Medical Terminology Daily (MTD) is a blog sponsored by Clinical Anatomy Associates, Inc. as a service to the medical community. We post anatomical, medical or surgical terms, their meaning and usage, as well as biographical notes on anatomists, surgeons, and researchers through the ages. Be warned that some of the images used depict human anatomical specimens.

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A Moment in History

Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis (1514- 1564)

A Flemish anatomist and surgeon, Andreas Vesalius was born on December 31, 1514 in Brussels, Belgium. He is considered to be the father of the science of Anatomy. Up until his studies and publications human anatomy studies consisted only on the confirmation of the old doctrines of Galen of Pergamon (129AD - 200AD). Anatomy professors would read to the students from Galen's work and a demonstrator would point in a body to the area being described, if a body was used at all. The reasoning was that there was no need to dissect since all that was needed to know was already written in Galen's books. Vesalius, Fallopius, and others started the change by describing what they actually saw in a dissection as opposed to what was supposed to be there. 

Vesalius had a notorious career, both as an anatomist and as a surgeon. His revolutionary book "De Humani Corporis Fabrica: Libri Septem" was published in May 26, 1543. One of the most famous anatomical images is his plate 22 of the book, called sometimes "The Hamlet". You can see this image if you hover over Vesalius' only known portrait which accompanies this article. Sir William Osler said of this book "... it is the greatest book ever printed, from which modern medicine dates" 

After the original 1543 printing, the Fabrica was reprinted in 1555. It was re-reprinted and translated in many languages, although many of these printings were low-quality copies with no respect for copyright or authorship.

The story of the wood blocks with the carved images used for the original printing extends into the 20th century. In 1934 these original wood blocks were used to print 617 copies of the book "Iconaes Anatomica". This book is rare and no more can be printed because, sadly, during a 1943 WWII bombing raid over Munich all the wood blocks were burnt.

One interesting aspect of the book was the landscape panorama in some of his most famous woodcuts which was only "discovered" until 1903.

Vesalius was controversial in life and he still is in death. We know that he died on his way back from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but how he died, and exactly where he died is lost in controversy. We do know he was alive when he set foot on the port of Zakynthos in the island of the same name in Greece. He is said to have suddenly collapsed and die at the gates of the city, presumably as a consequence of scurvy. Records show that he was interred in the cemetery of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, but the city and the church were destroyed by an earthquake and Vesalius' grave lost to history. Modern researchers are looking into finding the lost grave and have identified the location of the cemetery. This story has not ended yet.

For a detailed biography of Andreas Vesalius CLICK HERE.

Personal note: To commemorate Andrea Vesalius' 500th birthday in 2014, there were many scientific meetings throughout the world, one of them was the "Vesalius Continuum" anatomical meeting on the island of Zakynthos, Greece on September 4-8, 2014. This is the island where Vesalius died in 1564. I had the opportunity to attend and there are several articles in this website on the presence of Andreas Vesalius on Zakynthos island. During 2015 I also attended a symposium on "Vesalius and the Invention of the Modern Body" at the St. Louis University. At this symposium I had the honor of meeting of Drs. Garrison and Hast, authors of the "New Fabrica". Dr. Miranda

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Normal electrocardiogram - sinus rhythm
Sinus rhythm electrocardiogram

A contraction, from the Greek [διαστολη] (systolí) meaning “expansion, dilation, drawing out, or prolongation”, also [διαστέλλειν] (diastéllein) meaning “to open, expansion”. When used in music, it means "a pause".

It refers to the dilation of the heart. If you analyze a normal heartbeat (sinus rhythm), there are two diastoles: an atrial diastole and a ventricular diastole. The term diastoleis usually used in reference to the ventricular diastole.

Diastole was first recognized and named by Herophilus of Alexandria (325-255BC), most probably trough animal vivisection. Herophilus was accused of animal vivisection and the dissection of human cadavers. Because of this, some call Herophilus "The Father of Anatomy".

Galen of Pergamon (129AD - 200AD) used the term [διαστέλλεσθαι] (diastéllesthai), also meaning “expansion”.

The word in English was first used in the 16th century. The modern pronunciation in English follows the Greek pronunciation by ending the word in a long “e” as in “to be”.

