirurgico Da Obesidade"; USA: Tyco Healthcare, 0. Portuguese. Videos on bariatric laparoscopic surgery.

[000548] Ethicon Endocirugía "Manual De Engrapado Quirurgico"; USA: Ethicon EndoSurgery, 1999. Spanish - Manual of Surgical Stapling developed as a service for Latin American surgeons, with the collaboration of Dr. Miranda for translation and anatomical descriptions. 1999 CD-R. Jewel case

[000549] Giorgio Vittori "EES Manuale Multimediale Di Laparoscopia in Ginecologia"; Ethicon EndoSurgery, 0. Italian and English. Multimedia manual of laparoscopy in gynecology. Contains over 300 pages of text, 350 slides, one hour of videos and over 3,500 bibliographical references. DVD. Jewel Case

[000551] Philip R. Schauer "Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity"; USA: American College of Surgeons, 1999. American College of Surgeons Educational Library. DVD. Jewel Case

[000552] Peter Von Theobald "Triple Operation for Prolapse using Prosthesis"; USA: Tyco Healthcare, 0. A service from Tyco Healthcare. DVD. Jewel case.

[000558] Gunther Von Hagens "Body Worlds - THe Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies"; , 0. A DVD tour of Gunther Von Hagen's Body Worlds plastination exhibit. Multi-language. DVD. Jewel case.

[000561] Albert S. Lyons, "Medicine: An Illustrated History "; ISBN: 9780810980808 New York, USA: Harry N. Abrahms , 1987. Reprint of the original book. Large, and heavy, this books goes trough the story of medicine in all its fascinating detail. Written by two distinguished physicians for laymen as well as interested professionals, this extraordinary pictorial survey offers the most complete, fully illustrated treatment of its subject available.616 pages. This copy is dedicated to Dr. Wright by two students, Ex-Libris EAM

[000562] St Jude Medical "AF Suppression PPT"; USA: St. Jude Medical , Inc., 2001. A service from St. Jude Medical. Disc 2 /2 CD-R. Jewel Case

[000563] Rodger C. Millar, MD "MAZE III Procedure Using Atricure Bipolar"; , 2004. Dixie Regional Medical Center. A service of Intermountain Health Care. CD-R. Jewel case. Runtime 8 minutes.

[000564] "Atrial Fibrillation - Treatment Modalities and Economic Implications"; , 0. DVD. Jewel Case.

[000565] Scott H Bronleewe MD "Atrial Fibrillation - Pace, Sense, Stimulate Primer"; USA: AtriCure, 2006. Bronleewe, Lockwood, MdClennand. 2006. DVD. Jewel case

[000567] Randall K. Wolf, MD "Pulmonary Vein Isolation and Exclusion of the Left Atrial Appendage"; USA: AtriCure, 2004. Center for Surgical Innovations - University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. The Wolf Mini Maze Technique wtih RF Energy. AtriCure. DVD. Jewel case

[000568] A. Mark Gillinov, MD "Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation"; USA: The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2004. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. DVD. Jewel Case.

[000576] Edwards Lifesciences "Proven Clot Management Therapies for Better Patient Outcomes - CME Program"; USA: Edwards Lifesciences, 2004. Clinical advisor for CME program sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences. Clinical Advisors: Bart Dolmach, MD.; Thomas J. Fogarty, MD Ph.D.; Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D.; David Rosenthal, MD.

[000580] Guy Voeller, MD "Advanced Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair"; Covidien, 0. TEP Approach . University of Tennessee. DVD. Jewel case.

[000582] Cheesman, J.E. "Bailliere's Synthetic Anatomy: Atlas of the Entire Human Anatomy"; London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1926. This is the DVD copy of this book (see catalog number 000789) done for preservation. "A series of drawings on transparent sheets for facilitating the reconstruction of mental pictures of the human body" Author is John Eric Cheesman, Deputy Medical Officer of Health for Leyton, London. a series of 14 booklets, in London from 1926 to 1936. The series used a set of glassine sheets to show what lay beneath the surface of the skin. Since the book is loose-leaf, these could be used to study by placing them on a slide projector. Markings on the edges allowed the used to maintain the correlation between the different transparent sheets. The glassine sheets are slowly deteriorating over time, so they have been digitized for preservation. The book contains a loose leaf index as well as instructions on how to use it. Ex-Libris EAM

[000586] Leonardo da Vinci, H. Anna Suh (Editor) "Leonardo's Notebooks "; ISBN: 9781579124571 USA: Black Dog & Leventhal , 2005. Leonardo da Vinci—artist, inventor, and prototypical Renaissance man—is a perennial source of fascination because of his astonishing intellect and boundless curiosity about the natural and man-made world. During his life he created numerous works of art and kept voluminous notebooks that detailed his artistic and intellectual pursuits. The collection of writings and art in this magnificent book are drawn from his notebooks. The book organizes his wide range of interests into subjects such as human figures, light and shade, perspective and visual perception, anatomy, botany and landscape, geography, the physical sciences and astronomy, architecture, sculpture, and inventions. Nearly every piece of writing throughout the book is keyed to the piece of artwork it describes. The writing and art is selected by art historian H. Anna Suh, who provides fascinating commentary and insight into the material, making Leonardo's Notebooks an exquisite single-volume compendium celebrating his enduring genius. Ex-Libris EAM

[000588] Ronald A. Bergman, Adel K Afifi "Anatomy: An encyclopedic reference to the language of anatomy and neuroanatomy"; USA: Outskirts Press, 2016. "Anatomy: An encyclopedic reference to the language of anatomy and neuroanatomy. It provides the fascinating origin of terms and biographies of anatomists/physicians who originated them." This is not just another anatomy book. It is unique in design, purpose and scope. It defines the words of anatomy including their origin, by whom and from where. The use of these words by anatomists and their discoveries are given in the first part of the book. These are a very diverse group of individuals and they are described in detail in the second part of the book, the Gallery of Biographies, which includes tales of their lives and careers. Ex-Libris EAM

[000589] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 0723426570 Hong Kong: Times Mirror, 1996. "Human Anatomy is an exceptional photographic atlas of gross anatomy that provides the additional, unique features of interpretive line drawings for each and every dissection photograph, plus integrated, descriptive text." A rare book containing 35 mm slides ans sketches explaining the slides. Because of the slow decay of the slides, this book has been digitized. This DVD is stored in a cloth hard case for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000590] Dongmei Cui "Atlas of Histology with Functional and Clinical Correlations "; ISBN: 9780781797597 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2010. This book covers fundamental histology topics, integrates this essential information with clinical considerations, and provides multiple opportunities for student review. Explanatory text in each chapter is combined with expanded figure legends in an innovative, integrated layout. . Signed and dedicated to Dr. Miranda by the author on 07/11/2018. 496 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000591] John Herbert Parsons "The Pathology of the Eye"; New York, USA: Gower Medical Publishing, 1904. This volume includes the Pathological Histology of the Lids, Conjunctiva, Cornea, Sclerotic, Iris and Anterior Chamber, and Ciliary Body, together with the Bacteriology of the Conjunctiva. The Normal Histology of the parts is briefly related, no attempt being made to give an exhaustive description. Only those features which have a special bearing upon pathology are more fully dealt with; these are often inadequately discussed in the ordinary text books of normal histology. Signed by previous owners and with a bookplate by Mary Knight Asbury. Ex-Libris EAM

[000592] M.H. Spielmann FSA "The Iconography of Andreas Vesalius"; Great Britain: John Bale, Sons & Danielsson, Ltd., 1925. The book is a serious detailed research of the known paintings, lithographies, sculptures, and medals that show the likeness of Andreas Vesalius, the date of publication and the author’s commentary on each one. “The Iconography of Andreas Vesalius” is a rare book, it is not easy to find, and probably the most important characteristic of the book is not mentioned in the many descriptions of the book found on the Internet, medical libraries, and antiquarian booksellers websites: The book originally included a separate, folded-in-four, high-quality linen paper print of the title page of the 1555 Fabrica. Most of the books found today have lost this print. The print is listed separately in this catalog. Ex-Libris EAM

[000593] Andreas Vesalius "De Humani Corporis Fabrica: Libri Septem - Andreas Vesalius - 1555 Title Page Print"; Great Britain: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1555. This is a print of the 1555 edition title page of Andreas Vesalius opus magnum “De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem”. It was printed from the original woodblock in 1925 and was included as part of the book “The Iconography of Andreas Vesalius”, which is listed separately in this catalog. Today many of the copies of the book lack this rare item which is printed on very high quality linen paper. Because of its rarity and for preservation, the print is now professionally framed and protected by museum quality glass. This was the next-to-last printing using the original woodblocks which burned during bombing raids in World War II. Ex-Libris EAM

[000595] Schaeffer, J. Parsons, Ed., Et al. "Morris' Human Anatomy: A Complete Systematic Treatise"; Philadelphia: The Blakiston Co., 1942. Contributors: Leslie B. Arey, C.M. Jackson, Raymond F. Blount, Franklin P. Johnson, Eliot R. Clark, Olof Larsell, Harold CUmmins, Bradley M. Pattern, J.C.B. Grant, Richard E. Scammon, J.F. Gudernatsch, J. Parsons Schaeffer, Robert J. Terry. Ex-Libris EAM

[000601] W. Feil, H. Lippert, P. Lozac'h, G. Palazzini, J. Amaral "Atlas of Surgical Stapling - Companion CD"; , 0. Companion CD to the "Atlas of Surgical Stapling". See Nr.000120 in this collection. Stored in cloth hard cover case for protection.

[000603] Acland, Robert D. "The Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 1: The Upper Extremity"; USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1997. Digitized version of Acland's "Video Atlas of Human Anatomy" in VHS format. The original video has been digitized to preserve the deteriorating VHS tape. The upper extremity.Stored in a cloth hard cover case for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000604] Acland, Robert D. "The Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 2: The Lower Extremity"; USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1997. Digitized version of Acland's "Video Atlas of Human Anatomy" in VHS format. The original video has been digitized to preserve the deteriorating VHS tape. Stored in a cloth hard cover case for preservation. The lower extremity. Ex-Libris EAM

[000605] Acland, Robert D. "The Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 3: The Trunk"; USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1997. Digitized version of Acland's "Video Atlas of Human Anatomy" in VHS format. The original video has been digitized to preserve the deteriorating VHS tape Stored in a cloth hard cover case for preservation. The trunk. Ex-Llibris EAM

[000606] Acland, Robert D. "The Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 4: Head and Neck Part I"; USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1997. Digitized version of Acland's "Video Atlas of Human Anatomy" in VHS format. The original video has been digitized to preserve the deteriorating VHS tape. Stored in a cloth hard cover case for preservation. The head and neck part 1. Ex-Libris EAM

[000607] Acland, Robert D. "The Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 4: Head and Neck Part II"; USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1997. Digitized version of Acland's "Video Atlas of Human Anatomy" in VHS format. The original video has been digitized to preserve the deteriorating VHS tape. Stored in a cloth hard cover case for preservation. The head and neck part 2. Ex-Libris EAM

[000608] Acland, Robert D. "The Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 6: The Internal Organs"; USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1997. Digitized version of Acland's "Video Atlas of Human Anatomy" in VHS format. TThe original video has been digitized to preserve the deteriorating VHS tape. Stored in a cloth hard cover case for preservation. The Internal Organs. Ex-Llibris EAM

[000623] Philip Yungkin Lee "Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary"; ISBN: 0794600433 Singapore: Periplus Language, 2002. Ex-Libris EAM

[000648] Aulus Cornelius Celsus "De Medicina: Libri Octo"; Amsterdam: Joannem Volters, 1713. Aulus Cornelius Celsus (ca. 25 B.C.-A.D. 45) was the Roman author of the first systematic treatise on medicine. It is the most important historical source for present-day knowledge of Alexandrian and Roman medicine. Of Celsus the man little is known. It is surmised that he was born at Narbonne in the south of France. He was active during the time of the emperor Tiberius (reigned A.D. 14-37) and, judging by his style, may have been writing as late as the early years of Claudius (reigned A.D. 41-54). De medicina was among the first medical books to be printed (Florence, 1478), and more than 50 editions have appeared; it was required reading in most medical schools to the present century. It is the principal historical authority for the doctrinal medical teachings of Roman antiquity. The surgical section, which even Joseph Lister studied in the 19th century, is perhaps the best part of the treatise. Celsus wrote on the anatomy of the eye and was the first to call one of its layers the choroid. Hippocrates used the Greek word καρκίνος, karkínos 'crab, crayfish' to refer to malignant tumors as carcinomas. It was Celsus who translated the Greek term into the Latin cancer, also meaning 'crab'. This book was a gift from Erma Wright Tateman to his brother-in-law, Dr. Harry Kaufman Hines (1913 - 1988) and is inscribed by Mrs Wright. Dr. Kaufman was a famed Cincinnati (OH, USA) radiologist. Ex-Libris EAM

[000649] Riedman, Sara R. "Masters of the Scalpel: The Story of Surgery"; ISBN: 9780561001845 USA: Rand MacNally, 1962. This book is a detailed walk-through some of the more important stages in the development of modern surgery, starting from the ancient. Ex-Libris EAM

[000650] West, Robert, et al "The Rehabilitation of Speech"; USA: Harper & Brothers, 1947. This book is a complete rewrite of the original book published in 1937. It contains a detailed description of speech disorders, their underlying neuromuscular bases, as well as treatment. The book also has a detailed glossary that speech pathologists will surely enjoy, because of its depth and precision. The book is signed by previous owners in West Virginia. Ex-Libris EAM

[000651] Mancini, Stefano "La Tubercolosi Pulmonare: Sotto L'Aspetto Clinico Ed Immnunitario"; Livorno, Italy: S. Belforte & Co, 1928. Bound by Otello Fanti Imola Italy. This book is interesting because of the printed dedication of the book to Benito Mussolini, reflecting a time in human history. The dedication reads " A Benito Mussolini: Delle fortune e della dignita d'Italia dei destini della nostra raza gloriosa, restaurator tutore superbo". Ex-Libris EAM

[000652] Thorek, Max, MD "Modern Surgical Technic: Volume 1"; USA: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1946. Content Vol 1: General Operative Considerations; Surgery of the Head and Neck, and Plastic Surgery. Signed br prevoius owner Dr. Rank Orion Dawson. He was a retired medical surgeon from Charleston General and St. Francis Hospitals. Rank was a lifelong resident of Kanawha County. He was a retired medical officer of the U.S. Navy and served in World War II. He was a graduate of Cincinnati Medical School and a life member of the Shrine. Ex-Libris EAM

[000653] Thorek, Max, MD "Modern Surgical Technic: Volume 2"; USA: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1946. Content Vol 2: GSurgery of Nerves, Vessels, and Bones ; Surgery of the Breast and Chest. Signed by previous owner Dr. Rank Orion Dawson. He was a retired medical surgeon from Charleston General and St. Francis Hospitals. Rank was a lifelong resident of Kanawha County. He was a retired medical officer of the U.S. Navy and served in World War II. He was a graduate of Cincinnati Medical School and a life member of the Shrine. Ex-Libris EAM

[000654] Thorek, Max, MD "Modern Surgical Technic: Volume 3"; USA: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1946. Content Vol 3: Surgery of the Abdomen; Surgery of the Pelvic Region. Signed by previous owner Dr. Rank Orion Dawson. He was a retired medical surgeon from Charleston General and St. Francis Hospitals. Rank was a lifelong resident of Kanawha County. He was a retired medical officer of the U.S. Navy and served in World War II. He was a graduate of Cincinnati Medical School and a life member of the Shrine. Ex-Libris EAM

[000655] Nenter, Georgio Philippo "Fundamenta Medicinae Theoretico-Practicae"; Venice, Italy: Bartholomeus Baronchelli, 1753. Book in Latin, describing the theoretical and practical aspects of Medicine as known in 1753. The book is incredibly detailed in semiotics as well as giving detailed description of pathologies and prescriptions for the different diseases. Bound in soft vellum, this book has the name of the book hand-written in the back in the style of the period. Some worming. Ex-Libris EAM

[000659] Snow, John MD "On Chloroform and Other Anesthetics, Their Action and Administration"; , 1950. This is a 1950 reprint by the American Society of Anesthesiology, Chicago, of the original book published in 1858. Signed by previous owner Herbert Rackow MD NY. Ex-Libris EAM

[000660] Haggard, Howard MD "The Doctor in History"; New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1934. Howard Wilcox Haggard, M.D. (1891-1959) was an immensely popular lecturer and prolific author, and professor of applied physiology at Yale.His primary research focuses in respiratory physiology, particularly relating to the physiology of respired toxins.This book was signed by the author. Ex-Libris EAM

[000662] McMurtrie, Hogin "Human Anatomy Coloring Book"; ISBN: 9781435129375 USA: Sterling Publishing Co., 2006. The best way to remember each bone, muscle, and organ is by drawing and coloring. The act of drawing reinforces learning by propioception. That’s why this one-of-a-kind coloring book, with its concisely written text and easy-to-color-in medical illustrations, is a great book.Arranged according to body systems, the color-key organization links anatomical terminology to the more than 1,000 precise and detailed black-and-white illustrations. Ex-Libris EAM

[000663] Carter, Charles F., MD "Principles of Microbiology"; St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1951. Signed by owner Mary V. Jones, RN; Mitchell, IN, a nurse stationed in Okinawa, Japan post WWII. Ex-Libris EAM

[000664] Emerson, C.P; MD & Taylor. J.E. RN "Essentials of Medicine: The Basis of Nursing Care"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1950. Has the name of prior owner Mary V. Jones, RN. Mitchell, IN. She was stationed in Okinawa Japan post WWII. Ex-Libris EAM

[000665] Kimber, Gray, Stackpole, Leavell, Miller "Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology"; New York: MacMillian, 1949. Preface: "During the past decade, in keeping with the accelerated pace of research in the biological and physical sciences, there has been considerable expansion in the scope of most high school science courses. Accordingly students are now entering college and nursing school with a much better understanding of both general and human biology. This fact has influenced the selection and organization of materials for this fifteenth edition of Anatomy and Physiology; in short, the authors have attempted to build rather than to repeat. We continue to believe that the integrated study of anatomy and physiology, with each subject giving immediate meaning to the other, is conducive to better understanding and to an appreciation of the interlocking relationships of structure and function." Personal note: Inside the book I found a Japanese bookmark depicting the garden of Shukkeien in Hiroshima, and a text that reads as follows: "Private Law 86-282 . AN ACT For the relief of Mary V. Jones. "Be it enacted hy tlie Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $13,799.96 to Mary V. Jones, of Washington, District of Columbia, in full settlement of all claims against the United States. Such sum represents compensation of personal injuries sustained as the result of an accident at the 8079tli Army Hospital, Camp Omiya, Japan, on January 8, 1953: Provided, That no part of the amount appropriated in this Act shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with this claim, and the same shall be unlawful, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved May 13, 1960" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000666] Steele, Katharine RN; Manfreda, Marguerite, RN "Psychiatric Nursing"; Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co, Publishers, 1954. Controversial book by the publishing of a chapter on "Psychophysical Control of Disturbed Patients".Unit V chapter19 presents with techniques to control unruly psychiatric patients. exercises to practice, and pictures of what seem martial arts holds and take-downs. Beautifully explained, this is a great book on a very delicate topic! Signed by previous owner, it reads: "Mary V. Jones, Louisville General Hospital" Ex-Libris EAM

[000667] Krug, E.E., RN & McGuigan H.U., MD PhD "An Introduction to Materia Medica and Pharmacology"; St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1951. Signed by previous owner Mary V. Jones, RN Louisville General Hospital. 612 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000668] Hodgson, Charles "Carnal Knowledge: A Navel Gazer's Dictionary of Anatomy, Etymology, and Trivia"; ISBN: 9780312371210 New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 2007. Did you know: -eye is one of the oldest written words in the English language? -callipygian means "having beautiful buttocks"? -gam, a slang word for "leg," comes from the French word jambe? More than a list of anatomical words and their meanings, Hodgson's book fleshes out the meaning behind the words. This is a blood-and-guts encyclopedia, not some bone-dry dictionary…. Even misologists (haters of knowledge) will find pleasure in this book. Ex-Libris EAM

[000670] Medical Terminology: Exercises in Etymology "Dunmore, Charles; Fleischer. Rita"; ISBN: 080362946X Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co, Publishers, 1985. This completely revised edition now includes the most current terminology -- straight from Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 19th edition. This unique text helps your students learn medical terminology from a "classics" approach and includes references to Greek and Latin mythology. In addition, many new illustrations reinforce concepts and highlight various etymological notes.. Ex-Libris EAM

[000671] Scanlon, Valerie; Sanders, Tina "Student Workbook for Understanding Human Structure and Function"; ISBN: 9780803602427 Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co, Publishers, 1997. Follows its companion text chapter by chapter and includes an answer key. The book contains black-and-white illustrations.356 pages, Paperback. Ex-Libris EAM

[000672] Hogben, Lancelot "The Vocabulary of Science"; ISBN: 0812812875 New York: Stein and Day, 1970. When Lancelot Hodgen discovered that many of his students lacked knowledge of basic Latin and Greek he developed this book. A great read for anyone interested in deepening their knowledge of medical etymology and terminology. New York: Stein and Day, 1970. First Edition; First Printing. Hardcover.ISBN: 0812812875. Ex-Libris EAM