1. "The Origin of Medical Terms" Skinner, HA 1970 Hafner Publishing Co.
2. "Medical Meanings - A Glossary of Word Origins" Haubrich, WD. ACP Philadelphia
3. "Dorlands's Illustrated Medical Dictionary" 26th Ed. W.B. Saunders 1994
4. "Greek anatomist Herophilus: the father of anatomy" Si-Yang, N. Anat Cell Biol. 2010; 43(4): 280–283

Note: Google Translate includes an icon that will allow you to hear the pronunciation of the word

Conduction system of the heart

Cardiomyocyte-based conduction system of the heart
Conduction system of the heart

[UPDATED] The conduction system of the heart a binary system that includes a cardiomyocyte-based component which acts as an automatic base, and an autonomic nervous system component which acts as a modulator.

The classic description of the conduction system of the heart emphasizes only the cardiomyocyte-based component and refers to a group of specialized cardiac muscle structures that serve as pacemakers and distributors of the electrical stimuli that make the heart beat coordinatedly. It is important to stress the fact that this primary "conduction system of the heart" is not formed by nerves but rather by specialized cardiac muscle cells.

Components of the cardiomyocyte-based conduction system of the heart:

• SA node: The sinoatrial (SA) node is a small nodule of cardiac muscle tissue, somewhat horseshoe-shaped that is found at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium. It receives blood supply from the SA node artery, a branch of the right coronary artery. Later research indicates that the pacemaker function of the SA node includes areas of the lateral wall of the right atrium which are involved in different heart rate speeds.

• AV node: The atrioventricular (AV) node is found at the junction of atria and ventricles in an area known as the "Triangle of Koch". Its function is to delay the electrical impulse passing from the atria to the ventricles by 1/10th of a second, enabling the sequential pumping action of the heart. The eponymic name for the AV node is "node of Aschoff-Tawara", and it receives its blood supply by way of the AV node artery, a branch that usually arises from the right coronary artery

• AV bundle: Also known as the "Bundle of His", this thick bundle of specialized myocardial cells is found in the interventricular septum. It divides into the right and left bundle branches

• Bundle branches: Sometimes known as the "crura" of the bundle of His, these two divisions of the AV bundle help distribute the electrical stimuli to the ventricular walls. The right bundle branch has an extension that crosses the lumen of the right ventricle, from the base of the anterior papillary muscle to the interventricular septum, forming a cord of tissue known as the "moderator band" or "septomarginal trabecula"

• Purkinje Fibers: These thin fibers are the terminal end of the conduction system of the heart and finish the distribution of the electrical stimuli to all parts of the ventricular walls

Although the structural components of the conduction system of the heart were known, it was Dr. Sunao Tawara (1873-1952) who discovered the AV node and described the connections between the components of what he called the "Reitzleitungssytem" (conduction system) of the heart.

A separate article on the secondary conduction system of the heart will be published shortly

Click on the image for a larger version. Image modified from the original: "3D Human Anatomy: Regional Edition DVD-ROM." Courtesy of Primal Pictures.


The medical term embolus arises from the Greek [έμβολο] (pronounced émvolo) meaning "a plug", or "a plunger". This Greek term was later adopted in Latin [embolus] and is used in this unchanged form today. The plural for embolus is [emboli].

In medicine, the term embolus usually refers to a free blood clot that travels down the bloodstream. When in the veins, emboli will travel easily to and through the heart. This is because veins increase in diameter towards the heart. The opposite happens in arteries. Free blood clots (emboli) that passed through the heart with no problem now enter the pulmonary arteries whose branches get smaller and smaller until the emboli plug the arterioles, and now the patient has a pulmonary embolism.

When thrombi are generated in the heart, they are usually generated in the left atrial appendage in cases of arrhythmia or atrial fibrillation.  If these thrombi embolize, that is, they become free, these now emboli will continue downstream in the arteries and progressively smaller arterioles until they are bigger that the vessel and plug it, cutting off blood supply. This condition can cause an infarction, also known as a stroke. 

The term embolus can also refer to liquids. fat, or gases that enter the blood stream and are not diluted. 

The first use of this term in modern medicine was by Virchow in 1846 in his paper "On the Occlusion of the Pulmonary Arteries"

The root term for this word is [-embol-]. Examples of its use are:

Embolism:  The suffix [-ism] means "behavior" or "pathology".
• Thromboembolism: A combination of root terms; the root term  [-thromb-] means "fixed clot" and [-embol] means "a free clot". A condition or presence of both trombi and emboli.