[000673] John H. Dirckx, MD "The Language of Medicine"; ISBN: 0061406899 Hagerstown, Maryland: Harper & Row, 1976. The language of medicine, its evolution, structure, and dynamics Hardcover – January 1, 1983. 170 pp. deals with the linguistic history of medical language; its principles, forms, and constituent parts; and the way it works, or, frequently, does not work. Dr Dirckx considers his book not exhaustive, but rather a "sampling." Most of us, who take our language for granted, will find this work an eye-opening education and acquaintanceship with "the language of medical English." Every physician who reads or writes on subjects medical will want to read, and probably own, this work. It is eminently entertaining and well written, full of fascinating derivations (most accessible through the almost 600-entry "words and phrases" index), and is a first step toward the lost art of good writing, which begins with understanding. Ex-Libris EAM

[000674] Haubrich, WIlliam S. "Medical Meanings: A Glossary of Word Origins"; ISBN: 0943126568 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American College of Physicians, 1997. Although dedicated "to the curiosity of all students of medicine..." Dr. Haubrich's new edition of his 1984 book will appeal to anyone who loves words, their etymology, their past and current meanings that change with usage. "A fascination with not a genetically determined trait; it must be instilled," he writes, adding later that this A-to-Z compilation "is not intended to be read from cover-to cover...although a few brave souls may try." Neither does Medical Meanings pretend to finally define biomedical words. Instead, Haubrich hopes to fill a gap in medical terminology and tangential terms by exploring origins. This he does with verve, spirit and humor, bringing the ancient and the modern into juxtaposition. Ex-Libris EAM

[000675] Frerichs, Friedrich Theodore "A Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver Vol. 1"; New York: WM Wood & Co, 1879. Volume I. Translated by Charles Murchison. Ex-Libris EAM

[000676] Frerichs, Friedrich Theodore "A Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver Vol. 2"; New York: WM Wood & Co, 1879. Volume II. Translated by Charles Murchison. Ex-Libris EAM

[000677] Frerichs, Friedrich Theodore "A Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver Vol. 3"; New York: WM Wood & Co, 1879. Volume III. Translated by Charles Murchison. Ex-Libris EAM

[000678] J.C. Boileau Grant, H.A. Cates "A Handbook for Dissectors"; Baltimore: William & Wilkens, 1945. This book was originally written for use in conjunction with "A Method of Anatomy" [listing 293 in this catalog] and refers to this work by plate and figure. This second edition stands as a dissector on its own right. "Ex-Libris EAM

[000679] Quiroz Gutierrez, Dr. Fernando "Tratado De Anatomía Humana Vol 2."; Mexico: Editorial Porrua, S.A., 1972. Junto a Testut y Latarjet, el Tratado de Anatomia Humana de Quiroz ha sido un libro que ha enseñado a muchas generaciones de medicos y profesionales de la salud en Latinoamerica. Ex-Libris EAM

[000687] Reichert, Bernard "Palpation Techniques: Surface Anatomy for Physical Therapists"; ISBN: 9783131463418 New York: Thieme, 2011. This illustrated guide to palpation techniques provides readers with a solid understanding of topographic anatomy using clear, step-by-step descriptions that teach how to first identify, and then distinguish between, the various body structures. Full-color photographs feature models with detailed drawings of muscles, bones, and tendons sketched directly onto their skin, indicating exactly where and how to palpate. Complementary color drawings show the functional significance of each anatomic region.397pp. Full color. Ex Libris EAM.

[000688] Williams, Jesse Feiring MD "A Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1936. With a black and gold sticker from the "Chicago Medical Book Co". Ex Libris EAM

[000689] Testut, L. & Latarjet, A. "Compendio De Anatomía Descriptiva"; Spain: Salvat Editores, 1970. 22nd Spanish Edition. A gift of and signed by previous owner Maria Eliana Gallegos C. On the inner cover it reads with the owner's name and then "Escuela de Fonoaudiología, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital J.J. Aguirre".No es este libro un tratado didáctico, sino, como indica su título un simple resumen, lo más suscinto posible, de las nociones de anatomía descriptiva que constituyen la materia del primer examen del doctorado en Francia. He prescindido de la histología por doble motivo de que no forma parte del examen precitado y porque en esta colección se le destina ya un volumen especial. Lo mismo he de decir de la embriología y de la anatomía topográfica. Tampoco consignaré lo referente a las anomalías y a las variaciones anatómicas, pues, aun siendo muy interesantes en morfología general, tiene un valor secundario para el estudiante que se prepara para sufrir un examen. Reducido a estos límites, escrito por otra parte en el estilo sumamente conciso que conviene a los compendios, sin ilustración ninguna, ni siquiera figuras esquemáticas, este compendio va destinado, no a los que necesitan aprender la anatomía, sino a los que necesitan refrescar la memoria de los que aprendieron ya." Ex-Libris EAM

[000690] Schmidt, J.E. "Medical Discoveries: Who and When"; Springfield Illinois: Charles C Thomas, 1959. From the introduction: "The title MEDICAL DISCOVERIES: WHO and ·WHEN is, in a sense, an understatement, for among the more than 6,000 entries the reader will find numerous items relating to methods, tests, operations, diseases, deformities, terms, eponyms, original texts, "fathers" and founders, doctrines, theories, concepts, refutations, etc., which are not "discoveries" at all. Also, while the dictionary concerns itself mainly with medical subjects, the reader will discover that an imposing number of entries are from fields other than medicine, such as dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, opticianry, midwifery, chemistry, and physics. Of course, only those subjects which have a bearing on medical science, at least indirectly, were included. Besides, the dictionary gives considerably more information than the phrase "WHO and WHEN" implies, such as the floruit, nationality, profession, and other pertinent data." Ex-Libris EAM

[000691] Firkin, B.G. & Whitworth, J.A. "Dictionary of Medical Eponyms"; ISBN: 1850703337 New Jersey, USA: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1990. irkin and Whitworth's popular dictionary of medical eponyms used mainly in internal medicine in English-speaking countries. Each entry tells the meaning of the eponym and provides bibliographic information about the person. The authors' considerable scholarship and the care they devote to their work is evident in their Introduction to this updated edition of the book: "Over the years many people have condemned the use of eponyms in medical practice, but eponyms are with us to stay whether the more fastidious like it or not, and will remain as long as medicine is practiced in its present fashion. Some remain permanently while others vanish after a short moment of glory; their usage changes as much as fashion. Down syndrome for example was not used in the 1950s and only Mongolism was listed in the indices of textbooks at that time. Curious regional differences are noticeable within the same country [and] there is even greater variation from country to country. The Plummer-Vinson syndrome as it is known in the United States and Australia is referred to as the Patterson-Kelly syndrome in the United Kingdom and the Waldenstrom-Kjellberg syndrome in Scandinavia. "This book is an endeavor to list eponyms used in the practice of internal medicine in most of the English-speaking countries in the world. It is hoped that it will help nurses and medical students as well as practitioners, not only to inform them as to the usage of these terms but wherever possible to indicate briefly a little of the person whose name is used eponymously." Ex-Libris EAM

[000692] Forbis, P & Bartolucci, S.L. "Stedman's Medical Eponyms"; ISBN: 0683079654 USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1998. Preface: " Althought he use of eponyms has been controversial among some groups over the past few years, they continue to be important in distinguishing syndromes, instruments, phenomena, etc. from one another... it does not appear likely that they will be extinct any time soon." Ex-Libris EAM

[000693] Nissen, Rudolph, MD "Duodenal and Jejunal Peptic Ulcer: Technic of Resection"; New York, USA: Grune & Stratton, 1946. With a foreword by Owen Wangensteen, MD, this book deals with certain technical maneuvers illustrated by a series of drawings. Dr. Aaron Ruhalter was an assistant to Dr. Nissen. Ex-Libris EAM

[000694] Von Hagens, Gunther "Real Anatomy for Teaching - Catalog"; , 2013. Dr. Gunther Von Hagens is the inventor of plastination, a technique that replaces the water in the cells of anatomical specimens with reactive plastics specially designed for this purpose. The results are incredible as can be seen in the world-reknown traveling exhibit "Body Worlds". This wonderful full-color catalog is signed by Dr Von Hagens are reads: "Best greetings to Efrain, very truly yours, Gunther" Ex-Libris EAM

[000695] Guoliang, Chen "Replantation and Reconstruction of Fingers"; ISBN: 9787117092524 Beijing, China: People's Medical Publishing House, 2008. Fullly-colored, incredible book on the treatment of hand and finger injuries, dealing with anatomy, surgical and suturing techniquem as well as images of the before and after surgery. This is the First Edition English version of the original book published in Chinese in the People's Republic of China. This book is a gift from my daughter Jackie Miranda-Klein PA-C. It also contains an invitation from the University of Cincinnati for Jackie's Bachelod Degree. Ex-Libris EAM

[000696] Hertzler, Arthur E. "The Horse and Buggy Doctor"; USA: Bison Books, 1970. The author leads the through the practice of medicine in rural America from the 1880's through the 1930's. His early narratives are those of a child observing the ravages of epidemic diseases in the face of medical futility. The book is also devoted to anecdotes and observations on such things as horse and buggy home visits, medical education in Europe, kitchen surgery, the proprietary hospital and physician education. Dr. Hertzler Having served as a rural practitioner, and also as a professor of pathology at academic centers and a consulting surgeon. The book has a personal insert with the biography of Dr. Arthur Emmanuel Hertzler 1870-1946). Ex-Libris EAM

[000697] Cushing, Harvey "The Life of Sir William Osler Vol 1"; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1926. Volume I. Written by Osler's his friend and disciple, Harvey Cushing, this is a great book! Sir William Osler's teachings and methods modified the teaching of Medicine in the western world. His work influenced Canadian medical teaching, he was instrumental in the creation and development of the John Hopkins Hospital and Medical School. His life of work, dedication to his career, and writings is exposed in great detail. But between the lines also surges an individual deeply dedicated to his friends and family, a man that was a prankster, yet could not pass a person in need without suffering and giving. The final chapters on the death of his son Revere (great-great-grandson of Paul Revere throught Osler's wife) as well as his final days are poignant and detailed. This book is a personal gift from my good friend Dr. AnthonyTizzano. Ex-Libris EAM

[000698] Cushing, Harvey "The Life of Sir William Osler Vol 2"; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1926. Volume II. Written by Osler's his friend and disciple, Harvey Cushing, this is a great book! Sir William Osler's teachings and methods modified the teaching of Medicine in the western world. His work influenced Canadian medical teaching, he was instrumental in the creation and development of the John Hopkins Hospital and Medical School. His life of work, dedication to his career, and writings is exposed in great detail. But between the lines also surges an individual deeply dedicated to his friends and family, a man that was a prankster, yet could not pass a person in need without suffering and giving. The final chapters on the death of his son Revere (great-great-grandson of Paul Revere throught Osler's wife) as well as his final days are poignant and detailed. This book is a personal gift from my good friend Dr. Anthony Tizzano. Ex-Libris EAM

[000699] Testut, L;. Latarjet, A "Traité D' Anatomie Humaine. Tome I"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1928. French edition, Premier Tome: Osteologie, Arthrologie, Myologie. This book is a gift from the library of my good friend Gonzalo Lopetegui Adams MD FACS, by his wife Teresa Lopetegui Camus. Dr. Lopetegui was a Chilean surgeon, Director of the Emergency Department of the Barros Luco-Trudeau Hospital in Santiago. Dr. Lopetegui was also Past-President of the Chilean Chapter of the Americal College of Surgeons (1191-1992) and a member of the Chilean Society of Surgeons since 1965 until his untimely death in 2004.Ex-Libris EAM

[000700] Testut, L;. Latarjet, A "Traité D' Anatomie Humaine. Tome II"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1928. French edition, DeuxiemeTome: Angeiologie, Systeme Nerveux Central. This book is a gift from the library of my good friend Gonzalo Lopetegui Adams MD FACS, by his wife Teresa Lopetegui Camus. Dr. Lopetegui was a Chilean surgeon, Director of the Emergency Department of the Barros Luco-Trudeau Hospital in Santiago. Dr. Lopetegui was also Past-President of the Chilean Chapter of the Americal College of Surgeons (1191-1992) and a member of the Chilean Society of Surgeons since 1965 until his untimely death in 2004.Ex-Libris EAM

[000701] Testut, L;. Latarjet, A "Traité D' Anatomie Humaine. Tome III"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1928. French edition, Troisieme Tome: Meninges, Systeme Nerveux Peripherique, Organes des Sens; Appareil de la respiration et la Phonation, Glandes a secretion interne. This book is a gift from the library of my good friend Gonzalo Lopetegui Adams MD FACS, by his wife Teresa Lopetegui Camus. Dr. Lopetegui was a Chilean surgeon, Director of the Emergency Department of the Barros Luco-Trudeau Hospital in Santiago. Dr. Lopetegui was also Past-President of the Chilean Chapter of the Americal College of Surgeons (1191-1992) and a member of the Chilean Society of Surgeons since 1965 until his untimely death in 2004.Ex-Libris EAM

[000702] Testut, L;. Latarjet, A "Traité D' Anatomie Humaine. Tome IV"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1928. French edition, Quatrieme Tome: Appareil de la Digestion. This book is a gift from the library of my good friend Gonzalo Lopetegui Adams MD FACS, by his wife Teresa Lopetegui Camus. Dr. Lopetegui was a Chilean surgeon, Director of the Emergency Department of the Barros Luco-Trudeau Hospital in Santiago. Dr. Lopetegui was also Past-President of the Chilean Chapter of the Americal College of Surgeons (1191-1992) and a member of the Chilean Society of Surgeons since 1965 until his untimely death in 2004.Ex-Libris EAM

[000703] Testut, L;. Latarjet, A "Traité D' Anatomie Humaine, Tome V"; Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, 1928. French edition, Cinquieme Tome: Appareil Uro-genital, Peritoine. This book is a gift from the library of my good friend Gonzalo Lopetegui Adams MD FACS, by his wife Teresa Lopetegui Camus. Dr. Lopetegui was a Chilean surgeon, Director of the Emergency Department of the Barros Luco-Trudeau Hospital in Santiago. Dr. Lopetegui was also Past-President of the Chilean Chapter of the Americal College of Surgeons (1191-1992) and a member of the Chilean Society of Surgeons since 1965 until his untimely death in 2004. Ex-Libris EAM

[000704] Casselman, William "A Dictionary of Medical Derivations"; ISBN: 1850707715 United Kingdom: Parthenon Publishing, 1998. A Dictionary of Medical Derivations: The Real Meaning of Medical Terms. This dictionary explains the original meanings and correct use of the 500 Greek and Latin words and word parts that make up 98% of all medical terms used today. It stimulates better, quicker comprehension of medical terminology with less grinding memory work and is the ideal way for students to learn how medical words are formed from Latin and Greek roots and how to construct a medical vocabulary for both old and new medical words. It shows how to break long medical words into their simple Greek and Latin roots and helps solve the mystery of medical jargon by supplying a logical system for understanding terminology. Also, it is the first work of its kind to open up access for doctors to understanding the whole of medical terminology, regardless of specialty. And because it is a totally new dictionary readers can be assured of learning true etymologies and accurate meanings instead of the notoriously inaccurate and misleading derivations copied from one so-called standard dictionary to the other over the years. Ex-Libris EAM

[000705] Ravitch, Mark M "A Century of Surgery: The History of the American Surgical Association Vol. 1"; USA: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1981. Volume One of two in a hardcover slipbox. This book is number 1831 of a limited signed edition of 2000. Details the history of the meetings and members of the American Surgical Association. The author, Dr. Mark Mitchell Ravitch was a well known surgeon, pediatrician, and a pioneed in the introduction and development of surgical staplers in the USA This book belonged originally to the library of Mark Mitchell Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). It was gifted to his son Michael M. Ravitch Ph.D. (1943-2004) as a Christmas gift on 12/25/1966. Upon Michael’s death, the book became the property of his widow, Myrnice Ravitch nee McCormick. Myrnice donated this book personally to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017 when she visited Cincinnati, OH. Ex-Libris EAM

[000706] Ravitch, Mark M "A Century of Surgery: The History of the American Surgical Association Vol. 2"; USA: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1981. Volume Two (of two). Beautiful slip box. This book is number 1831 of a limited signed edition of 2000. Details the history of the meetings and members of the American Surgical Association. The author, Dr. Mark Mitchell Ravitch was a well known surgeon, pediatrician, and a pioneed in the introduction and development of surgical staplers in the USA. This book belonged originally to the library of Mark Mitchell Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). It was gifted to his son Michael M. Ravitch Ph.D. (1943-2004) as a Christmas gift on 12/25/1966. Upon Michael’s death, the book became the property of his widow, Myrnice Ravitch nee McCormick. Myrnice donated this book personally to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017 when she visited Cincinnati, OH. Ex-Libris EAM

[000707] Osler, William "The Evolution of Modern Medicine"; New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1921. First Edition, second printing. "The Evolution of Modern Medicine "consists of a series of historic lectures delivered by William Osler at Yale University in 1913. In these lectures, of which exists only one in-print edition, the renowned physician and medical historian Osler chronicles the history of medical science from its most ancient origins to the rise of modern medicine, in which he played an important role. The delay in printing was caused by the war and the delay in Sir William Osler in proofing the print led to this late publication. This book has an Ex-Libris plate from the library of Edwin Waterman Mitchell, MD. (1854 - 1953). He was born in Newark Ohio in 1854, member of Allpha Kappa Kappa. Professor of Pediatrics Miami Med College, and member of the staff of the Cincinnati Hospital. The bookplate was designed in 1911 by Rumanian artist Melink Finkle. Ex-Libris EAM

[000708] Campbell, William Francis MD "A Textbook of Surgical Anatomy"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1908. "Dr. Campbell has been able to incorporate in his book this clarity of expression, this statement of essential fact, this vital surgical application, adaptation, and association that so thoroughly informed and so greatly inspired his students. It is a splendid volume which refreshes your memory, puts you anatomically right and gives you the "anatomical reason why." All of this without very much effort on your part. The matter is well arranged ; the type well chosen, and the paragraphs to the point. That there may be no doubt in the reader's mind, there are numerous illustrations. Most of them are from original drawings and tell their own story." T. Brennan The Long Island Medical Journal February 1922. Book has an Ex-Libris plate from Granville T Matlark MD from Wilkes-Barre, PA. Ex-Libris EAM

[000709] Clark, Charles R. Editor "The Cervical Spine"; ISBN: 0397515359 Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998. Prepared by internationally recognized members of The Cervical Spine Research Society Editorial Committee, this best-selling book is the most comprehensive, current, and authoritative reference on the cervical spine. It provides state-of-the-art coverage of basic and clinical research, diagnostic methods, and medical and surgical treatments, bringing together the latest thinking of the foremost orthopaedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists, rheumatologists, radiologists, anatomists, and bioengineers. Ex-Libris EAM

[000710] Brantigan, Otto C. MD "Clinical Anatomy"; New York: McGraw Hill, 1963. Great anatomy book on Clinical Anatomy by a leader of thought in Medicine. Clinical Anatomy. By Otto C. Brantigan, M.D., F.A.C.S. Illustrated by Thomas Stevenson. 4°, cloth, 9 + 421 pp., with many illustrations. New York: The Blakiston Division, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1963.As a surgeon of the times, Dr. Brantigan had a wide area of interest. His over 110 publications and surgical work range from thoracoscopy to vascular, plastic, cardiac, and orthopedic surgery. He is most remembered for the pioneer work he did on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS), which he presented in 1958. The procedure had (at the time) a very high mortality rate (16 -20%) and Brantigan's work was not readily accepted. Ex-Libris EAM

[000711] Dirix, Theo "In Search of Andreas Vesalius; The Quest for the Lost Grave"; Belgium: Lanoo Campus, 2014. Theo Dirix is the Consul for the Embassy of Belgium in Greece. An avid Vesalius historian and taphophile, his book talks about the search for the lost grave of Andreas Vesalius and the steps that led to the 2014 Vesalius Continuum meeting in the island of Zakynthos, Greece where Vesalius died in 1564. Signed and dedicated by the author at Zakynthos September 2014. Ex-Libris EAM

[000712] Garrison, Daniel H "Vesalius: The China Root Epistle, A New Translation and Critical Edition"; ISBN: 9781107026353 New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. This book provides the first annotated English translation from the original Latin of Andreas Vesalius' China Root Epistle. Ostensibly his appraisal of a fashionable herbal remedy, the China Root Epistle concentrates on Vesalius' skeptical appraisal of traditional Galenic anatomy, which was based on animal rather than human dissections. Along with reflections about his life as a young anatomist, Vesalius argued that the new science of anatomy should devote itself less to rhetorical polemics and more to the craft of direct observation based on human dissection. This volume provides annotations to link the Epistle with Vesalius' earlier and more famous On the Fabric of the Human Body, and includes illustrations from the famous woodcuts first used in the 1543 edition of the Fabrica. First translation into a modern language of Vesalius' critique of Medieval and Humanist anatomy Includes illustrations from the famous woodcuts first used in Vesalius' 1543 edition of Fabric of the Human Body Detailed annotations explain the persons and events mentioned by Vesalius and link his statements about anatomy with the 1543 and 1555 editions of the Fabrica. Signed by the author. Ex-Libris EAM

[000713] Uribe Vasquez, Cristian "Epónimos En Nomenclaturas Anatómicas"; Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Universidad Finis Terrae, 2011. A medical student companion book to clarify eponyms and the anatomical structures to which they refer. Spanish. Signed and dedicated by the author "With best regards in Santiago, April, 2015". Ex-Libris EAM

[000714] Striker, Cecil, M.D "Medical Portraits"; , 1963. Biographies of pioneers and extraordinary physicians in Cincinnati. The editor, Cecil Striker MD was born on September 25, 1897 in Princeton, Kentucky. He graduated from Cincinnati's College of Medicine in 1921 and completed an internship and a residency at Cincinnati General Hospital. He was also a resident physician at the Jewish Hospital before taking the position as Instructor and Assistant Attending Physician with a special focus on diabetes research. In 1925 he joined the medical staff of Jewish Hospital and was president of the medical staff from 1955-1956. Dr. Striker's interest in diabetes began when he was involved in testing the effects of using insulin to manage diabetes. Throughout his career, Dr. Striker became nationally and internationally known as a consultant for physicians with diabetic patients as he led the efforts promote successful diabetes treatment through insulin, diet and exercise. He helped found the American Diabetes Association and was its first President. Dr. Striker was an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine until automatic retirement at the required age of 1968. He was the president of the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati from 1951-1952, and was president of the Public Health Federation from 1948-1950. In 1960 Dr. Striker was president of the Ohio Society of Medical History and in 1961 the presiding officer of the U.C. College of Medicine Alumnal Association. Dr. Striker had a devoted interest in medical history, and was the driving force behind the creation of a medical history society in Cincinnati. The society he assembled met for the first time shortly after his death, and the society voted unanimously to name the group the "Cecil Striker Society of Medical History." Ex-Libris EAM

[000716] Wise, Ken "All Else Is Mortal"; ISBN: 068304351x USA: , 2013. Independently published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, this book is a novelized version of the life of Andreas Vesalius. I met the author (Ken Wise) in the island of Zakynthos, Greece, in 2014 for a Symposium honoring 500 years of Vesalius' birth. The book is personally dedicated. I like the book although I do not agree with this novelized version of Vesalius' death, as a more down-to-earth and scientifically logical theory was proposed at the same symposium by Pavlos Plessas, stating that Vesalius was the victim of scurvy and died at the gates of the port of Zakynthos. Ex-Libris EAM

[000717] Ebenstein, Joanna "The Morbid Anatomy Anthology"; Morbid Anatomy Press, 2014. This book was funded by crowd-funding and is a compendium of some of the best material on the Morbid Anatomy Museum in New York. Since 2008, the Morbid Anatomy Library of Brooklyn, New York, has hosted some of the best scholars, artists and writers working along the intersections of the history of anatomy and medicine, death and the macabre, religion and spectacle. "The Morbid Anatomy Anthology" collects some of the best of this work in 28 lavishly illustrated essays. Included are essays by Evan Michelson (star of Science Channel's hit show "Oddities") on the catacombs of Palermo; Simon Chaplin (head of the Wellcome Library in London) on public displays of corpses in Georgian England; mortician Caitlin Doughty on demonic children; and Paul Koudounaris (author of "Empire of Death") on a truck stop populated with human skulls. In addition are pieces on books bound in human skin, death-themed cafes in fin-de-siècle Paris, post-mortem photography, eroticized anatomical wax models, taxidermied humans and other animals, Santa Muerte, "artist of death" Frederik Ruysch, and much more. Signed and dedicated by J. Ebenstein, . Ex-Libris EAM

[000718] Agur, M.R. Anne "Grant's Atlas De Anatomía"; ISBN: 9500608707 USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1998. "... Dr. Grant was known for his reliance on logic, analysis, and deduction as opposed to rote memory. While at the University of Manitoba, Dr. Grant began writing 'A Method of Anatomy, Descriptive and Deductive', which was published in 1937. In 1930, Dr. Grant accepted the position of Chair of anatomy at the University of Toronto. He stressed the value of a "Clean: dissection, with the structures well defined. This required the delicate touch of a sharp scalpel, and students soon learned that a dull tool was an anathema. Instructive dissections were made available in the anatomy museum, a means of student review on which Dr. Grant placed a high priority. Many of these illustrations have been included in Grant's atlas of anatomy." Edicion en Español. Ex-Libris EAM

[000719] Vesalius, Andreas "The Fabric of the Human Body, An Annotated Translation of the 1543 and 1555 Editions of “De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem". Volume 1/2"; ISBN: 9783318022469 Basel: Karger, A.G., 2014. Translated and annotated by Drs, Daniel H. Garrison and Malcolm H MD. This exquisite and unique book represents 20 years of work and includes notes from the First Edition of the Fabrica (1543), the Second Edition, and a recently discovered work by Andrea Vesalius for his never-published Third Edition. Incredible graphics, exquisite fonts, and dedication to quality makes this book the jewel of an Andreas Vesalius Collection. Only 938 copies of this book were printed and it is now out-of-print. The book is massive with two volumes (17 inches in height), and acrylic slipcase and a total weight of 36 pounds!. This particular copy in my collection was part of a 2014 world-wide tour and display of the book that included the "Vesalius Continuum" Conference in Zakinthos, Greece commemorating the 500th anniversary of the author's birth. The book was finally acquired in a Vesalius meeting in St. Louis in 2015 where the book was signed by both translators. In spite of being published in 2014, only 948 books were printed and is now sold-out. This book is today considered rare and its price hs increased at least three-fold in the last year (2016) only! Ex-Libris EAM

[000720] Vesalius, Andreas "The Fabric of the Human Body, An Annotated Translation of the 1543 and 1555 Editions of “De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem". Volume 2/2"; ISBN: 9783318022469 Basel: Karger, A.G., 2014. Translated and annotated by Drs, Daniel H. Garrison and Malcolm H MD. This exquisite and unique book represents 20 years of work and includes notes from the First Edition of the Fabrica (1543), the Second Edition, and a recently discovered work by Andrea Vesalius for his never-published Third Edition. Incredible graphics, exquisite fonts, and dedication to quality makes this book the jewel of an Andreas Vesalius Collection. Only 938 copies of this book were printed and it is now out-of-print. The book is massive with two volumes (17 inches in height), and acrylic slipcase and a total weight of 36 pounds!. This particular copy in my collection was part of a 2014 world-wide tour and display of the book that included the "Vesalius Continuum" Conference in Zakinthos, Greece commemorating the 500th anniversary of the author's birth. The book was finally acquired in a Vesalius meeting in St. Louis in 2015 where the book was signed by both translators. In spite of being published in 2014, only 948 books were printed and is now sold-out. This book is today considered rare and its price hs increased at least three-fold in the last year (2016) only! Ex-Libris EAM

[000721] Fernandez, Jose Baron "Andrés Vesalio, su Vida y su Obra"; Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1970. Spanish. This book contains a detailed research on the life of Andreas Vesalius. Jose Baron Fernandez also gives the first factual information ever found on the death of Andreas Vesalius based in letters he found. A great read, it is a book that should be translated to English. 312 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000722] Jamie Weir; Peter H. Abrahams "Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 0723434573 China: Elsevier, 2017. This book provides a solid foundation for understanding human anatomy. The authors offer a complete and 3-dimensional view of the structures and relationships within the body through a variety of imaging modalities. Over 60% new images?showing cross-sectional views in CT and MRI, nuclear medicine imaging, and more?along with revised legends and labels ensure that you have the best and most up-to-date visual resource. In addition, you get online access to pathology tutorials linking to additional images for even more complete coverage than ever before. In print and online, this atlas will widen your applied and clinical knowledge of human anatomy. 263 pages. Signed by Peter Abrahams. Ex-Libris EAM

[000723] Sheen, Jack H, MD "Aesthetic Rhinoplasty"; ISBN: 0801645751 St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1978. Aesthetic Rhinoplasty has earned a special place among the important texts in plastic surgery. In response to innumerable requests, a limited edition of this exceptional two-volume set has been published at a special value. If you have never owned a set (or your copies have mysteriously disappeared), now is your opportunity to benefit from this definitive information. Surgeons the world over have combed through the pages of this magnificent work to hone their skills and refine their knowledge in the subtle and challenging art of rhinoplasty. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000724] Grant, J.C. Boileau "An Atlas of Anatomy"; Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1947. "The study of human anatomy may be attempted in either of two ways. One consists in collecting facts and memorizing them. This demands a memory which is wax to receive impressions and marble to retain them. Even so endowed a student will not master the infinite complexities of the subject. The other way consists in correlating facts, that is, studying them in their mutual relationships. This leads inevitable to the apprehending of the underlying principles involved, and in the "raison d'etre" of such relationships. The student will thus learn to reason anatomically and will find the acquisition of new and related facts an easier task. It is the purpose of this book to lead the student to approach the subject from this viewpoint, and it involves certain departures from tradition.This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. For some reason, this book was received with a torn bookplate. Ex-Libris EAM

[000725] Pernkopf , Eduard "Atlas of Topographic and Applied Human Anatomy Volume One"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1963. Head and Neck (Pernkopf Anatomy, Vol 1). Beautifully illustrated, this book has triggered controversy. In 1995 some articles claiming that the subjects of the illustrations in the classic anatomy atlas, Eduard Pernkopf's Topographische Anatomie des Menschen, were victims of the Nazi holocaust. While few have disputed the accuracy, artistic, or educational value of the Pernkopf atlas, some have argued that the use of such subjects violates standards of medical ethics involving inhuman and degrading treatment of subjects or disrespect of a human corpse (Ethics and access to teaching materials in the medical library: the case of the Pernkopf atlas* Michel C. Atlas, M.L.S., AHIP). Signed by the late Dr. Harry D Stambaugh, previous owner of the book. Ex-Libris EAM

[000727] Sheehan, J. Eastman, MD "Plastic Surgery of the Nose"; New York: Paul B. Hoeber,, 1925. This book has an incredible provenance. It is a rare book on Plastic Surgery and it is signed by the author and dedicated to Dr. Harold Vaughan dated 14.11.1925 as follows: "To Harold Vaughan, from his friend and colleague. J Eastman Sheehan". The book comes from the estate of Dr. H.D. Stambaugh (Louisville, KY) and inside the book there is a letter from Dr. Stambaugh that reads: "This VERY RARE BOOK was given to me by Dr. Harold Vaughan in 1958. Dr Vaughan was well into his eighties at that time and I surgically cared for him while I was a resident at the New York Hospital -Cornell Medical Center. We became friends and I have always cherished this very fine rare book. signed HD Stambaugh MD." Ex-Libris EAM

[000728] Herrlinger, Robert "History of Medical Illustration from Antiquity to 1600"; Netherland: Editions Medicina Rara, 1970. Slip case. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000729] Lederle Laboratories "Atlas of Normal Anatomy"; New York: Lederle Laboratories Division, 1956. Atlas of Normal Anatomy 1956. by Lederle Laboratories Division American Cyanamid Company (Author), Paul Peck (Illustrator). An example of old give aways to doctors in their offices, The book contains several inserts on medicines such as Achromycin and Pathilon. Ex-Libris EAM

[000730] Gross, Robert E, MD "An Atlas of Children's Surgery"; ISBN: 9780721642871 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1970. Robert E. Gross (1905-1988). He performed the first successful major operation on the great vessels near the heart in which the patient survived, the ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus on August 26, 1938. He also performed the first successful correction of coarctation of the aorta in 1945. He made many contributions to the development and practice of cardiovascular surgery in his long career.Dr. Gross describes the operations which are most frequently used to correct gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and cardiovascular lesions. He developed many of these procedures himself and most of them are generally accepted by pediatric surgeons. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD"., also signed by him. A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000731] Atlas of mental retardation syndromes. Visual diagnosis of facies and physical Findings "Sydney S. Gellis and Murray Feingold"; Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1968. "One picture is worth a thousand words" may be a conservative maxim in this instance. This is a Magnificent atlas of congenital or hereditary defects usually associated with mental retardation, ranging from the fairly common Down's syndrome to conditions which the average practitioner may not encounter even once in a lifetime.. 188 pages. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM

[000732] Eriksson, Ejnar "Illustrated Handbook in Local Anaesthesia"; Copenhagen: W.B. Saunders, 1979. llustrated Handbook in Local Anaesthesia is the second edition of an apparently popular Swedish book that has been translated into English. It is intended for students and physicians in Sweden and abroad and is meant to complement more complete textbooks on local anesthesia. Twelve authors have contributed 43 chapters arranged in a more or less "head-to-toe" sequence. The color illustrations and photographs are aesthetically pleasing; however, in many cases, they are labeled too sparsely or not at all, requiring reference to other texts, rereading of the text several times, or an undue amount of time for right-left, cephalad-caudad orientation. This was an annoying drawback, especially since the main thrust of the book is the "good drawings and illustrative pictures." This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000733] Katz, Jordan, MD "Atlas of Regional Anesthesia"; ISBN: 0838504558 Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1985. University of California, San Diego. Atlas of clinically useful nerve block techniques, for anesthesiologists. Arranged by body region. Three-dimensional color drawings. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". A research shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000734] Alfred W. Kopf, Robert S. Bart, Rafael Andrade "Atlas of Tumors of the Skin"; ISBN: 0721654878 Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1978. Students of dermatology at all levels of training and dermatologists in practice need a considerable reservoir of clinical photographs at their fingertips to evaluate accurately lesions they see as well as for student/ patient instruction. Standard texts usually have space for only a few illustrations of clinical entities, and if one is included, it is usually a black-and-white photograph. For this reason, it is very helpful to have a single, easy-to-use source in color that depicts most types of benign and malignant cutaneous tumors and, in some instances, several variants of the same tumor. This book has an embossed seal with the legend "From the library of Harry D. Stambaugh, MD". The book was signed in 1978 by Dr. Stambaugh. Rresearch shows that Dr. Stambaugh (1986-2016) was a US Army veteran and a plastic surgeon in Louisville, KY. Ex-Libris EAM

[000735] Norton, Neil S. "Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry"; ISBN: 9780323392280 China: Elsevier, 2016. "Netter’s Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry, by Neil S. Norton, PhD, uses more than 600 full-color images from the Netter Collection to richly depict all of the key anatomy that’s relevant to clinical practice. This new edition takes your knowledge further than ever with more Netter illustrations; addition of over 20 cone beam CT images; new chapters on the upper limbs, thorax, and abdomen; and more than 100 multiple-choice questions. Whether for your dental anatomy course, board review, or as a handy reference in your dental office, this concise, visual guide is an excellent anatomy atlas and quick reference for students and professionals in dentistry and dental hygiene." Dr. Norton signed this book: " To my dear friend and colleague Efrain! I hope you enjoy the book! Sincerely, Neil Norton, January 3, 2017". Dr. Norton passed on DEcember 2022. He will be sorely missed. Ex-Libris EAM

[000736] Schacner, August; MD "Ephraim McDowell, Father of Ovariotomy and Founder of Abdominal Surgery"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1921. EPHRAIM MCDOWELL, FATHER OF OVARIOTOMY AND FOUNDER OF ABDOMINAL SURGERY. With an Appendix on JANE TODD CRAWFORD. BY AUGUST SCHACHNER, M.D. Cloth, 8vo.A p. 33I. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott CO., I921. Here is a book with a mission which the author has approached with all the zeal of an enthusiast and all the enthusiasm of a zealot. Fortunate is the man whose memory finds such a recorder tdc preserve it. Perhaps the most interesting and not the least important pages of this volume are those which present the attitude of the leaders in surgery in McDowell's time and for a generation thereafter, toward surgical attack.s upon ovarian tumors. The reaction of the two Hunters to the problem is significant of all. In I757 William wrote that he had seen a great number of encysted dropsies of the ovary and yet had never seen one cured. From his. observations both in the living and the dead body he pronounced the disease to be incurable and expressed the opinion that a patient thus afflicted could have the best chance of living longest who does the least to get rid of it! His brother John, however, went a step farther in 1785 when he said that " he could not see any reason why, when the disease could be ascertained in an early stage, surgeons should not make an opening into the abdomen and extract the! cyst. The merely making an opening into the abdomen is not highly dangerous." But, the more's the pity., John Hunter never did this reasonable and, in his opinion, not highly dangerous thing, notwithstanding according to the testimony of his brother the cases demanding it were to be seen in great numbers around him. The possibilities of. such operations remained an academic question until subjected to the test of an experiment made by a thoughtful, resourceful, self-reliant man in a frontier town of an American settlement! (by Lewis Pilcher, 1922) This book has a beautiful Ex-Libris from the Library of the Medical and Chirurgical faculty of the State of Maryland. It states "Purchased through the William Osler Testimonial fund for the advancement of Medicine. Small handwriting by Marcia Crocker Noyes. Ex-Libris EAM

[000737] Ravitch, Mark M "The Papers of Alfred Blalock Vol 1"; Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. "Alfred Blalock will be remembered longest for his brilliant contributions to cardiovascular surgery... There is inherent historical value in the chronologically ordered collection of 269 published papers and discussions that follows. Blalock's work was done between the years 1924 and 1964, and his publications reflect the enormous progress made in research methods and clinical care, as applied to surgery, during this period of intense scientific activity." -- Journal of the History of Medicine" 2 volume book in hardcover slip case. This book belonged originally to the library of Mark Mitchell Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). It was signed by him and gifted to his son Michael M. Ravitch Ph.D. (1943-2004) as a Christmas gift on 12/25/1966. Upon Michael’s death, the book became the property of his widow, Myrnice Ravitch nee McCormick. Myrnice donated this book personally to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017 when she visited Cincinnati, OH. Dedicated by Mark Ravitch to his son, the book has the Ex-Libris and signature of Michael Ravitch. Ex-Libris EAM

[000738] Ravitch, Mark M "The Papers of Alfred Blalock Vol 2"; Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. "Alfred Blalock will be remembered longest for his brilliant contributions to cardiovascular surgery... There is inherent historical value in the chronologically ordered collection of 269 published papers and discussions that follows. Blalock's work was done between the years 1924 and 1964, and his publications reflect the enormous progress made in research methods and clinical care, as applied to surgery, during this period of intense scientific activity." -- Journal of the History of Medicine" 2 volume book in hardcover slip case. This book belonged originally to the library of Mark Mitchell Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). It was gifted to his son Michael M. Ravitch Ph.D. (1943-2004) as a Christmas gift on 12/25/1966. Upon Michael’s death, the book became the property of his widow, Myrnice Ravitch nee McCormick. Myrnice donated this book personally to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017 when she visited Cincinnati, OH. This book has the Ex-Libris and signature of Michael Ravitch. Ex-Libris EAM

[000739] Winchester, Simon "The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary "; ISBN: 9780060994860 New York, USA: Harper Collins Publishers, 1998. Masterfully researched and eloquently written, this book is an extraordinary tale of madness, genius, and the incredible obsessions of two remarkable men that led to the making of the Oxford English Dictionary -- and literary history. The compilation of the OED, begun in 1857, was one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken. As definitions were collected, the overseeing committee, led by Professor James Murray, discovered that one man, Dr. W. C. Minor, had submitted more than ten thousand. When the committee insisted on honoring him, a shocking truth came to light: Dr. Minor, an American Civil War veteran, was also an inmate at an asylum for the criminally insane. This book was made into a movie. A gift, signed and dedicated by my good friend Dr. Victor Spitzer, the pioneer behind one of the greatest projects in modern human anatomy, The Visual Human. Ex Libris EAM

[000740] Ravitch, Mark, MD; Steichen, Felicien, MD; Welter, Roger, MD. "Current Practice of Surgical Stapling"; ISBN: 0812113284 USA: Lea & Febiger, 1991. Provenance: Although not signed by him, this book belonged originally to Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. (1943-2004). Upon his death, the book became the property of his widow Myrnice who donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. Considered the standard book for surgical stapling, this book gives the perspective and history of the introduction of these surgical devices to the USA. Signed by Felicien Steichen, NY, 1999, with a personal dedication to Dr. Ravitch's children Ex-Libris EAM

[000741] Steichen, FM & Ravitch, MM "Stapling in Surgery"; ISBN: 0815171080 USA: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, 1984. Provenance Although not signed by him, this book belonged originally to Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. (1943-2004). Upon his death, the book became the property of his widow Myrnice who donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. Signed by Dr. Mark M. Ravitch and dedicated to his son Dr. Michael Ravtich and wife on Christmas 1983. Ex-Libris EAM

[000742] Ravitch, Mark M "Congenital Deformities of the Chest Wall and Their Operative Correction"; ISBN: 0721674798 USA: W.B. Saunders, 1977. This book depicts in detail Mark Ravitch's pioneering work on pectum excavatum and pectum carinatum, a procedure that is only today (2022) being replaced by a minimally invasive alternative. This book belonged originally to Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. (1943-2004). Upon his death, the book became the property of his widow Myrnice who donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. Dedicated and signed by the author to his son Dr. Michael M. Ravitch and wife. Ex- Libiris EAM

[000743] John Hopkins University "Named Professorships, Deanships, and Directorships. The Johns Hopkins University"; The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. This book lists the Professorships, Deanships, and Directorships at the Johns Hopkins University as of March, 2000. The prologue is written by William R. Roby President of the John Hopkins University at the time. This book belonged to the library of Dr. Michael M. Ravitch. Tucked between its pages is an original letter dated Spring 2001 and signed by William Roby addressed to Dr. Ravitch and his wife Myrnice. One of the paragraphs states: "John Hopkins is honored to have your father's name associated with the University through the Mark M. Ravitch, MD., Endowed Professorship in Surgery". One of the pages depicts Dr. Mark M. Ravitch and his life. I am honored to have received this book from Myrnice Ravitch on 6/29/2017. Dr. Miranda - Ex-Libris EAM