1. "The Origin of Medical Terms" Skinner, HA 1970 Hafner Publishing Co.
2. "Medical Meanings - A Glossary of Word Origins" Haubrich, WD. ACP Philadelphia


Heart model - LAO cranial view [UPDATED] The term [atrium] is Latin, its plural form is [atria]. The atrium was the center hall of a Roman home, around which the rest of the rooms opened. Since the atrium was the first area of the house that was entered once passing through the front door, the term [atrium] has been used to describe the "entrance hall', such as the atrium of a hotel. The atria are the two superior chambers of the heart. (see image, items "A=right atrium" and "B=left atrium")

An interesting question is why are the atria called so, since they are part of the heart, and not just the entrance?. The reason is that early anatomists considered the heart to be composed only by the ventricles. The atria were then chambers where blood would wait before entering the "heart proper", ergo [atria].

Each atrium has a smooth wall (sinus venarum) and a muscular extension akin to a closed-end bag. These are the atrial appendages or auricles. Anatomically they are quite different. The right atrial appendage communication or opening to the right atrium is wide and allows blood to easily flow from and to the atrium. On the contrary, the left atrial appendage has a very small opening (ostium) and its morphology is convoluted with lobulations and a complicated mesh of atrial muscle wall.

The very structure of the left atrial appendage is quite conducive to the formation of clots in atrial fibrillation (AFib). These anchored clots (thrombus/thrombi) can detach and become free clots (embulus/emboli) that will enter the blood stream, pass into the left ventricle, then though the aortic valve, and then pass into the ascending aorta and main circulation. Unfortunately, two of the first arteries that arise from the aorta are the common carotid arteries that take blood to the brain and these thrombi can cause a brain stroke.

Personal note: On November 7, 2023 Dr. Randall K. Wolf invited me to a seminar where we reviewed the anatomy of the left atrial appendage, the problems it can cause in atrial fibrillation as a cause for stroke, and the reasons for its exclusion in AFib surgery. 

Image property of:CAA.Inc.Photographer:D.M. Klein

Atrial fibrillation

EKG - Atrial Fibrillation, courtesy Dr. Randall K Wolf
Atrial fibrillation EKG

[UPDATED] What is atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is one of the most common heart conditions, affecting 4% of the adult population. Characterized by a rapid, irregular heartbeat, AFib is largely due to abnormal electrical impulses that cause the atria of the heart to quiver when it should be beating steadily.The atria are the two upper chambers of the heart.

Because of this quivering action, blood flow is reduced and is not completely pumped out of the atria.  This negatively impacts cardiac performance and also allows the blood to pool and potentially clot. These clots, if freed, can enter the systemic circulation and cause a stroke.

At rest, a normal heart rate is approximately 60 – 100 beats per minute.  In a person with AFib, that heart rate can increase to 180 bpm or even higher.  Thorough testing by your health care provider can spot abnormalities in the heart's rhythm before any obvious symptoms are noticed.

What are the symptoms?

Whether it is caused by stress, exercise, or too much caffeine, most people experience rapid heart from time to time.  Most cases are harmless, but AFib is a serious medical condition that may often be long lasting.  Some people with AFib experience no symptoms at all.  But for others,  AFib may cause:

  •  Exercise intolerance
  •  Fatigue
  • Severe shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Palpitations
  • Light-headiness

What causes atrial fibrillation?

Your heart is divided into four chambers: the two upper chambers called atria, and two lower chambers called ventricles. In order for blood to be pumped through your body, a group of specialized cardiac cells, the conduction system of the heart,  sends electrical impulses to the atria that tells your heart to contract. Contractions of the heart send approximately five quarts of blood through your body every minute. In people with AFib, however, the impulses are sent chaotically. The atria quiver instead of beat; the blood isn't completely pumped out and may pool and potentially clot. AFib is a leading cause of stroke because of the anatomy of the left ventricle. For more information, read this article.

Are you at risk?

Your chances of developing AFib increase with age.  AFib occurs more commonly in women than in men.  According to the Framingham Heart Study, AFib is associated with a higher risk of death for women than for men. You are also at greater risk of developing AFib if you suffer from an overactive thyroid, high blood pressure, a prior heart attack, congestive heart failure, valve disease, or congenital disorders.