[000744] Gillison, W &. Buchwald, H "Pioneers in Surgical Gastroenterology"; ISBN: 1903378354 UK: TFM Publishing Ltd, 2007. This book belonged originally to Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. (1943-2004). Upon his death, the book became the property of his widow Myrnice who donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. Chapter 11 on "The History of Mechanical Sutures in Surgery" was written by Felicien Steichen, MD and delineates the early history of surgical stapling in the USA as well as the work of Leon Hirsch and his wife Turi Josefsen in the formation of the United States Surgical Corporation, today a part of Medtronic.This is one of the best books on the history of anatomy and surgery, especially surgical gastroenterology! Ex-Libris EAM

[000745] Wallas, Charles H "Educational Programs in Transfusion Medicine"; ISBN: 0915355140 USA: S. Karger, 1985. Provenance Although not signed by him, this book belonged originally to Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. (1943-2004). Upon his death, the book became the property of his widow Myrnice who donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. Chapter 9 was written by Dr. Ravitch " Evaluating Educational Programs in Transfusion Medicine: Overview of Essential Concepts of Purpose and Audience". Ex- Libris EAM

[000746] Kahn, Fritz MD "Man in Structure and Function"; USA: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc, 1947. Originally published in 1939 in German as Der Mensch gesund und Krank. Signed by previous owner Mary V. Jones Lousiville Hospital Ex-Libris EAM

[000747] Burdon, Ian M "Faber's Anatomical Atlas for Nurses and Students"; London: Faber and Faber, Ltd., 1941. This is a vintage illustrated medical book, Faber's Anatomical Atlas - published in 1944 as a reference book and teaching aid for nurses and students. The forward states "the aim is to provide students with a clear picture of the human body" 58 pages, with illustrations of the skeleton, circulatory system, nervous system, arteries etc. Fine spiral metal bookbinding with a blue cloth hardcover. Signed by Elizabeth Steadman, probably previous owner.With a sticker from H.K. Lewis & Co. Medical and Scientific booksellers, London. 58 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000748] Tank, Patrick; Gest, Thomas "Atlas of Anatomy"; ISBN: 9780781785051 China: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2009. Featuring more than 750 new, modern images, this Atlas of Anatomy is a vibrantly colored regional atlas of human anatomy offering an unprecedented combination of visual aesthetic appeal and anatomical accuracy. Many student-friendly features set this atlas apart from others on the market, including a unique art style featuring bright colors, color coding of anatomical elements, judicious use of labeling, and no extraneous text.432 pages. Dedicated by author Thomas R Gest, PhD. to Dr. Miranda at the AACA meeting Ex-Libris EAM

[000750] Schacner, August; MD "Ephraim McDowell, Father of Ovariotomy and Founder of Abdominal Surgery"; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1921. For reference and information please refer to book #736 in this collection. The books seems to have belonged to Robert Thompson. This second copy is most valuable becasuse of the papers found within the book. There is a copy of a letter from Dr. McDowell to a Robert Thompson, then a medical student, accounting the first ovariotomy surgery. Included is a note from Dr. Cecil Striker to "Bob" dated 6/3/73 when he gifted a copy of this book to Dr. Thompson. There is a copy of Dr. McDowell's prayer, and a page of a Danville newspaper dated Sunday April 15, 1973 where the house of Dr. Goldsmith (assistant to the first ovariotomy) would be transformed into a museum. There is also an invitation to a McDowell family meeting in Danville. Ex-Libris EAM

[000751] Hamby, Wallace B, MD FACS "The Case Reports and Autopsy Records of Ambroise Pare"; USA: Charles C Thomas, 1960. Compiled and edited by Wallace B Hamby MD FACS translated from J P Malgaigne's "Ouvres Completes d'Ambroise Pare" Paris, 1840 pp xx f 214 illustrated 52s Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas Oxjiml: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd 1960 Dr Wallace Hamby has done well to collect the case-reports of the great Ambroise Pare, for reading this book is like attending a series of interesting clinical demonstrations. There is scarcely a dull moment from cover to cover of the book. Ambroise Pare was a wise practitioner, a skilful and resourceful surgeon, and, to judge by some of the reports given here, something of a psychiatrist who in some instances obtained quick results with patients who suffered from obsessions or delusions. Ex-Libris EAM

[000752] Malgaigne, Joseph F MD "Surgery and Ambroise Pare"; ISBN: 9780806106588 USA: U of Oklahoma Press, 1965. This is an excellent book that reviews the history of surgery up until the time of Ambroise Pare. It also gives many details about the development of the profession of surgery and its battles with the physicians as well as the barbers. The book was written in 1840 by JF Malgaigne and translated by Wallace B. Hamby.436 pp. The publisher says that the paper used in this book should last 300 years! Ex-Libris EAM

[000753] Fulton, JF "Harvey Cushing. A Biography"; Springfield, Ill: Charles C Thomas, 1946. Previous to his death Dr. Harvey Cushing made a provision in his will that a sum of money be set aside to help defray the expenses of compiling an account of his life, should his wife and his literary executor feel that the publishing of his biography might be of interest or help to medical students. In the preface to his biography of Dr. Cushing Dr. John F. Fulton, who was for many years associated with him, emphasizes the intention to prepare a work which would have the medical student primarily in mind. At the same time the endeavor was made to produce a biography that would interest nonmedical readers. This is a very interesting read with over 150 historical images of Dr. Cushing, his family, and his works. The book has a bookplate from William M. Brueggemann, MD and inside the book there is a short poem from WWI "In Flanders Fields" by Dr. John McRae. The poem is written on a cut piece of first class mail delivered to Dr. Brueggmann in 1969. There is an intersting couple of pages of TIME magazine 1947 on the daughters of Harvey Cushing. 755pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000754] Gaskell, W.H. "The Involuntary Nervous System"; New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1920. The books presents the results and conclusions of more than thirty years of research on the origin, structure and function of the involuntary nervous system on the part of the late Professor Walter Holbrook Gaskell. Our present day knowledge of the involuntary nervous system is largely due to the fundamental pioneer work of Gaskell and his pupil, Langley. The first chapter take the readerthrough history to understand the involuntary nervous system. 179pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000755] Crosby, EC; Humphrey, T; Lauer EW "Correlative anatomy of the nervous System"; New York: The McMillan Company, 1962. This book grew out of the authors' experiences in teaching medical students and interns and residents in the different fields of medicine, and of working with graduate students in anatomy and in allied fields. The choice of material has been guided by a desire to present the facts useful to the reader and to aid in bridging the gap between the morphology of the nervous system and its application in physiological, in pharmacological, and in allied clinical fields, particularly in neurosurgery and neurology. The writing of the book, begun in the Departrment of Anatomy at the University of Michigan, has been carried on in that department in the Neurosurgical Research Laboratory of the University, and in the Anatomy Department of the University of Pittsburgh. 731 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000756] Garrison, Fielding H. "An introduction to the history of medicine : with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data"; USA: W.B. Saunders, 1920. Fielding H. Garrison, A.B., M.D.,Lieut-Colonel Medical Corps, U.S. Army, etc. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. 996 pages, illustrated. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia and London. 1920. Inside the book there is a reprint from the Lancet 1915 on the life of Sir W.R Gowers, MD, FRCP, FRS. Ex-Libris EAM

[000757] Ridenbaugh, Mary Young "The biography of Ephraim McDowell : the father of ovariotomy"; New York: Charles L. Webster, 1890. Biography of Ephraim McDowell, M.D., "the father of ovariotomy" by his grandaughter Mary Young Ridenbaugh together with valuable scientific treatised and articles relating to ovariotoy and with life-sketches and portraits of prominent members of the medical profession in Europe and America. Ex-Libris EAM

[000758] White, JC; Smithwick, RH "The Autonomic Nervous System: Anatomy, Physiology and Surgical Application"; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941. James C. White, M.D., Assistant Professor and Tutor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, and Reginald H. Smithwick, M.D., Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School. Second edition. Cloth. Price, $6.75. Pp. 469, with 92 illustrations. New York: Macmillan Company, 1941. This edition of Dr. White's monograph has been extensively rewritten and expanded. It is a refreshing and gratifying experience to read about the autonomic nervous system as a living, dynamic, functioning apparatus. The subject is so treated largely because the authors are not anatomists or physiologists but clinicians dealing with actual disturbances in living human beings. In this book the reader may find the latest facts and theories in proper perspective. There are excellent discussions of clinical syndromes and surgical procedures. The book is written interestingly; it is well illustrated and excellently documented with carefully chosen references. Book has the bookplate of Drs. William and Judith Cruce. Ex-Libris EAM

[000760] Martha Teach Gnudi; Jerome Pierce Webster "The life and times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi, surgeon of Bologna 1545-1599"; New York: Herbert Reichner, 1950. The Life and times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi : surgeon of Bologna, 1545-1599 : with a documented study of the scientific and cultural life of Bologna in the sixteenth century.This volume is of more than passing interest to orthodontists since it deals with facial plastic surgery of the sixteenth century. It is well known that the Italians of that period produced excellent plastic surgeons who have not been surpassed even to this day. Among the most distinguished of these surgeons during.the Renaissance was Gaspare Tagliacozzi. It is with the life and times of Tagliacozzi that this book concerns itself. Dr. Gaspare Tagliacozzi of Bologna is reputed to have written the first book on plastic surgery, De curtorum chirugia per institionem” (Venice, 1597). Ex-Libris EAM

[000761] Arey, Leslie Brainerd "Developmental Anatomy"; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1924. Signed by previous owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000762] Vilensky, J.A; Robertson, W.M; Suarez-Quian, Ca "The Clinical Anatomy of the Cranial Nerves"; ISBN: 9781118492017 Singapore: Wiley Blackwell, 2015. The cranial nerves are an endlessly fascinating family of twelve nerves that have a dramatic impact on our daily lives. A dysfunction of the cranial nerves can cause loss of vision or double vision, loss of smell, poor balance, or loss of muscle function, and can also be an indicator of underlying neurological disorders. The clinical anatomy of the cranial nerves: the nerves of "on old Olympus towering top" is an engaging and accessible book on the anatomy and clinical importance of these unique nerves. The text opens with a brief introduction of key neuroanatomical concepts that relate the clinical and anatomical sections that follow. Additionally, this book uniquely provides a detailed description of the bones of the head and face in order for the reader to understand the routes taken by the cranial nerves through the skull. Chapters then detail each nerve and its unique impact in relationship to our senses, motor function, and health. Vividly illustrated and supported by real-life clinical cases, the book will appeal to anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the cranial nerves. This book is signed by my good friend dr. Carlos A. Suares-Quian as follows: "to Efrain Miranda, a friend and fellow anatomist. Please enjoy as much as we enjoyed writing this book, best". Ex-libris EAM

[000763] Netter, Frank H. "Atlas of Human Anatomy"; ISBN: 9780323554282 USA: Elsevier, 2018. Professional Edition. 672 pp. 2018. Very Good/No Jacket. Signed and dedicated to Dr. Miranda by the author and illustrator as follows: My very best wishes to my friend Efrain Miranda. Carlos MAchado MD 2018". The only anatomy atlas illustrated by physicians, Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7th edition, brings you world-renowned, exquisitely clear views of the human body with a clinical perspective. In addition to the famous work of Dr. Frank Netter, you’ll also find nearly 100 paintings by Dr. Carlos A. G. Machado, one of today’s foremost medical illustrators. Together, these two uniquely talented physician-artists highlight the most clinically relevant views of the human body. In addition, more than 50 carefully selected radiologic images help bridge illustrated anatomy to living anatomy as seen in everyday practice. Ex-Libris EAM

[000764] Malcolm Gladwell "Bllink"; ISBN: 9780739455296 USA: Little, Brown and Company, 2005. Blink is a book about how we think without thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instant-in the blink of an eye-that actually aren't as simple as they seem. Why are some people brilliant decision makers, while others are consistently inept? Why do some people follow their instincts and win, while others end up stumbling into error? How do our brains really work-in the office, in the classroom, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom? And why are the best decisions often those that are impossible to explain to others? Note: Although the book seems to make sense, the fact is that the thought process required by Critical Thinking is much more complex. In my opinion this book is incomplete and attempting to live by its premise is dangerous. Ex-Libris EAM

[000765] Cardenas, J. "Instituto De Anatomía - Un Recorrido Visual "; Santiago, Chile: Gráfika Marmor, 2019. This books describes the building, contents, and history of the historic institute of Anatomy in Santiago, Chile. Different chapters show the José Joaquín Aguirre amphitheater, named today a Chilean national heritage; the anatomical pavilions where anatomy is taught; the Museum of Anatomy, named after Dr. Humberto Vargas; Auzoux, "the paper-mâché man"; Juan Martel, “the lost mummy”; the anatomical collections room; teratological samples; the laboratory and materials warehouse; the osteotechnic workshop and, finally, its reality today as part of the Medical School of the University of Chile. This book mixes history, anecdotes, and artistic visuals in each photo, to narrate the scientific and educational content that they represent. An incredible book in Spanish that everybody should read, even if, as is the case with the “Fabrica” of Andreas Vesalius, it is only to admire the art and imagery of this masterpiece. The photography of this book is admirable and poignant, as it goes from buildings to books, libraries, anatomical specimens, and even rare preserved deformities. The photographer is Marcos Saavedra. On a personal note, this book touches me personally, as Anatomy was the first subject that I took, walking into these buildings and halls and anatomical pavilions, using the very same models shown in this book. Even my first anatomy professor, Dr. Evaristo Cancino (RIP) is depicted in this book. My personal thanks to the author for the dedication inscribed in the first page that reads as follows: “Con mucho aprecio para el Dr. Efrain Miranda, agradecido de poder hacerle partícipe de su interés por el patrimonio y raíces de su formación profesional. Atentamente, Julio Cárdenas, Octubre 2021” (with much appreciation to Dr. Efrain Miranda, grateful to be able to help share his interest in the heritage and roots of his professional formation. Sincerely, Julio Cárdenas, October 2021. Ex-libris EAM

[000766] Sack, W.O.; Horowitz, A. "Essentials of Pig Anatomy"; ISBN: 0960115226 Ithaca, New York: Veterinary Textbooks, 1982. This book is actually two books in one. The first part is an anatomical description of the pig (sus scrofa domesticus). The second part is an anatomical atlas of the pig based on dissections made by Aaron Horowitz DVM. The atlas is beautifully illustrated by Bud Kramer. It is rare to find a veterinary book dedicated to one animal. Most books on domestic animals are usually dedicated to several species and compare one against the other. Because of this, this book is rare. Ex-Libris EAM

[000767] Greene, Brian "Until The End of Time: Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe"; USA: Penguin Random House, LLC, 2020. This book is a breathtaking new exploration of the cosmos and our quest to find meaning in the face of this vast expanse. Greene takes us on a journey from the big bang to the end of time, exploring how lasting structures formed, how life and mind emerged, and how we grapple with our existence through narrative, myth, religion, creative expression, science, the quest for truth, and a deep longing for the eternal. From particles to planets, consciousness to creativity, matter to meaning—Brian Greene allows us all to grasp and appreciate our fleeting but utterly exquisite moment in the cosmos. This book is a gift from my friend Randall K. Wolf, MD. It has a personal dedication. Ex-Libris EAM

[000768] McCarthy, Patrick; McCarthy, Yuriko "Karate: My Art by Motubu Choki"; ISBN: 9781723105609 USA: International Ryu-Kyu Karate Research Group, 2019. The 3rd edition of the 1932 Motobu Choki publication, 'Watashi no Karate-jutsu', is finally completed thanks only to the assistance and co-operation of many kind people. 'Watashi no Karate-jutsu' (My Art of Karate), introduces comprehensive insights into a fighting tradition as known and taught by one of its early Okinawan innovators, Motobu Choki (1870-1944). One of only two books he ever published on the art it is not widely known in modern karate circles or outside the spectrum of those who research its history. Straightforward in its approach, this modest work outlines those unique methods that made Motobu Choki, pound for pound, possibly the greatest technician and karate fighter of his generation. One mistake the modern Karate-ka often makes, when trying to grasp the technical ambiguities surrounding the application of early karate practices, is to depend on contemporary assumption. This small but powerful book provides a window through which the reader is better able to perceive the cultural landscape and social mind-set of those people who shaped its practice. What could possibly improve a reader’s overall understanding of the art more than walking in the footsteps of those people most responsible for pioneering it? Great people should never be forgotten, if only to remind us of the potential latent in ourselves. By studying the anthropology of this tradition it becomes evident that many of the early pioneers established a symbiosis with karate so that their lives became as much a product of the art as was the art a product of their lives. Researched and translated by Patrick & Yuriko McCarthy. This book is a gift from my son David. Ex-Libris EAM

[000769] Dirix, Theo "In Search of Andreas Vesalius: THE QUEST FOR HIS GRAVE, LOST AND NOT YET FOUND"; ISBN: 9781616272517 , 2018. No surprise some have described the book as: a truly captivating story (a Live Adventure!) written in a fascinating, passionate and inspiring way. Theo Dirix, with his unique style is describing facts from his adventure to locate the grave of Vesalius and he is mentioning with great respect all his collaborators, the friends of Vesalius and those who share the same passion for Anatomy and Art My thanks to the author for adding my name to the acknowledgments. I have tried to help on the quest to find the grave of Andreas Vesalius in the island of Zakynthos... we keep trying. Chapter 7 of the book refers to an online publication on this website! The book is dedicated by the author as follows: "Dear Efrain: To a fellow traveler. Theo Dirix". Ex-Libris EAM

[000770] Barcsay, Jeno "Anatomy for the Artist"; London: Spring Books, 1958. Jenó Barcsay, a professor who taught applied anatomy at the Budapest Academy of Fine arts, offers a detailed portrayal of the human body for the fine artist in 142 full page plates. From the entire skeleton and the joints in and out of motion to all the muscles and even facial characteristics, every body part appears in close-up and from varying perspectives, with discussions of anatomical construction. Amazon. Ex-Libris EAM

[000771] Hunter, John MD "A Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation, and Gun-Shot Wounds"; USA: The Classics of Medicine Library, 1982. This book is a facsimile reprint of the original book published in London, 1794 by John Richardson. John Hunter, MD is one of the most famous British early surgeons. Ex-Libris EAM

[000772] Frank Netter, MD "Frank Netter, MD"; USA: Novartis, 1998. A photographic print of Frank Netter, MD. Black and White over high-quality paper. A gift from Novartis at an AACA meeting in 1998. Not framed. Frank Netter was named Honored Member by the American Association of Clinical Anatomists in 1990. Part of the dedication reads as follows: "Frank H. Netter was born in 1906 in New York City. Encouraged largely by his mother, he studied art from an early age at the Art Student's League and the National Academy of Design. He graduated from The City College of New York and, with the encouragement of his father, enrolled in New York University School of Medicine, from which he graduated with his M.D. degree in 1931. During his medical student years, Dr. Netter's notebook sketches attracted the attention of the medical faculty and other physicians, allowing him to supplement his income by illustrating articles and textbooks. He completed additional training in surgery and established a surgical practice in 1933, but found that his artwork was more profitable than medicine. During World War II, Dr. Netter served in the United States Army and played a major role in illustrating training manuals used by the Armed Forces. Following his service, Dr. Netter began a 45-year collaboration with the CIBA Pharmaceutical Company (now Novartis Pharmaceuticals). Dr. Netter's collaboration with CIBA resulted in the production of the extraordinary collection of medical art so familiar to physicians and other medical professionals worldwide. His works are among the finest examples of the use of illustration in the teaching of medical concepts" The rest of the dedication can be found at Ex-Libris EAM

[000773] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 1: Basic Anatomical Concepts"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 1: Basic Anatomical Concepts.T his is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000774] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 2: Thorax"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 2: Thorax. This is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000775] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 3: Upper Limb"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 3: Upper Limb. This is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000776] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 4: Abdomen"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 4: Abdomen. This is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000777] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 5: Pelvis and Perineum"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 5: Pelvis and Perineum. This is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000778] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 6: Lower Limb"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 6: Lower Limb. This is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000779] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 7: Head and Neck"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 7: Head and Neck. This is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000780] Gosling, J.A.; Whitmore, I; Harris, P.F.; Humpherson, J.R., Et al. "Slide Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 8: Back"; Hong Kong: Gover Medical, 1991. Volume 8: Back. This is a rare book, although printed in 1991. Features 35mm slides that show the full extent of the human anatomy. It is composed by 8 volumes, each with 20-50 slides, all volumes are stored in a specially designed box. Because of the fragility of the slides, these were digitally scanned for preservation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000782] Monckeberg, E; De La Carrera. JI; Neri, FS "Voces desde el Frente: Cronicas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial"; ISBN: 9789569986529 Santiago, Chile: Ediciones El Mercurio, 2019. This historical book in Spoanish recounts the news that appeared in Chilean newspapers during the different stages of World War 2. It riveting, poignant, and at times makes you wonder on the futility of war and the need for it too! One of the authors of this book (Elisa Monckeberg) is the daughter of one if my classmates and lawyer, Hernan Monckeberg. The book includes a business card from Hernan, who sent me the book, and a nice dedication note from Elisa. I am proud to include this book in my personal library. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000783] Ebenstein, Joanna "The Morbid Anatomy Anthology"; Morbid Anatomy Press, 2014. This book was funded by crowd-funding and is a compendium of some of the best material on the Morbid Anatomy Museum in New York. Since 2008, the Morbid Anatomy Library of Brooklyn, New York, has hosted some of the best scholars, artists and writers working along the intersections of the history of anatomy and medicine, death and the macabre, religion and spectacle. "The Morbid Anatomy Anthology" collects some of the best of this work in 28 lavishly illustrated essays. Included are essays by Evan Michelson (star of Science Channel's hit show "Oddities") on the catacombs of Palermo; Simon Chaplin (head of the Wellcome Library in London) on public displays of corpses in Georgian England; mortician Caitlin Doughty on demonic children; and Paul Koudounaris (author of "Empire of Death") on a truck stop populated with human skulls. In addition are pieces on books bound in human skin, death-themed cafes in fin-de-siècle Paris, post-mortem photography, eroticized anatomical wax models, taxidermied humans and other animals, Santa Muerte, "artist of death" Frederik Ruysch, and much more. Signed by J. Ebenstein. A gift from my daughter Jackie. Ex-Libris EAM