AFib can sometimes be diagnosed with a stethoscope during an exam by a doctor or other health care provider and is confirmed or diagnosed with an electrocardiogram (EKG). There are several types of EKG’s. They are:

  • Resting EKG – Electrical activity in the heart is monitored when a person is at rest.
  • Exercise EKG – Activity is monitored when a person jogs on a treadmill or exercises on a stationary bike.
  • 24-hour EKG (Holter Monitor) – A person wears a small, portable monitor that detects activity over the course of a day.
  • Transtelephonic event monitoring – A person wears a monitor for a period of a few days to several weeks. When AF is felt, the person telephones a monitoring station or activates the monitor's memory function. This type of EKG is particularly useful in detecting AF that occurs only once every few days or weeks. Unfortunately this type of monitor does not record heart events while you are sleeping.

The image on this article is a typical EKG AFib recording showing the flutter of the atria followed by the ventricular contraction. In the larger image (click on the image of the article) you can see how this fluttering of the atria causes an abnormal spacing of the ventricular contractions which some patients feel in their chest.

PERSONAL NOTE: For more information on AFib and its surgical treatment, click here.

Thanks to Dr. Randall K. Wolf for the image and links

2023 Vesalius Triennial AEIMS, Antwerp – Belgium

Dr. Miranda speaking at the 2023 Vesalius Triennial
Dr. Miranda speaking at the
2023 Vesalius Triennial

I had the honor of being invited by the University of Antwerp in Belgium to speak at the 2023 Vesalius Triennial Meeting in the city of Antwerp. This scientific meeting was presented in conjunction with the 29th Congress of the Association Européenne des Illustrateurs Médicaux et Scientifiques - AEIMS (European Association of Medical and Scientific Illustrators). A three-day program that, alongside the scientific program, included poetry, art, music, sculpture, and painting. All of this celebrating the life and inspiration brought to arts and medical science by Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis (1514-1564).

The scientific program included lectures by well-known Vesalius scholars, including Vivian Nutton, Robrecht Van Hee, Francis Van Glabbeek, Philip Van Kerrebroeck, Omer Steeno, Maurits Beisbrouck, Theodor Godeeris, Peter Bols, and many others. Personally, it was incredible to be invited to this event and share with these individuals.

One of the events of this meeting was an afternoon concert entitled “Vesalian landscapes in music, poetry, and photographs” by pianist Elke Robersscheuten, and my friend Theo Dirix, who read the poetry. This was accompanied by slides of Vesalian works, and images of the city of Brussels and the island of Zakynthos, Greece. One of the pieces performed by Elke Robersscheuten was “André Vésale”. Ths rare piece of piano sheet music is the topic for a separate article in this blog: An anatomical surprise from a French composer.

My presentation was entitled “Vesalius and Anatomical Megadrawings – A Personal Journey”. This is a topic that touched on my experience with larger (and very small) books and the sentence written by Andreas Vesalius in the two-page letter to Johannes Oporinus printed in the first part of Vesalius’ opus magnum “De Humani Corporis Fabrica, Libri Septem”. Referring to anatomical images, Vesalius states “quod tabulas quæe nunquam satis magna studiosis proponi poterunt”. Daniel H. Garrison in the latest publication of the Fabrica translates this as “illustrations which could never be large enough for students”.

The need for better resolution and the limitation of the printing technology (hand-carved woodblocks) at the time as well as the quality of the paper available forced the need for larger images. The Fabrica is a folio-size book and the images for the first time are labeled with letters, symbols, and characters with a detailed key as to their meaning.

The research for this presentation took me to the largest anatomy book ever printed, the “Anatomiæ Universæ Icones” by Giovanni Paolo Mascagni (1755 – 1815), a double elephant folio size book measuring 40 by 30 inches with two sets of 44 plates. This book was printed in black and white and hand-colored by Antonio Serantoni (1780 – 1837), an Italian engraver and painter. The printing and coloring of this book took ten years between 1823 and 1832. An incredible book of which there are 16 known copies in the world, one of them at the University of Cincinnati.

Anatomiæ Universæ Icones by Paolo Mascagni at the University of Cincinnati
Anatomiæ Universæ Icones by Paolo Mascagni at the University of Cincinnati

One of the most interesting aspects of this book, besides the large size of each image, is the fact that a 5.9 feet tall human can be constructed if three pages are cut and placed together. Of course, this cannot be done with these incredibly rare and expensive books; but digital technology allows us to scan and lightly correct the background to eliminate imperfections and damage caused by 200 years of use.