[000784] Andrew Biel "Instructor's Field Guide Trail Guide to the Body (Suggestions for Teaching Palpatory Anatomy) "; ISBN: 0965853470 Boulder, Colorado: Books of Discovery, 2012. This book, part of the "Trail Guide to the Body"Series by Andrew Biel includes palpatory anatomy and a "Backpack CD" with instructions on how to locate the body's bones, muscles, and more. Ex-Libris EAM

[000785] Saunders, J.B.; O'Malley, Charles "The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius"; Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1950. From the Dust Jacket: "The Present work by Andreas Vesalius has been long regarded as a monument in the history of medical science and art. Hitherto available only with the Latin text and in folio editions at prohibitive cost, it is now published at a popular price for the first time, and with a comprehensive and brilliant translation into English of the text accompanying the illustrations. The "De Humani Corporis Fabrica" constitutes, in the words of the translators and editors of this volume, "one of the greatest treasures of Western civilization and culture. (Vesalius') masterpiece, and its companion volume the Epitome, issued at Basel in 1543, established with startling suddenness the beginning of modern observational science and research. Their author has come to be ranked with Hippocrates, Galen, Harvey, and Lister among the great physicians and discoverers in the history of medicine. However, his book is not only one of the most noble and magnificent volumes in the history of printing. In it, illustration, text, and typography blend to achieve an unsurpassed work of creative art; the embodiment of the spirit of the Renaissance directed toward the future with new meaning.'" Ex-Libris EAM

[000786] Saunders, J.B.; O'Malley, Charles "The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels"; ISBN: 0486209687 New York: Dover Publishing, 1973. "This Dover Edition, first published in 1973, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the work originally published in 1950 by The World Publishing Company... The text is reprinted here by special arrangement with the original publisher." Ex-Libris EAM

[000787] Vesalius, Andreas; Lind, L.R. Ph.D "The Epitome of Andreas Vesalius"; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949. The year 1943 marked the four-hundredth anniversary of the publication at the press of Johannes Oporinus in Basel, Switzerland, of both the De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem and the Epitome of that work. The Epitome, intended by Vesalius as a very brief descriptive anatomy and actually a remarkable condensation of the larger book, is here presented for the first time in a complete English translation; it has thus far been translated into no other modern tongues except for German and Dutch. The book is signed by the previous owner Gert H. Brieger, MD PhD, an emeritus member of the Department of the History of Medicine at the John Hopkins School of Medicine. Ex-Libris EAM

[000788] Potter, Samuel O. "Compend of Anatomy"; Philadelphia, USA: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1898. A Compend of Human Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera. 117 wood engravings, and an appendix with 16 lithographic plates in the nerves and arteries. Signed by previous owners. Ex-Libris EAM

[000789] Cheesman, J.E. "Bailliere's Synthetic Anatomy: Atlas of the Entire Human Anatomy"; London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1926. "A series of drawings on transparent sheets for facilitating the reconstruction of mental pictures of the human body" Author is John Eric Cheesman, Deputy Medical Officer of Health for Leyton, London. a series of 14 booklets, in London from 1926 to 1936. The series used a set of glassine sheets to show what lay beneath the surface of the skin. Since the book is loose-leaf, these could be used to study by placing them on a slide projector. Markings on the edges allowed the used to maintain the correlation between the different transparent sheets. The glassine sheets are slowly deteriorating over time, so they have been digitized for preservation. The book contains a loose leaf index as well as instructions on how to use it. Ex-Libris EAM

[000790] Steichen, FW; Wolsch, RA "Mechanical Sutures in Surgery Vol 5. Mechanical Sutures in Operations on the Esophagus and Gastroesophageal Junction"; ISBN: 9780978889050 Woodbury, CT: Cine-Med, 2005. This is an incredible 5-book collection stored in a bookcase, dedicated to the history and application of Mechanical Sutures in Surgery and its different speciaties. It is signed by Dr. Felicien Steichen (1926-2011). It was signed by him and dedicated to and gifted to Myrnice Ravitch , widow of Michael M. Ravitch MD, who was the son of Mark M. Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). Myrnice Ravitch donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. This book collection is also signed by the co-author Ruth A. Wolsch, RN, BS.Volume 5 is signed by Felicien Steichen, 2006. Ex-Libris EAM

[000791] Steichen, FW; Wolsch, RA "Mechanical Sutures in Surgery Vol 2. Mechanical Sutures in Operations on the Lung"; Woodbury, CT: Cine-Med, 2005. This is an incredible 5-book collection stored in a bookcase, dedicated to the history and application of Mechanical Sutures in Surgery and its different speciaties. It is signed by Dr. Felicien Steichen (1926-2011). It was signed by him and dedicated to and gifted to Myrnice Ravitch , widow of Michael M. Ravitch MD, who was the son of Mark M. Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). Myrnice Ravitch donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. This book collection is also signed by the co-author Ruth A. Wolsch, RN, BS.Volume 2 is signed by Felicien Steichen, 2006, and dedicated to the Ravitch familiy in both English and French. Ex-Libris EAM

[000792] Steichen, FW; Wolsch, RA "Mechanical Sutures in Surgery Vol 3. Mechanical Sutures in Operations on the Stomach, Biliary Tree & Pancreas"; Woodbury, CT: Cine-Med, 2005. This is an incredible 5-book collection stored in a bookcase, dedicated to the history and application of Mechanical Sutures in Surgery and its different speciaties. It is signed by Dr. Felicien Steichen (1926-2011). It was signed by him and dedicated to and gifted to Myrnice Ravitch , widow of Michael M. Ravitch MD, who was the son of Mark M. Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). Myrnice Ravitch donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. This book collection is also signed by the co-author Ruth A. Wolsch, RN, BS.Volume 3 is signed by Felicien Steichen, 2006. Ex-Libris EAM

[000793] Steichen, FW; Wolsch, RA "Mechanical Sutures in Surgery Vol 4. Mechanical Sutures in Operations on the Small & Large Intestine & Rectum"; Woodbury, CT: Cine-Med, 2005. This is an incredible 5-book collection stored in a bookcase, dedicated to the history and application of Mechanical Sutures in Surgery and its different speciaties. It is signed by Dr. Felicien Steichen (1926-2011). It was signed by him and dedicated to and gifted to Myrnice Ravitch , widow of Michael M. Ravitch MD, who was the son of Mark M. Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). Myrnice Ravitch donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. This book collection is also signed by the co-author Ruth A. Wolsch, RN, BS.Volume 4 is signed by Felicien Steichen, 2006. Ex-Libris EAM

[000794] Steichen, FW; Wolsch, RA "Mechanical Sutures in Surgery Vol 1. History of Mechanical Sutures in Surgery"; Woodbury, CT: Cine-Med, 2005. This is an incredible 5-book collection stored in a bookcase, dedicated to the history and application of Mechanical Sutures in Surgery and its different speciaties. It is signed by Dr. Felicien Steichen (1926-2011). It was signed by him and dedicated to and gifted to Myrnice Ravitch , widow of Michael M. Ravitch MD, who was the son of Mark M. Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). Myrnice Ravitch donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. This book collection is also signed by the co-author Ruth A. Wolsch, RN, BS.Volume 1 is signed by Felicien Steichen, 2006 with and extensive dedication to Myrinice Ravitch. Ex-Libris EAM

[000795] Ravitch, Mark M et al "Pediatric Surgery Vol. 1"; ISBN: 0815171072 USA: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, 1979. This 2 volume book in a hard cover slip case belonged originally to the library of Mark M. Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). It was signed by him and gifted to his son Michael M. Ravitch Ph.D. (1943-2004) on his birthday in 1979. Upon his death the book became the property of his widow Myrnice Ravitch, who donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000796] Ravitch, Mark M et al "Pediatric Surgery Vol. 2"; ISBN: 0815171072 USA: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, 1979. This 2 volume book in a hard cover slip case belonged originally to the library of Mark M. Ravitch, MD (1910-1989). It was signed by him and gifted to his son Michael M. Ravitch Ph.D. (1943-2004) on his birthday in 1979. Upon his death the book became the property of his widow Myrnice Ravitch, who donated the book to the library of Efrain A. Miranda, Ph.D. on 06/29/2017. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000797] Gray, H; Drake, Richard L; Vogl, Wayne; Mitchell, Adam. "Gray's Anatomy for Students"; ISBN: 9780702051319 Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2014. Anatomy texts just don't get any better than Gray's Anatomy for Students. In its 3rd edition, this already popular, clinically focused reference has moved far ahead and is highly recommended by anyone who uses it. A team of authors with a wealth of diverse teaching and clinical experience has updated and revised this new edition to efficiently cover what you're learning in contemporary anatomy classes. An improved format, updated clinical material, and remarkable artwork by renowned illustrators. This book is signed by Ashley Nagel from Elsevier, the publisher of the book. Ex-Libris EAM

[000798] Hayes, Bill B. "The Anatomist: A True Story of Gray's Anatomy"; ISBN: 9780345456892 New York, USA: Ballantine Books, 2008. Hayes' history of the illustrated medical text "Gray's Anatomy" coincides with the hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of its first publication. Fascinated by the fact that little was known about the famous book's genesis, the author combed through nineteenth-century letters and medical-school records, learning that, besides Henry Gray, the brilliant scholar and surgeon who wrote the text, another anatomist was crucial to the book's popularity: Henry Vandyke Carter MD, who provided its painstaking drawings. Ex-Libris EAM

[000799] B.L. Ullman, "Elementary Latin"; New York, USA: The Macmillan Company, 1929. In the 1920's when Latin was still taught in American high schools, this popular text was widely used. Clearly and concisely written, it makes frequent references to the similarities of Latin and colloquial English. This book was initially published in 1923 with many reprints. 435 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000800] B.L. Ullman, Henry NE "Latin for Americans: Second Book"; New York, USA: The Macmillan Company, 1952. In the 1920's when Latin was still taught in American high schools, this popular text was widely used. Clearly and concisely written, it makes frequent references to the similarities of Latin and colloquial English. This book was initially published in 1942 and this is the 15th reprint, showing the interest on the topic. Ex-Libris EAM

[000801] Richard A. Bermudes, Philip G. Janicak, Karl Lanocha (Editor) "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Clinical Applications for Psychiatric Practice "; ISBN: 9781615371051 USA: American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2018. Edited by clinicians who were involved with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) from the beginning. This book offers everything the mental health practitioner needs to know about this innovative and well-established treatment. It is increasingly clear that different combinations of biological, neurobehavioral, and symptomatic factors contribute to the problem of "treatment resistance" in psychiatric disorders. Fortunately, a number of neuromodulation approaches, including TMS, are providing more options for clinicians to combat psychiatric problems. Ex-Libris EAM

[000806] Donovan III, Charles E. "Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression"; ISBN: 0974848433 USA: Wellness Publishers, LLC, 2005. I would strongly recommend that you read this book cover-to-cover. It will answer many of your questions and demystify the procedure. You need to be your own best advocate in making any medical decision. This is the only book available written by a patient who has been implanted with the vagus nerve stimulator for depression. By reading Out of The Black Hole, you will be fully prepared to make an informed decision about the vagus nerve stimulation implant procedure. Ex-Libris EAM

[000808] Informa Training Partners "Clincal Papers: Selling with Confidence"; USA: Informa Training Partners LLC, 2008. Course for Medical Device Professionals. Ex-Libris EAM

[000809] Informa Training Partners "The Challlenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation"; ISBN: 9781591844358 USA: Penguin Books, 2011. Based on an exhaustive study of thousands of sales reps across multiple industries and geographies, The Challenger Sale argues that classic relationship building is a losing approach, especially when it comes to selling complex, large-scale business-to-business solutions. The authors' study found that every sales rep in the world falls into one of five distinct profiles, and while all of these types of reps can deliver average sales performance, only one-the Challenger- delivers consistently high performance.. Dedicated to Efrain Miranda by Adrian Roji - personal message in Spanish. Ex-Libris EAM

[000810] Brent Dixon, Matthew Spenner, Pat Toman, Nick Adamson "The Challenger Customer: Selling to the Hidden Influencer Who Can Multiply Your Results"; ISBN: 9781591848158 New York, USA: Penguin Books, 2015. Four years ago, the bestselling authors of The Challenger Sale overturned decades of conventional wisdom with a bold new approach to sales. Now their latest research reveals something even more surprising: Being a Challenger seller isn’t enough. Your success or failure also depends on who you challenge. Ex-Libris EAM

[000811] Ron Tepper "The Consultant's Problem Solving Workbook "; ISBN: 9780471846826 USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1987. A thorough hands-on approach to consulting covering all practical aspects of the field. Describes how to structure a contract of agreement, how to word the agreement with a partner, especially if the partner is a friend, how to arrive at a fee--and how to explain the fee to a client. Also covers billing and collecting for work, the pluses and pitfalls of incorporation and other forms of business, and features a special section on venture consulting, '' a unique money-making and billing concept for doubling a normal fee and creating new business simultaneously. A complete range of sample forms, letters, contracts, and checklists of instructions, plus step-by-step techniques for creating effective direct mail brochures, audio-visuals, and newsletters makes this an indispensable sourcebook Ex-Libris EAM

[000812] Geoffrey M. Bellman "The Consultant's Calling: Bringing Who You Are to What You Do "; ISBN: 9781555424114 USA: Bard Productions, 1990. A selection of the Executive Program Book ClubFor anyone who wants to know what consulting is really like as a career, as a living, as a way of life. This book shows you how to make consulting rewarding--both financially and personally. You'll learn about the practical issues of managing time, clients, money-as well as broader concerns, such as how to balance work with family life. "The Consultant's Calling covers: "The consultant as leader. The work consultants do and how they do it. The formula for a strong consultant-client partnership. Making your way in the marketplace. Ex-Libris EAM

[000813] Ron Tepper "The Consultant's Proposal, Fee, and Contract Problem-Solver "; ISBN: 9780471582137 USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1993. The author interviewed nearly a dozen of the most successful consultants in the country to provide indispensable advice on fee-setting, contracts, proposal writing and client communication. Features authentic case histories from 10 diverse industries--financial, accounting, data processing, law, marketing, money management, engineering, direct mail, advertising and management consulting--to give readers a practical, how-to look at consulting. Ex-Libris EAM

[000814] Ron Tepper "How to Become a Top Consultant: How the Experts Do It "; ISBN: 9780471817062 USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1985. Ten of today's top consultants explain why and how they left the 9-to-5 grind behind, built new careers, and became the best in their field! Become a Top Consultant How the Experts Do it What does it take to build a successful consulting practice? Ron Tepper asked ten consultants in a diverse range of fields and found the formula to be a winning blend of skills, specialized knowledge, strategy, and technique. Now, Tepper shows you how to build a consulting practice of your own simply by following the examples of these ten experts in engineering, data processing, government, accounting, management, sales, real estate, and law. Become A Top Consultant takes you step by step through writing and submitting superior proposals, marketing your consulting services, setting fees, billing, getting help, even moonlighting. You'll learn the basic concepts, practices, specialized skills and consulting requirements for each different field. Best of all, you'll identify easily with the consultants--you'll meet an accountant and a sales trainer, a civil engineer, a football player-turned-headhunter/personnel accountant, an investment advisor who never finished college, and a former real estate salesman who's now a phenomenally successful attorney. They're all top consultants, from all walks of life--the best in the business. And they all started out where you are today. Become A Top Consultant--it's like having a live panel of consulting experts at your service, eager to help you launch your consulting career.Ex-Libris EAM

[000816] Ron Willingham "Integrity Selling: Seminar Personal Study Guide"; ISBN: 9780385239103 USA: Doubleday, 1991. A training manual for Integrity Selling.Personal Study Guide Ex-Libris EAM

[000817] Tatsui Sakai "How the Human Body Works (Introduction to Visual Science)"; ISBN: 9780385239103 Japan: Nihon Jitsugyo Publishing Co., Ltd., 1994. Japanese. Thorough dissection of the organs and organs that support the human body from the mechanism of the human body. The mystery of the human body. In this book, you can "see" what you couldn't understand by reading a book or asking people. Chapter 1 Taking in nutrients-digestive system Chapter 2 Taking in Oxygen-Respiratory Chapter 3 Throw away the surplus-urinary system Chapter 4 Producing Offspring-Reproductive Organs Chapter 5 Body Logistics System-Circulatory Chapter 6 Stand, Walk, Grab-Exercise Chapter 7 Incorporating Information-Sensory Organs Chapter 8 Body Information Processing System-Nervous . 173 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000818] Boonlert Butkhao "Anatomy: Art Student Edition"; Bangkok, Thailand: Odeon Store, 2001. Thai language book. ISBN: 9742778898 Anatomy for the artist. 203 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000819] Pichit Putichan "กายวิภาคศาสตร์และสรีรวิทยาของมนุษย์ : Human Anatomy and Physiology"; Bangkok, Thailand: Public Administration Faculty, 2002. Thai language book. Human anatomy and physiology It is the study of learning about our own body. allowing us to know the structure of the body and functions of various organs This will be useful in preventing harm that may occur to various organs. and is the basis for the study of other subjects related list of contents Chapter 1 The general structure of the body Chapter 2 Cells and Tissues Chapter 3 Skeletal System Chapter 4 The Muscular System Chapter 5 Nervous System Chapter 6 Sense organs Chapter 7 The circulatory system Chapter 8 Respiratory System Chapter 9 Digestive System Chapter 10 Excretory System Chapter 11 The Endocrine System Chapter 12 The Reproductive System Ex-Libris EAM

[000820] G. E. Ostroverkhov; Yu.M. Bomash; Dr. N. Lubotsky "ОПЕРАТИВНАЯ ХИРУРГИЯ И ТОПОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ АНАТОМИЯ"; Moscow: Public Administration Faculty, 1995. Russian Language. "Operational Surgery and Topographical Anatomy" Originally published in 1972. Ex-Libiris EAM

[000821] Hi-Q Products, Inc. "The Yot"; Hi-Q Products, Inc., 2000. Magic trick, although it is more of a puzzle. A gift from my good friend Randall K. Wolf, MD. cardiovascular surgeon, master magician, and collector. While visiting his library and magic collection he stated that "no library is complete without a magic trick!". Stored In a hard cover case, it is signed and dedicated: "For your library! All my best, Randy. Winter, 2022". Ex-Libirs EAM

[000822] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 1: The Heart Within the Body (The Relationships of the Heart, The Heart in Situ)"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000823] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 2: The Atria"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000824] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 3: The Ventricles I"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000825] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 4: The Ventricles II"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000826] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 5: The Cardiac Skeleton and Musculature"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000827] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 6: Cardiac Subsystems (Coronary Circulation, Conduction System, Nervous System)"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000828] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 7: Clinical Cardiac Anatomy I (Angiographic Anatomy)"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000829] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 8: Clinical Cardiac Anatomy II (Echocardiographic Anatomy, Cardiac Anatomy for the Surgeon)"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000830] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 9: Histology and Ultrastructure"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000831] Anderson, Robert H. MD; Becker, Anton E. MD. "Slide Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy Vol 10: The Development of the Heart"; London: Gower Medical Publishing, 1985. This is a rare 10- volume book with anatomical slides presented by the American College of Cardiology in conjunction with Stuart Pharmaceuticals. It includes 349 color images in 35 mm slides and 430 sketches. It is composed of 10 separate binders and stored in a hard cover slipcase. Contents:1. The heart within the body.--2. The atria.--3-4. The Ventricles.--5. The cardiac skeleton and musculature.--6. Cardiac sub-systems.--7-8. Clinical cardiac anatomy, I-II.--9. Histology and ultrastructure.--10. The development of the heart. Because of the slow decay of the slide material, they have been digitized. Ex-Libris EAM

[000832] Peter J, Ward Ph.D. "Netter's Integrated Musculosletal System"; ISBN: 9780323696616 India : Elsevier, 2022. This book is an innovative new text that brings together basic science material from several domains, providing a solid foundation prior to delving into topics of increasing complexity and clinical importance. Based on Frank Netter's Atlas and the CIBA-Geigy Collections and series of pathology. this book also integrates some of the drawing of Carlos Machado, MD, considered to be the successor of Dr. Netter. Included with the book is an online digital version that includes videos produced and narrated by the author. This book is personally important to me as it is authored, signed, and dedicated by my good friend Peter J. Ward. I am proud to add this book to my library - Ex-Libris EAM

[000833] Lt. Col. Chuck Miller "Soaring With Destiny"; ISBN: 9780960023707 USA: Mindstir Media LLC, 2018. Lt. Col Chuck Miller takes the reader through his personal life, growing up, and his USAF illustrious career. He gives us his thoughts as he flies some of the most iconic transport planes and the development of the USAF jet-powered in-flight refueling techniques as they transition from the underpowered propelled-driven tankers to the jet-powered large tanker planes in use today. At the time, this was critical for the Strategic Air Command (SAC)His career, detailed in this book, includes the development of these techniques for the, at the time, highly secret SR-71 “Blackbird” spy plane. The author dedicated many years of his life to the air defense of our country, including a tour in Vietnam and just for that, he should be commended. He held top-secret clearance while working with the DR-71 and later helping develop high powered jet engines for the KC-135. Part of his career included working with the Canadian Air Force helping them develop their own tanker forces. For this, he was awarded a Commendation award by Canada and authorized by the USAF to wear this medal on his uniform, being only the second USAF officer to be allowed this authorization. He also includes many references to his family who followed him trough different air bases, deployments, and eventually moving to Cincinnati, OH to work with GE engines. The book is also technical, which may be difficult for some readers, but fascinating for pilots and aviation history buffs. Do not let this despair you. It is a fascinating story! This book is signed and dedicated by the author. It reads: "To Efrain a fellow pilot, a learned scholar, and an open-minded thinker; Chuck Miller March (18) 2022". I am proud to add this book to my library. Ex-Libris EAM

[000835] John H. Dirckx, MD "Human Diseases"; ISBN: 0934385386 USA: Health Professions Institute, 2003. This is an easy-to-use desk reference on the diseases most commonly encountered in dictation, including causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnoses, and treatment regimens. Students, teachers, and anyone preparing for credentialing exams will appreciate the enhanced exercise section, including review questions and suggestions for varied and interesting learning activities. Chapter outlines, learning objectives, labeled illustrations, boxes on word origins, glossary, and a comprehensive index round out this newly revised workbook-style text. Each chapter includes a feature, "Case Study: You're the Doctor," which challenges readers to make medical and ethical judgments from the physician's perspective. 370 pages

[000836] John H. Dirckx, MD "Laboratory Medicine: Essentials of Anatomic & Clinical Pathology "; ISBN: 0934385513 USA: Health Professions Institute, 1991. This survey of the principles, practice, and terminology of pathology has been designed to serve the needs of several classes of users. For the physician and medical student it provides a concise review of essential topics in anatomic and clinical pathology with no admixture of the esoteric, the theoretical, or the trivial. For professional and practical nurses, physician's assistants, and other healthcare workers whose training does not include formal exposure to pathology, it supplies useful background information in logical, coherent sequence. Medical transcriptionists, medical secretaries, records clerks, insurance clerks, attorneys, and others will find this a valuable resource for tracking down the significance and bearing of pathologic terms with a minimum of effort. Ex-Libiris EAM

[000837] Ron Blumenfeld MD "The King's Anatomist - The Journey of Andreas Vesalius"; ISBN: 9781732950894 USA: The Donohue Group, 2021. In 1565 Brussels, the reclusive mathematician Jan van den Bossche receives shattering news that his lifelong friend, the renowned and controversial anatomist Andreas Vesalius, has died on the Greek island of Zante returning from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Jan decides to journey to his friend's grave to offer his last goodbye. A great book that is difficult to put down. 294 pages. Hardcover. Signed and dedicated by the author, Ron Blumenfeld MD: "To Efrain Miranda, A fellow admirer of Andreas Vesalius, with best wishes, July 2022" Ex-Libris EAM.

[000838] Mitchell, G.A.G. "Cardiovascular Innervation"; Edinburgh: E&S Livingstone, Ltd, 1956. George Archibald Grant Mitchell, OBE, TD, MB, ChB, ChM, MSc, DSc, FRCS (1906–1993) was a professor of anatomy at the University of Manchester from 1946 to 1973. He is mainly remembered for his research in neuroanatomy, especially of the autonomic nervous system. Book review: In spite of much research on the innervation of the heart and vessels, no specific monograph on this subject has been available so far. Mitchell’s book, based on large experimental experience, fills this gap admirably. Peripheral autonomic innervation as well as central representation are discussed in thorough detail, and the text is supported by many excellent illustrations. although the study of the anatomic structure is the basis, functional, pathologic, and clinical considerations are discussed and, therefore, the book may be defined as a treatise on applied anatomy. That the material is based essentially on man and, in experimental material, not lower in the scale than the monkey, makes the book particularly valuable for clinical application. 356 pages, 202 figs. Ex-Libris EAM

[000840] Optical Toys "Head 2 Heads"; ISBN: 1929421028 Hong Kong: Optical Toys, 2000. "A Flipbook of Slices of LIfe" Coronal and Sagittal fly-through sequences of the human skull based on images from the national library of medicine's 'visible human project' Each sequence is viewed separately on opposite sides of the pages. Hold the book in one hand and flip the pages with the thumb of the other hand. The Visual Human Project was manages by my friend Dr. Victor Spitzerat the University of Colorado. Fun visuals. Ex-Libris EAM

[000841] John H. Dirckx, MD "Dx+Rx: A Physician's Guide to Medical Writing"; ISBN: 9780816121007 Boston: G.K. Hall Medical Publications, 1997. Every physician and medical student who is preparing a paper for publication or for a conference should read Dx + Rx: A Physician's Guide to Medical Writing. This well-written, witty, and practical study brings into proper focus the problems a writer must face in the preparation of his paper. Acknowledging the widely recognized dreariness and often inane and irresponsible verbosity of many technical papers, Dr Dirckx offers valuable directions for attaining clarity, accuracy, readability, and style. 238 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000842] Bradley S. Bowden; Joan M. Bowden "An Illustrated Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles"; ISBN: 9781617311727 USA: Morton Publishing, 2015. This book is designed as a functional reference, supplement, and study guide for students and health professionals with a broad diversity of interests in the normal structure and function of skeletal-muscular systems.This full-color Atlas features over 400 illustrations of muscles, functional muscles groups, bones, articulation, muscle innervation pathways, joints, and youth sports injuries. Full color images. Examination Copy. Ex-Libris EAM

[000843] Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W.M. Mitchell, Richard Tibbitts, Paul Richardson "Gray's Atlas of Anatomy"; ISBN: 9781455748020 Canada: Elsevier, 2015. This companion resource to "Gray's Anatomy for Students" presents a vivid, visual depiction of anatomical structures. It demonstrates their correlation with appropriate clinical images and surface anatomy - essential for proper identification in the dissection lab and successful preparation for course exams. Clinically focused, consistently and clearly illustrated throughout, and logically organized..."Gray's Atlas of Anatomy" makes it easier to master the essential anatomy knowledge you need for exams and dissection labs.600 pp. Ex-Libris EAM

[000844] Gray, H; Drake, Richard L; Vogl, Wayne; Mitchell, Adam. "Gray's Anatomy for Students"; ISBN: 0443066124 Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2005. 3rd. Edition. Since the first publication of Gray's Anatomy in 1858, its practical approach and outstanding artwork have helped it become the best-selling anatomy book of all time. Now, Churchill Livingstone is proud to launch this completely new addition to the Gray's Anatomy family that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of today's anatomy students.Signed by A. Nagel, who gifted this book to me at a HAPS meeting in 2017. Ex-Libris EAM

[000845] Monro, Alexander "The Anatomy of the Human Bones, Nerves, and Lacteal Sac and Duct"; Edinburgh: J. Balfour, 1777. 9th. Edition. Originally called "Osteology" when first printed in 1726. Alexander Monro (1697-1767) Alexander Monro primus was a Scottish surgeon and anatomist. His father, the surgeon John Monro, had been a prime mover in the foundation of the Edinburgh Medical School and had arranged Alexander's education in the hope that his son might become the first Professor of Anatomy in the new university medical school. After medical studies in Edinburgh, London, Paris and Leiden, Alexander Monro returned to Edinburgh, and pursued a career as a surgeon and anatomy teacher. With the support of his father and the patronage of the Edinburgh Lord Provost George Drummond, Alexander Monro was appointed foundation Professor of Anatomy at the University of Edinburgh. His lectures, delivered in English, rather than the conventional Latin, proved popular with students and his qualities as a teacher contributed to the success and reputation of the Edinburgh medical school. He is known as Alexander Monro primus to distinguish him from his son Alexander Monro secundus (1733 - 1817) and his grandson Alexander Monro tertius, who both followed him in the chair of anatomy. These three Monros between them held the Edinburgh University Chair of Anatomy for 126 years. Ex-Libris EAM

[000846] John J. Nance "Why Hospitals Should Fly: The Ultimate Flight Plan to Patient Safety and Quality Care"; USA: Second River Healthcare Press, 2008. 009 ACHE Book of the Year “This book is a tour de force, and no one but John Nance could have written it. He, alone, masters in one mind the fields of aviation, health care safety, medical malpractice law, organizational sociology, media communication, and, as if that were not enough, the art of fine writing. Only he could have made sophisticated, scientifically disciplined instruction about the nature and roots of safety into a page-turner. Medical care has a ton yet to learn from the decades of progress that have brought aviation to unprecedented levels of safety, and, in instructing us all about those lessons, John Nance is not just a bridge-builder – he is the bridge. This book should be required reading for anyone willing to face the facts about what it will take for health care to be as safe as it truly can be.”

[000847] Davim, André Luiz Silva; Albuquerque, Diego Filgueira; Silva Neto, João Faustino da "Atlas de Anatomia Artística"; ISBN: 9788563014023 Brazil: Firenzze Editora, 2012. This book is written in Portuguese with English translation in most of the pages, mixing both anatomical specimen photographs and awasome body painting. "O que está por baixo da nossa pele? Como as estruturas anatômicas do corpo humano estão distribuídas? Para responder essas e muitas outras questões e ainda auxiliar profissionais da área médica nos estudos o professor André Davim lança um atlas ilustrado de anatomia artística. As imagens retratadas na obra ajudam a traduzir os mistérios da anatomia humana. O Atlas de Anatomia Artística demonstrar uma forma lúdica e inovadora como estudar anatomia humana" Ex-Libris EAM

[000848] John H. Dirckx, MD "H&P: A Nonphysician's Guide to the Medical History and Physical Examination"; ISBN: 0934385513 USA: Health Professions Institute, 2001. This invaluable textbook and desk reference explains the history and physical report step by step, demystifying the language of physicians. It aids both novice and experienced transcriptionists in deciphering difficult dictation and can be used as a study aid for credentialing exams. It is essential for anyone handling or interpreting healthcare records—in the classroom or on the job. Each chapter contains comprehensive exercises that build vocabulary, increase understanding of medical concepts, and develop critical thinking and decision-making skills. The book includes hundreds of excerpts from authentic H&P reports; a glossary of words and phrases not found in standard references; and photos and anatomical drawings. Ex-Libiris EAM

[000849] William J. Larsen, Ph.D. "Anatomy: Development, Function, Clinical Correlations"; ISBN: 0721646468 USA: Elsevier Science, 2002. This concise, well-illustrated textbook of gross anatomy emphasizes basic principles, functional aspects, and the clinical significance of anatomy. It follows a standard regional organization and covers the essential anatomy a medical student needs to know for class and for the USMLE. The illustrations consist of straightforward, detailed two-color diagrams that focus on functional anatomy. Clinical correlations throughout make anatomy concepts relevant to the practice of medicine. The easy-to-read style and student-friendly design elements aid the learning process by relating details to larger concepts. This book belongs to the Saunders Text and Review Series. This book is a gift of Judith Larsen, wife of the late author William J. Larsen, Ph.D. It contains a personal note and dedication form her, as the bookplate from Dr. Larsen. I will treasure this book. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000850] Susan Standring, MBE, PhD Ed. "Gray's Anatomy. The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice (42nd British Ed.)"; ISBN: 9780702077050 Poland: Elsevier, 2021. This 42nd edition of the owrld's best anatomy book has been meticulously revised and updated throughout, reflecting the very latest understanding of clinical anatomy from the world's leading clinicians and biomedical scientists. The book's acclaimed, lavish art and clear text has been further enhanced, while major advances in imaging techniques and the new insights they bring are fully captured in state of the art X-ray, CT, MR and ultrasonic images. The accompanying eBook version is richly enhanced with additional content and media, covering all the body regions, cell biology, development and embryogenesis - and now includes two new systems-orientated chapters. This combines to unlock a whole new level of related information and interactivity, in keeping with the spirit of innovation that has characterized Gray's Anatomy since its inception. The book is signed and dedicates by three of theauthors, Drs. Peter Ward, Richard Tunstall, and Shane Tubbs at the 2022 AACA Meeting. Ex-Libris EAM

[000851] Conor P Delaney MCh PhD FRSCI "Netter's Surgical Anatomy and Approaches"; ISBN: 9781437708332 China: Elsevier, 2014. Netter's Surgical Anatomy and Approaches is your quick reference to the key anatomical landmarks and operative techniques needed to best perform general surgical operative procedures! This one-of-a-kind resource combines the unmatched surgical anatomy illustrations of Frank H. Netter, MD with endoscopic, laparoscopic, and radiologic images - integrated with expert descriptions of each operative procedure - to provide a clear overview of the exposures, incision sites, surgically relevant landmarks, structures, fascial planes, and common anatomical variants and operative methods that are critical to your success in the operating room. Copy signed by my good friend Dr. Carlos Machado, MD. Ex-Libris EAM

[000852] Mary Dobson "Disease: The Story of Disease and Mankind's Continuing Struggle Against It "; ISBN: 9781847240149 China: Quercus, 2007. Essays on 50 key diseases, plagues and epidemics function both as self contained mini histories of individual diseases and as part of a larger narrative chronicling the history of medicine. Includes timelines, boxed features on significant medical breakthroughs, fascinating case histories, anecdotes and medical curiosities. Hardcover. 256 pages. Contains 150 color photographs. Ex-Libris EAM

[000867] Delos Cosgrove, MD "Carpentier-Edwards Classic Annuloplasty Ring Implant Techniques"; USA: St. Jude Medical , Inc., 1998. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Publication supported by Edwards Lifesciences. External publication. Ex-Libris EAM

[000871] Arnold S. Goldstein "J. K. Lasser's Legal and Corporation Forms for the Smaller Business "; ISBN: 0671883275 USA: McMillan USA, 2000. A complete DIY book containing all the forms you need for every common business situation. Ex-Libris EAM

[000872] Moore, Keith; Agur, Anne; Dalley, Arthur " Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy "; ISBN: 9781975154066 Mexico: Wolters Kluwer, 2022. The world’s most trusted clinically focused anatomy text, Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 9th Edition, provides comprehensive coverage and an engaging, storytelling approach to guide students to unparalleled success from initial anatomy and foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. The 9th Edition of this bestselling text reflects the latest changes in the clinical application of anatomy as well as preparation for the USMLE while maintaining the highest standards for scientific and clinical accuracy. Signed and dedicated by Anne Agur, PhD at the 2021 AACA meeting in Fort Worth, TXF as follows: "Dear Efrain, To my wonderful colleague and amazing anatomist! Anne, June 16, 2022"

[000873] Thomas R. Gest " Lippincott Atlas of Anatomy "; ISBN: 9781496338228 China: Wolters Kluwer, 2020. Featuring more than 800 high-quality, modern images, Lippincott® Atlas of Anatomy is a vibrantly colored regional atlas of human anatomy offering an unprecedented combination of visual aesthetic appeal and anatomical accuracy. A unique art style featuring bright colors, color coding of anatomical elements, judicious use of labeling, and no extraneous text make this book an ideal tool for students. 496 pages. Although authored by Dr. Gest, the book also recognizes Patrick Tank (1950-2012) coauthor of the first edition of this wonderful book. The book was signed and dedicated by my good friend Dr. Gest at the 2022 meeting of the AACA in Fort Worth TX, as follows: "To Efrain - Use this book in good health. Your friend and colleague Tom Gest". Ex-Libiris EAM

[000874] William H. Saunders MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 16 No 3: The Larynx"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1964. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000875] Frederick E. Jackson "Clinical Symposia Vol 18 No 3: The Pathophysiology of Head Injuries"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1966. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000876] Frederick E. Jackson "Clinical Symposia Vol 19 No 1: The Treatment of Head Injuries"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1967. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000877] Aldo A. Luisada MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 20 No 1: The Signs and Symptoms of Valvular Disease and Heart Failure"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1968. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000878] Seymour M Farber; Roger HL Wilson "Clinical Symposia Vol 20 No 2: Chronic Obstructive Emphysema"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1968. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000879] Claude Frazier, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 20 No 3: Diagnosis and Treatment of Insect Bites"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1968. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000880] Donadl B Effer; Aldo R Castaneda "Clinical Symposia Vol 21 No 1: The Surgical Treatment of Myocardial Ischemia. Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Valvular Disease"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1969. The Surgical Treatment of Myocardial Ischemia by Donadl B Effer MD. Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Valvular Disease by Aldo R Castaneda, MD. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000881] D Myers, W D Schlosser, R J Wolfson, R A Winchester, N H Carmel "Clinical Symposia Vol 22 No 2: Otologic Diagnosis and the Treatment of Deafness"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1970. This reprint was updated because of newer microsurgical techniques. The original was published in 1962. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000882] John A. Calabro, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 23 No 1: Rheumatoid Arthritis"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1971. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000883] Jere W Lord Jr, MD; Louis M Rosati MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 23 No 2: Thoracic Outlet Syndromes"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1971. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000884] Richard H. Roberts MD. Editor "Clinical Symposia Vol 23 No 3: Syphilis"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1971. This publication was prepared in cooperation with the US Public Health Service. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000885] Hugo A. Keim, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 24 No 1: Scoliosis"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1972. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000886] Robert W Wilkins MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 24 No 2: Evaluation of Hypertensive Patients"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1972. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000887] Charles E Horton MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 24 No 3: Hypospadias and Epispadias"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1972. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000888] Theodore Pullman MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 25 No 1: Chronic Renal Failure"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1973. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000889] Hugo A. Keim, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 25 No 3: Low Back Pain"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1973. 25th anniversary issue. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000890] Lawrence M. Ross, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 25 No 4: The Cell"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1973. 25th anniversary issue. Illustrated by John Craig 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000891] Leonard B. Berman, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 25 No 5: The Pathophysiology of Renin"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1973. 25th anniversary issue. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000892] Burton F. Jaffe, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 26 No 1: Diseases and Surgery of the Nose"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1973. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000893] Lawrence M. Ross, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 26 No 3: Cataracts. Development, Diagnosis and Management"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1974. Illustrated by John Craig 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000894] William S. Fields, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 26 No 4: Aortocranial Occlusive Vascular Disease (Stroke)"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1974. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000895] Robert K. Shapter, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 26 No 5: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Basic Life Support"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1974. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000896] Earle B. Weiss, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 27 No 1&2: Bronchial Asthma"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1975. Special large edition. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 72 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000897] Kenneth R.T. Tyson, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 27 No 3: Congenital Heart Disease in Infants"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1975. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000898] Roger Duvoisin, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 28 No 1: Parkisonism"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1976. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000899] Sally Abston, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 28 No 4: Burns in Children"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1976. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000900] Crelin, Edmund S. Ph.D "Clinical Symposia Vol 29 No 1: Skiing Injuries"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1977. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000901] Travis Windsor, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 29 No 2: The Electrocardiogram in Myocardial Infarction"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1977. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000902] Michael J. Weintraub MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 29 No 6: Hysteria"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1977. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000903] Jay M. Arena MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 30 No 2: The Treatment of Poisoning"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1978. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000904] Morton M. Ziskind, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 30 No 4: Occupational Pulmonary Disease"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1978. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000905] James Allen Reinarz, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 30 No 6: Nosocomial Infections"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1978. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000906] Murray D. Altose, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 31 No 2: The Physiological Basis of Pulmonary Function Testing"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1979. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000907] Henry J. Heimlich. MD; Milton H. Uhley, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 31 No 3: The Heimlich Maneuver"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1979. In June 1977 Dr Netter invited Dr Uhley to collaborate with him in the preparation of material regarding the Heimlich Maneuver. The final product is this research are presented here along with a full description of the maneuver by Dr. Heimlich himself. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000908] David Koffler, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 31 No 4: The Immunology of Rheumathoid Diseases"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1979. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000909] Joseph Agris, MD; Melvin Spira, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 31 No 5: Pressure Ulcers; Prevention and Treatment"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1979. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000910] David M. Brody, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 32 No 4: Running Injuries "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1980. Illustrated by Frank Netter.32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000911] Seymour Diamond, MD; Jose L. Medina, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 33 No 2: Headaches"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1981. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000912] Alfred B. Swansonl, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 33 No 3: Congenital Limb Defects; Classification and Treatment"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1981. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000913] Aram V. Chobanian, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 34 No 5: Hypertension"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1982. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000914] Willian L Nyhan, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 35 No 1: Cytogenetic Diseases"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1983. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages.Ex-Libris EAM

[000915] William A. Friedman, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 35 No 4: Head Injuries"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1983. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000916] Frederick S. Kaplan, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 35 No 5: Osteoporosis"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1983. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000917] William C. DeVries, MD; Lyle D. Joyce, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 35 No 6: The Artificial Heart"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1983. A poignant publication depicts the first artificial heart implanted by the authors on Dr. Barney Clark. He survived for 112 days dying of complication apparently not related to the artificial heart. Dr. Netter personally followed the process, drawing not only the operation itself, but incredible moments such as Dr. Clark and his wife Una together at the hospital two weeks after the operation. This is a book I will always treasure. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000918] Barbara Romanowsky, MD; JRW Harris, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 36 No 1: Sexually Transmitted Diseases "; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1984. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages.Ex-Libris EAM