With the help of the University of Cincinnati authorities, Gino Pasi (archivist and curator of the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions at UC), and Samantha Scheck (graphic designer) we were able to access the Mascagni book, measure the images, scan them, and them digitally process them. The result were two large images that I took to Antwerp, receiving incredible feedback from the attendees.

Working with the Mascagni book
Working with the Mascagni book

The life-size anatomy imagined by Mascagni
The life-size anatomy imagined by Mascagni

There is so much more to the life of Paolo Mascagni, before and after his death that include prison, family problems, greed, plagiarism, and a separate individual that is now known for his “dubious character”. I will write separate articles on these topics.

My presentation also touched on the large poster-like drawings (not books) that were used for anatomical teaching before the advent of the 35 mm slide projector and later PowerPoint with halogen light bulb projectors and today large LED monitors.

The anatomy amphitheater at the University of Chile Medical School
The anatomy amphitheater at the University of Chile Medical School

3 by 4 feet scroll painting by Juan Frutos M.
3 by 4 feet scroll painting by Juan Frutos M.

My alma mater, the University of Chile Medical School,has a museum and an old wooden amphitheater where I studied anatomy many years ago. As seen in the accompanying image, this auditorium has two incredibly large hand-drawn images that measure 13 feet in height and 5 feet in width.They are copies of the "Traité complet de l’anatomie de l’homme"
by J.M. Bourgery (1831-1854) made by the Chilean painter Juan Frutos M.

The anatomy amphitheater has been deemed National Heritage by the government of Chile and it will be preserved as is. Below the seating area there was a room closed for decades. In it there were found 500 large scrolls that are worthy of research and preservation. These were hand-painted by 47 different authors, some medical students and artists. From the artistic point of view, research needs to be done on the media used as well as the method of painting.

In the time I was a student, these scroll megadrawings were not in use as an old electric arc projector with glass slides were used in its place.

 The information on these drawings can be found in the book “Instituto de Anatomía: Un Recorrido Visual” by Prof. Julio Cárdenas V. My personal thanks to Dr. Cárdenas for facilitating digital images of his book for my presentation. 

 The meeting included an artistic midday soiree entitled “Vesalian Landscapes in music, poetry and photographs” by pianist Elke Robersscheuten and Vesalius expert and taphophile Theo Dirix.

This afternoon concert was followed by scientific poster presentations, an exhibit of anatomical art, and presentation of art and medical books, including “The King’s Anatomist” by my friend Ron Blumenfeld.

As the closure of the meeting, the attendees were invited to a guided tour of the Plantin-Moretus Museum, an institution that preserves the rich history of printing in the 16th century. This tour also deserves a separate article with pictures.

Francis Van Glabbeek, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Antwerp invited my good friend Dr. Randall Wolf and me to visit his personal rare book collection, which includes not only a 1543 and a 1555 Fabrica, but rarities like books by Bidloo, Cowper, Hyeronimus Fabricio de Aquapendente, and a copy of the “Epistola rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti” which was one of the books mentioned in my presentation. A meeting that only collectors of rare books could understand! Later in the day Dr. Van Glabbeek took us to Verrebroek, the city where another famous Flemish anatomist was born: Philippo Verheyen.

 Admiring the title page of the 1543 Fabrica
Admiring the title page of the 1543 Fabrica

With Dr. Van Glabbeek in front of the statue of Philippo Verheyen
Dr. Van Glabbeek and the statue of Philippo Verheyen

Comparing the title pages of the 1543 and 155 editions of the <em>Fabrica</em>
Comparing 1543 and 155 editions

The Platin-Moretus Museum
The Plantin-Moretus Museum

I cannot end this article without reiterating my thanks for the invitation to the organizing committee of this fantastic meeting:

Ann Van de Velde
President AEIMS, University of Antwerp

Pascale Pollier-Green
Past-president AEIMS, University of Antwerp

Francis Van Glabbeek
President BIOMAB, University of Antwerp

Bob Van Hee
Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Medical History
Director of the Lambotte Museum for the History of Health Care, University of Antwerp

Marc de Roeck
University of Antwerp

PERSONAL NOTE: I was invited to deliver a variation of this presentation in November 2023, at the LVIII Chilean Anatomical Society Meeting in Santiago, Chile.