[000919] Martin S. Wolfe, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 36 No 2: Diseases of Travelers"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1984. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000920] F. Henry Ellis, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 38 No 5: Hiatus Hernia"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1986. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000921] Lampe, Ernest W, MD. "Clinical Symposia Vol 40 No 4: Stroke"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1988. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000922] David Paulson, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 41 No 2: Diseases of the Prostate"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1989. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000923] William F. Enneking, MD; Ernest Conrad, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 41 No 3: Common Bone Tumors"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1989. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000924] Ernest U. Conrad, MD; William F. Enneking MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 42 No 1: Common Soft Tissue Tumors"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1990. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000925] William L. Nyhan, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 42 No 2: Structural Abnormalities. A Systematic Approach to Diagnosis"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1990. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000926] David Paton, MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 42 No 4: Management of Cataracts"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1990. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000927] Daniel B. Kessler MD; Philip Hyden MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 43 No 1: Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse of Children"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1991. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000928] Harold E. Kleinert MD; James M. Kleinert MD; Steve J. McCabe MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 43 No 2: Replantation"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1991. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000929] James D. Heckman MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 43 No 3: Fractures. Emergency Care and Complications"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1991. Illustrated by Frank Netter. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000930] Andrew W. Danyluk MD; David Paton MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 43 No 4: Diagnosis and Management of Glaucoma"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1991. After the death of Dr. Netter the publisher posted on the first page of the book the following: "April26, 1906 - September 17, 1991 F. Netter MD PHYSICIAN - ARTEIS - TEACHER. The staff of CIBA-GEIGY Corporation deeply mourns the passing of its beloved colleague and friend. His paintings will inspire physicians and students of the human body for generations to come". Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000931] Charles A. Garcia MD; Richard S. Ruiz MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 44 No 1: Ocular Complications of Glaucoma"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1992. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000932] John M. Shane MD "Clinical Symposia Vol 44 No 2: Evaluation and Treatment of Infertility"; Summit, New Jersey: CIBA, 1993. Illustrated by John Craig. 32 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000933] Davis & Geck Company "Famous Hospitals"; New York, USA: Davis & Geck Company, 1927. Folder with 24 unbound prints depicting famous hospital around the world. The images are hand-drawn by different artists. They belong to a collection by the Davis & Geck suture company. The folder is a signed gift from my friend Jack Kennedy (Medtronic). Ex-Libris EAM

[000934] Ruth Richardson "The Making of Mr. Gray's Anatomy "; ISBN: 9780199552993 Great Britain: Oxford University Press, 2008. When Gray's Anatomy appeared in 1858, contemporaries immediately recognized that it was a departure from anything that had come before. Sales were brisk, and the book rapidly became not just a bestseller, but the standard work. Created by two young men in only two years in the mid-nineteenth century, Gray's Anatomy is the only textbook of human anatomy continuously in print for the last 150 years. Commemorating this remarkable anniversary, The Making of Mr. Gray's Anatomy tells the fascinating story of the origin of this groundbreaking book. Providing a wealth of historical context, Dr. Ruth Richardson examines both the mid-Victorian medical world in which Henry Gray and the brilliant illustrator Henry Vandyke Carter operated and the vigorous publishing industry in London at that time. Along the way, Richardson explores the scientific and cultural life of the medical school dissecting room and dead house, as well as the lives of those whose corpses ended up on the slab. The very different personalities and life-stories of Gray and Carter emerge in the telling, as do those of their publishers, and the many other individuals who were involved in the making of the book itself. 322 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000935] Atul Gawande, MD "Complications: Notes from the Life of a Young Surgeon"; ISBN: 9780143028451 New Delhi, India: Penguin Books, 2002. This book is a must read for a medical student, a surgical resident, and any health care professional. The analysis of how a surgeon learns, their mistakes, the correct decisions sometimes based on a hunch, and the complications that arise from their decisions and actions is riveting. Anyone reading this book superficially will like the anecdotes, but deeper in the books are the basis of medical decision-making and, in spite of all the studies, how little we know about the human body and pathologies that may affect it. The book is divided in three sections: fallibility, mystery, and uncertainty. Fallibility shows how and why mistakes are made. Mystery details some conditions that cannot be explained by current medical science. Uncertainty touches upon how difficult it is to make proper diagnoses and decisions and how some physicians can be dangerous to the patient by being cavalier or simply not caring. This is a book that should be read and reread, as the information learned will change as we mature as health care professionals. As a side note, the book should have been called ”Morbidity” as this is the proper term for “complications”, but then, who would read it?. Ex-Libris EAM

[000936] Harvey Cushing, MD "A Bio-Bibliography of Andreas Vesallius"; New York, USA: Schuman's, 1943. Of all the publications in celebration of the quatercentenary of Vesalius' Fabrica, this was the longest in gestation, is easily the most substantial, and will have the most permanent value. It is an achievement worthy of a place beside the author's Life of Sir William Osler and his contributions to neurosurgery. To Vesaius' scholars this is the quintessential resource and has been acclaimed as so for decades. It contains full bibliographic descriptions of more than a hundred and thirty editions of the various works of Vesalius and his plagiarists, briefly identifies half a hundred more, and concludes with a list of 451 "Vesaliana". The book is signed by Dr. John R. Fitzgerald. on April 19. 1944. 229 Pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000937] Richard M. Soderstrom (Ed) "Operative Laparoscopy: The Masters' Techniques in Gynecologic Surgery"; ISBN: 9780397517978 Singapore: Lippincott-Raven, 1998. Revised and updated, this reference is a complete know-how guide to the full range of laparoscopic techniques in gynaecologic surgery and selected procedures in general surgery. It provides practical information, suitable for laparoscopists and operating room support staff, on equipment techniques, electrosurgery, lasers, and specific laparoscopic procedures, for a wide variety of conditions requiring pelvic or abdominal surgery. This second edition features expanded coverage of: laparoscopically-assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH); urogynecologic procedures; and non-gynecologic surgery. New chapters cover: hiatal hernia repair; subtotal LAVH; lymph node dissection; and laparoscopic retropubic urethropexy. This book is signed and dedicated by one of the authors: " For my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Efrain A. Miranda. If all friendships could be like ours, the world would be better off! Fondly Sandy Osher MD 01/12/2023. 2nd Ed. 303 pages. Ex-Libris EAM

[000938] Robert Acland MD "The Anatomy of the Inguinal Region"; USA: American Association of Clinical Anatomists, 2008. A service of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists. DVD. Jewel case.

[000940] Johann Ludwig Choulant, Mortimer Frank Editor and Translator "History and Bibliography of Anatomic Illustration in Its Relation to Anatomic Science and the Graphic Arts"; Chicago, IL USA: The University of Chicago Press, 1920. In this classical work Choulant traced the evolution of anatomical illustration from the early schematic plates up to his own time, including a valuable bibliography. This English edition was translated and edited by Mortimer Frank (1874-1919). Frank took on the tremendous project of translating Choulant's German text into English. He improved Choulant's text with the results of his and other scholars' research, greatly enlarging the text. Frank supplemented the original book with a biography of Choulant, essays on anatomists not considered in the original text, and an essay on the history of anatomical illustration prior to those authors discussed by Choulant. This book has been reprinted several times, and is still useful as a reference in this field. This particular books is the First Edition in English. Note: This book has a beautiful Ex-Libris from the Library of the Medical and Chirurgical faculty of the State of Maryland. It states "Purchased through the William Osler Testimonial fund for the advancement of Medicine. This book was in poor condition when received and was repaired. The bookplate was saved and repaired, but some small handwriting by Marcia Crocker Noyes had to be covered. It is still in the book under the bookend, but not visible.. Ex-Libris EAM

[000942] Charles Donald O'Malley "Andreas Vesalius of Brussels (1514 - 1564)"; USA: University of California Press, 1965. Andreas Vesalius of Brussels 1514-1564, by C. D. O'MALLEY, Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press (London, Cambridge University Press), I964, pp. X, 480, 65 illus. Dr. C. D. O'Malley, who was described by the late Charles Singer, himself no mean scholar of Renaissance anatomy and of Vesalius, as 'the greatest living authority on the life of Vesalius'. This book is considered until today (2023) the best and most complete study into the life and works of Andreas Vesalius.The book was published on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Vesalius's death in the island of Zakynthos, Greece.Ex-Libris EAM.

[000944] Claire F. Smith, PhD "The Silent Teacher: The gift of body donation"; ISBN: 9781999581206 England: Anatomically Correct, 2018. One single body donation could affect the lives of around ten million patients. Body donation is an amazing gift which enables doctors and healthcare professionals to understand the human body. Surgeons can refine existing surgical skills and develop new procedures to create better treatment for you. Dr Claire Smith goes through every aspect of donating a body, clearly describing what happens to a body once it has been donated, how it is used, how bodies are reassembled and then placed in coffins before cremation. The book is signed and dedicated" Efrain, to amazing anatomists like you!" Ex-Libris EAM

[000945] Hansen, John T. "Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards"; ISBN: 9780323185950 Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier, 2014. Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards are the most convenient and portable way to review anatomy on the fly. This 4th Edition contains full-color illustrations from Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy, 6th Edition paired with concise text identifying those structures and reviewing relevant anatomical information and clinical correlations. Online access at studentconsult lets you review anatomy from any computer, plus additional "bonus" cards and over 300 multiple-choice questions. Ex-Libris EAM

[000946] Francis Van Glabbeek, Maurits Biesbrouck, Jacqueline Vons "Myology before Vesalius: Giovanni Battista Canani (1515-1579) and his Musculorum Humani Corporis Picturata Dissectio"; ISBN: 9789044139020 Belgium: Garant Publishers, 2022. Giambattista Canani (1515-1579) from Ferrara was a remarkable and leading physician-anatomist in the sixteenth century, but he is far less well known today than his contemporaries such as Vesalius, Fallopio or Colombo. His only work on the muscular anatomy of the upper limb Musculorum humani corporis picturata dissectio can in fact be considered as a masterpiece of its time, no less innovative than Vesalius’ Fabrica. The Picturata dissectio is revolutionary in its content and contains copper etchings of exceptional quality and precision. This is the result of Canani’s extensive dissections of human corpses, performed meticulously and with a determination to discover the tiniest details of the human anatomy. Only a few original copies of this very rare work are now in existence, and it can only be seen in a small number of the most prestigious libraries: in Europe mostly in Italy (Bologna, Ferrara, Padua, Pavia, Milan) but also in Dresden, Glasgow, Krakow, London, Oxford, Uppsala and Vienna. The only two original copies in the United States are in the Yale University Library and the Rubenstein Library of Duke University. The book is dedicated by Dr. Francis Van Glabbeek, Orthopedic Surgeon in Antwerp. Belgium:To Efrain, Warm Regards, Francis Antwerp, 23/6/2023. Ex-Libris EAM

[000947] Teo Dirix, Pascale Pollier, Bryan Green, Maurtis Biesbrouck, Elke Robersscheuten, Chantal Pollies "Vesalian Landscapes"; ISBN: N/A Belgium: ARSIC, 2023. Theo Dirix is the editor of this volume that depicts some of the poetry, art work, music, and medical historian research on Vesalius that was presented at the 2023 Vesalius Triennial Meeting in the city of Antwerp, Belgium. I had the honor of being invited by the University of Antwerp in Belgium to speak at this scientific meeting which was organized in conjunction with the 29th Congress of the Association Européenne des Illustrateurs Médicaux et Scientifiques - AEIMS (European Association of Medical and Scientific Illustrators). A three-day program that, alongside the scientific program, included poetry, art, music, sculpture, and painting. All of this celebrating the life and inspiration brought to arts and medical science by Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis (1514-1564). The book, written in English and Dutch also presents research on Andreas Vesalius' tomb, and some of his publications. Dedicated by Theo Dirix: "To Efrain A. Miranda, with warmest regards 23/06/2023.Ex-Libris EAM

[000948] Robrecht Van Hee MD (editor) "Art of Vesalies"; ISBN: 9781616278700 Belgium: Garant Publishers, 2014. This book is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the birth of Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). Vesalius’ experts and adepts focus on his life and work, the new insights he gave on the anatomy of the human body and the influence he had on the medical profession throughout the centuries. Special attention is given to the iconography in Vesalius’ “Fabrica” and “Epitome”, which, as a new medium of expression, has incited doctors and artists alike to copy the magnificent renaissance drawings. The renewed interest in Vesalius’ texts and drawings is illustrated in this publication. Dedicated by Robert Van Hee: "To Efrain, great reading pleasure, Robert" 23-6/2023. Ex-Libris EAM

[000949] Universty of Antwerp "Program 4th Vesalius Continuum Meeting"; Belgium: University of Antwerp, 2023. Full color program of the 4th Vesalius Continuum Meeting held in Antwerp, Belgium and hosted by the University of Antwerp. This scientific meeting was presented in conjunction with the 29th Congress of the Association Européenne des Illustrateurs Médicaux et Scientifiques - AEIMS (European Association of Medical and Scientific Illustrators). A three-day program that, alongside the scientific program, included poetry, art, music, sculpture, and painting. All of this celebrating the life and inspiration brought to arts and medical science by Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis (1514-1564). The scientific program included lectures by well-known Vesalius scholars, including Vivian Nutton, Robrecht Van Hee, Francis Van Glabbeek, Philip Van Kerrebroeck, Omer Steeno, Maurits Beisbrouck, Theodor Godeeris, Peter Bols, and many others. Personally, it was incredible to be invited to this event and share with these individuals. My presentation was entitled “Vesalius and Anatomical Megadrawings – A Personal Journey”. This is a topic that touched on my experience with larger (and very small) books and the sentence written by Andreas Vesalius in the two-page letter to Johannes Oporinus printed in the first part of Vesalius’ opus magnum “De Humani Corporis Fabrica, Libri Septem”. Ex-Libris EAM

[000950] Catalina Chamorro, Vania Perret "Memoria del Flamenco en Chile: relatos y fotografías de una historia vivida"; ISBN: 9789560107916 Chile: RL Editores, 2020. Este libro propone un relato narrativo y visual que recorre los orígenes del flamenco en Chile y explica cómo se ha ido configurando su trayectoria. Contribuye con ello a resguardar el patrimonio del flamenco en un lugar que, aunque tan lejano a su localidad de origen, forma parte de la particular relación entre tradición y universalización que ha estado siempre presente en este arte. A lo largo de estas páginas, las autoras van recorriendo este camino, rescatando la dimensión biográfica, así como las significaciones que surgen en las conversaciones sostenidas con algunos de sus principales protagonistas. This book tells the story of the evolution of Flamenco dancing and singing in Chile. In a personal twist, I saw and helped my sister since she was 5 years old when she started learning Flamenco. After many years, under the artistic name of Rosario Velarde, she is considered one of the best Flamenco dancers in Chile. She has won several competitions and has been part of this incredible culture. This book is particularly special, as it is dedicated by the authors to her and she in turn dedicated the book to me. A personal treasure. Ex-Libris EAM

[000951] Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis "De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem: Page 187"; Basel: Johannes Oporinus, 1543. Excerpt from “Fine Books and Manuscripts” June 1 2023, by Potter & Potter Auctions Page 84: [Anatomy] Vesalius, Andreas (1514-1564) Sexta Musculorum Tabula [leaf extracted from the 1543 first edition of “De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem”] Basel” Johannes Oporinus, 1543. Folio (413x286 mm) Full woodcut engraving (some marginal soiling or browning, old paper repair at lower margin). A certified print by Potter & Potter. My friend Dr. Randall Wolf told me about this auction, and with his help I was able to obtain this rare print. I was able to ascertain the fact that this was an original print in June 2023 comparing the print to an original 1543 Fabrica property of Dr. Francis Van Glabbeek in his home in Antwerp, Belgium. An incredible addition to my library!. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000952] Potter & Potter Auctions "Fine Books & Manuscripts: Including the Ronald K. Siegler Collection "; USA: Potter & Potter Auctions, 2023. This is the catalog from a Potter & Potter auction that took place on June 1st, 2023. My interest was a single print on page 84: [Anatomy] Vesalius, Andreas (1514-1564) Sexta Musculorum Tabula [leaf extracted from the 1543 first edition of “De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem”] Basel” Johannes Oporinus, 1543. Folio (413x286 mm) Full woodcut engraving (some marginal soiling or browning, old paper repair at lower margin). A certified print by Potter & Potter. My friend Dr. Randall Wolf told me about this auction, and with his help I was able to obtain this rare print. I was able to ascertain the fact that this was an original print in June 2023 comparing the print to an original 1543 Fabrica property of Dr. Francis Van Glabbeek in his home in Antwerp, Belgium. An incredible addition to my library!. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000953] J.A. Fort "Compendio de Anatomía Descriptiva"; Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1925. The author is Dr. Joseph-Auguste Fort, Anatomy professor of the University of Paris. Translated into Spanish by Dr. Antonio de Soroa y Pineda in Spain. This book is the 5th Edition translation of the 9th French Edition. The book was property of Dr. Carlos Verdugo, a Chilean MD who helped me in my career, and was gifted to my library by his son Carlos who dedicated the book personally. Ex-Libirs EAM

[000954] Matt Ridley "How Innovation Works: Serendipity, Energy and the Saving of Time"; ISBN: 9780062916594 USA: Harper Collins Publishers, 2020. Matt Ridley argues in this book that we need to change the way we think about innovation, to see it as an incremental, bottom-up, fortuitous process that happens to society as a direct result of the human habit of exchange, rather than an orderly, top-down process developing according to a plan. Innovation is crucially different from invention, because it is the turning of inventions into things of practical and affordable use to people. It speeds up in some sectors and slows down in others. It is always a collective, collaborative phenomenon, not a matter of lonely genius. It is gradual, serendipitous, recombinant, inexorable, contagious, experimental and unpredictable. It happens mainly in just a few parts of the world at any one time. It still cannot be modeled properly by economists, but it can easily be discouraged by politicians. Far from there being too much innovation, we may be on the brink of an innovation famine. Ex-Libris EAM

[000955] Adam Wilson, Alexandra Daemicke "Cadaver Chronicles: The Code of Silence"; ISBN: 9798988436522 USA: Superior Oblique Publishing, 2023. avin Hartmann, a well-rounded 17-year-old, dies in a tragic accident and reawakens as a plastinated cadaver on display in a museum exhibit. Fellow plastinates welcome him to their fantastical world and disclose that, as cadavers, they are entrusted guardians of undiscovered biomedical intelligence. As a permanent plastinate, he is assigned a new name, Galen, which complements his new persona as a compassionate physician. Upon probing the boundaries of his new persona, Galen acquires the critical foreknowledge to save his high school crush, Morgan, who has a life-threatening genetic heart disease. Galen has only a few short days to intercede on Morgan’s behalf before the exhibit departs for a new location and his new persona fully solidifies, erasing all memories of his past life. Moreover, Galen must comply with the cadavers’ Code of Silence to avoid dying indefinitely and must navigate the unthinkable by mingling with the living. With the aid of his newfound plastinated comrades, Galen sets out to save his first love, even though he risks perishing forever. A gift from my friend Dr. Randall Wolf. Ex-Libirs EAM

[000956] Alice Roberts "Anatomical Oddities: The Otherworldly Realms Hidden within Our Bodies"; ISBN: 9781891011139 China: The Experiment Publishing Co., 2023. Every part of the human body has a name—and story. But how familiar are you with your arachnoid mater or your Haversian canals? Anatomical Oddities explores the less-familiar realms of the body, unveiling the mysteries etched into the most outlandish landscapes hidden inside all of our crypts and caverns, gorges, islets, and mountains. Along the way, it dips into the history of our relationship with our physical form and the discoveries that paved the way for modern anatomy and medicine.Quirky, bizarre, and beautiful, these pages feature original artworks by Alice Roberts. The stunning, full-color illustrations lay bare the intricate details of the human body, the stories of people who unearthed its secrets, and the meanings of the words we use to describe it. Ex-Libris EAM

[000957] Don Warrener "Traditional Goju Ryu Karate"; ISBN: 0920129021 Hong Kong: Masters Publication, 1982. Traditional Goju is the very first book ever written in English demonstrating the kai shu or op[en hand katas of this beautiful flowing style of karate.Popular with all Goju Ryu practitioners, this book has become a valuable reference guide to the Goju Ryu katas. Ex-Libris EAM

[000958] Museo La Specola Florence "Encyclopaedia Anatomica"; ISBN: 9783822850398 Singapore: Taschen, 2006. Encyclopaedia Anatomica: A Collection Of Anatomical Waxes. Presents a collection of waxworks depicting the human anatomy in all its dazzling complexity. This book features a selection of wax bodies and body part and organ studies; from skeletons to vein structures, organs to nerves, and arteries to delicate pores of the skin. It also features the human body mapped out in meticulous and exacting detail. The book specifically shows the anatomical wax models at the Museum of La Specola in Florence, Italy. Within its pages you will see the incredible detail of the work of Giovanni Paolo Mascagni. Ex- Libris EAM

[000959] Leslie P. Gartner, Lisa M.J. Lee PhD "Gartner & Hiatt's Atlas and Text of Histology"; ISBN: 9781975164256 Mexico: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2023. The go-to tool for mastering histology, Gartner & Hiatt's Atlas and Text of Histology, 8th Edition , equips medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with a concise review of all of the major tissue classes and body systems in an engaging approach optimized for superior classroom and clinical success. A consistent presentation combines relevant text and detailed photomicrographs to facilitate understanding and provide valuable review for in-class and licensing examinations. Helpful explanatory text in each chapter details Histophysiology, Clinical Considerations, Summaries of Histological Organization, and more, accompanied by more than 700 vivid, full-color, high-quality images.

[000960] Palazzo Poggi Museum "Biomedical Art 2008: Exhibition Catalogue"; Torino, Italy: MultiMago, 2008. This is the exhibition catalog of the 2008 Biomedical Art Exhibit at the Palazzo Poggi Museum at the University of Bologna, Italy. The book is signed and dedicated by one of the artists, organizers, and editor of the book, Professor Ann Van de Velde as follows: "Efrain, may this be the perfect book to walk through Vesalian landscapes, Ann". Ex-Libirs EAM

[000961] Nedzad Gluhbegovic. Terence H. Williams "The Human Brain: A Photographic Guide"; USA: Harper & Row, 1980. This is a most beautifully produced and illustrated book, consisting for the most part of full page black and white photographs, each set opposite a page with line drawing and text to explain it. These 84 photographs include beautifully executed dissections displaying fibertracts, nuclear masses and, less conventionally, the brain with the cranial nerves intact within the cerebral dura mater and its off-shoots. A well chosen set of brain stem sections, stained to display myelinated fiber tracts, is also included. For revision purposes the study of this guide might be an excellent substitute for study of the brain itself. 7 color pictiures. The book has an Ex-Libris from Steven Scheiner. Ex-Libirs EAM

[000962] Sherwin B. Nuland "Doctors: The Illustrated History of Medical Pioneers"; ISBN: 9781579127787 China: Black Dog & Leventhal , 1988. National Book Award-winner and surgeon Sherwin B. Nuland tells the extraordinary story of the development of modern medicine through compelling studies of the great innovators and pioneers. Artfully selected illustrations bring the history of medicine to life as never before. This brilliant collection of life portraits of physician scientists shows how their deeds and determination paved the way for future breakthroughs in medicine. Ranging from the legendary father of medicine, Hippocrates, to Helen Taussig, the founder of pediatric cardiology, the book is filled with the spirit of ideas and the thrill of discovery.Other medical pioneers profiled include Galen, Andreas Vesalius, Ambroise ParéWilliam Harvey, Giovanni Morgagni, John Hunter, Renéaennec, Ignac Semmelweis, Rudolf Virchow, Joseph Lister, and William Stewart Halsted. Artwork and photography are married to Nuland's vivid narrative here for the first time, turning a "reading" book by a bestselling author into a treasured gift book for medical professionals and science enthusiasts. Ex-Libirs EAM

[000963] Francesca Vannnozzi Ed. "La scienza illuminata: Paolo Mascagni nel suo tempo, 1755-1815"; ISBN: 9788871451275 Italy: Nuova Immagine Editrice, 1996. Published on the occasion of the exhibition dedicated to the work of Paolo Mascagni, held at the complesso museale di Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, Oct. 5, 1996-Jan. 7, 1997. Italian. Ex-Libris EAM

[000964] Maximilian Schaeffer "TIERFORMEN Vol 1 : TEXT"; Dresded: Gerhard Kühtmann , 1899. Vergleichende Studien über die Anatomie des Menschen und der Tiere. Für Künstler. Kunst-Handwerker sowie Dilettanten. Ein Atlas von 64 Tafeln nebst erläuterndem Textband, Volume 1 TERFORMEN (Animal Shapes) Comparative studies of human and animal anatomy. For artists. Art craftsmen and amateurs. An atlas of 64 plates with an explanatory text volume, Volume 1 SCHAEFER, Maximilian. TIERFORMEN. Two volumes. Dresden: Gerhard Kuhtmann, n.d. (circa 1899). Small folio. Cloth spine, boar vi, (ii), 94 pages; (vi) pages, 64 plates. First edition. Schaefer's study of anatomy and illustration, including those of humans, mammals, birds and reptiles. Volume I contains the text, with 98 in-text drawings, while all 64 plates are bound-in Volume II. ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0012DMIQS Ex-Libris EAM

[000965] Maximilian Schaeffer "TIERFORMEN Vol 2: ATLAS"; Dresded: Gerhard Kühtmann , 1899. Vergleichende Studien über die Anatomie des Menschen und der Tiere. Für Künstler. Kunst-Handwerker sowie Dilettanten. Ein Atlas von 64 Tafeln nebst erläuterndem Textband, Volume 1 TERFORMEN (Animal Shapes) Comparative studies of human and animal anatomy. For artists. Art craftsmen and amateurs. An atlas of 64 plates with an explanatory text volume, Volume 1 SCHAEFER, Maximilian. TIERFORMEN. Two volumes. Dresden: Gerhard Kuhtmann, n.d. (circa 1899). Small folio. Cloth spine, boar vi, (ii), 94 pages; (vi) pages, 64 plates. First edition. Schaefer's study of anatomy and illustration, including those of humans, mammals, birds and reptiles. Volume I contains the text, with 98 in-text drawings, while all 64 plates are bound-in Volume II. ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0012DMIQS Ex-Libris EAM

[000966] J. Andrew Armour, Jeffrey L. Ardell "Basic and Clinical Neurocardiology"; ISBN: 9780195141290 USA: Oxford University Press, 2004. The progression of heart disease is associated with changes in the neurohumoral mechanisms that control cardiac function. The degree to which this neurohumoral remodeling occurs, even before overt signs of cardiac disease become manifest, is important for prognosis. To determine why some patients experience sudden death while others sustain life in the presence of severely compromised cardiac function, the neuronal control of cardiac electrical and mechanical events must be considered. Starting at the level of individual neurons and building upwards, this book describes the synergistic interactions that occur among intrathoracic and CNS feedback loops to permit precise control of regional cardiac behavior. On this basic science foundation, subsequent clinical chapters explore the remodeling that occurs in this system with aging, with the evolution of specific cardiac pathologies, and with the psychological concomitants of heart disease. Most importantly, these chapters provide unique insights into how specific therapies like beta-andrenergic receptor blockade not only affect cardiomyocytes directly but also mitigate the adverse neurohumoral changes that accompany disease processes, such as heart failure and essential hypertension. The paradigm advanced in this volume is that heart disease is a multifaceted phenomenon involving the interplay of neurohumoral, cardiomyocyte and structural elements, each of which depends on the other. With our cumulative understanding of these interdependent processes, new avenues for time-appropriate, targeted methods of treating heart diseases can be developed. Ex-Libris EAM

[000967] Walker, Richard "The Human Body: A Pop-Up Guide to Anatomy"; ISBN: 9781787416741 United Kingdom: Bonnier Books UK, 2020. Inside an operating theatre in Victorian Britain, you are a medical student about to begin your first human body dissection. Under the watchful eye of Dr Walker, peel back the flaps and remove the organs to reveal the inner workings of the human body, layer by layer. From bone and muscle, to the brain, heart, lungs and everything in-between, your apprenticeship begins now. Victorian-inspired illustrations and incredible paper-engineering combine in give a complete in-depth exploration of how the human body works. Ex-Libris EAM

[000968] W. Henry Hollinshead, Cornelius Rosse "Textbook of Anatomy"; Philadelphia, USA: Harper & Row, 1985. This textbook provides an in-depth exploration of human anatomy, covering various systems and regions of the body. It emphasizes the clinical relevance of anatomical knowledge, making it valuable for medical students, practitioners, and researchers. The book includes detailed illustrations, diagrams, and photographs to enhance understanding. The “Textbook of Anatomy” has been a standard reference in the field of anatomy for decades. W. Henry Hollinshead was selected the first Honorary Member of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists in 1984 in recognition of over 50 years of exemplary teaching and scholarship in the field of clinical anatomy. Ex-Libirs EAM

[000969] Aldo Amadori Gunderlach "Chef de su propia vida"; ISBN: 9789564164892 Chile: WePrint, 2023. En estas páginas, Aldo Amadori Gundelach abre su corazón y cuenta cómo el 6 de agosto de 2022, a través de una llamada telefónica desde Londres, su vida y la de toda su familia cambió radicalmente: le avisaban que su hijo Aldo Amadori Quevedo, de 32 años, había fallecido. En un relato muy emocionante, Aldo recoge los testimonios de su familia, amigos de su hijo y de quienes tuvieron la suerte de conocerlo o de trabajar con él para reflejar la persona y vida excepcionales de su hijo y partner: Aldo Amadori Quevedo. In these pages, Aldo Amadori Gundelach opens his heart and tells how on August 6, 2022, through a phone call from London, his life and that of his entire family changed radically: he was told that his son Aldo Amadori Quevedo, 32, had died. In a very moving story, Aldo collects the testimonies of his family, friends of his son and those who were lucky enough to know him or work with him to reflect the exceptional person and life of his son and partner: Aldo Amadori Quevedo. The author was a classmate of mine and his story is heart-wrenching. No father should lose a child.I am very thankful that he was able to sign this book that is now in my library. Ex-Libris EAM

[000970] D. Laurentii Heisteri "Compendium anatomicum; Totam Rem Anatomicam Brevissime Complectens"; Venice, Italy: Sebastianum Coleti, 1755. Compendium anatomicum; Totam Rem Anatomicam Brevissime Complectens. Editio sexta veneta juxta quartam Altorfinam prioribus longe auctior atque emenatior. Accedit ejusdem auctoris compendium Institutionum sive fundamentorum Medicinae. Printed in Venice by Sebastian Coleti, 1755. 8vo. 486 pp. Sixth Edition, with 9 folding engraved plates. Vellum. Signed ex-libris in 1791 by previous owner Christophorus Vastal. Also signed with a poem by the next owner, Antonii Vilaseca: "luid servandu in maximonii usu. sit modus et finis sine damno solve, sit locus et tempus, tactus, nec speniro votum" A compendium of anatomy : In which all the parts of the human body are succinctly and clearly described; and their uses explained. By Laurence Heister, M.D. Professor of Physick and Surgery in the University of Helmstadt, and Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Paris. Translated from the last edition of the original Latin: greatly augmented and improved by the author. Besides the Anatomy Compendium Heister adds a Compendium for the Foundations of Medicine. Lorenz Heister (Latin: Laurentius Heister) (19 September 1683 – 18 April 1758) was a German anatomist, surgeon and botanist born in Frankfurt am Main. His name is remembered eponimically in the Valves of Heister, the spiral mucosal valves of the cystic duct. Ex-Libris EAM

[000972] Richard M. Ratzan MD (ed) "Imagining Vesalius: An Ekphrastic, Scholarly, and Literary Celebration of the 1543 De Humani Corporis Fabrica of Andreas Vesalius"; ISBN: 9780996324298 USA: University of California Press, 2020. Imagining Vesalius is a collection of ekphrastic works - poetry, prose, watercolors and sculpture - celebrating De Humani Corporis Fabrica, the 1543 landmark anatomical atlas by Andreas Vesalius. Using the stunning woodcuts in this famous book as inspiration, writers and artists have contributed prose poems and art works on subjects ranging from a parent's autopsy to immortality through dissection, murder, organ donation to amputation to the role of women in dissection to the anatomy of gaze. Introductory essays discuss Vesalius's place in the history of medicine, Vesalius as seen by a modern day poet, and a contemplative reflection on Vesalius's contributions to the development of dissection. A section of translation presents seven poems to or about Vesalius by famous contemporaries or near contemporaries, including Philip Melanchthon and Jakob Balde. Four appear for the first time in English. A rich anthology of Vesaliana, Imagining Vesalius will prove of interest to readers and scholars alike, with its offerings in ekphrasis, literature and medicine, the history of medicine and late medieval studies in art, anatomy and medicine. The book is signed and dedicated by the author and editor. Ex-Libris EAM

[000974] Richad A Bermudes (Ed) Paul E. Keck (Ed), Susan L. McElroy (Ed) "Managing Metabolic Abnormalities in the Psychiatrically Ill: A Clinical Guide for Psychiatrists "; ISBN: 9781585622412 USA: American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2007. Managing Metabolic Abnormalities in the Psychiatrically Ill is the first book to provide a current review of the relationships among psychiatric illnesses, metabolic abnormalities, and treatment, focusing on how clinicians can tailor care to those doubly-afflicted patients. 314 pp.Signed and dedicated by Dr. Bermudes. Ex-Libris EAM

[000975] Édouard Rindfleisch "Traité D' Histologie Pathologique"; Paris, France: Bailliere et Fils, 1873. Édouard Rindfleisch (1836 - 1908) was a Professor of Pathological Anatomy at the Bonn University Germany. He was the first to note the inflammatory background in Multiple Sclerosis in 1863, when he noted that demyelinated lesions have in their center a small vessel that is surrounded by a leukocyte inflammatory infiltrate. This book is the second edition translated by Dr. Frédéric Gross (1844-1927) , Associate Professor of the Medicine Faculty in Nancy, France. 260 images.The book is dedicated to Dr. Theodore Billroth (1829-1894). Ex-Libris EAM

[000976] Katherine Estrada Suazo "La forma humana de la línea "; ISBN: 9789564021898 Valdivia, Chile: América Impresores, 2020. This is an extraordinary book that depicts in 90 pages and 40 plates the human bony anatomy in exquisite detail using a technique described by Leonardo Da Vinci in his “Trattato della Pittura” (A Treatise on Painting), chapter CXXVI. The author, Katherine Estrada Suazo, draws in hyperrealist detail single bones, a full skeleton, fetal skeletons in a seldom seen detail. The introduction, the words of the artist, the analysis, and the closing comments are a rare form of high level prose with mastery of the Spanish language that reads almost like poetry. The book itself is a printing marvel. An uncommon large size (9½ by 15¾ inches/24 by 40 cm.), in a high quality acid-free heavy paper, with beautiful typesetting. The book also includes one large insert measuring 29½ by 9 inches (75 by 23 cm). This copy is dedicated by the author as follows: “Dedicated to Dr. Efrain Miranda. Signed in Valdivia, June 2024”, followed by her signature. Ex-Libries EAM

[000977] Mark M. Ravitch, MD "Personal Typewritten Notes of the 1958 trip to the USSR"; , 1958. The notes in this binder are the carbon copies in onionskin paper of notes typewritten personally by Dr. Mark. M. Ravitch during his trip to the USSR in September 1958. According to his family, Dr, Ravitch and notoriously bad handwriting and he liked to maintain records of his work, so he was a very fast typewriter. He used his personal typewriter and he traveled everywhere with it even during his military service in WWII. The original notes were bound in a book (also in my collection) and gifted by Dr. Ravitch to his parents. Unfortunately, the paper he used was not acid-free and the pages in this unique book are slowly crumbling and some of them are today unreadable. Thankfully, the carbon copies are acid-free, and the pages have been carefully scanned in TIF and PDF format by David Miranda-Klein and then placed in separate plastic sleeves for preservation in a binder that is now in my library. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000978] Mark. M. ravitch, MD "Notes by Dr. Mark Ravitch on Trip to Russia"; , 0. This is a privately bound book with the original notes typewritten by Dr. Mark. M. Ravitch during his trip to the USSR in September 1958. According to his family, Dr, Ravitch and notoriously bad handwriting and he liked to maintain records of his work, so he was a very fast typewriter. He used his personal typewriter and he traveled everywhere with it even during his military service in WWII. Unfortunately, the paper he used was not acid-free and the pages in this unique book are slowly crumbling and some of them are today unreadable. Thankfully he also left the carbon copies in onionskin paper of these notes. These copies are acid-free, and the pages have been carefully scanned in TIF and PDF format by David Miranda-Klein and then placed in separate plastic sleeves for preservation in a binder that is now in my library. Ex-Libris EAM.

[000979] Lisa Yount "Alfred Blalock, Helen Taussig, and Vivien Thomas: Mening Children's Hearts "; ISBN: 9781604136586 USA: Chelsea House Pub, 2011. In 1944, Alfred Blalock, Helen Taussig, and Vivien Thomas revolutionized surgical treatment of the heart and grat vessels through an improbable partnership among a white male surgeon, a white female physician, and an African-American male laboratory technician. Separately, each of these individuals was brilliant. Blalock discovered the cause and best treatment of the deadly medical condition called shock, which can occur after severe injury or loss of blood. Taussig essentially founded pediatric cardiology, the medical subspecialty dealing with children's heart ailments. And Thomas was an inventor, and to those who knew him, close to a surgical genius. It was the combination of their skills, however, that made medical history. Through their combined efforts, they found a solution to "blue baby" syndrome, which saved thousands of children's lives and showed that operating on the heart was possible. In this interesting book, readers will be drawn into the work of these medical pioneers. Ex-Libris EAM

[000980] O. Oliver Anderson, Ed. "Surgical Rounds: A Festschrift to Mark M. Ravitch, MD"; ISBN: 9781604136586 USA: Romaine Person, 1990. This is the May, 1990 edition of the Journal of Surgical Rounds. As a "A Festschrift (Tribute) to Mark M. Ravitch, MD", this whole May 1990 edition is completely dedicated to the life and works of Dr. Mark M. Ravitch, surgeon, researcher, and medical historian. Ex-Libris EAM

[000981] Mark M. Ravitch, MD "Alfred Blalock (1899 - 1964)"; Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. This book is a reprint and contains excerpts from "The Papers of Alfred Blalock" by Mark M. Ravitch, MD. Published by the Johns Hopkins Press, it has the number 65-19541 of the Library of Congress Catalog Card Number. A fine small book, this book belonged to the library of Michael Ravitch and has been donated to my library by the Ravitch family. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000982] Mark M. Ravitch, MD "Pediatric Surgery"; USA: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1957. This is a unique one-of-a-kind book. It is a privately hard-cover bound printing of Chapter 46 "Pediatric Surgery" by Mark M. Ravitch MD signed by him and dedicated to his parents with a hand-written note that reads: To Mom and Pop with love Xmas 1957 Mark". This chapter was part of the 1957 publication of "Surgery: Principles and Practice" by Allen et al. This book belonged to the library of Michael Ravitch and has been donated to my library by the Ravitch family. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000983] G. Guy Knickerbocker Ph.D "Report on the experiences of three months spent in Moscow at the Laboratory of Experimental Physiology for Resuscitation"; , 0. This is a binder that contains the original typewritten report of “Report on the experiences of three months spent in Moscow at the Laboratory of Experimental Physiology for Resuscitation” by G. Guy Knickerbocker Ph.D. Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. G. Guy Knickerbocker Ph.D., along with James R, Jude MD, and G. Guy Knickerbocker Ph.D. Ph.D are known as the discoverers and developers of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. This binder was part of Mark M. Ravitch’s MD. library at John Hopkins. After Dr. Ravitch’s passing, most of his books and notes were added to the library of his son, Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. Michael Ravitch’s widow, Myrnice Ravitch contacted me in 2017 because of my interest in medical history and the life and work of Dr. Ravitch. She donated some books that were in Dr. Ravitch’s library. In early 2024, and with the blessing of Dr. Ravitch’s daughter Binnie and the rest of the Ravitch family, they donated this binde to my library r. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000984] Society of Clinical Surgery and the Halsted Club "Century Celebration of the birth of William Stewart Halsted"; The Johns Hopkins Press, 1952. This is a program printed for a meeting on the occasion. of the Century Celebration of the birth of William Stewart Halsted. This meeting was held in conjunction with the meeting of The Society of University Surgeons,The Society of Clinical Surgery and the Halsted Club on February 6, 7. 8,. and 9, 1952. Drs. Alfred Blalock, Mark ravitch, George Finney, and others were part of the Committee on Arrangements. The last page reads " This program is a gift to the centenary celebration from Ethicon Suture Laboratories of New Brunswick, NJ. Alfred Blalock". This program was part of Mark M. Ravitch’s MD. library at John Hopkins. After Dr. Ravitch’s passing, most of his books and notes were added to the library of his son, Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. Michael Ravitch’s widow, Myrnice Ravitch contacted me in 2017 because of my interest in medical history and the life and work of Dr. Ravitch. She donated some books that were in Dr. Ravitch’s library. In early 2024, and with the blessing of Dr. Ravitch’s daughter Binnie and the rest of the Ravitch family, they donated this binde to my library r. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM

[000985] American Surgical Association "Catalog of the Archives of The American Surgical Association"; American Surgical Association, 1980. This is copy 206 of 1400 of this catalog printed by as the "Catalogue of a Centennial Historic Exhibit of Archives of the American Surgical Association Displayed during the One Hundred Year Anniversary Meeting". The meeting took place on April 23. 24, and 25,1980 at the Hyatt-Regency Hotel In Atlanta, Georgia. The catalog dedicates a full page to the upcoming publication of "A Century of Surgery - The History of the American Surgical Association" by Mark M. Ravitch, MD. This two-volume book at the time was in the stage of final proofs with J.B. Lippincott Co. The catalog is personally signed by DR. Robert S. Sparkman MD, LLD, and has a handwritten dedication that reads: For Michael and Myrnice Ravitch, with best wishes". The catalog also has a Post-It note with MMR's handwriting "Michael and Myrnice" This catalog was part of Michael M. Ravitch, Ph.D. library. Michael Ravitch’s widow, Myrnice Ravitch contacted me in 2017 because of my interest in medical history and the life and work of Dr. Ravitch. She donated some books that were in Dr. Ravitch’s library. In early 2024, and with the blessing of Dr. Ravitch’s daughter Binnie and the rest of the Ravitch family, they donated this catalog to my library r. Dr. Miranda. Ex-Libris EAM